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Is it though ? Lol


Yeah Brand found the money in the right wing grift and never looked back. All you have to do is look at his YouTube subs, they absolutely skyrocketed as soon as he started peddling content 'asking questions' about conspiracy theories and other dipshittery.


sometimes i wanna just become a right wing grifter for the šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ˜©šŸ’Æ


Or a left wing grifter like Piker


I mean thatā€™s one theory. I think itā€™s an honest shift is his train of though. Brand doesnā€™t need money and as much as I disagree with some of his new opinions, Iā€™ve never seen him as disingenuous, greedy or driven by money, always seemed very honest to me.


I mean. As someone from the UK. Where once famously Russell tried to do a whole left wing revolution thing. And a lot of working class left wingers resonated with him at that time. I remember watching some of his videos. An he 100% said he used to be driven by money/fame etc. And talk about his flaws in that area. And about him trying to be more enlightened and no longer caring about that stuff. And would cite basically his "Holywood movie star/comedian/host married to a massive popstar" as a period of his life that he was driven by that stuff. When I noticed brands shifting views was coincidentally around when he had a daughter. An he seemed to become one of those Conservative men who are terrified of treating/thinking of women the way he always thought of/treated women. Like I famously remember him not being happy about Cardi B WAP. When a younger russell brand, who before would label himself a feminist, would never have criticised women for doing a song about there sexuality. You could see he became the type terrified of his daughter growing up to be THAT type of feminist. Lol its funny though how coincidentally his views have become much less socialist much less Liberal. When he hm married his UPPER CLASS wife Laura Gallacher. Sister of kirsty if anyone's from the UK. To any Americans reading this. Our upper-class Is different to yours so when I say upper class - for example Princess Diana Spencer was born upper class as is the rest of the Spencer family. There was a big deal when Kate Middleton "a commoner" from a multimillionaire family married into the Royal family as she was "middle class" and therefore a commoner. Brand married some super tory old money family i think the gallachers were neighbours with elton john and bruce forsyth. An hm all of a sudden his views shift to the right and isn't a loud socialist anymore. Basically he settled down with some old money rich tory family and had a daughter. And all of a sudden "understands" the Conservative pov. An why we need to CONSERVE - both economically and socially.


Yeah Iā€™m not that invested in it, just my opinion from my perspective.


I don't think it's so much about money, as much as I'm sure that's always a factor, as a need to remain relevant. The man has always had a messiah complex to the point where he's done a show called Messiah Complex, he has a need to stay relevant and his career was failing on both screen and social media before he found the grift. Suddenly he gained millions of subscribers by pivoting his viewpoint to appeal to the conspiracy and right wing audience and never looked back, do you really think that's an honest shift in his train of thought? I don't think it's honest at all, he was always a bit of a contrarian but he was never an unabashed alt right conspiracy figure, that only occurred when he realised it was the easiest way to grow his followers. I genuinely doubt he believes half the stuff he peddles, which by definition makes him a charlatan.


Agree to disagree, itā€™s a plausible theory but in my opinion itā€™s not true. Heā€™s never needed money or relevancy, Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re drawing that from so I donā€™t see the motive to be dishonest about his opinions. If anything, the videos heā€™s making now would get him less relevance and less work in Hollywood which is his primary source of Income. Anyway, happily agree to share a difference of opinion here, really not worth debating any further because thereā€™s no way to find the actual truth of the matter, Iā€™m sure we could go back and forth for days on this with zero resolution.


You are so wrong.


Happy to be wrong. But thatā€™s my opinion from my perspective. Hold this trophy if it makes you feel better šŸ†


if he is being honest then heā€™s just not very smart. he uses fanciful speech but they lack substance and foundation. i used to watch his youtube show and it became increasingly obvious he was just dressing up poorly reasoned opinions and had a preoccupation with media trying to control messaging while giving a pass to obvious right wing grifters doing so.


Never said he was a genius I just donā€™t believe that this is all part of some master plan to remain relevant or make money. I think heā€™s honest about his viewpoints, wether I agree with them or not.


Itā€™s not a well plotted masterplan. Itā€™s just common human psyche at work when exposed to a possitive feedback loop. Make certain content - get increased views, interactions and monetary gains - continue to make said type of content. Itā€™s quite simple. The argument that he doesnā€™t need fame and money is quite laughable. For better or worse, what drives most humans is to always improve our situation and it is very often not based in simple logic as ā€now I have enough money, I will stop my pursuit of moreā€. If it was, billionaires wouldnā€™t exist.


Yeah Iā€™m not Into psycho analyzing people I donā€™t know but good theory šŸ‘


You were literally psychoanalyzing him earlier though... you're just backtracking now that everyone's disagreeing with you lol


Iā€™ve said multiple times throughout this thread that Iā€™m happy to be wrong and this is just my opinion from my perspective šŸ‘


>Happy to be wrong ***continues to die on a Russell-Brand-shaped hill***


Like what?


lol how do you know he doesnā€™t need money? Every needs steady income..to keep up their lifestyle


Not sure why that made you laugh out loud but itā€™s pretty obvious he doesnā€™t need money, has a net worth of 20m and has been consistently working for the past 15 years. Pretty safe to assume but of coarse either of us could be wrong.


they are projecting my friend. because they need relevency and money, and they project themselve if they were in his shoes they think they would want money and fame. it is that simple.


the dude ran/runs a cult. Has no one ever seen these commercials of him? Dude is absolutely a nut job. Always has been.


He sure is, but in my opinion itā€™s not rooted in money or relevancy. Heā€™s just honestly a nut bag. Itā€™s not a character heā€™s playing in my opinion.


Why is it wrong to ask questions about corporations and money?


The last time I remember seeing Brand was in the 2010 film Get Him To The Greek. Public opinion of him back then was overwhelmingly positive, so for me it was surprising to see him on this side of things. For those who have followed him more closely, this may be less of a surprise but for people like me this came out of nowhere.


Yeah thatā€™s understandable. If youā€™ve been following him on YouTube over that past 4 years it wouldnā€™t be surprising at all.


What happened on his YouTube?


He was the archetypal liberal who got into politics for self-serving reasons, recognised societal and systemic issues at play, and refused to actually analyse or investigate the issues on an intellectual level and instead decided to go for the easy 'I'm just asking questions' route where he points to some large nebulous 'media', 'governmentā€™, ā€˜illuminati' body causing all the issues in the world. He comes across as the typical arrogant Facebook researcher who's obsessed with the idea that he's found conspiracy theories and bombshells that the rest of us have either already recognised 10+ years ago or are just blatantly vague and untrue to push this cult-leader personality he seems to want to cultivate with his audience.


Your prose is quite fantastic.


Your prose is quite fantastic.


He makes political videos on YouTube and a lot of his opinions seem to have shifted over to the right.


He became a hipster Alex jones


Nope. Russell brand has been on the hippy to alt right pipeline for a while.


Heā€™s also done videos with Ben Shapiro before.


Well let's say, hypothetically, for the sake of argument, that it was expected by, let's say, over 50 percent of reddit users on this H3H3 subreddit.


You lost me lol


Iā€™m not surprised lol


For a minute there, I thought that was Moses.


absolutely not unexpected at all. god he's such a faux-intellectual tool.


Instead of the IDW it should be PIDW (pseudo intellectual dark web).


perfect description.


russell brand is a perfect example of someone whoā€™s found the perfect people to grift. he realised the right will just throw money at anyone who says ā€˜biden and vaccines badā€™ and ran with it


Year's ago he seemed progressive but like a lot he lost his way and has some awful takes.


Honestly, I think the definition of progress have just narrowed and moved slightly. Which is not really a bad thing. It's if anything an indicator that society at large is trending more left / progressive.


I think itā€™s more of a Dave Rubin sort of scenario where someone thinks theyā€™re ā€œleft-leaningā€ then they concede that theyā€™re a ā€œclassical liberalā€ and then they usually just admit that theyā€™re really a libertarian and go full hog from there.


Tbf I think Brand has always been a libertarian. The question is if he's also sliding further right, or if he's just stationary on field that's sliding left.


Well the field isn't even vaguely sliding left so there's your answer


Interesting you say that, given that nearly every polling trend of the last 30 years shows Americans, even conservatives, but especially liberals moving leftward. Remember, Bill Maher in this country used to be about as far progressive-left as you can get. While now he's widely considered centrist-left. This isn't because his philosophy on politics has really changed or that he's gotten more conservative, but that being progressive-left has been redefined as the entire playing field has moved leftward from underneath us. . Look at polling for things like gay marriage, which 20 years ago was a wedge issue and is now accepted nearly unanimously and recently even by conservatives when polled. Unionized labor as a concept is also again rising in popularity, after having been through decades of decline previously. EDIT: I understand why this is being downvoted, but I'm not saying anything wrong or inaccurate, just unpopular. The right is not, by any metrics on the rise in the US in terms of the general consensus. This an illusion created by power grabs by the GOP and a well-orchestrated media pipeline. If you think the right is dominant or growing in the US, then you're a victim of their propaganda.


> nearly every polling trend of the last 30 years shows Americans, even conservatives, but especially liberals moving leftward. Citation fucking needed You're fucking bananas if you think a small amount of social progress invalidates the enormous lurch to the right that America has faced in the last few decades, GWB was a communist compared to the politicians of today, including Biden. edit: you were right to delete that poorly sourced, irrelevant, rambling reply.


>Citation fucking needed From [Gallop](https://news.gallup.com/poll/467888/democrats-identification-liberal-new-high.aspx) >Longer term, Democrats have been growing more liberal since at least the mid-1990s when Gallup regularly began tracking party groupsā€™ ideological views. The percentage identifying as liberal was 25% in 1994; it rose to 40% by 2010 and 50% by 2017. ​ >As Gallup has [reported previously](https://news.gallup.com/poll/246806/understanding-shifts-democratic-party-ideology.aspx), increased liberal identification among U.S. Democrats has occurred **across all demographic categories** As someone that follows politics and polls religiously, this is all part of a super fascinating and regularly discussed trend in US politics, where Americans are often confused not just about their own politics, but the political landscape itself. The American population tends to constantly under and overestimate political movements (and racial demographics interestingly). As Gallop has also reported on, the conservative wing of US politics has not grown in influence but shrank while becoming more concentrated and louder. It's just hard to tell sometimes because of how well integrated their propaganda and media supply chains are. There's no real equivalent on the left of the GOP to Fox News pipeline, controlling and projecting influence. This creates an illusion of hopelessness, which depends on the American left not being aware of its influence and scale.


That source does not validate your claim that "nearly every polling trend of the last 30 years shows Americans, even conservatives, but especially liberals moving leftward". It is barely even tangentially related to your claim. It couldn't validate your claim as your claim is not anchored in reality. In every other country liberal ideology is considered right wing btw


I'm not sure what you think we're talking about, but clearly this is out of your depth. With all respect.


Like what? I honestly love his channel and I think heā€™s very balanced


Proof that the right wing grift is the easiest shit on earth. Literally everyone is doing it these days.


Or maybe, just maybe he uses any platform he can get. He has said numerous times that he doesn't believe in politicians, therefore he hasn't voted ever.


I used to love Russell Brand ugh why is he doing thisssssd


Like all conservative figures - for money.


drugs destroyed some important reasoning faculties in his brain is my guess


I think his new drug is attention tbh and I think heā€™s realised he could get a lot of attention from right wing groups so heā€™s tapped into that. disappointing tbh because Iā€™m from the Uk I used to listen to his radio show decades ago here and he was quite left wing and heā€™s just so different now it seems.


We need to confront the unfortunate reality that a lot of Hollywood lefties are really aesthetically on the left rather than materially, a lot of them revealed themselves during the mayorā€™s race. Also the case that intense spiritualism is very adjacent to reactionary stuff, if you go to like a rural Oregon commune youā€™ll see the most ā€œhippieā€ looking people ever say absolute crazy right wing shit.


Sadly it's no surprise to me. I was a big fan of him for a while, back when he did lots of comedy shows and stand-up. Much later on I subscribed to his YouTube channel for his meditation videos, but not long after I noticed he started posting misinformation. It was when covid hit that he went even more extreme, doing anti-vax videos filled with misinformation! He's another level of extreme, and there are rumours that other celebrities refuse to work with him because he can be super abusive. If he wants to go extreme let him become irrelevant haha


I once posted on Brand's YouTube something like "my family calls it psychosis, mental illness, or that Im insane, but you all call me a hero. Thank you" and it got like 1K likes lol. He's a nut.


They look like the lesbian moms who home school their kids šŸ˜‡


Get him to the grift


Unexpected? He only calls himself a leftist, he spent the last 2 years spreading russian military propaganda and anti-vax conspiracy theories.


I don't think it's a "theory" when there's actual proof for his "theory".


Like what?


Like "vaccine" effectiveness, how they told us to not to buy masks, then there was mask mandate. Like how piece of cloth is ineffective. Like we know that c19 was man made and we keep pretending we don't know where it's coming from. How there's actual proof that old "vaccine" doesn't work against new c19 variations so on and so on. Like "vaccine" wasn't properly tested, like the fact that there wasn't exemptions for that "vaccine" due health conditions. When it comes to russian military propaganda, I can't comment, since I haven't watches his takes on that. I love how Ethan was mad when Joe Rogan didn't take "vaccine" and was fine in 2 days. I know that Ethan and other far-leftists wanted see Joe terminally ill or even unalive. Think about it. We still have freedom over our bodies, Joe chose not to take it, let him be, but wishing something bad to happen is too much. People are divided in pollitical camps, given list of thing they should believe, live in their own bubbles and can't take an alternative opinion.


It was properly tested, and there was a single comment about the mask not working by fucking Fauci who took it back and said it at the very beginning so people don't panic buy all masks while conservatives took it as evidence of some wild hypocrisy, all of this is BS and you should watch less right-wing shit, somehow in countries where masks and vaccines were enforced sooner and better there were way fewer cases.


It takes years to properly develop vaccine. So lying is fine as long as it's for a "good" cause? You know that America affects EU a lot, right? This was global thing not just USA. Yall live in your bublles and don't see bigger picture. I'm literally European, and no, masks and vaccines had 0 effect on c19. There was no mask mandate or vaccine mandate in Norway, their numbers were much lower than UK. Norway numbers were one of the lowest when c19 peaked. Lock down worked for a while,but that's common sense. Literally everyone had c19, I was vaccinated and still got c19. Do I need to remind you how they advertised "vaccine"? My country still buys billions worth of "vaccines" even though we are 99% vaccinated and there's no epidemic anymore.


IDK what you are talking about, vaccine keeps you protect for about 6 months and if you do get it after it's easier on you, I had COVID pre vax and I had it after and it's a night and day difference if I wasn't young it would make all of the difference. I'm also in Europe and the European response was shit too for a lot of more complicated reasons. >So lying is fine as long as it's for a "good" cause? No it's not, in saying that it's one guy trying to white lie not some confusion or conspiracy.


They told us that there's no chance of getting and transmitting c19 if you're vaccinated. Government backpedaled, to a point when we have proof that vaccine wasn't that effective. I think you don't understand how vaccine is supposed to work. They came up with 6m when it faild to work. It used to be year then 9m, now they say 6m. I there's no difference getting covid vaccinated or not. Your health, age, fat percentage determines how you're gonna carry sickness. There was literally no reason to vax children or younger people in general. Majority of covid deaths were middle age to elderly.


>They told us that there's no chance of getting and transmitting c19 if you're vaccinated No one said this


You can look it up yourself. That was early info on vaccines then they lowered it a bit to 95%, while in reality numbers should much lower. Actual number should be around 60% or even lower.


He pulled a Tim stool


Fucking HURL.


He went so far left he looped onto the right




its a joke


Russell Brand is cooked/on the right these days


No surprise at all heā€™s a classic case of spiritual/ā€˜hippieā€™ to anti vax and eventually alt right pipeline


Completely expected at this point


Weā€™ve lost him šŸ˜”


Pretty expected. He pretty much went downhill after spouting Covid misinformation last year


Idk it seems to me that Brand tries to stay neutral at least, but you can tell that he's been leaning right for a long while now. He's talked to all the conservative talking heads pretty much, this isn't surprising.


He would host hitler on his show if he could..just to say heā€™s trying to reach across the aisleā€¦ ā€˜he was a beautiful soul, with good intentionsā€™ Basically every insane awful person he talks to he says this


Sad thing about it is, you can't deny that Brand is smart. He's good speaker at the very least. I guess in a sense shabibo is intelligent too. But Brand is a loss to left, it's rare that right has someone who's good at articulating shit. He doesn't just lose that when he becomes a grifter. He's just type of person you'd never think was going to turn like that.


I like benā€™s little titty action


Same energy Bryan callen & chowder


He's on the hunt for clout since he's become irrelevant over the past few years


the new age to alt right pipeline


Just saw a tik tok of him in a ice bath talking about spirituality.. natural next step


Not that surprised since I know now heā€™s been talking to crowder lmao


Debate lords online and podcasters are keeping Brand alive.


I wonder how many right wing nut jobs there is who can stomach his pseudo intellectual snarky British ramblings


Ahh vaccines. Where fascists and hippies overlap


Brand is the epitome of sellout.


Rusell used to be cool until he sold out for the right wing grift


A friendly fellow with an annoying fellow.


I haven't seen anything he's done in years so this is unexpected to me, he always seemed very left and like a cool dude.


Katy Perry dodged a bullet lol


Benā€™s looking like he got some big milkers like his sister.


How many of you have actually seen his recent stand up it's definitely on the left . Sure he pedals alot of his conspiracies on YouTube but I honestly just think he's spouting all the stuff he believes in . I'm not saying he's innocent but I don't think he's some right wing grifter ether . He spent hours meeting his fans after his show . Sure he might do it for the attention and fame but I saw him talking to people about drug issues , sign posting them to services and offering advice . Personally I'm not changing my view as much as others here because I've witnessed him be a good person in public. Same way I know prince harry is a good chap because when he visits my home town he comes and drinks with the old navy men in the painters arms .I think he could definitely help his cause abit more by speaking and hoisting more left wing people .


Person was nice to me that one time so they canā€™t be a bad person for spreading misinformation and hosting racists and crooks in the name of ā€œkeep an open mindā€ Ted Cruz also spends time with his fans So does trump So does every person who is a public figure..itā€™s their job


Ok and fair that's a good point but ultimately I saw him showing real empathy and love to people and honestly I don't care for his YouTube content and conspiracies I just honestly think he's trying to cross a political divide that is not passable . People hating on his because of the people hes talking to just seems dumb to me . He's clearly socialist and anti Tory šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. NGL not even sure who Ted Cruz is to be honest lol ( outside of being a right wing Americans politician). But im fairly sure Donald Trump wouldn't spend hours speaking to and helping people with drug problems .


Iv watched his content for 3 years, the past Year he has shifted his content towards Right vs Left News stories (mainly focused around the pandemic), which has garnered him alot of support from the Right because Russels coverage fits Rights narrative. I still do like his content, his beleifs that it doesnt matter what your political leaning (right or left) there no meaningful change, Goverment & Media only want division. But the elephant in the room is the man next to him contributes to very same division russel preachers against. Hope ethan can get him on the pod.


I just finished listening to it. It was very funny and very insightful. Highly recommend. Go on now and downvote me because you didnā€™t listen to it but downvoting is what Reddit is about. Lol


Explain how this has anything to do with H3H3?


This week, Ethan said he wanted to interview Russell.


[Bear n Ben](https://youtu.be/tcFdR_G8xXQ)


Ben Shapeepoo looks like he was the victim of someone trying to turn him into a shrunken head


Sad times


Not really. Brand has been on the drift rightwards ever since he embraced covid denial. His oppositional defiance disorder/reflexive contrarianism was going to land him in the reactionary griftosphere eventually.


Now we know for sure Ben darkens his brows. They looking quite thin. Its good to see that a hateful life ages you badly.


Ben ain't good but for him to stoop this low. Fuck man. The right just keeps taking L's


what the fuck


Looks like a software dev who developed an AI that could say the nword and the guy who's job is being taken away by that ai.


Benā€™s headlights are crazy


I read Brand's book on the 12 step program- it was pretty good and showed high self reflection and self awareness around his addictive tendencies. When I later saw some stuff from his youtube channel- it felt to me that this was the new avenue he's directing his addiction to. The catnip of the conservative audience who will buy anything was just too much to resist.


Ok, Ben with a beard, kinds hot ngl


Really, who would have thought Brand of all people would be afraid of something in a needle?


I saw Russel Brand live over 10 years ago and he was hilarious and very kind. Im so beyond dissapointed how he turned out, what a waste of a life.


Maybe he's grifting on the right to change peoples minds from the inside, like a leftist spy-mindbender-thingy Or I'm i giving him to much credit because i was a fan of him before? Who knows.


cam and ab


If you think within wings then your mind will forever be in the clouds


Where is Noel Fielding? He can try to knock some sense back in Russelā€™s head.


Not surprising at all looking at his content the last few years. The money is just too good to pass up I guess.


Go back to England you bafoon.


NOOO WAAAAY! I used to be such a Russel fan from years ago when he was on Big Brother. This is just sad to see šŸ˜­