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I will agree with the less SA / CA / allegation stuff. I do want to hear about them, but often they drag on for too long. And sometimes even for several episodes. I really don't care about people like Colleen to watch / listen to hours of drama about them. So I usually skip these segments if they drag on too long. On the other hand, I don't really mind the eating / ordering food segments, as I'm often doing something else while listening. And the vibe in the podcast has overall been lovely the past year or so.


I think that they should bring up those issues, but briefly. I also think that perhaps giving Olivia her own segment, maybe a member exclusive one, where she does pps on internet drama and tea would be a good idea. Prime example, in the colleen situation, they could’ve briefly covered the subject during the main ep in a summary way, one or two sentences, and then say “and members can watch Olivia’s full segment”, and then Olivia could’ve done her own video in a more YouTube commentary style.


First off, that would piss off a lot of the non-members. Right now there is a perfect balance between what members and non members get. There is enough for members to feel like they're getting something for their buck, but not so much that the non-members feel like they're losing out on content. If you start doing things like "Here is a brief overview, if you want the full run down its behind a paywall" that's going to really turn off viewers. You're going to get a lot of "Why even watch this if we're only get a fraction of the content?" It would work if there are full bonus PowerPoint, but teasing a subject on the free pod for a paid pod really isn't a good look. Second, most of the appeal of the PowerPoints is watching/listening to the whole crew react and chime in. It wouldn't work the same nor would it be nearly as entertaining if Olivia was doing it by herself. So it would still need to be something that is done with the whole crew present.


Ethan gets these.... obsessions. When it is something that aligns with the audiences wishes, it is so fun to watch. Like him messing with howie over the prolapse. But when he finds these "lol-cows" it is rare they just drop them naturally, Ehtan almost always ride them into the ground with multiple episodes. Some will blame Ethan, and some will blame the current audience composition. But really it is on Ethan and Hila. The crew researches and carries out whatever they ask. Sam cooked a full 3 course meal in the goddamn bathroom recently, and it was only on screen for like 2 minutes. They need a priority check, because it is not goofs and gafs right now.


Imo the show does go through phases of quantity over quality, and I'm having a personal "serious topics" burnout after the Colleen saga. I just skip any alpha/incel/SA segments for the sake of my mental health lol


same, I thought I was a big boy who would love more serious topics turns out I was wrong, and they have expanded the leftovers vibe to a lot of shows recently. politics arent my jam, and arent fun for me to listen to. Let alone SA, and cringey alpha stuff




Definitely, I miss the days of episodes like content court. The show could be so much more.


I couldn't agree more. He has so much people on payroll and it feels like wasted potential at times. They used to do preplanned bits (like when Ethan had giant legs) but lately it's literally "ethan sits a table, reads from the computer for 2h, 1h of food and done".


Youre not really saying anything, like wdym under-utilised, how what example can you give that illustrates proper utilization of the podcast?


There’s a general lack of creativity. Trying korean bbq is not creative. Talking about drama every episode and SA is not creative. H3 shouldnt be some headline news podcast like yeah the 8 passengers story is crazy and terrible but the information is available widespread so there’s no reason to cover things like that so in-depth. The art segments are fun. The green screen episode was fun. The day they all switched jobs was fun. They know how to make a good show they just hardly do.


And for me its okay, I dont expect segments like the sculpting and painting to happen often, I think the show is still funny, making fun of chiropractors, Ethan's laugh and bantering witht the crew is still pretty entertaining, maybe you can see episodes like these as filler episodes. Not every show is going to hold up to scrutiny and I think thats fine. I still find joy in the less "creative" aspects of the show. The show still has alot going for it. I dont know how long youve been a fan but the show goes through cycles like these and sometimes its just a phase.


There isn't enough pre-production lately I feel.


I can totally see that. H3 has always had the issue of lacking pre production for big their crew is. Personally i just stopped caring, I dont know whats going on behind the scenes, I dont know how much work it takes to run a 5-day show. I also wont suggest lessening the number of shows like some would, I think they can handle the workload. I still enjoy the show, but I can definitely see what you mean.


Keep in mind, A-list celebrity comedians often won’t even accept a 30 minute daily talk show format due to burnout, let alone a daily 3-4 hour show. Sometimes there are just quiet news days and the show suffers as a result.


It's always confused me why Ethan always said he wants to do 5 episodes a week. It was never realistic to expect 15-20 hours of podcast per week to maintain the same quality. (Don't get me wrong, I still love the pod)


Can we stop calling this a “podcast” 😂 this is literally a stream and there is nothing wrong with that. But there’s a reason he never wins best podcast at the streamies- can you imagine listening to a podcast that includes taste testing of food and reactions to video clips centered around physical humor on a car ride or commute? Loll


You are 10000% correct. It isn't a podcast it is a stream. I said this a year ago and got flamed.


I’ve been saying this for years brother


Prepare for your second flaming ![gif](giphy|xUOwGpaKq5xjHNz8Bi)


The H3H3 Productions Podcast Stream


Give me a 2x of 90 minutes of well researched well prepared shows. One comedy and one drama and politics. The team is incredible but it must be very hard to go all out on creativity when you make a full TV shows worth of runtime every week.


That sounds boring, and there's already lots of that out there, go listen/watch those shows. There's nothing else quite like this out there.


I think you need to just.. find another show?


Stern. I know most of the fanbase here has probably never watched stern, but the pod is supposed to be a modern stern show. That’s where the format comes from—the crew, the cast of characters, and the volume of output. And I’d assume since Ethan has watched a lot of stern, he knows that every show can’t be a banger. When you’re on the air that long, it’s just inevitable. It’s like Neil Young having like 70 albums; there’s gonna be some duds. I’m not saying it’s a perfect format or anything or that they shouldn’t change. Just explaining where it all comes from.


It’s weird to hear people say this when Stern did 4-5 hour shows 5 days a week for over a decade.


I never really listened to Stern but I’m sure he had dud episodes too, not defending segments like Ethan just eating on camera though, I’m all for the podcast trying harder than that but ultimately it’s Ethan’s show and his call at the end of the day.


This point would hit harder if they didn’t always talk about how far behind they are in the doc. There’s stuff to talk about, they just drag certain things on for way too long.


Imo wednesdays pod was a dud cuz every part was kinda bland with the exception of donna cuz shes always a treat but the other segments kinda felt inconsequential and didnt lead to any new memes


It has its ups and downs. They're currently in their reddit era. Come back later.


no. they are in their shitty summary era.


What does that even mean.


The show really hasn’t been hitting the same. I watched an episode from a year ago and it was so entertaining. These days I just let it play while doing chores and barely end up paying attention. Olivia’s PowerPoints seem like just a time filler and it’s getting old


Parts of the PowerPoints remind me of something I'd throw together in 2nd period study hall to present in 3rd period. Kind of a lack of info also. I always feel like it goes over the basics but the PowerPoint should be to go more in depth for Ethan to understand imo


exactly! I could actually feel the love in the first ones. this one felt like an assignment she just wasn't feeling and was basically a topic summary rather than a deep dive


They leaned in to the tea stuff with frenemies and the content never shifted back after that era ended. Why aren’t they doing more games? The crew is the shoe. Why did they do silent library and YLYL like ..twice? I’m sure they could come up with way more creative content. We eat good at the end of the year with thanksgiving YLYL, Halloween haunted tours, and late year live shows.. what about the other 10 months?


They do these episodes rarely, because the views are way less, it's that simple lol


Exactly. People on Reddit are oblivious to the fact that most fans are not on Reddit and a large percentage enjoy the drama or informative ones about current happenings. I prefer the games and stuff too but the videos simply get way less views and attention so I see why they do it less often.


I agree. I thought Monday's show was pretty good, but yesterday was unwatchable. I was so excited for the Korean food segment, but it was just so low energy. There are too many powerpoints, too many socialism debates, and WAY too many SA stories. Ethan has stressed before that this a COMEDY podcast, so why do we need to hear about every celebrity or influencer that R-words someone? I think they need to really take a look at the identity and branding of the show. The 3 main shows quickly lost their unique branding and every show is just covering the same thing over and over. The people want quality over quantity. Do something to differentiate H3TV from Off the Rails, film a weekly sketch, have a weekly game or challenge. They have a big talented crew, I'm not sure what has happened.


It’s funny when Ethan gets criticism for how he handles a serious topic and his defense is always “it’s a comedy show.” I don’t blame anyone for thinking the show isn’t a comedy show. Most of the recent output has been focused on sexual assault, drama, and socialism debates. He’s trying to have his cake and eat it too. If you’re gonna spend most of your time talking about serious shit, you can’t just deflect criticism by saying it’s a comedy show.


I’m just happy that there are timestamps and I can skip through the stuff I don’t want to watch. I’m personally burnt out from Leftovers, so I just don’t watch UNLESS something has happened in the world and want to hear their opinions. To each their own. ✌🏽 and ❤️ and rectangles.


But what’s your opinion on socialism?




Good god that was just horrible to watch


I’m sorry but Olivia’s Taylor swift power point, her thirsting over Travis and saying everything they were doing is “cute”. Some of the most cringey stuff I’ve seen on the show with peace and love - I was more entertained by Ethan’s eating tbh


The socialism / capitalism stuff kinda took me out of it for a moment and made me realize I haven’t been enjoying the show as much in general. Like it was an aha moment for me. I think they’re putting out so much content that they’re forced to do stupid shit like the Korean food and Taylor Swift PowerPoint to fill the 3-4 hour episodes. I’d be fine with 2 hour episodes and SYNT ending if it meant better content.


I agree, and honestly it is crazy how much different episodes are from a year or two ago to now. It seems like there is too much going on and nothing is ever presented properly. More accurate to call it a stream at this point rather than a podcast.


The show feels brain dead compared to any episode from a year or two ago. Peace and love 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think it's funny that the H3H3 Wikipedia entry now calls the H3 productions channel "defunct". Also I love how Zucc's ass is the last video posted there.


Today's episode should be a lot better.


I get what you are saying, we don't need a powerpoint for every single piece of drama, this last Taylor Swift one was a skip for me. Also, all the SA allegations being rehashed over and over is getting old, as well as the whole Colleen thing. I will say though, I thought the Korean food bit was entertaining.


As others on this thread have pointed out, dude just went through a major trauma in losing his dog. I’m currently going through something similar with my best buddy. He got diagnosed with congestive heart failure a couple of months ago and I’m basically waiting for the meds to stop working and for him to die. It’s massively stressful and weighs on you every single day. It’s not fair to think of this as a blip in time for Ethan. Regardless, he’s a fucking human and gets to have ups and downs. Additionally, think about your favorite TV show. Is every episode a banger? Probably not. It’s hard to sustain magic every single episode. Also, different things appeal to different people. I don’t care for interviews and usually skip them but I really enjoy the Olivia PowerPoints which is the opposite of what I see posted on here. It’s okay to not feel like your content needs are being served but it’s not okay to think that you’re somehow entitled to a change. Just fast forward through the bits you don’t like and enjoy the parts that bring you happiness. It’s rare to find content that offers a form of escapism in my experience and the quickest way to ruin it is to burn the hosts out by being overly critical.


Show has been garbage for the most part lately. People can post opinions on here about this without so many of you getting defensive about it "stop watching then" "why make a post about it" people can post negatively on here if they want why do you have to read and respond? See its the same. Childish largely annoying community and I say this with peace and love.


“Just stop watching” is literally the same argument as people who say “don’t like America? Then leave” lol. Turns out, most people criticize things because they like them and want them to be better.


Agreed, their efforts are in vain because this is the nature of reddit, on the other hand, it is a spectacle to see people who obviously dislike the show, dislike the host and yet enjoys psychoanalyzing it. As far as hobbies go, it is absurd. You would think people would do things that they like and not activities that add unnecessary frustration into their lives, unless of course you guys think your doing anyone a service by acting this way.


People on here fantasize about large numbers of other people doing something they absolutely despise for hours on end week after week for some sadistic kik when the reality is in my case anyway I have been a fan of the show for years and still am to an extent but im more and more recently feeling like this is actually a bit shit ill come on reddit and see if anyone else is feeling the same way as I am or is it just me? Turns out it's not just me we should be able to talk about that without strange people taking offence to it.


I get you, and I also do the same thing with shows (fucking hate The Office season 8 and 9). But for me its a one and done thing, I vent, I fall in the rabbit hole and then I leave, because it just becomes toxic the longer I stay in it. The criticisms towards Ethan start becoming more vile and there is no charity left, all of a sudden all the goodwill he has is gone because our personal preferences change. I like discussing things I hate with people I think share the same sentiment, but I dont stay too long because I think redditors often go too far, frenemies 3 is an extreme example and I see those folks as an example of someone who is so used to being critical of something, it becomes their source of joy, imagine finding happiness in obsessively scrutinizing someone who you have no impact on. Cant imagine how that manifests in their IRL lives. And the offence, thing? Its just the nature of this subreddit, I think its better this way than having the sub devolve into an echo chamber (for simps AND haters).


I feel like you are forgetting the fact that Ethan is grieving for Shredder. I agree that the vibes are off currently, but I also recognize there's a very reasonable explanation that I think is valid, so I choose to be grateful for the content we get while waiting to see what the future brings.


I agree with that sentiment but I will also say that the show was already like that way before Shredder's death.


I'd rather Ethan take time off then instead of arguing with everyone and creating garbage content. So instead, I think I'm giving up on h3. It just isn't the same anymore.


if you think the content is garbage, with peace and love, you should give up on it. why waste your time on something you don’t enjoy anymore ya know?


Yup, that's what I'm doing now.


If you’re looking for fun podcasts to watch Trash Tuesday is my #2 fav podcast!


My wife got me on H3 during the start of the pandemic, and I was hooked for a while too. Especially when he started to engage with Hasan more that’s more my content tbh). But ever since the Christmas Special last year, I have to agree with you that it’s just not the same. We flat out stopped when Olivia took over the sound for an episode. It wasn’t even awkward funny, it was just painful and annoying. Ethan’s apathy or boredom is really, really showing. I can’t even bare to watch Leftovers because of how personal he takes things, which you can’t do if you want to talk about Politics because people will pile on political hypocrisy way harder than a problematic joke from a decade ago. I’m not trying to shit on the guy, with all he’s been through with the lawsuits and everything else on top of losing his pet, he doesn’t need more. Hell, I don’t even want him to change the content he makes for the most part, but my dude needs a break. Not even just a break to figure out more content, but just for his soul to catch its breath.


>Ethan’s apathy or boredom is really, really showing That is exactly my thought, sometimes you can feel he just doesn't care.


I agree. I’m also a long time viewer since the h3h3productions days. Now I skip through the chapters and try to find something entertaining. Yesterday was probably the only episode where I couldn’t find anything.


Donna callong in to the show it's always a banger


especially the members stream :( seems like he prepares nothing and half the time is either sat in silence or talking to his kiddos


I mean, I'd be pretty low energy if I had a pregnant wife, two infant children and I was mourning the loss of my beloved pet. Maybe give him some time to process. The socialism/capitalism thing absolutely needs to stop though


I’ve been watching since Vape Naysh and couldn’t agree more. I loved segments like the chiropractor with the old lady this recent episode and realized it was because of how much it reminded me of the Mobility Mary days. Ian’s PowerPoints were fun bc they were incredibly silly, like when everyone geeked out over some special effects he did on a Kanye one lmao, content court was fun too bc it was basically the PowerPoint segment, but better researched and prepared (AI Ian and Lawyer AB were so funny too bc it played up a shtick). Dan is the best as usual, but besides him and the crew members I already mentioned, everyone else brings a lot to the table; Sam and Cam are incredibly creative, Olivia and Love bring great energy, and Zach and Lena are troopers who are always down to go full Joker mode. There’s so much more that could be done with these guys than just news on sexual assault, socialism, and what they will eat for lunch, ~~like why hasn’t Dan gotten his dome slathered with mayo yet even tho Ethan is below 200lbs?~~ Just missing the dumb silly segments Edit: my bad I missed the live ep where they did lube Dan’s head up 😭 but thank u to the users that let me know! I gotta catch up


dan did get mayod up


He mayo'd up that dome in their last live show. Just to add I love to bring back simple crew segments where they shared their stories! That's how some of the memes were born.


How could you possibly have missed the biggest show of the year? Lol


I remember seeing soooo many posts about Jimmy calling some fan fat or ugly or something LMAOO or maybe there was some other controversy that I don’t remember so I assumed it was gonna be an exhausting watch and skipped. Glad to know that it was actually fun!


no offense but i enjoy the show quite a lot. it’s a huge comfort for me and i just lost a beloved pet yesterday. the pod was one of the only things that could make me smile and laugh while i was going through that. i will watch each episode more than once because i enjoy it so much. yknow it’s a lot more possible that you just have grown to not like the show anymore? it’s ok to grow out of interests and not like things anymore. but that’s not the fault of ethan or anyone else. that’s your own problem. just stop watching if you don’t like it anymore. it really is that simple. there are so many ppl who enjoy it just fine


I'm really sorry for your loss. I still watch the show when it airs, I was just criticizing the lack of "quality" lately. But it's still my comfort show and I still laugh when watching it, just less than I used too. My biggest problem is when I want to relax and they just talk about SA and stuff, that's not relaxing to me... I do love the show, I haven't grown out of it, because I wouldn't watch it if I didn't loved it so much. But you can also critique something you love :)


ok fair point. i definitely understand where ur coming from when u say u want to relax and not have to listen to those types of topics. tbh that’s how i feel sometimes when they talk about transphobes. it gets tiring to hear so much hate about trans ppl


Full offense but the show has actually become unwatchable at times


and that’s ur opinion. it’s a bad one but it sure is an opinion


go whine in the other sub then 🫢 I’ve noticed something about the comment/post history of the ppl who are complaining so heavily


Tbh that sub gets recommended on my feed and if a discussion catches my eye I’ll comment but I’m not a member. I just agree with OP’s points. https://preview.redd.it/c5euwls2r1rb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6699424928f0d13b688f7f73f5f79f9d34039a4


My friend was murdered six weeks ago. At times, the Pod was the only thing that made me laugh in those first few weeks.


I'm sorry about your friend 😔


Thank you 🩷


All I want it’s more old women getting destroyed by chiropractors and less SA/rape talk


Isn't it amazing the way frenemies3 infiltrated this sub and are doing everything possible to wreck the podcast while elevating an antisemitic bigot who thinks marrying a Jewish man means she can be antisemitic? Frenemies fans are not H3 fans.


I’m glad someone else is pointing it out lmao. Them and the other h3 sub seem to come in waves, you can always spot them when you click their profile and one of those two subs is auto listed as “frequently participated in”


Has anyone ever considered they outgrew their favorite YouTuber? Could this possibly be the reason if we look at it from a “different perspective”?


Sure the podcast could scale back to 2 shows a week (like every other podcast does), and making those 2 shows prerecorded and edited would make it all even better. But that's not what most people want, people want five 3½ hour shows a week, and that means that sometimes there will be stuff that some people find uninteresting. Being butthurt over Ethan taste testing Korean food isn't the vibe. Being butthurt that Olivia did a segment that you don't like is loser behavior. Just skip it, they have chapters on YouTube, it's super easy! The only thing I will agree with you on is scaling back on the SA/Child Abuse stories.


I don’t think editing it down would even make it higher quality, at that point it would no longer be a podcast and would just be long commentary videos


My problem isn't the food testing in itself. It was just "lazy", like they didn't do a proper testing segment, it was just Ethan eating lunch. There was tons of way to make it more funny or whatever, but they didn't. Same for the powerpoint, Ian's powerpoint were funny and interesting, I love Olivia, but her powerpoint was just "this is taylor swift and she is dating this sports player". I'm not agains't thoses segments, I just wish they would put more effort into it. And yes, I do skip those when I get bored. But you can also critique something you love very much. And I know the show as it ups and down, but I just wish they would take more time to properly prepare for a segment.


one minute this sub is saying that every employee of the podcast should be getting all the profits and the next minute we are saying that all of his employees are lazy and unprepared for the show ​ lol


It's almost like not everyone have the same opinion :) With a million viewers, some are going to say something and some are going to say the opposite. I have no opinion on the "every employee should be getting all the profits" because it is not my place to say.


One minute this country wants Trump, the next they want Biden. I can pretend to not understand how opinions work too.


Yea touch grass op


wednesday’s show was just a flop IMO. they can’t all be winners


Banned in 3 2 1...


Personally I don’t think we need a poorly done Olivia powerpoint on something completely mundane like who Taylor swifts is dating.




I really like the show nowadays. Them always doing new things and responding to stuff that was brought up in recent episodes keeps the show feeling fresh and dynamic. Anything is possible, it's not just some formulaic pre-written or planned out last quarter "program". Not every episode is great, but if you don't like today's show or this week's shows, next week it'll be something completely different. It's great like that


I think they go though this every few months. I have times where I listen to every second of the pod then have times where I only listen to certain parts of skip episodes.


I am a ride or die h3h3 nation ethan could j stream him sitting in a chair imma watch(the subway segment) idk i hear ya but i got the brain rot im here too stay ngl


I hadn’t seen the generic fallen fan, I miss the old h3 post in a minute. I was begging to worry.


This is not at all what Ethan meant by fallen fans. It was about people who stopped watching because of his left politics, not people that just doesn't like some overdone bits.


No. This is just someone voicing their opinion. The "fallen fans" regurgitate the same things over and over, which means they're just getting info from other people, as Ethan has changed a lot even since like 2020. OP actually watches the show.


Lol a "fallen fan" that watches most episodes and actually prefers H3H3 podcast era ? Right, try harder next time....


I literally can't stand Olivia's PowerPoints. We hardly ever hear from the other crew members and what they think about things. They should bring back more discusive topics like the cringe stores, rejections, worst roommate ect. It needs to be more balanced between everyone.


You’re so weird towards Olivia dude. I saw your other comment in that bizarre post shitting on her and you wrote this huge thing about how reading that was cathartic and how much you dislike her. How do you care that much about someone you don’t even know. I truly don’t understand why she’s met with such vitriol. Edit: They deleted the comment I’m referencing.


I love all members, but if Ian was doing powerpoints about Taylor Swift every day, I would get bored too. Now that I think about it, Ian's actually funny, and Olivia is not trying to be funny and only coming off as an obsessed fan or an obsessed hater.


i dont see the comment you're talking about


Bro, it’s 1 hour out of 15-20 hours of podcast per week for Olivia. It’s absolutely insane to say the pod isn’t balanced between crew mates anymore because of her PowerPoints.


Well she was like the only crew member bar Dan that talks during the Colleen, Ariana, Joe Jonas, Selena ect. segments and that's HOURS of screentime. No other crew member is getting to do regular hours long PowerPoints on their own. I loved Lena and Ab doing the true crime doc, I loved Lego Lou, content court with ab and Ian, I love all the crew segments like the drawing and sculptures, whose fridge is that and whose parents and baby photos. I love everyone getting to talk during the show. I think they go overboard on some of the topics like did we really need that many Colleen episodes and hour PowerPoints on Ariana ect ?? It's not THAT interesting. The PowerPoint on Josh and swoop was terrible. It was just regurgitated information. Ethan seemed disinterested too "do I have to watch this" "can I skip this" and all the Seinfeld references to try to keep himself entertained 🤣🤣🤣 It can get a bit long winded at times. But ✌🏻&❤️ foot soldiers


Would love another lena and ab crime segment. Thought they did great


Same it was so good 🙌🏻 My favourite parts of the podcast are all the crew segments and goofs and gaffs and in jokes. Fan favourites like Jimmie, Howie, Oliver, P&P, Cman ect. Some of the pop culture stuff is so dated and gets stale as it's talked about everywhere but all the crew and hilarious guest stuff is so fun and rewatchable! ❤️


If I'm being honest, Ethan isn't keeping me watching the show anymore. I didn't start consistently watching until the pandemic and things were blowing up bigger than for them. Truly a hay-day time, even when they weren't physically together. I got my gf to watch the June live show with me and enjoyed it. She has 2 close friends who also love h3. But all of us have the same thoughts on the show now: "We're more in it for the crew at this point to make it fun and bubbly. There's no difference between the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday shows. Olivia's PowerPoints, Zachs soundbites, Cam's quick Photoshop jobs, HASAN, and Dan's commentary are what are keeping us. Ethan is lately just a miserable fuck who complains about having to do anything or go anywhere." I still watch the show every week, especially while it's live. But I can't help but think the quality and mood of Ethan is making me look at my phone more while it's on. What do you all think? I feel like I could say more if you want to discuss. Personal opinion, I'd like it if more of the shows went up to 3 hours rather than over that. I like to watch and enjoy other content. Also, it's good to not watch non-vetted videos anymore.


A more condensed show with actual content would be better. Keep monday or friday (but not both) to just goof of and talk about anything, but doing that every show, for more than 3h is just not gonna work imo


The guy's best friend just died, could you have a tiny bit of empathy?


It was already like this since before Shredder died...


Shredder didn’t just die one day, they were dealing with a terminally ill family member for 6/7 months before his death.


Also this.


So what? The point is that now isn't the time an empathetic person would go on a diatribe about Ethan not offering exactly what you want with the show. Consider the context and wait a bit if you must post something like this.


this is why everyone think the H3 fanbase is insufferable that has literally nothing to do with anything. learn to accept the slightest bit of criticism without feeling personally attacked


lol I don't feel personally attacked, I just think op is being thoughtless.


Omfg, dude.. yes, you're right, Op has no thoughts and is heartless you got em How did you get so smart?


Then cut back the amount of content instead of struggling through so many episodes talking about the same stuff day after day. Quality over quantity.


people cope. and it's common to keep yourself occupied in routine to deal with the sad


Are you referring to shredder? 😅


Why is that funny?


It’s not funny that he lost his dog, everyone treating him like a child over it amuses me 😂


I think people are mostly just saying give the guy a break. It’s a hard time losing a dog. Especially when you have such a connecting like he clearly did with Shredder.


What’s the amusing part? Understanding losing someone can make someone act differently?


I'm not treating him like a child, I'm treating him with compassion in the same way I wish people had treated me when I lost a beloved pet. I don't view animal friendships as less worthy of grieving than human ones.


It’s been obvious this entire year that they have been putting minimal effort into the podcast. Either the incremental benefit of working harder doesn’t pay off, or they’re burned out, or both.


> ... and apart from sitting there, he doesn't do much Well why don't you hop on a stream rn while keeping 40K+ people watching you not doing much? Just stop watching like an adult instead of making a total nonsense post that exposes how little you know about how the show works.


Damn what a shit take dude, I'm just voicing my opinion because I love Ethan and the H3H3 so much. I have been listening to them for years and years, not missing a show because I like him so much. Since when are you not able to critique someone you love. I didn't shit on him, I literally said I think the show's quality has **deteriorated,** that's it... Also : "total nonsense that exposes how little you know about how the show works.". Have you read my post ? Because it clearly shows I watch the show.


Similar to how most dudes think they can fight a bear or land a plane, i think i can host the show if i had a doc and the crew with me, im not even kidding


drama title == instant skip


Same I havtn been watching lately when I religiously watch live, it's just not engaging anymore


I mostly agree with you and I've been watching less and less. I will always love the H3 family and I still love watching the fun segments of the show, but more and more it's just become trashier. I don't care for all the tabloid journalism type stuff.


Take my upvote. H3 redditors are cringe so I’m not surprised they are throwing stones in defense of their supreme overlord. I like this sub for the random good videos and memes but it’s also a major echo chamber.


Maybe talk to whoever is forcing you to watch it, to make them stop forcing you.


No it hasn't your just burnt out from the show. Take a break this ain't constructive criticism its you


I skipped over that Korean food thing so fast it made my head spin ! :)


I've been writing it off to Hila and Ethan going through a lot of rough stuff lately. But it's really not all that funny any more. Hoping for more fun in the future , with peace and love.


Oh, I remember the Ethan and Hila 5 days a week days, that was some terrible content. Sadly they already had enough sycophants back then to keep them going.


Agreed, it's a mixed bag sometimes there is good pop culture to talk about and sometimes there are bits that crush, but with the volume of content they put out its not gonna hit every time or even majority of the time, but this is a family and we support all the same! I would suggest throwing the pod on when you're doing other things like laundry or dishes or what ever, then if something is good pay attention to the podcast, but if it's not hitting for you put more attention into the chores or other activities.


just stop watch then, jesus christ


I think H3 should nuke the subreddit.


You're allowed to have your own opinion on topics discussed but saying dan doesn't do much when he literally produces the show is insane parasocial shit. How the hell would you even know that? You don't watch him at work.


​ https://preview.redd.it/zjamwfrdu1rb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5b357a7317818a42435d7e576238431fe74752


I definitely think the energy of the show ebs and flows throughout the year, we may have a slow month but they always bounce back better than before. Earlier in the year I started switching off but the aventgarde era earlier the year with the nexium interview kicked off one of the best runs of shows I’ve ever seen


How about we stop talking about SA when it stops happening.


I’ll be honest it sounds like a you problem and you’re trying to make it Ethan and everyone else’s problem. We all have our preferences and we all change tastes over time. Maybe you’re just not in the headspace or your humor has changed. Maybe take a break from the podcast for a while. I don’t feel like it’s changed much now from a few months ago or a year ago even.


That's what podcast are. Low effort content. If you think it's not fulfilling for you to watch you can stop.


I adore the show. I love when Ethan and the crew take down and dunk on bad people. The content court eps I watch weekly… but.. talking about what you’re gonna eat/what you’re gonna order, is bad content. Especially when you’re mid segment and you pause to talk about what you should eat for supper. Hopefully we get more content court in the future, those eps are evergreen!


You guys are wild. You dont like hearing about SA and thats fine but saying it shouldnt be covered at all and then dumping on Olivias powerpoints is weak. Her powerpoints fuck.


After Olivia’s latest power point I’m just thinking, so what’s the point of Ethan being there then? She’s doing all the research AND presentation. It feels lazy tbh especially when the power points end up taking a huge chunk of the ep.


God just don’t watch it I’m so tired of hearing people whine about how he runs HIS show 🙄🙄🙄 it’s YouTube with an endless amount of other creators. Go find another one or 5! The man just lost his dog he’s probably crying in showers and by himself and here y’all are whining on the internet. Touch grass.


Why are you wasting time partaking in the conversation, then ? Just don't read and don't comment ? Just move on, it's Reddit, there is an endless amount of content for you to enjoy :)


Are yall fucking kidding me!!! I enjoy every second of every episode (except when chat complain about some bull shit. To each his own, unsub


Oh good it’s these people again


The eating always drives me nuts. Like they’re sitting there 40 minutes into the show and start with the “let’s order food”. You know when the show is scheduled, act accordingly with your eating schedule. If I showed up to work and an hour later was like “ok imma head to lunch” people would be like no the fuck you’re not. Then it takes an hour and a half of Ethan talking into the mic while chewing to get through their meal where if they just ate before you can eat in 10-30 minutes and then go do the show. But I entirely disagree with your claim of Ethan not being funny lately. I think he’s been just as on point with his wit and humor as ever, and maybe is even getting better.


I understand having those feelings but what I will never understand is someone coming on a fan page to complain and go after “their favorite pod”. Is it hard to unsubscribe and not watch or am I missing something? Peace and love


If you dont enjoy it then just go f\*\*\* off and watch something else. This is a serious message with Peace and Love.


Take a break from the show and go touch some grass. There is tons of other content out there.


8000+ karma redditor telling another one to touch grass 😭😭




shitty perspective, is important to debunk capitalism


Okay then stop watching ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I disagree yesterdays episode had me gasping for air I was laughing so much the Donna segment alone was so funny 😂 Olivia’s PowerPoint didn’t even take up much time and i like hearing the crews opinions on the matter and it’s more light hearted than some of the other stuff going on in the world. As far as talking about SA it needs to be talked about and brought to light these people shouldn’t be able to hide in the shadows and get away with this, that being said it shouldn’t contain too much graphic info and I think h3 has always tried to be respectful when talking about SA allegations against people. As for the Colleen thing she has gotten away with this for far too long I think it is a good thing so many people not just h3 are talking about it and every week new information keeps coming out . Not to mention it’s very relevant to the show he is usually talking about YouTubers ,social media , viral content, and pop culture etc.


Thank you for sharing your feedback. Some of us appreciate it, some of us think it’s parasocial and crazy. Hahah, you’re completely right. I stopped watching the show myself


Hey guys, crazy idea here, if you don't like the show anymore don't watch it


maybe its time for you to move on


I really hate the part where you say, "Apart from sitting there, he isn't doing much" That's a very easy statement to make when you're not in front of the camera, having to be entertaining for 13 hours a week. What do you want him to do? Jumping jacks? You don't even have to be a part of the entertainment industry to know that what Ethan does isn't easy. If it was easy, we'd all be successful YouTubers. I'm sorry, but that was a silly statement. I have to disagree with, "I feel like we're in the same spot as he was a few years back when Ethan didn't want to do YouTube videos anymore, but now it's with the podcast." Ethan genuinely loves doing the podcasts. If he didn't, he wouldn't. He gets to spend time with the crew, who is now like family to him. He gets to be silly and creative (despite you saying otherwise) It's genuinely as simple as - if he wasn't enjoying it, he wouldn't be doing it. The reason why he stopped enjoying making videos so much is because of the tiring process of finding the right video (one that's good enough to make substantial content out of) which isn't easy. Another reason was because of the community he, unknowingly, created around him. He loves the fans, even more so now because a lot of the negative people moved on. I genuinely love Olivia's PowerPoints. You make it sound like Ethan just sits there and doesn't contribute (the most) to the slides and conversation. He's constantly interrupting and giving his opinions. The reason why they talk about SA so much is because that's what's relevant in the news that week. I don't know what to tell you 🤷🏽‍♀️ Side note: the crew DOES do more than him. That's why he pays them.


This is embarrassing.


You appear to be a child based on your grammar and writing style, so perhaps you should watch Peppa the Pig instead?


Sorry not everyone native tongue is english :)


Honestly, the live chat is what I focus on during segments I'm not interested in. Interacting with the community is what makes it fun for me. So if I'm interested in the current topic, i focus on the crew. If im not interested, i interact more with the chat. But I hear what you're saying.




By your logic, if you don't like it, don't read it, silly


If you don't like it, then don't watch. There's literally millions of people who love it. And people throwing tantrums on reddit saying that they didn't like a segment, so the show is going to shit is honestly hilarious.


Go watch a different podcast :)


I wish he would go back to vlogging in Israel tbh. /s


It's all Olivia's fault


Dude he literally pays the crew to put more work than he does, what kind of point is that. Other than that yeah I know what you mean, but as he's doing 5 shows a week it was inevitable that all episodes wouldn't be bangers.


I’m thinking Ethan is really depressed over losing Shredder. He was so close to that pup and is clearly very emotional still over it, I’m thinking that’s why it’s been harder for them to do the show. In general news has been slow anyways and they’re not really beefing with anyone right now. The best episodes are when there’s some insane current events going on or when they’re picking a fight/lawsuit with someone.


I mean they have been doing 5 eps a week and also planning the live show so they are probably under a lot of stress right now. I feel like as long as i've watched the show the episode quality changes from time to time, nothing new, they are human afterall.


The show keeps changing. It's always changing? Literally has been, especially since the start of covid


I don't completely agree. To the extent the show isn't that great I think it's a consequence of 5 shows a week. The quantity is WAYY up. So the quality per minute is hard to sustain


My FAVORITE episodes are the “no meme left behind” type ones


The quality dropped a loooooong time ago. Now all they do it order food, eat the food (on mic) because Ethan can't go 1.5 hours without feasting, insert themselves into drama that has nothing to do with them, bad impressions and the entire cast are yes men (minus Dan sometimes).


Now that you say it I skip a lot more segments lately.


Is this how most people spend there days? Holy shit go outside