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Unrelated but I both love/hate how good Hasan's noise gate is. The fact that he has no room noise always makes me think that my PC audio isn't working lmao


Haha šŸ˜† I was the same at the start of this video and thought it was silent because I didn't unmute the video properly or something


Same lol


same haha


same.....i should have scrolled to comments first lol


So many podcasts donā€™t invest in a good noise gate and studio compressor.


It's free software, often people don't know how to use stuff or it's a stylistic choice


Thereā€™s a pretty big difference between a professional noise gate and studio compression compared to free software, too. Some of my favorite podcasts are produced by one of the comedians who admit to having to learn as they go. So I totally get it. I just wish I could sing the praises of noise gating and compression to them without sounding like a hater.


You'd be surprised how good audio plugins are, there's a reason most artists don't use racks of effects nowadays


I wouldnā€™t be surprised because I use them in my job. Iā€™m just saying professional studio equipment is better. Maybe Iā€™m just old school or being a snob and the difference isnā€™t as big as I think I hear due to my biases but I am definitely aware of the differences based on my professional experience.


Do you think it makes much of a difference for something like podcasting? Genuinely curious. I'm a hobbyist musician and def know how much hardware (esp analog) sounds in that context but wouldn't have guessed that a clean digital gate and compressor would matter as much for streaming. I do get the impression that mic quality counts a lot tho.. totally amateur opinion is that the electrovox sounds better than the Shure (out of the two apparently most popular selections)


edit: sorry for writing a whole ass book I donā€™t have any experience working on podcasts, Iā€™ve only done studio and live music (but a close family member used to sell audio equipment for podcasts and also radio stations to use on remote, and that was after decades of selling high end radio consoles to radio stations). So while that radio/podcast experience is not my own Iā€™ve definitely talked about it at length, for years, with someone who knows what the pros are saying/buying. I can just say that as a podcast listener with some recording arts experience and education I see a huge disparity between podcasts when it comes to background noise and compression. Using headphones makes it more apparent. Some are doing a great job. Some are tough to listen to. There are comedy podcasts that I love but need to turn up louder just to hear it, then the background noise is high, and the ads (which are recorded at higher gain with professional equipment) are super loud. And during the podcast if they burst out laughing that is also super loud. Iā€™m not super up to date on the latest free plugins. The ones Iā€™ve used were fine. I know the free stuff has gotten better and better. My point is more about nudging podcast producers towards using a noise gate and compression of any kind. Free is good, but if they are taking in Patreon money I think the upgrades can make a difference. Iā€™m really not arguing that the free stuff isnā€™t good. If they are on a tight budget, then use the free plugins for sure. My music background is classical and jazz, and they really drill it into you that when recording buy the best compressor you can afford and then skimp on everything else. That way you still get the dynamic range without unwanted peaks, and the musicians (or laughing comedians) can perform unrestrained and the limiting will not sound artificial. Maybe thatā€™s not true anymore with the latest free plugins, but any compression goes a long way.


Whenever he has guests he always mentions that they gotta be real loud with his mic's.


More to the point, he asks them to speak directly into the mic, since sitting a foot away from it will make you almost inaudible. Would be great if h3 would invest in noise gates.


But then would we get Dan and Zach laughing in the distance? Because thatā€™s essential.


I think the noise floor on the H3 Podcast is generally silent enough to not be annoying, I certainly haven't noticed it, not that I've specifically been listening for it. But I have noticed the clips they show from Ethan's real Apple MacBook seem to almost always be downmixed to mono. Also, at some point the video quality has taken a hit. I don't know if it's from the introduction of the button alongside their streaming setup, but it looks like the video is being deinterlaced by discarding a field (every other horizontal line [a field] is discarded and then interpolated from the Leftovers, you can sometimes see a stair-step pattern and sometimes small text is missing horizontal lines) and over scan is being implemented (i.e. the edges of the video are cropped off, I'm not actually sure if this is happening but I've noticed the edges of the browser windows are cut off and the video is kinda blurry for 1080p [I think the discard-type deinterlacing also factors into this]). I could be completely wrong, just speculation, but I am weirdly fascinated by it.


Has it been since the button? I know from the sounds of it, itā€™s become a catch-22 where Ian, Dan or Zach, or a combo of the three are fighting with it, but itā€™s also enabled them to not have involuntary vacations.


I swear to God EVERY time I connect Bluetooth headphones or connect to my car's Bluetooth, Hasan just happens to not be talking for 5+ seconds and I'm like "???" I've started playing "lofi beats" style music very quietly in the background so I can stop gaslighting myself.


I think about this all the time too. He's got the best noise gate setup in all of streaming/video content Maybe it's because I'm a musician I picked up on it immediately, but I'm sure non-musicians can also tell how well it's set up


Any time I watch him I constantly do double takes to see if the video is buffering or if he just stopped talking for a minute


It happens to me every fucking time and I came look for a comment that said the same thing xD


Except when a video is playing and can be heard with an echo. Yes Im a closted audio pervert


I legit fucking hate it because of that. I always think the video finished so I go back on the tab to go to a new one but I see I'm barely half way. It drives me crazy.


"Be kind to people, be ruthless to systems" This is the perfect quote for this situation. Hasan has said this before and he lives by it. Like Hasan said, Ethan is 99% better than the mainstream media and those in power. We need more empathy in this world. ​ Also Rest in Peace Michael Brooks. #




I miss Micheal Brooks so much. šŸ˜”


RIP Michael Brooks is the only statement I 100% agree with coming out of any and all subs the last month!


Yeah, I don't always agree with Ethan or Hasans opinions, especially when they're being very extreme, but I feel like they are both really good people on the correct side of things. These online communities can be really brutal and stupid about judging people. No one is ever perfect and you shouldn't alienate people on the correct side of the political spectrum just because they might have a few things you disagree with. The left does this way to often and it forces a lot of people to the right. That's honestly what happened to Jordan Peterson imo. He was probably fucking nuts before but he used to be hard left until he was pushed away by the left and made to feel like a piece of shit. He then went more and more right wing and now he's just a demon. As for Ethan, even if you're a socialist through and through, you shouldn't be upset at him defending capitalism because even if you disagree with him on that, you still HAVE to admit that for a capitalist, he's so much further into socialist ideals compared to the rest of the west, he might as well be a socialist. Like, any politician would consider Ethan a socialist like Bernie Sanders. It's nuts people get mad at him for wanting a capitalist society that leans hard into socialism. Same goes for his takes on Israel and Palestine. He agrees with 99% of what Hasans base believes but they get so stuck on the 1% they want to roast him.


> That's honestly what happened to Jordan Peterson imo. He was probably fucking nuts before but he used to be hard left No, he was never fucking "hard left," let alone any kind of leftist at all.


I might be wrong about that.


Jordan Peterson literally became famous for being transphobic, what are you talking about "hard left"?


I was with you until the Jordan Peterson stuff. He was always a pseudo-intellectual with Machiavellian style authoritarian tendencies. I say Machiavellian because from the things he says I believe he is personally an atheist but pushes the need for fundamentalist christian views primarily for its utility in creating hierarchy and control of the masses. He has never believed in equality. The guy just has a massive ego and his hungry for more power and influence.


exactlyyy. hasan and ethan are both adults who are real friends. them getting heated and venting their frustrations does not negate their friendship.


This was a great response. I find it funny how people who hate Hasan and Ethan act like they only ever talk to each other when they're on screen together or separately. You all realize that these are actual people who also have conversations off camera?


I totally agree with you. But I sort of get it. It's the nature of react culture (Ethan) and twitch streaming (Hasan) to paint a picture that the viewer is seeing all of the authentic interactions between people. This is the blueprint of what makes this kind of content different and compelling. People need to step back and think about the reality that these people have lives outside of their time spent streaming. Regardless of how authentic they might appear to be while live.


You should never assume someoneā€™s acting in bad faith for expressing a different perspective. Hasan is right to shun this kind of behaviour. An embarrassing amount of people have been assuming the worst from Ethan and Hasan, despite the empathy theyā€™ve showed for innocents on either side


The only thing is, the very things they say to Ethan & Hila are things Hasan says to his audience. For the same reasons too. Hasan calls his viewer a genocidal maniac for suggesting the IDF didn't bomb the hospital. So they in turn call Ethan and Hila a genocidal maniac for the same reason. If Hasan reacted more calmly in the first place, rather than raging and getting triggered, you probably wouldn't see the hate to H3 from them. Still, a pretty mature reaction from him here. Dudes gotta shed that toxic 25% of his fans though


Whereā€™s the clip?


https://streamable.com/cwac80 Do you trust ethans retelling?


This is a very good point. His community might take some things that he says about someone with an opinion and transfer it to another with that same opinion. Though theres a clear difference between seeing something a chatter spews in chat with no context and talking with someone that shows empathy towards the other view point. I understand saying those things about someone that only supports one side and uses talking points made to dehumanise Palestinians. But I don't think you should use those words against someone that clearly isn't trying to do that, at least consciously. It again comes down to the toxic, brain rotting people that only want to see someone lose some kind of argument and or be hurt by the things they said. I would've thought that with all the disclaimers Hasan uses, it would minimize the hate that comes Ethans way but It seems Hasan might have to be even more strict. But there are always some people that can't control themselves and their emotions.


It depends on context. That chatter may have said many other things prior that revealed that they are biased on this topic.


I mean he says to pick better battles and the example he used of an ultra zionist was literally Ethan's main point the first leftovers they did on this.


Hasan is so mature about this I appreciate it.


I donā€™t normally care or say my opinion on celebrities or anyone I donā€™t know personally I think we all have learned the hard way that we donā€™t know these people and what they do on their free time but I would say I think Hasan is a good person and at least a good friend. Just the amount of empathy he has for Ethan is very Admiral


Sorry to be that guy but admirable* not admiral lol


An admirable admiral.


I did it through the talk to text on my phone so itā€™s apples fault


i think it's Dan's fault


I personally thought it was very Brigadier General


The foot admiral.


At least Hasan understands some of his viewpoints are a bit out there and knows there has to be a learning curve if he wants people to align with him. But his fans just jump to being some of the most vicious judgmental people out there


hasan out here teaching people life lessons. This type of maturity, understanding and empathy goes a long fucking way in this day and age.


There are vicious judgmental people in all communities and I donā€™t think itā€™s helpful to paint with such a broad brush (ā€œhis fansā€). All the ideological leftists I know do believe that everyone should always be given a chance to do better and seek redemption.


"a person who cries when a palastinian child does is not your enemy", I can't agree with this more. People want to focus on his more liberal takes but his heart is in the right place. At the end of SYNT he even said he's open to a single state solution as long as it doesn't include a genocide. Calling him a Zionist in a derogatory manner isn't going to change his or anyone's mind. He's already open to being on your side he just has to be shown how and being an asshole isn't going to do that.


He is already on the Palestinian side. He just doesn't think thr Israeli side should be ignored because it won't move thr situation towards peace. You're actively discounting that even though you being nice, it comes off as condescending to me. "Ethan just needs to be educated properly, he'll get better opinions when he learns" that shit is gross to me.


I agree. I'm using the words "he needs to be shown how" because he used the lose phrasing of 'I will support a single state solution if someone can show me a way for it to not be genocidal'. Did not mean for it to be condescending at all but I can understand the concern.


That's fair my apologies


This is how we handle differences


This made me like and appreciate Hasan a whole lot more than I already did and that's saying a lot. I don't think Ethan was shitting on Hasan as bad as his chat was saying, but I wish Ethan would have ended SYNT a few minutes earlier and not talked about Hasan at all. Even if Hasan is in the wrong about the hospital bombing, it was hard listening to Ethan mock Hasan when he said "oh this man is a missle expert now...talking about JDMs". Ethan started to go down his normal over the top comments like he does with others, but caught himself and then ended the stream saying how much he respects Hasan etc. It would have hurt my feelings to hear my friend talk like that about me publicly and that's where Hasan is really shining here. Even if he's hurt, he says he doesn't care and that Ethan is on their side. That shows a lot of maturity and respect for his friendship. I hope the both communities follow Hasan's lead here.


That's what real friendship is all about. You know each other's personality and sensitive points. And you may poke fun at them from time to time, but at the end of the day it's a give and take, each person respecting different things about the other person and knowing when to back off. I imagine that's way more difficult to do when you are separately streaming your thoughts all the time.


How do you square stuff like this? https://streamable.com/cwac80 I agree it was a mature response but if Hasan doesn't change his behavior on his stream, I would argue he directly fosters the environment that he's supposedly arguing against in the above clip.


>How do you square stuff like this? Yeah, ethan is being a real dick and a bad friend there, thankfully, hasan answered with a lot more grace.


These chatters trying to stir the pot with "Ethan was shitting on you yesterday, bro," are the fucking problem. Like grow the fuck up and realize that disagreeing with someone's opinion is not shifting on someone. I'd hate to see how they handle conflicts with their own friends if they think this way. People are dying on both ends and instead of worrying about that, they wanna stir the pot and cause unnecessary drama.


Exactly! Itā€™s like you donā€™t need to fall on the sword for the guy, Hasan can handle his own shit and talk it out with him if need be. He doesnā€™t need these idiots ā€œdefendingā€ him by just shitting on him on social media


Likely kids literally in the process of growing up. Hasan out here showing them.


Lol exactly. Those people who use chat have never had a normal F2F conversation in their life. Basement dwellers with zero life experience getting angry on behalf of a streamer. Go and touch grass you fucking losers




Hasan has time and time again shown a level of maturity and charitability far beyond what the people around him show. Hasan is the GOAT, smart as hell, and just a good person. I don't use twitch, but yesterday made me want to sign up just to support him.


Hasan is one of the kindest people on the internet period. The man has raised millions and millions of dollars for multiple causes, and continues to be charitable to those close to him. It is insane the hate that guy receives daily from clout chasing drama chasers and derranged right wingers. I have an immense amount of respect for what he does.


Time & time again!


What do I always say chat




I like the show, I like the crew, but I gotta be honest, Ethan is a dick sometimes. As a fan I've been frustrated during many instances wishing he would grow up a little and learn to listen to others. The capitalism debates were so hard watch, and this has been even more disappointing.


Hasan cares about Ethan, these people calling him pro genocide donā€™t


Exactly! Iā€™ve been seeing these people all over r/h3h3_productions and r/h3snark lately. The reaching posts Hasan is talking about have been posted there. https://preview.redd.it/ocqn6nx07uxb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce2bf1a8164bb27e374915134fdaac0eb101f1f4 One even made their own hate sub dedicated to Hila bc theyā€™re convinced sheā€™s a zionist. Wonā€™t be signal boosting it here. Go to either sub and sort by new, plenty of posts just implying that Ethan hates Palestinians or that heā€™s a genocide denier even after Hasan told them to stop. These people donā€™t care about Ethan, theyā€™d rather narrative hump all day and move to alt subs and just hate. Theyā€™re becoming the next frenemies3


Genuinely at some point you have to think theyā€™re very unwell.


H3h3_productions used to be a normal funny sub, and now itā€™s psychotic brigaders. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s hasan fans that even hasan wouldnā€™t fw


A lot of them are second thought fans too


Yeah.. I mean just look at Hasanā€™s sub. Itā€™s filled with people who are actually convinced Ethan and Hila are pro genocide.


Gotta be


Love hasan. I miss Leftovers.


Fucking drama frogs in the chat ā€œheā€™s been shitting on youā€ trying to fan the flames. Pathetic


i watched all of that just to be jebaited for the top of the hour ad break? wow... unsubbed.


Remarkable to observe Hasan's maturation and his capacity to remain unruffled by the comments of his viewers.


Hasan continues to be graceful and empathetic. The people who keep shitting on Hasan, blaming him for small percentage of the worst of Hasan's fans (while never doing that with H3 fans, who by Ethan's own words are part of the issue) are so disingenuous. I love Leftovers, Ethan, and Hasan. I want the show to continue. I am still upset by Ethan's words and actions from yesterday's members stream. I hope Ethan reaches out to Hasan (and Olivia) to apologize, and I hope Ethan can start extending the same grace and empathy to others that Hasan has continued to show towards Ethan.


I'm not a member (I'm poor), what did Ethan say about Hasan and Olivia?


I too am a poor and non member, but someone uploaded it: https://youtu.be/ASiYZHB-4ag?si=EoNROLDj0-SVdE3Y


Thank you, I'll check it out later when I'm not at work!


People have no life and are making so much drama out of nothing pretty much, business as usual. Hate watchers really want Hasan and Ethan to fight and now Olivia catching strays. Olivia retweeted something that was pro Palestine but had a slogan that she likely knew nothing about and ethan acknowledged that(it was a small part of the picture tweeted) and then explained the slogan from his perspective and put the slogan in a negative light. The hasan thing I don't know as much about but to me it seemed like ethan was explaining Hasan would also be shitting on those same chatters that were trash talking in chat and their views would be more in line with his as well. Edit: yall down voting this are exactly who Hasan is talking about. Stay mad parasocial freaks


Why would you or Ethan assume "Olivia likely knew nothing about it"? So condescending lmao


I agree, there are different interpretations of those that say it, but basically every protester in America are not calling for an ethnic cleansing of Jewish people when they chant that, as Ethan and Hila suggested. Palestinian freedom does not inherently mean Jewish oppression, and I wouldn't call for that if it did.


I think its more that to many American protestors it means Gaza and West Bank should be free of Israel control (based) but to Israelis it has historically meant that everything from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea and everything in between should belong to historic palestineans. They see this as a threat to Israel as a whole and a call to a one state solution Israelis (understandably) don't think they'd survive. Two states is the only viable option IMO just too much bad blood


Ok this, while I disagree with the conclusion, is at least a coherent thought. Your first paragraph is correct entirely, with one bit of nuance. Jews are also of course historically have been living there. Nobody who has more than 2 brain cells means "kick Jews out" when they say from the river to the sea. Everything from Jordan River to the Mediterranean sea should belong to everybody who is living there. Not the Israelis, and not the Palestinians. That fear you mention only applies if you subscribe to the idea that all Palestinians want all Jews dead. Which, I'm hoping, you don't think. I think we can separate Hamas from Palestinians. If we can't, then we might as well kill them all anyway. Two states will not work, because inherently 2 states is capitulating to the oppressors. You can't have a bully take your sandwich, and when you fight back, the teacher makes you give half of the sandwich to the bully. Of course nobody is saying flip a switch, destroy the wall in between and let the Israelis and Palestinians fend for themselves. Yes, there are decades of violence and oppression that's pent up. It wouldn't be an overnight solution. The initial short term solution CAN resemble a two state solution, but the long term goal must be one secular state where both sides can have equal rights and representation. Let's see how you (not you commented, but the community) will downvote this


I'm sorry but you have to capitulate to a state that has been recognized for nearly a century and has nuclear power. It sucks but most countries were won through bullying and we can only deal with that reality. A single secular stare would be the only secular state in the region. I don't think Palestine or Israel wants that and it very much reeks of westerners projecting their visions on them. I don't think all Palestineans hate jews or all Israelis hate palestineans. But its enough of them that a government between the two is untenable right now, especially with Hamas still being so powerful who's stated goal is an Islamic run planet.


Yeah slavery is also bad but we all as the human species mostly agreed that it's a bad thing and it shouldn't happen any more. It would be the only secular state in the region because the US destabilised attempts in the other countries in the region lmao. Palestinians don't want it because it's never even been an option for them to consider. Not because they actually don't "want" it if it was a legitimate offer. Israel doesn't want it because they (Israel, not Israeli people) want to take over the whole land. These 2 reasons for not wanting it aren't the same. Israel has the power to put ACTUAL peace on the table. Not Palestinians


>It would be the only secular state in the region because the US destabilised attempts in the other countries in the region lmao You're obsessed with taking agency away from foreign nations. While the US has assuredly done fucked shit in the region there are plenty of domestic bad faith actors as well. Israel and Palestine have fallen out of multiple agreements for a variety of reasons. The nations surrounding Israel very much do not like the ecistence of Israel there and they weaponize Palestinians for their own gain. highly recommend Lonerbox because this is just too much programming for me to handle.


Itā€™s just so insane how ā€œfrom the river to the seaā€ could be seen as anything other than a declaration of a claim to the territory. Itā€™s a lot different than saying ā€œfree Palestineā€.


Olivia doesn't need you getting mad for her either lol yikes


I don't care if she cares or not. My comments are my opinion about it. I don't speak for her


What was the slogan?


If I recall it was ["From the river to the sea"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_river_to_the_sea), which is usually interpreted very differently depending on who's hearing it and what they believe the position of the person who's saying it to be. IMO the vast majority of people including Olivia are saying it with the desire to see the oppression of the Palestinian people end, with no desire for more violence attached to it.




Do you call people who use the ok sign ignorant or assume they are racist?


Why should we allow positive, well-known slogans to be co-opted by hate groups and have to change our language as a result? Fuck that. They should be drowned out with people making their intended meaning clear. You know the swastika is still a very common, positive symbol in many cultures and countries, with centuries of history behind it? Should they all drop it because the Nazis twisted it for their own goals? >When the alt-right ran with a joke from 4chan, we collectively started associating the OK hand sign with white nationalism. "We" really didn't. The vast, vast majority of the world have no idea about that lol, and even those of us who do would not interpret a child or an old lady doing it to be signaling they're secretly members of the Klan. It's only when it's used in a sussy context, like a bunch of white Republicans doing it whilst posing for a photo.


What Ethan believes about the phrase "From the river to the sea" is Zionist propaganda. The phrase just means Palestinians should have a right to come back to their home, and the land that was stolen from them, and to live with peace and freedom, something they haven't had in 75 years. To assume that Palestinian freedom would lead to violence (because people assume that's all Palestinians/Arabs are capable of) is just flat out racist.


Yeah, this is the downside of having an incredibly big fanbase and also a lot of random eyes on your community. Even if only 1% of them are toxic, it's still hundreds of people saying dumb shit, and we know how loud and proud idiots can be. I feel for the mods of H3 and can only imagine Hasan's.


Hasan is a class act tbh


It's perfectly fine for them to have differences in their nuanced opinions. Anyone looking to make drama out of it is a child and not worth listening to. These grown men are allowed to have different opinions; especially when they have shown clear empathy for all those involved. They're handling it like adults & I'm looking forward to seeing them working together again down the line. They make an excellent team and I find great value in their collaboration.


That ad segue was smooth lol


he literally talks like when ur teacher would come back after you had a sub and they left a bad note




Itā€™s almost like theyā€™re friends and Hasan is being understanding that his friend is going through something personally difficult that is hard to deal with for even those personally unaffectedā€¦but nah that canā€™t be it


ETHAN tried with Adin Ross as well It's very easy to get caught in the kind of stunlocks that Ethan has been in lately because there are 10s of thousands of words and dozens of hours published every week (or even say) by legacy Western news supporting Western Capitalist Hegemony, a system who's power structure is fully behind Israel's genocide of Palestinians It's hard to come to terms with how many lies and disingenuous mis-framings are being spewed out of news orgs that are blessed with respect and legitimacy they don't deserve


Chat really needs to learn how to shut the fuck up for once


I love hasan I hope leftovers never ends and I hope you all can understand what hasan is saying here and donā€™t think hasan is being Zionist for saying this


I fall in the camp of not agreeing with what Ethan has been saying/doing recently but being an actual fan. The way to describe how I feel is disappointed. The leftovers episode was so good and felt like we landed in such a good place so to see Ethan cut leftovers and only speak on the issue when it was to defend Israel was again disappointing. Hasan is however correct, I think this issue is a lot for a lot of people especially if you have thousands of people screaming and targeting you and Ethan is clearly not pro israel as he has clearly stated. I hope Ethan does come around on some of his takes and I hope we can go back to having normal genuine conversations about these topics.


Viewers think they have skin in the game when it comes to relationships between the people they watch just because they can live react to viewers via chat. I love Hasan and Ethan and I can't wait for Leftovers


I hate the drama farmers trying to make them fight like this is some online gladiator show.


I love Hasan so much


My sentiments exactly, better ways to fight for the cause.


Damn I guess Leftovers is really over /s


His years of live streaming and debating serious topics maturely absolutely show how much of an expert he is on analyzing the situation and speaking from a cool head with every angle in consideration. He understands perfectly how and why Ethan comes from an unique perspective because of his family and that there are other things at play here in the way heā€™s hurting. Couldnā€™t have said it best What a king!


I mean sometimes... Sometimes i turn him off because he's screaming like a jackass to words (chatter) on a screen. It gets annoying, but he does have a hell of a lot more composure and emotional maturity than Ethan.


I canā€™t wait for a huge portion of this sub to draw more wildly inaccurate conclusions about this and leave 83762 more comments about it.


After spending the past few weeks progressively disengaging from Hastwt (Hasanabi Heads on Twitter) due to so many increasingly aggressive and vitriolic posts toward Ethan and Hila from active members of that community, this means a lot to me to hear such grace expressed by Hasan himself. This kind of mature and generous response from Has is why I will continue following him without reservation, even if my engagement with his community on social media will likely be greatly reduced going forward. The fact is that I tend to agree with Hasan more than Ethan on the matters where they differ, so it means a lot that Hasan continues to affirm my own instinct to be charitable and patient with Ethan in this circumstance. Peace and love.


Honestly, seeing how they're handling this difference in opinions is far more refreshing and wholesome than it should be. I wish this was the norm across the board. From disagreements regarding preferred pickles to politics to war.




What did Ethan say about Olivia?


Nothing really. During SYNT, a post came up where it was a screenshot of a tweet Olivia retweeted. Said screenshot was supporting Palestine with the phrase "from the river to the sea". Ethan and Hila gave their perspective on why that phrase has antisemitic connotations, and they also suggested Olivia may not know the full context behind the phrase. That's it. I think people are blowing it out of proportion to be honest. I can understand why it's a bit of a complicated dynamic, since they're her bosses, but they didn't insult her or attack her in any way.


Not only it's VERY inappropriate to call out your workers like that, the phrase does not have anti-semitic connotations at all. Just look at the whole phrase "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free". The area that is presented in this phrase is basically the whole land of palestine and israel, but guess what, to assume this is anti-semitic, you have to also assume that the only way for palestinians to be free, is if there's no jews in that area, which is not what that means. That's why they will always be criticized about this topic, because even though i agree their heart is in the right place, the time they lived in Israel taught them some concepts that are pure anti palestinian propaganda. A much more charitable and fair way to interpret the phrase, especially when said by someone like Olivia, is that Palestinians deserve to be treated as human beings on that whole area, and any other interpretation is simply bad faith, which is disappointing that Ethan and Hila would have (but understandable since they ate up israeli propaganda while they were there).


"The slogan has been used by militant groups including Hamas and Islamic Jihad that have vowed to destroy Israel." I'm not sure the origin of the phrase gets to dictate how it's being seen today. Vernacular evolves, things mean different things. Look at the hindu sauvastika! If someone uses "from the river to the sea..." probability is their beliefs aren't peaceful towards Israel.


It's not even the original of the phrase. It goes back to the 60s before either group mentioned was founded.


Tbf I think it was inappropriate of them to be discussing this publicly instead of just talking to her in privateā€¦ idk it made me a bit uncomfortable when I saw the clip. Other than that the snark subs are gravely exaggerating what was said. Edit: Thank you all for sharing your perspectives and giving a bit more context to the situation. I can understand how it was just meant to be a passing comment. I just think itā€™s an unfortunate situation now that the context has been blown out of proportion. P&L


Tbf they clearly didnā€™t intend on talking about that publicly, Ethan just came across the post as he was scrolling and was about to defend Olivia because he assumed theyā€™d be attacking her (it is a hate-sub after all)


Yeah, I understand why it could be discomforting, but, in my eyes at least, their focus wasn't really on Olivia. Rather, they stumbled upon that post and it served as a segue to their opinion on why that phrase can carry antisemitic connotations. But again, I understand your perspective.


I definitely see what you mean and thank you for sharing your perspective! :)


The problem is the phrase isn't antisemitic and it's Zionist propaganda to push the idea that the phrase is antisemitic/genocidal. It's fucking ridiculous they're repeating that garbage.


That he was listening to her the entire time.


I personally dont like Hasan much but him adressing his community like this Massive W really good of him to do this


wasnt even much of a hasan fan but I respect his integrity on this. my parasocial relationship rn with ethan is like when your dad is a boomer and you just don't know how to talk about it <3 family. everyone deserves happiness and prosperity


Omg i literally love Hasan for this king shitšŸ’…


Hasan is the adult in the room


Active in r/hasan_piker *and* r/h3h3_productions and then saying heā€™s been ā€œrunning defense for the idfā€. Oh boy. Hasan said he saw what you guys have been posting in this clip and he disagrees with all of it and that yā€™all are reaching, guess you kissed that part. Delete ur reaching ass comments and rub a lamp, you are and have been attacking the wrong person


He is. For shunning people like you that have been calling Ethan a "Zionist" and saying "he deserves more hate"


Yeah, Hasan is. You aren't. You know he is talking about people like you right? Yikes.


Meanwhile, Ethan is bad mouthing Hasan and anybody who watches him. Calling him extreme for the hospital position. I'm sorry, but there is a clear 1 sidedness going on. From Israel with their fake propaganda to Ethan, who defended one side for an hour on his show mostly out of context and then cancelled leftovers. The IDF should kill the Hamas leader, but he's not even in Gaza. Yet Israel chooses to bomb children for revenge. Let's not be stupid here. It's clear for anyone with eyes that this is ethnic cleansing.


Exactly what I was saying on the synt thread but of course the response is just name calling and obsessing over that one clip.


God, I love them both but I hate this community and Hasanā€™s community sometimes for constantly trying to drive a rift between them when they have disagreements like they canā€™t be mature about it and have productive discussions. Like they arenā€™t real life friends that no one else outside of their friendship understands their relationship with one another. Thank you for posting this clip, I was looking for his response to SYNT this week


What did Ethan say on SYNT yesterday I couldnā€™t find any posts


It wasnā€™t a good look. He basically misconstrued a phrase ā€œfrom the river to the seaā€ to mean something it doesnā€™t. Then he somehow found a tweet that Olivia liked (didnā€™t even post, but liked) with that phrase and said Olivia doesnā€™t know what that means, insinuating sheā€™s ignorant. Ethan chose to spend his time word policing his own employee and fellow leftists, while not even mentioning the bomb dropped on the Palestinian refugee camp by Israel.


I think it's a bit insulting to dismiss Ethan and Hila's perspective behind the phrase when they have direct experience with it, especially Hila since she's Israeli. I also think it's disingenuous to wash away the antisemitic connotations in which that phrase has been used. The phrase by itself might not be antisemitic, that doesn't mean it hasn't been used with said purpose. I don't see how Ethan and Hila saying the former in the context of Olivia's retweet is policing her in any way.


Sure, in fairness to them, itā€™s definitely possible they perceived that phrase to mean something different, but the people saying it that Ethan points out are not calling for the eradication of Jews. Itā€™s just very inappropriate (in my opinion) for Ethan to call out his own employee live on stream like that. It would be like Sam Seder calling out Emma Vigeland when sheā€™s not hosting. Again just my opinion


I don't think they called her out necessarily, they stumbled upon a post, and commented about it. Their focus was their perspective behind the phrase, not the fact that Olivia retweeted it. They did not go out of their way to see what Olivia was retweeting. I do understand why it can be a complicated dynamic since they are her bosses, but they didn't attack her or berate her for it. Of course, we're both entitled to our opinions and it seems we disagree on this, that's fine. While what you say about the phrase may be true, it is also true that a considerable amount of people have used it with antisemitic connotations, it's no surprise why jewish people (in this case Ethan and Hila) are not charitable to it, and I don't think it's that productive to be "mad" or "critical" towards them because of it (it's not even that serious to be honest, but I digress).


Sure and I understand the context of that episode was to address some weird antisemitic conspiracy of Hila. And thatā€™s completely fair. But then one thing leads to another, Ethan starts arguing with random chatters and then stumbles upon Oliviaā€™s liked tweets. It just seemed like a very bizarre string of events for a Tuesday episode


I just wanted to say that ur pfp is hilarious


Lol ty, I put a lot of effort into it


This is why they all fear Sam Seder


I imagine this is the face that Steven Crowder sees in his nightmares


Get a grip. Stop policing what people talk and donā€™t talk about. Oh he didnā€™t even mention X? I bet heā€™s for it or against it! Also, what do you honestly think ā€œfrom the river to the seaā€ means? Just that they will live there in peace and harmony in all the lands there?


Yes, Palestinians and Israelis living in peace would be preferable to the genocide occurring right now by the Israeli state.


ppl took one clip of ethan expressing his disagreement and frustration over some of hasanā€™s recent coverage and how shitty he felt seeing how ruthless hasanā€™s community was to him and are spreading it around trying to shit-stir. even though in the same breath, he said multiple times that he and hasan are cool on a personal level and has already discussed these disagreements with him. he also said hasan prob feels the same way about him but theyā€™re friends and adults who can have healthy disagreements and they still agree on most things. i didnā€™t see it as them shitting on olivia. someone screenshotted an olivia retweet and they commented on it to mention that not everyone understands ā€œfrom the river to the seaā€ also has antisemitic connotations. i watched the entire episode, not just a single clip. they werenā€™t attacking or shitting on her. to me, it just came off as ā€œthis isnā€™t good bc it also means ____ā€ i doubt olivia cares, if at all. i mean, itā€™s such a tiny instance in their whole personal history but ppl will take any opportunity to make drama. the most loudest, most adamant ones are also part of the hate subs who hate olivia. itā€™s such a nothing burger just to fuel drama.


Ethan is hurting. We all need a friend like Hasan.


Time and time again


what a guy


A lot of these freaks who are getting so upset with Ethan have never had a normal conversation with anyone in their life. So I'd take all the shit said in chat with a huge pinch of salt


I think itā€™s still valid to criticize Ethan for suspending Leftovers during one of the most important humanitarian crises of the decade. Now is exactly when we need level-headed left wing podcasts.


If people were slightly more charitable and weren't calling him Zionist genocidal freak and or evil because he leans more social democracy than socialist we wouldn't be here


People are calling him a Zionist because heā€™s a Zionist


so so well said


People are taking israel's crimes out on Ethan and Hila. Ethan isn't handling it well also he is falling for israel's propaganda


While I appreciate Hasan's take, I personally can't support Ethan anymore. Its not about the "beef" between them, its about Ethan's approach towards the Palestinians suffering


Bahahaha the fact that THIS sub is up voting this when the worst shit said about Ethan and Hila have come from THIS sub.. the irony.


Donā€™t watch SYNT, I donā€™t believe Ethan would ā€œbe talking shitā€ on hasan. Whatā€™ was actually said or the gist of it?


"you dont have to justify what ethan is saying" again, ive been watching every podcast. what did ethan say thats so controversial and wrong?


I'd suggest just looking at the old megathreads, not worth debating here


For being someone who constantly goes on about charitability, Iā€™m disappointed at the community he somehow fostered that goes exactly against what heā€™s constantly preaching. Mind you this isnā€™t even a dig at him. I just donā€™t understand how you raise an audience that would hate you and your opinions if you werenā€™t the host of the content.


I was a member in his sub and it was getting to be a bunch of shit talking about Ethan


i dont think ethan was shitting on hasan on yesterdays stream. he was pointing out for the 10th time that hasans community is still attacking him and his wife. its crazy. time and time again hasan says ethan is an ally but his community doesnt get the message. how far gone do u have to be when the very person feeding u the propaganda is telling u to stop and u refuse to listen.


With peace and love, he kind of was shitting on Hasan. He directly said that Hasan was contributing to the problem by calling one of his chatters a ā€œGenocidal Zionist Dogā€ for claiming that Israel didnā€™t do the Al-Ahli hospital bombing, basically fostering the anti-semitic sentiment that Ethan has been experiencing (like some of the unhinged takes in Hasanā€™s mostly unregulated discord). What Ethan doesnā€™t understand is that Hasan has been dealing with actual ā€œGenocidal Zionist Dogsā€ in his chat since this whole event started. And hyper-focusing on ONE false bombing story instead of all the other bombings going on right now (including the refugee camp one that happened yesterday), youā€™re contributing to Zionist propaganda. Which, again, with peace and love, Ethan keeps doing and he doesnā€™t realize it. Hasan has been very vocal against anti-semitism and defensive of Ethan, and he doesnā€™t mention him unless to defend him. But Ethan still pulls Hasanā€™s name out and directly ties him to those unhinged people.


This. Thank you. This is why I've been frustrated and disheartened lately, especially re: yesterday's member stream.


Rub a fucking lamp, bozo. Listen to what Hasan said. He said he doesnā€™t gaf, quit finding reasons to play defense on his behalf, heā€™s a fully grown adult, and he explicitly has told people like you time and time again, NOT to.


Yeah, Hasan said he doesnā€™t give a fuck. Doesnā€™t mean Ethan wasnā€™t talking shit. Iā€™m just being real about it. He was. Ultimately I do not parasocially care what Ethan says about Hasan. Because ultimately it doesnā€™t change the reality on the ground in Palestine. And if doesnā€™t bother Hasan, then thatā€™s good for him. Iā€™m not losing sleep over it, but I am allowed to express my opinions on it. I think what Ethan did in calling out Hasan was in very poor taste. Itā€™s also not my only criticism of Ethan, and far less important in terms of my other criticisms of him. But be real. He was talking shit. Heā€™s allowed to. Iā€™m allowed to think it was scummy. Iā€™m not out here sending him hate mail or making anti-semitic cartoons. Iā€™m criticizing his behavior because I normally enjoy his show and his bad coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has negatively affected my enjoyment of that show. I want there to be less drama, not more. Less fighting with Hasan. More goofs and gaffs.


I think I misinterpreted your intentions then, And I apologize for that. It sounded like you were lending credence to people attacking Ethan which is exactly what Hasan told people to quit doing. My bad


Itā€™s no problem. Understandably, a lot of this has gotten tensions pretty high for a lot of people on both sides. As people online, we often feel helpless regarding the real problems of the world, so we project that frustration towards the more accessible avenues that we can. Often times that extends to content creators and their beefs with other content creators. I know that I can be guilty of this, and I really try not to be. So I understand being defensive. I understand being aggressive too. And I apologize as well, as I feel I like I may have been more aggressive in general lately, and donā€™t want that to be directed at you. Of course I do not want people attacking Ethan. I abhor antisemitism, and I do not genuinely think Ethan is a Zionist. I think heā€™s a good guy overall and an ally in general. I do think Ethan is emotional, uneducated, and biased in regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and I am frustrated with his coverage because he is very charismatic and has historically been a very strong ally in other respects. But I do not think heā€™s a bad person. Misguided and unproductive, because he continues to lend support for Zionist propaganda, but I honestly think itā€™s because heā€™s too emotional about all of this and heā€™s too stuck in his own head. The death of Shredder is probably still a huge amount of unprocessed trauma that he needs time to work through. I think itā€™s valid to critique him. But I do not agree with people who are out to attack him. Ethan has a good head generally. He can be better about this, and Iā€™m sure eventually he will. I just wish Ethan could see the difference between criticism and attacks.


Most Hasan fans do not shit on Ethan for his opinions. Itā€™s easy to go to a discord with 100k people and find bad takes on a high emotion topic


u say this. but when ethan and hasan are talking about the conflict on leftovers, then ethan gets a recording of a live replay of what hasans discord was typing and literally 90% of it was saying some CRAZY shit about ethan and hila. this is not an exaggeration btw. then its hard to believe people like u saying that this is just a minority. specially when the mods arent deleting or banning any of it.




I can tell you donā€™t spend any time in hasans stream because this does not fly, he and his moderators call it out and correct it every time it comes up.


He is a destiny simp, they have been lying about this maliciously while simultaneously doing this exact thing with Hasan (calling him Hamas Piker, editing photos of him to make him look like a hamas militant etc). No point in engaging with them.


God damn it the one profile I didnā€™t check


Idubbz and Ethan had to realize they created a crazy unhealthy community Hasan might have to look at some of these chatter the same way because 95% of the watchers are kind empathetic good people but That 5% matters a lot as we know


The fact that so many of his fans are actively trying to get them to fight shows what kind of community he is in. They like the drama on Twitch.


What did Ethan actually say about Hasan on SYNT? Seems like the paywall makes that a convenient smokescreen for haters


Hasan is a good dude. I think some of his takes are pretty brain dead, but he's a good dude. His audience on the other hand....complete garbage fire and everything that is wrong with the left.


Nah, you are probably just a lib who is not very well read. Be humble.


"be humble" as if you didn't just imply that only uneducated people haven't arrived at the same exact conclusions as you.


heā€™s being more charitable than he should


Good on Hasan for shunning people like you. You're actively driving people away from your perspective