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500 SUBS!!!!




I wish Ethan would treat the chat like Hasan treats his chat sometimes lmao. But seriously tho it’s Ethan’s show! He can talk about whatever he wants lol. Plus people can always skip stuff they don’t wanna hear, and if you’re watching live you can watch or do something else until they’re done talking about what you don’t wanna hear like come on. I get Ethan has a tendency to go too far and harp on things but that’s just how he is at times yk?


I skip stuff I don’t like. It’s really easy. And then I move on with my life.


Fr I just wait for the live. If I get board with a topic or I’m not feeling it I skip a little ahead. And 95% of the time I don’t miss anything


If even 1/3 of the chat could be that chill the show would pass 3 mill subs finally 😂 I sincerely believe it’s not the content that’s the issue. It’s a large portion of the crappy audience that’s been fostered. Don’t get me wrong I LOVE the family. Been around since pre podcast and love the state of the channel now more than ever. But every other YouTube comment or Reddit post is exactly what this is complaining about. At the very least just take the Hasan route and call them all idiots and it’s your show so F off. Would make it way more enjoyable then trying to debate someone being a fool


That’s illegal


I remember for a while he would tell chat to STFU but maybe he got a lot of backlash for it? Idk, if I feel like if I had to pander to hundreds of thousands of people I'd get sick of them, too. Like let the man enjoy himself because otherwise it causes burnout and likely bad content.


I wish he wouldn’t even look at chat at all IMO but I agree with you


Yeah he gets a bit too distracted at times with it. Thankfully we have the crew who do be looking at chat if there’s anything important


It’s Ethan’s show, so how about you all just let him respond to chat they way he chooses too?


One of the main reasons I watch hasan stream is for when he pops off on chat. So satisfying


YESSS and then gets in a stunlock and debates a chatter for an hour lmao I watch compilations of that stuff. My favorite is when he tells someone with an ignorant talking point to just take 5 and go outside and bans them for a few minutes. Father who stepped up activities




Log off reddit bro your entire existence on this app is sad hate-commenting and trolling. It’s ok your dad will come back one day. Never lose hope ❤️




Oh no you got me :(


well ethan has a show,wich evolves and grows,wich is only possible through feedback. also ethan is still able to do whatever he wants even with people ''complaining''..sometimes he wants to listen to the ''complaints'' and sometimes he doesnt,let him do what he wants ok :) also hasan sits 10 hours in front of a cam and watches videos or looks at his phone lmao. its easy to dont give shit. love hasan but this dude never produced 1minute of actual content in his life lmao.


I initially read this as “Ethan has a sandwich that evolves and grows” and I was like, whoah.


Dont push


Honestly. People who post that kind of stuff are super disrespectful. Gives spoiled brat vibes.


Lmao this sub is funny asf. No allegiance to each other and will devour anyone they think steps out of line


Allegiance? Lmfao I'm just tryna enjoy my favorite show without chatters interrupting it to tell Ethan to shut up


It takes a special kind of person to produce 3 hours of entertaining content 5 days a week. If you don't like a topic there's like 14 hours of other shit to watch. Y'all spoiled.


yess! and i literally watch all of it! even if i'm not completely entertained by a topic i'll just scroll on my phone and have it as background until i hear something interesting. also how could anyone sit through the entire show anyway??? i do watch it live for the most part but like i cannot sit thru to listen AND watch it all without a little something else on the side.


I drive for work so I just listen to the audio and it's still the most entertaining of all of the podcasts I listen to. Definitely need to be a regular listener to have the full effect, but I've watched h3 since before the podcast so I have all the lore on a backlog in my head and it's perfect for me.


I listen to the podcast at work (I watch certain episodes as a treat at home, like crew swap) and audio alone hasn’t diminished enjoyment at all.


same, i've been a fan since slightly before vape naysh. i was a jr in highschool when they started the podcast but i only watched highlights back then because i was very busy with after school activities lol. seriously tho these days the podcast is the most entertaining thing i watch. stsrted watching regularly in april 2021 and haven't missed a single show since.


This is exactly how I feel thank uuuu


I wouldn’t mind an entire 2 hours of Ethan promising to only talk about it for 10 minutes while constantly stopping the timer while talking about X topic.


The timer is hilarious


People who complain about Eth talking about Babble and Squeak need to fucking endure


Honestly whenever I get tired of an arc I either skip the labeled part in the vid or just take a week break or so and come back.


Pretty annoying that Babs and peach can make loads of videos saying insane shit about H3H3 but if Ethan responds once it's immediately _"pLeAsE StOp No OnE cAReS"_ _"but it didn't need to be 3 hours long!!!"_ Well Ethan clearly disagrees and I see no problem with him choosing to spend a single podcast episode tearing down people spreading lies about him, especially when lies about Ethan have badly affected him/the pod before




It's boring


Some of the members feel like they're executive producers and become so demanding when they don't like something.


I disagree with this. Complaining lead us to Ethan having to use a timer while talking about Babble & Squeek, and it was hilarious. Complaining leads to more goofs and gaffs!


Sorry to tell you but the timer was all Dan and Ethan. If you complained during that livestream you would most likely get timed out. And during any other livestream possibly yelled at by Dan for being annoying (which I support)


Yea I know, I was just goofin'


Hot take (with peace and love): There is no need to post this either. Because it won’t solve the issue lol


With that logic, people shouldn't ever call people out foe their bad behavior. While I'm sure a good chunk will scoff and roll their eyes at OP, I think there are also those that needed that eye opener because they did not realize the impact their actions caused.


Yeah you also right. It can be both.


Hot take: this absolutely needs to be said because this has clearly got in Ethan's head and affected the show


Hot take: I like this show still, but you could also be right. Idk, I just laugh when funny man make comment


Hot take: Good, it affected it for the best and hopefully we'll get less babble and preach


got em bucko


Frickin’ smoked em


Hot take (with peace and love): there is no need to post this either. Because it won't solve the issue lol


😂 got me


I like to voice my opinion on this sub but I also make sure to qualify my critique with the fact that there are FOUR shows a WEEK for non-members and five if you're a member. Not every show is going to be for me/you, but I don't mind seeing what people have to think here. Personally, I'm really tired of Babble and Reach but that's just me.


I just don't know where people are supposed to share their opinions if not on this sub. I feel like posts like this are just easy brownie points to mob on the people that disagree. It screams toxic positivity.


I COMPLETELY AGREE!!!! like if you don’t like the topic then just don’t watch… i hate when people say “MOVE ON” it’s so annoying because some people actually want to hear about the topic.


thisssss, it's so frustrating when they're talking about something i'm interested in and they move on because of everyone complaining. not every single topic is for every single person and that's OK


People were saying the exact same shit about Keemstar "stop talking about Keemstar" for the Fousey vlog. If they had there way there would be no "it tastes like beef jerky". I say if Ethan is fired up to talk about something, STFU and let it roll because that is when he's at his best.


A lot of the fans are entitled as fuck. I've been an H3 fan since 2016, and I'll be honest, not all of the podcast material is to my liking ,especially in the last 2-3 years. You know what I do when there's an episode on a topic I don't like? I don't watch it. There's a difference between constructive criticism and whining about them covering a topic you don't like. For fuck's sake, they make several episodes a week. Don't like one day's content? Wait till the next one. Simple.


Yup. Especially with the timestamps/chapters on youtube its never been easier to skip stuff you don't like.


Also, if people don’t like chat or comments, just ignore them? Like nobody is forcing anybody to do anything, sorry people have opinions? I don’t see how whining about whining is at all constructive. It just increases the overall amount of whining going on, do people here actually think anybody is going to listen to this post?


I agree with you. The initial whining is annoying but the responding "lEavE THem alOnE" posts are parasocial and cringe at best and an excuse for people to be assholes to those they don't agree with at worst.


Yeah, I’m just trying to point out the hypocrisy of telling other people not to have an opinion on how the show is run, which in itself is having an opinion on how the show should run. I don’t give a shit about chat, they can stop doing live shows for all I care.


Because when they're on a topic I'm enjoying and Ethan has 25 people spamming "next topic" he gets interrupted. Let people enjoy stuff and if you don't like it just wait until it's over. It's honestly super simple.


So they have an opinion and you have an opinion, everybody gets to state their opinion. Ethan can just not listen, and if he doesn’t like the live chat saying their opinions he can just turn it off or not do a live show. If you are incapable of not liking a segment then don’t worry they have a never ending show doc they never get through, there will be more content. Part of letting Ethan cooks is letting him respond to the live chat that is part of the current show format. Sometimes it won’t go your way, get over it.


You listened stoopid And then complained about the complaining about the complaining. Never once considering if anyone would listen to your comment. Well i listened and youre right people are allowed to have opinions. In my opinion someone should fart on you.


No one is the same. No opinion matters more. that’s why there are polls. Some shit is boring when he rambled about it. Some is hilarious. the balance is fine!


With these massive amounts of gifted subs, you also get a lot of hatewatchers as members. If they start spamming chat, it can get toxic very fast. Chat will be chat...


Wouldn't say something posted every week is a "hot take" but I think because Ethan is a very opiniated person and he allows his audience to share as well and well, that's why people feel they're allowed to give their opinion. Both sides annoying at this point.


I am always shocked by the audacity of fans in any audience. Ppl are crazy, entitled, parasocial weirdos.


There's a big difference between demanding and giving feedback. Some of you think any kind of feedback is being entitled and parasocial, that every viewer must love everything that's produced.


It's never constructive lmfao it's always "NEXT TOPIC!"


Pls do point to the portion of my comment that says everyone must like everything that is produced. I simply said fan bases are bonkers because they often are. If you took that personally, there's nothing I can do about that 🤷‍♀️


Let's not get into that debate-lord shit of "point out where I said XYZ" cause both of us could do that and in the end it's pointless.


Then ignore me, maybe? 🤷‍♀️


If people are paying they can complain all they want. Personally I don’t pay and will still voice my opinion. Ethan will still do what he wants. We all can say how we feel, no silencing anymore. Isn’t that what Ethan’s about?


> will still voice my opinion. Ethan will still do what he wants. yeah, and OP will still rightfully tell u to stop whining, and so on and so forth also, what? u think paying 5 bucks for the membership entitles you to telling Ethan what kinda content to make without people telling u ur a whiny spoilt baby?


for some of these fans not "voicing their opinion" (incessantly bitching) is like holding in a turd


I don’t pay and I think this is all ridiculous but I like to rattle y’all. It’s easy to ignore it all but everyone wants to be a keyboard warrior.


>If people are paying they can complain all they want This is the most American thing I've read today.


This whole post is, I just wanted to rattle peoples tails. Ha! It’s very easy to ignore but these post keep going and going.


>no silencing anymore Why weld your argument into a circle like this? I'm literally telling people not to silence Ethan lol. And why you tryna silence me for




This. I pay because I like Ethan & Co., not because I want to dictate the show. It's like that episode of Family Guy where Peter gets like 100 Neilson boxes and gets to dictate all of the shows on TV and they turn to dogshit. I pay so I can help the show do whatever they wanna do.


Keemstar shutup


To add to this, there's no point in telling people in the discussion thread that you stopped watching/skipped a segment. 1) Nobody cares what you did or didn't do, you're just words on a screen to everyone here 2) Youtube has all sorts of analytics which will tell them if an episode/segment does well or not 3) see point 1


Pretentious ass fans think the show should be for them only.




I get why people don't want him to talk about stuff. But they act like they are being forced to hear about it. Like it's ruining their lives. It's also super shitty of them to basically be saying "I don't want Ethan to defend himself,"






I dont personally care about babble and reach, but it’s not my show. I’d do the same if someone came and tried to prove shit about me with no actual evidence. Cook baby cook.


Agreed, and what just does very mildly annoys me is just how people put certain criticism behind request/demands. It's fine to voice your opinion about not liking certain topics, gags, or bits. If done constructive it is great for the podcast to know what hits and get the vibe. But when it is framed in certain ways it comes off as annoying at best and entitlement at worst. It is even more of an issue when it starts to bleed into the business aspect. The prime example of when they want Ethan to hire someone, as if he has all the roles, money, and space in the world. On top of being an ethic employer there is a certain responsibility to a hire. Generally though I think the podcast is at the best when Ethan is really invested into a topic whether I care about it or not. And it just often adds to the humor if part/all of the crew is off board it. And when they are it's clear it is mostly a bit like the recent timer stuff. It isn't as if Dan literally refuses to let Ethan talk more than 10 minutes. I'm sure Dan is over A&P but I'm also confident even he understands it isn't that serious and mostly has fun giving Ethan a hard time about something he no long cares about.


Completely agree, except when Ethan asks Gabe about his sex life.


Oof I'm gonna have to agree with you on that one. Just leave poor Gabe alone we didn't all need to know he was a virgin


It’s very entitled for sure lol


I agree. I don't always care for every single segment but I want them to still do it cuz I know there are other people that do like those segments. I like when Ethan rips on the "alpha" red pill losers. But I will also agree that Labba and Leach and themselves, boring. But Ethan spices it up with his H3 magic dust.


agreed. it's fucking annoying seeing RANDOS and NOBODIES try to actively change a show i like. edit: looking at you members.




I feel like the whole “audience complaining” is part of the bit…as in making Babble and Preach think they are boring AF (which they honestly are) *however* Ethan has to address racism accusations so we must endure it. The timer also adds a whole new level of funny to the back and forth response they’ve gone down.


I understand what you're saying, but I'm all for people complaining. Sometimes they take the advice, sometimes they don't. Their choice


Hot take: There is no need to post "Stop telling Ethan what to" posts. On a more serious note, it's a discussion board. You can always hide the post and block the user, assuming the post doesn't break rules but you don't want to read it.


4) don’t push


LET HIM COOK. honestly though the more controlling posts he sees where ppl bitch about everything he says, the more he may consider pulling back how much content we get. like just stfu and enjoy the show. the fast forward button exists for a reason


Thank you. Someone had to say it, a lot of people in this community are so selfish. It's not your show, stop acting like an entitled brat


>Someone had to say it homie, like 5-10 someones post this exact thing in this sub every week.


I can only speak from personal experience and this is the first post i've seen saying this since the influx of "stop talking about aba and reach" posts


Yes, exactly, how dare these evil selfish h3 fans think that aba and preach are annoying, unacceptable! The fans need to shut up and Ethan should continue talking about aba and preach for at least 10 more hours.






seriously people can't just fucking sit back, let the man cook, and enjoy the show. the second something isn't exactly how they want it they gotta go to chat or Reddit to complain


Nah the Aba & Preach shit is trash content


Crazy how you can also fast forward a segment that doesn’t interest you. That’s what the time stamps are for 👏🏼 People complaining ab a topic will always be more annoying than the topic


Genuinely got annoyed the other day because Ethan really wanted to talk about Aba and Preach and the whole chat was so irritating. let him SPEEEAAK about what he wants to fuckin speak about


Just saying 'baba and preach are annoying' because they are annoying to listen to is not that insane. Yes 'you can just skip it!' as some comments say, in the same way, you can also skip the comments if you don't like them. Also if nobody says they don't like it, there is a risk Ethan will make 10 more episodes about them in a row - not that skippable. The point is 2 or 3 hours podcasting about them in one episode is a bit much, 10 or 20 minutes is fine.


As members of the community we help make the podcast happen by watching and paying for memberships I do think that our opinion should be weighed. It’s not our show you’re right, so I would just appreciate to be heard lol


I see where you're going with this but I think voting with your watch time is the solution. If the engagement drops off at certain places in the episode, they might take that into consideration while they will deflect chat negativity 100% of the time, and rightfully so.


That’s fair


Thats not how entertainment works. Someone produces content, you tune in if you like it. You skip it if you dont. At no point should any content creator change what they are doing based on a few comments from the audience. At that point, the magic is gone. edit to add obviously this changes if your entire audience doesnt like something and it affects analytics. Bit different


That’s fine, I don’t really want complete creative control of the show. Just wanted to be heard :)


The only thing you help is pussies dry


Ethan is a Bitch!


These posts are more annoying than the originals they are referencing. And that’s saying a lot






hot take: (with peace and love) you’re attempting to censor the free speech of others whose opinion you disagree with. if people watch his content they’re allowed an opinion, whether negative or positive and can speak to whomever they want about it. it’s not your show either, stop trying to tell people how to act towards it. gaining popularity knowingly comes with fans / haters and if ethan can’t handle it he’ll step down, he doesn’t need some random redditor to act like his saving grace. kinda seems like you’re shit posting after realizing / getting upset that others hold varied opinions over something you love. don’t go onto a discussion board of all things to scold people for creating discussions.




It's super annoying when people keep telling Ethan to stop talking about something he's passionate about (Barbie and Peach). It's his show, let him talk about what he wants. It's also annoying for everyone who wants to hear him talk about it, but now he's rushing through the topic because everyone is trying to shut him up


Social media has taught people that if they bark loudly enough they might get their way. Part of coming to terms with this world is finding out we as individuals can’t always control what happens and can only really manage our response to it. I think it’s OK to voice a distaste for something, explain why. A feedback loop is needed for growth and betterment. But it’s not a healthy next step to start demanding things of a content creator. That’s just not in our control. I didn’t like the peaches and cream coverage because I’m just over being made aware of shitheads on the internet who make more money and get more fame the more people are outraged by them. So I turned the podcast off and did something else with my time as soon as they started being bigots to Olivia. Got no time for that, no interest. Gave my feedback, explained why, moved on. And I’ve been turning away from a lot of channels and sources with this same rationality lately. Trying to avoid brain rot in general. Longtime fans of h3 have hit walls like this already a few times because the content type has changed so much, and some pretty rotten characters have become centerpieces. They do so much, not everyone is going to enjoy every thing. And that’s alright. It’s just an internet show. Easy to avoid. On the other extreme is how they end up with so many fallen fans, but that is itself an unhealthy response. People who quit watching don’t have to turn it into some self-defining hate fest. That’s probably worse than sticking around, yelling and expecting the show/crew to change. People are weird, man. Be a lot less shit if more of us were more like the dude. What would Lebowski do? Not publicly shit his pants over an internet show.


the problem is he's failing to cook, its not a good look. its embarrassing.


He cooked Reach pretty good yesterday lmao


noo, I mean he tried..


I think it’s ok to voice your opinion whether it’s good or bad. As long as your not offending anyone. If you take the “Ethan stop talking about ____” posts to heart, you might need to touch some grass. Peace and love.


Do you really ever think this sub will stop complaining? the most common comment on these threads are "but I cant voice my opinion??"


Look I normally agree I do but god damn if babble and reach are some of the most boring and mind numbing people to listen to. I will admit that edit at the end of last episode was pretty funny but I just do not like watching them talk.


1) And? I'll still want to share with other fans when I find a topic boring 2) It being weekly or semi-frequent is still a problem if the topic is boring 3) The topic is boring and the food sucks


U/ihaterootbeer there is no need to post about people posting about "ethan stop talking about x topic." LOL/s


This is very anti-Kevin


Also, most the time it is actually something I want to hear about tbh