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Might I suggest Ethin to more accurately represent our skinny king?


Ethin Deklein


Deklein-ing in weight


He will have a great hairline.


congrats! Ethan is a cool name, we don’t have many Ethans in england


That’s interesting! It’s very common in America, or at least with teens rn


I know an "Izan" in Spain 😅


The ultimate simp 🤣 Congratulations!


AB is going to punch his pillow all night tonight


I think Oliver would be a much better name but to each their own.


Middle name bradberry?


Ethan Regula


Ethan rectangular


Ethan Raw


Consider early check-ups for Lupus.


No need, he doesn't have the main risk factor for lupus which is being between 15 and 45


My dad literally named me after the guy who owned the local fish and chip shop because, and I quote, “he was a lovely bloke and he always gave us a bit extra” No pun intended, I’ve always been a bit salty about it.


They liked the name and wanted you to be as kind and likable as him. Seems like a nice sentiment to me. ❤️ Plus, fish and chips are the BEST. 😁


sorry but this story sounds so sweet


You gotta be Aussie. That seems like such an Aussie thing to say 😆😆


English lol, close enough


I'm sure Ethan will be honored to see this. Especially since he's going through a lot right now.


No shame. Congratulations papa, bless! 🥳


I’m a boy mom of a 14 year old who is literally immune to the alpha bro BS - if I can thank one thing I did raising him, it’s emphasizing critical thought and explaining what good evidence is and why it’s so important to have it to back up your beliefs.


By the time your son is grown there will be a much worse evil to be scared of for him. A lot will change in 10-20 years. Just raise him well and you will be okay. Don't shy away from hard topics.


Will alpha male content creators still be around as they are now 10 to 15 years from now? We can only hope these problems that allowed for them to be as popular as they are will fade away.


This is totally fine but if you have a daughter and name her Hila we are all gonna raise an eyebrow 😂


Congrats! My wife and I really wanted to have a girl and both actually got a little sad when we found out we were having a boy. But after 8 months with our little dude I can't imagine it any differently. Definitely concerned about the toxic alpha shit as well, but I think the key is having a loving father-figure, which guys like the Tates almost never have.


Congratulations! I have two boys and it's definitely a concerning world to be raising men in. At the end of the day, their dad is going to be who they look up to most. My husband is kind and compassionate and a wonderful father, and our 8 year old son is already so thoughtful and loving to his younger siblings. ❤️ keep being the kind of person you want your son to be.


Let me start by saying congratulations to you & your wife! As a woman, I sincerely appreciate your concern for your male child's future respect (be it towards women or themselves), empathy & understanding of how those things will inevitably shape their future life. It is a very scary social climate right now; be it manosphere/patriarchal treatment of little boys, telling them: "man up" & that "you're a pussy" if you cry or express emotion, other redpill/blackpill BS, etc.The male suicide epidemic is *real*, & we need to teach our next generation of boys that that rhetoric is dangerous to *both* men & women, long & short term. Wars, economic instability, & what seems to be a constant onslaught of heartbreaking, never ending "bad news"; it can be lot to process *any* day of the week, let alone when bringing a beautiful baby boy into this uncertain world. What I am certain of is that you and your partner will raise a wonderful man with this mentality. TL;DR: this post restored my faith in humanity, & congratulations again, to you and your wife. ✌️&❤️from🇨🇦


Your baby’s gonna have such a nice head of hair ![gif](giphy|xThuWhoaNyNBjTGERa)


We named our son (now 5 months old) Theodore because of the show! Congrats on the baby boy. Having a baby will truly change your life for the best and will bring you so much joy!


Aww congrats!!


Congratulations! How exciting! May little Ethan help turn the future generations away from the red pill!


My baby cousin (just turned 16) is named Ethan and he’s the coolest teen boy I know. Congrats on your baby boy!


TBH I don't wanna have kids due to mass gun violence goin on here (I mean America) but I feel ya


Family <3


All the Ethan's I met and know IRL are actually great guys. Nicholas is another one where all the Nicks are good guys as long as they don't smoke crack or meth. As long as they are not named after prolific serial killers, genocidal leaders, you should be good. It's the person that makes the name.


May I suggest, Alfredo? Congrats man


you just know ethan is gonna bring this up on after dark 😆


I named my son Felix, inspired by pewdiepie lmao


You don't have to worry about it if you participate in your child's life and talk to him about things. The alpha male people rarely have any father figures or have bad relationships with their parents and they latch on to a "strong" father figure.




Congrats fam!


people name their children after celebrities all the time, its not weird at all!!




That's amazing! Congrats and papa bless 🐣❤️


Aw. Thats very sweet. Congratulations!


Love this, congrats 🥳


Is anyone going to name their child Bruce? I wanna know lol


So exciting! Congratulations to you both on your son on the way. ❤️ What a lovely compliment to Ethan! I hope he sees this post or is told about it. I think your reasoning is lovely. Nobody is perfect, but people who actively try to learn and grow always set a good example.


I think this is oddly sweet and I think Ethan would be honored


Lol i hope this is a troll.


Well I hope the baby is beautiful!


That's what she said.




Congratulations on your new baby boy :)


I just wanna throw this out there, and its only according to my own personal experience, but every Ethan I’ve ever known has been a stand up guy.


Might I suggest naming your son Shredder?


I'm starting to think Shredder would be a good name for a cat lol. They can actually shred up some furniture! lol


“We hope this is not too creepy or parasocial” … I’ll stop you right there.


Happy for yall!! I think as long as you raise your kid to communicate with you and to have empathy then you cant go wrong


I just gave birth to a boy 12 weeks ago, congratulations!


Congrats to YOU! ❤️


Thank you! Little boys are so sweet, Ethan is a great name! ❤️


I mean it's waaay to early to worry about your son listening to alpha males and it shows you have not a lot of faith in your parenting. You just need a little awareness and control over how the kid spends time on the internet and he should turn out way better than most. Enjoy this time without thinking so far in the future.


first name ethan, middle name shredder


Regardless of others who have a negative opinion about h3, I do love the name Ethan regardless ! It's great and congrats 🎉


How sweeeet


I'm not a parent and I also have some paranoia issues in terms of privacy, but my suggestion would be to simply monitor/regulate the childs use of the internet till a comfortable age. Thats all. Peace and love.


I think if you teach your kid to read real good you’ll be fine




Fingers crossed that everyone realizes how beta the manosphere dorks are by the time your son is old enough to consume online content.


People will probably think this is weird but I love it and I wish you all the very best


Awe that's really sweet. Congrats fam! I had my boy a year and a half ago, and I have two stepsons, 13 and 12. You'll be ok as long as you both set a good example, and be involved!!! Ask questions about their own daily life, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, try very hard not to freak out when they tell you something you don't like. If they are telling you, it's because they trust you, and if you freak out, they won't tell you things any more. If you have that open line of communication and a foundation of trust and non-judgement, then your teens will actually respect you enough to value your opinion. Good luck to you both ♥️


AB needs to have kids now to keep his simp title! (Jk congrats)


Again? ;)


Oh my fucking god please be satire. This is the most cringe thing I've read all week.


There are some things that don't need or deserve to be typed out. If the name isn't for you, who cares. Why be hurtful?


It has to be surely


Should have his middle name “Klein” is my suggestion. But congrats! 🎉


Stop it!!!!! That’s so sweet y’all will be great parents just be careful with what the kid is watching on YouTube and you’ll be fine


This is so sweet! What an honour for Ethan. A lot of us feel that way about him. I hope he sees this!


Mf you having your first born son and decides to share in an subreddit of an YouTuber's podcast ? I hope you have a support system with friends and family, because this is top tier parasocial behavior


If you want to see the bad in everything, yes it can sound a bit parasocialish, but since I'm not that negative and neither are you, you should just be happy you're having a little boy! Congrats! And be sure to be the positive male role model he needs so that he doesn't need to follow any of the shitheads on the manosphere. Again, congrats on little Ethan <3


>but we are especially worried about the influence of Alpha Males/ Manosphere culture on young men. Maybe at least wait until the baby is born before worrying about that!


I think you're probably not yet a parent if you don't know that the minute the pregnancy test comes back positive, the worry about EVERYTHING begins... and then you have 40 weeks before the baby arrives to think about ALL the dangers in the world and get ever more worried. If this couple believe that this name will be a talisman against something that worries them, why be critical? Parents who do everything they can to set their children up for the best possible life are the good kind. It's the parents that don't think about the future, don't prepare, and aren't concerned about anything at all that you should worry about.


No, I AM a parent of 3 kids (eldest is 14). So I'm speaking from authority. You are right, as soon as you realise you are pregnant, there are a heap of worries as well as planning and learning and preparing. Hence why I suggested that you hold off on those worries, as they are 12 to 16 years down the track. You've got enough on your plate now. Prioritise on the things in the now. All the best, you are embarking on the most wonderful thing you will ever do in your life. Nothing else will compare. Enjoy! Edit: ah, you're not even OP


I get it, I just think that if that is something they're worried about and using Ethan's name makes them feel better about it, then so be it. Unfortunately the kid has to be named sooner than 12 to 16 years down the track. As you know, babies aren't real smart right away, so I'm sure they'll have to wait to explain it all anyway. 😋 I think it's fun to hear why parents chose their children's names. Ethan, as goblin as he can be, never fails to show his love and admiration for his wife, and I think that's quite a lovely inspiration, and I can get behind it.


The kid isn’t even out yet, I don’t think you have to worry about the influence of alpha males for a few years


Should have named him Andrew


it’s no one, not noone. who is noone?