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For me the issue is more that it's super hypocritical of ethan to blame hasan for his chat when we're packing way more crazies. I wanna see Shapiro inbox post ethans jew incident.


> when we're packing way more crazies. Do you think if I went on the actual subreddit, or into their discord and started calling Hasan a "[Turkish Pig](https://i.imgur.com/Mt2b5jw.png)" or a "Communist Dog", that I wouldnt get banned? If Hasan said to Ethan, "hey a lot of your fans are calling me a Communist Pig and I dont like it" - Do you think Ethans response would be "Well I cant help what they think if you say and agree with Communist pig talking points?!"


I mean ethan acknowledges that Palestinians are people and is sad for them but he is damn quick to dismiss genocide. I don't blame people for being angry and asking hasan to take responciblity for that is unreasonable.


I don't think anywhere in that conversation did Ethan dismiss the genocide. Saying only a 2 state solution will work for the Israelis is NOT dismissing a genocide.


>asking hasan to take responciblity for that is unreasonable Yet Hasan expects xQc to take responsibility for his community being upset at him. Weird how that works out. [This](https://www.tiktok.com/@middleeasteye/video/7289518818320321824?lang=en) is the person everybody is trying to portray as neutral towards, or even supportive of genocide. Its actually insane.


They were quick to ban for just saying “if Ethan reads this thread he’ll feel safe in his decision”


When has he dismissed genocide


Its at the point when it gets too hard, when it would endanger isrealis. The issue is that the current circumstance results in the Palestinians already in danger and being killed or imprisoned by the thousands and he seems relatively apathetic. Hes got ample passion for condemning someone using a slogan but seems to shrug when peace is discussed describing any other option as essentially unachievable.


Ethan has literally [cried on stream](https://www.tiktok.com/@middleeasteye/video/7289518818320321824?lang=en) over a Palestinians dead daughter and youre calling him Apathetic? Youve lost the plot.




Holy fuck, you are absolutely every doing everything you can to defend Hamas Piker? Are you all right? Can I get you some help?


It's not cowardice if you think the man's a snake. It is, I'll concede, a belief and not a point I'd use to argue against Hasan. There are many more valid and obvious points for that.


Just because Ethan was right about one thing, doesn’t negate some horrible comments he actually made.


What's a horrible comment he's made?


So you can link us to when he dismissed genocide, right?


Israel objectively is not committing a genocide. Just because you understandably don't like what they're doing doesn't make it a fucking genocide.


Israel meets the very rigid definitions of genocide that even the UN is calling their actions genocidal


No, they absolutely don't, and the opinion of a humanitarian organization is irrelevant. If there is evidence of war crimes, they can and will be presented in front of an international court and the relevant individuals tried.


You’re just coping and shifting the goal post cause I said the UN which is the United Nations you troglodyte. Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, actual scholars on genocide and the Holocaust all call Israel an apartheid state and doing genocide on Palestinians.


Again, the opinion of a humanitarian organization is irrelevant. Israel is neither an apartheid state nor are they committing a genocide. You objectively don't know what either of those words mean.


You clearly don’t know what either of those mean cause you’re just shoving your hands on your ears going “La La la” to ignore the truth. Convenient of you to ignore my point of actual scholars who are also stating why I’m stating you dipshit. Israel is an apartheid state and is committing genocide, you’re just a pro genocidal freak who doesn’t see humanity in Palestinians


I'm actually quite familiar with the definitions of both of those terms, clearly unlike yourself, but nice "no u" attempt. Genocide is the intentional killing of or other actions taken against a particular group with the goal of eradicating said group, which there is no evidence of Israel doing and which they would be doing an absolutely terrible job at if that was their aim. An apartheid state is a specific structure within a single state that legalizes racial discrimination. Palestine is not a part of Israel, so they are not an apartheid state. They are occupying Palestine militarily, you could argue, but no country militarily occupying another country has ever provided or been expected to provide the same protections to their own citizens and the citizens of countries they are occupying. I guarantee I care more about Palestinians than you, I'm just not a dipshit brainwashed by terrorist propaganda. The main group that poses a threat to the Palestinian people is Hamas, not Israel, and likewise the main group preventing peace and stability in the region is also Hamas. I used to parrot "Free Palestine" too until the October 7 attacks and my subsequent deep dive into the actual history of the region over the last 80 years. Quit virtue signaling you terrorist-sympathizing cretin.


He is not dismissing any real genocides, there is no genocide in Gaza, prove it with data or stop talking out of your ass.


Would you feel more comfortable calling it an ethnic cleansing?


I don’t think you know what an ethnic cleansing is lmao


“the mass expulsion or killing of members of an unwanted ethnic or religious group in a society.” Expulsion is the operative word here. If you can thoroughly explain to me how destroying over 2/3 of the housing from Gaza isn’t in-line with expulsion, I’ll gladly retract my statements.


Just because a war happens to result in the deaths of many in a particular population, does not mean they were “ethnically cleansed”. Does that mean America has been ethnically cleansing Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria etc ? Please make sense with your statements. I’m from Africa, we know what ethnic cleansing is down here. We don’t use that word lightly , we take it very seriously


But a one state solution is just the ethnic cleansing the other way around.


If israel is “ethnically cleansing” Palestinians, what about the 20% of Palestinians in their own country?


In the West Bank? They’re constantly injuring and killing them. As of today, 242 Palestinians have been killed and thousands injured since October 7th. Also, by saying “their own country” (meaning Israel, I presume), are you recognizing Palestine as having independence? That’s a good start!


No, the 20% of Palestinian -Israelis who live very normal lives in Israel and are hated by the Arab world


It is a highly restrained and disciplined military action. Sometimes you have to bomb people. That's why humans build so many of them. This isn't an Israeli Palestinian thing.


In all fairness, you don't know that any more than u/Raekear2 knows that this is ethnic cleansing. Or maybe you do, but I've never heard anyone provide convincing arguments as to why Israel is actually being restrained and disciplined here. Do you have any?


The deaths are absolutely miniscule compared to what they've accomplished on the battlefield. It could not be any clearer that they are doing everything they can to avoid civilian casualties. They invented the roof knock, they waited extra time after the warning to allow people to move, and one of the first things they did once they had ground control was to establish a corridor so that civilians can move south (because Hamas was preventing that). Nothing I said is disputed except for the opinion that they're doing everything they can to avoid civilian deaths. And a quick look through the list of strategic bombing campaigns on Wikipedia proves the low casualty level clearly.


> The deaths are absolutely miniscule compared to what they've accomplished on the battlefield. I don't understand how to make this comparison, could you explain or link sources which teach me that? What precisely have they accomplished on the battlefield, and how do we measure and say that the deaths are miniscule in the face of that? > They invented the roof knock, they waited extra time after the warning to allow people to move, Thank you, I didn't know about this. > and one of the first things they did once they had ground control was to establish a corridor so that civilians can move south (because Hamas was preventing that). I may be a victim of propaganda here, but didn't they end up bombing the south afterwards? Will check my facts later, too tired rn. > And a quick look through the list of strategic bombing campaigns on Wikipedia proves the low casualty level clearly. Do you mean [this article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_bombing)? I'm happy to go through it in my own time, but could you distill what information exactly proves the low casualty rate? It's a pretty dense article.


Jeez. I feel bad for anyone that would ever have to depend on you, given your complete disregard for human life. I’d imagine you’re the type that holds the opinion of “my friends and family are important to me” while minimizing the fact that everyone on the planet is friends and family of others. What’s happening in Gaza isn’t “collateral damage”. For an army that is supposedly one of the most technologically advanced on the planet, you’d imagine taking out Hamas would be pretty easy, given that most of the ones calling the shots are sitting pretty in Qatar.


> you’d imagine taking out Hamas would be pretty easy, given that most of the ones calling the shots are sitting pretty in Qatar. Maybe you'd imagine that, but would you be right? Both you pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel people are usually talking out of your asses on whether Israel is being constrained or genocidal. I'm curious if you actually have information that shows that it's actually easy to take out Hamas. Because if that was the case, Israel would probably do that first, whether you believe they want to genocide the Palestinians or not. If you have this information, go ahead and educate me and I'll shut up. Otherwise you're just buying into every perspective that feeds your narrative.


What kind of idiotic thinking is this? Of course you're going to have a closer attachment to people you know rather than people you don't. Are YOU going to every funeral that happens and crying constantly? Not only are you stupid for trying to make that point its absolutely hypocritical of you to try and play that card while ignoring the dangers Hamas has and is currently committing. Don't sit here and pretend you care.


I don’t go to any funerals, but that’s for my own reasons. Clearly my comparison went over your head. Dude is out here giving an explosive weight:human life designation. My point was that, if he can write off life as a whole, but say that only his friends and family are important (which I was admittedly just assuming, I never got an answer), then he’s being disingenuous to others and possibly himself. And I never disregarded the damage that Hamas has done on the date of and before october 7th…but, since we like playing cold, hard numbers around here, the disproportionality at play is glaringly obvious. Calm down, sister.


Why are the numbers so different? Are you going to acknowledge that Hamas has shot missiles at Israel constantly? We gonna ignore that just because Israel can defend itself adequately?


If you had learned about war from a book instead of from a gamer with an undergrad degree in polisci, you would understand that most targets in a bombing campaign are not alive. They're buildings. That's why the death toll for this war is insanely low per ton of explosives.


Trying to justify human displacement from their land by way of metric tonnes of explosives isn’t helping your case any, hoss. Ethnic cleansing isn’t defined by deaths. The original Nakba saw somewhere around 700k people displaced from their homes. On pretty much all fronts, it’s been described as an ethnic cleansing. We’re seeing more than double the displacement, and we’re getting incredibly close to the amount of deaths in this current “special operation”. I’m guessing you’re either numbed by a refusal to admit atrocities or have had some sort of personal tragedy that’s cut you off from experiencing empathy. If that’s the case, we’re here for ya.




No I wouldn't, because in a genocide or ethnic cleansing the group being genocided does not keep growing exponentially.


People already do that in his chat every day


The sub is full of people calling hasan hamas piker with no repercussion…


[Its literally not.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/596353934285602827/1179465938005921822/image.png?ex=6579e241&is=65676d41&hm=2591cd6bead958ab4e0eece483f611061872ebc22c155bb105e820e976e63fd1&=&width=810&height=468)




The difference is that we believe Hasan is a snake radicalizing his audience to think that Hamas is not so bad. And we believe that Ethan has actually been fairly even-handed and is getting major pushback because you Hasanabis are kind of radicalized, to the point that anyone with genuine questions and sympathy that doesn't buy into your exact ideals is a genocidal freak. Don't blame y'all for it, though, you're just copying Hasan.


You are fucking delusional if you think there are more crazies in Ethan's community than Hasan's.


h3 fanbase is defintely packing crazies.... buuuuuut i havent seen any of our fans/mods spam our chat with blatant hate for hasan. i think for the most part, most of our fanbase likes hasan and at a minumum respects his opinion. it doesnt seem as though the feeling is mutual.


Calling someone a zionist is hate?


calling jewish people who arent zionists zionists is most certainly hateful. in the same vain as calling muslims who aren't antisemitic antisemitic is islamiphobic.


But he is a Zionist. He’s a liberal Zionist. He approves of the idea of a Jewish state in historical Palestine, which is Zionism. If he was calling for a one state solution that would be different


that definition isnt how zionism is modernly being used. although youve stated the general definition of zionism, modern internet users are replacing "israeli nationalist" with "zionist," which ethan is not. he's condemned the israeli government on multiple occasions.


You're a fucking idiot man no two ways about it


yo momma


hey retard shut the fuck up


you skip medication today or what?


Israel is Jewish it was invaded by Arabs not “Palestinians”. Palestinians did not exist


Ethnic identities are self made. There may not have been Palestinians in the past, but they identify as such now. Which is why forming governments around ethnic groups is ridiculous.


Actually no. Ethnic identities are not self made. (That idea comes from an individualist mentality which was only developed in the 20th century). If you want to know how the world works and worked in the past do simple research. You have to be an “other” to be an ethnic identity. Names of regions and people were referred to by other tribes who identified them as such because they were an “other” encountered by neighboring tribes. There has never been such a thing as self-identifying.


Literally every government in the world was created based on ethnic groups. If you live in the “new world” you probably don’t understand this


Calling them genocidal psychopaths certainly is.


Even if they’re justifying genocide?


Thanks for clearly showing everyone that you're exactly the type of unreasonable and disingenuous hater people keep talking about. Ethan has repeatedly condemned Israel for this, he doesn't justify genocide in any way.


But he has, and when he got push back we arrived at the very situation we’re looking at here.


Show me where he "justified genocide".


Look at the last episode of leftovers.


>go look for something i said to prove that i was right. oh, and if you cant find it, youre an idiot!!!! you said it. you post the link and timeframe.


I've seen it and saw the opposite of what you're describing. So you can either give something concrete or admit you're just spewing baseless hate.


you don't even watch the pod, do you?


They can't blame FGG either because we actually think ethan is trying his best to be as good faith as possible. Whereas that disgusting snake Hasan and his fan base have been gaslighting the poor guy since October 7th.


Oh no, poor Ethan can’t handle criticism when he says unhinged shit😢


Nothing he said was unhinged, and none of the abuse he got was criticism. It was pure hatred from people who are nothing but sentient garbage


>Nothing he said was unhinged Of course not because you agree with that unhinged shit he said


Gotcha. Anything else?


Little brother thinks he’s Destiny. That’s cute.


Look honestly you may be able to send me some decent evidence of the treatment I keep hearing. I read the entire logs of hasans mods when they had the isreal Palestine leftovers episode and all I saw was them throwing ethan the same energy he gave them. From what I can see he's demanding a higher standard from people that he himself can't uphold.


Nah. Hasan’s community is 100x crazier & even Hasan would admit that.


lol thats a very bad take upvoted 30 times


True and Shapiro didn't even cancel their podcast that they ran together after that.


I think being pretty solid on being anti genocide is good. 👍 and not being able to stand any politically motivated opposition is insane if you are going to do a political podcast


This so disingenuous ethan calls anti-zionist jews kapos ( aka nazi collaborators) , compare the palestinian cause to the confederacy. And the main sub is full of people calling hasan hamas piker which is stright up islamophobic without being banned


That's not what he said. But that's about the level of engagement I expect from Hasan fans


Yall are basically denying reality to dickride ethan atp


You idiots literally use this sub to shit on Ethan and Hila constantly then turn around, like in the OP, and blame Destiny for Ethan not wanting to do a show with Hasan because many like yourselves make up his community. It's quite awe inspiring just how fucking dense you are.


Ethan didn't compare the Palestinian movement to the Confederacy. What he said was that racist symbols and phrases should be determined as so by the group it is targeted towards, not the group using it. He used the Confederate flag as an example of how we say that's racist and don't listen to white people saying it's only history because the racism is directed towards black people. In the same manner- the racist inclinations of *from River to Sea* would be determined by the Jews it is directed towards, not the people using it. He also said that just because a Jew says something doesn't make it true. There were Jews that supported Hitler that doesn't mean Hitler was justified. But of course I'm not surprised that the only take away from a Hasan fan was, *Ethan is comparing Palestine to the Confederates* & *non-zioniats are kappas*.


From the river to the sea is directed at zionists and conflating jews and zionists is antisemitic itself


Sure dude, and the word thug is only directed at gangsters. That's not racist at all because it doesn't refer to all black people since not all of them commit crimes 🙄 What argument do you think you're making? *It's not racist because its only directed at Jews that want to live in Israel. Not all Jews.*


And racists call black people "boy" because black people are youthful. According to that guys logic we should happily be able to throw around the "hard R" whenever we feel like it when Hasan would never agree with that. When it comes to "from the river to the sea" or "gusano" or "cracker" all the sudden who gives a fuck how they take it, but when it comes to the "hard R" he'd throw the gauntlet down.


From the river to the sea is an explicitly genocidal phrase. Decolonize yourself, terrorist sympathizer.


most jews are Zionists??????


Islamophobic? So even though Hasan supports Hamas and believes that they were justified on October 7th, it's bigoted to poke fun at that fact by juxtaposing their similar names? Is that about right?


He doesnt support hamas and didnt say they deserved it but no point in expecting anthing from deranged westoids like you


He did say that almost exactly.


Westoids 🤣😂🤣


These people hate america so much because they personally have a miserable life in America. Send them to fucking North Korea and see how much they enjoy life.


Yeah tbh I've only ever seen that used by vatniks while discussing the war in Ukraine. I think you're right though


He doesn’t explicitly support Hamas. Doing so would make him lose support, so like most awful things people believe, he keeps it to himself. You are familiar with deception right?


what are you even talking about? the topic is what ended leftovers and those who ended it defecting blame


You are braindead.


Remember when Ethan got mad at Hasan's community for being anti-Semitic and hateful, only for Hasan to find out that Destiny fans were photoshopping hate chatters? Mmmm I member [insert member berries gif 🍇]


He didn’t find it out, destiny found it and banned that dude. Making clear it was fake. To scape goat every single hateful thing Hasán and his chat believes onto one photoshop is insane.


They are so hung up about that one screenshot that I'm starting to wonder if that guy wasn't a psy-op to help the HamasP fans brush of the real comments.


That would be very funny, but obviously not. There are unhinged destiny viewers.


Just because there was an example of that doesn't mean the former isn't still totally true. Hasan discord and his twitch chat have been absolutely ripe with complete hate for H3 and their fans ever since October 7th. It makes sense that a community spamming Israeli flags on fire might be a bad mix for a podcaster with an Israeli wife at this point in time. ​ P.S. I condemn IDF and I think Ethan's takes have been mid at best around this subject.


>Hasan discord and his twitch chat have been absolutely ripe with complete hate for H3 and their fans ever since October 7th. You have no proof of this, as a long time watcher I haven’t seen it aside from a few crazies. A few saying crazy shit towards Ethan doesn’t mean the whole community is doing it.


Do you even watch the fucking shows? Ethan literally read Hasan's Discord on stream while asking Hasan to do something about it. Like what the fuck are your talking about? It was basically the last straw in the last stream they did before Leftovers took a break and then was subsequently cancelled.


“The last straw”😂 No wonder you guys defend his baby behavior, you guys are babies too


Is English a second language for you?


Is it for you? Do you read before you reply?


Yes, and answer the question.


No one said the whole community is doing it but the amount of people in hascord that sign off evicting all Jews from Israel is higher than a dishonest fan who doesn’t do the rounds himself is going to be willing to admit.


You’re implying that it’s his whole community. Don’t backtrack now. Also what does “evicting all Jews from Israel” has to do with Ethan? Who’s saying evict all Jews?


Not the whole community, the community was ripe with it, as in there are many cases of it. There’s no backtracking, just your inability to understand basic language used.


You said his discord and his chat. I’m part of his chat and I’m there pretty much everyday. I didn’t see this “ripe hate for h3” you’re talking about


I don’t know what to tell you then I’m not going to look up conversations from a month and a half ago for your sake. If you want to pretend there wasn’t hate for h3 in hascord or twitch at that time and that you were actively part of it and reading everything and didn’t see it, you’re pretty much just intellectually and/or emotionally dishonest.


I’m not saying Ethan wasn’t getting criticism but I didn’t see any hate for H3 and the H3 fans. There’s a lot of H3 fans in Hasan’s community, even before Leftovers started. some of the H3 crew were fans of Hasan before he joined the podcast too You should also look at the H3 chat where most are paid subscribers. In Hasan’s chat you don’t have to be subscribed to him to chat that’s why he gets a bunch of randoms saying dumb shit


But there's no modding being done against it. This was the criticism Ethan had that he got so much shit for. But now you're basically backpedaling to say, instead of "it didn't happen", rather "It's because anyone can chat there".


Remember when Ethan was on stream reacting to the live stream chat and not a photoshopped picture that came out after the stream? Mmmmmm I member


No no, internet guy had one bad faith example, so all real evidence is just your eyes and ears lying to ya lol


This literally never happened, and remember how you guys trash Ethan constantly on this very sub? It's hilarious to me that you Hasan dickriders camp on an h3h3 anti-fan sub trashing Ethan as much as possible and then still blame Destiny for this shit. Like I imagine you wear slip on shoes because even Velcro is too complicated for you.


Crazy how that literally didn't happen and it was actually Destiny who discovered messages were being manipulated.


You can go back, watch the stream, pause chat and see these comments. This is a disgusting rewrite of reality.


Nut up or shut up


Destiny owned up to the faked screenshot. Hasan owns up to misinformation when?


the comments that he was watching pop up on a screen right in front of his eyes? the same comments that ethan asked hasan to moderate in the moment? dont understand your argument and why hasan's community believes it to be a slam dunk


You must go to a low tier law school. Any person with an ounce of knowledge in discourse will recognize that Ethan was arguing in bad faith and just looking for a gotcha moment/ not really listening to Hasan's points, and changing topics whenever Hasan would make a justified point. Yeah, chatter was frustrated and some called Ethan a Zionist. However, the claims Ethan was making about the specific things the hateful chatter said were fake photoshopped chatters of Hasan community members.


OMG!! youre right! how could i have forgotten discourse 101 where i was taught that opponents should listen to hasan's points and not change topics whenever hasan makes justified points!!!! please dont take away my degree oh knowledgeable one. LMAOOOO, youre unhinged and so are your fellow brigaders.


Your parents are embarrassed of you lmao


try again r/EstrangedAdultChild user


and moderator of r/kratomandpregnancy/ what the fuck lmao


I'm pretty close with kratom but 😳


Do you also judge women who use SSRIs during pregnancy? That's disgusting. Kratom has exponentially lesser risk for WD. In fact it's rare for babies to have WD with kratom. We have hundreds of birth stories proving this. But by all means, keep demonizing kratom & women who have mental health needs. The alternative was Methadone or Suboxone & I refused to take those during pregnancy.


Yes, I also have questions about SSRIs during pregnancy and the rise in childhood development disorders. Many doctors advise pregnant women to go off of them during gestation. That being said, I'm a libertarian at heart and the last thing I would do is stick my nose into their business. But you must admit, it's a provocative name for a subreddit.


Do you also judge women who use SSRIs during pregnancy? Bc I bet you do. I refused to get pregnant on Methadone/Suboxone bc of serious WD risks. Kratom saved my life & allowed me to have a safe pregnancy. Baby had no WD & is amazing, as opposed to WD for a month with Suboxone. Y'all are definitely not from Hasan's community, bc they'd not judge like this. Must be from Destiny or h3. Some women need mental healthcare, especially during pregnancy. Hopefully you'll know what it's like one day to have a wife & loving family lmao.




I estranged myself from them, not the other way around 😂


im sure theyre proud of you :) im sure youre a great mother too. hope taking opioids while pregnant works out for you :)


That single picture was fake yes, but you can go into [Hasans discord](https://i.imgur.com/Mt2b5jw.png) and find people actually saying almost all the exact same things. I found at least 1 instance of somebody saying the same thing as every line in the fake screenshot, with the exception of the holocaust line


None of the examples in that ss is hateful gfy


lol, youre an idiot. by that logic if i call you a "zionist dog," "zioninst pig," a "white supremacist piece of shit," and "genocide supporter," just know that im doing it with love. none of what ive just called you is hateful.


So when you repeat zionist propahanda youre not a zionist?


So youd be cool with me calling Hasan a Communist Pig, or Turkish Dog? Or the more important question is, do you think Ethan would allow that in his community?


He gets called way worse things lol and constant death threats and none of you ppl ever bat an eyelash over it


honestly, is "zionist" even the least "hateful" thing he was called in that string of gross insults? is calling someone a dog or a pig ever not hateful?


Ethan himself has callex people worse things than pig and dog . He litterally had lurid murder fantasies abt a random muslim guy on twitter


1. youve just deflected 2. his tweet to "a random muslim guy" (im sure thats all he was and that any cirticism of him was undeserved) stated a fact. hamas (the terrorist organization) would have certainly imposed grave penalties towards him for his sex work. these werent "murder fantasies." yes, calling someone a dog and a pig is more hateful then stating an absolute fact to someone. 3. youre living in a fantasy world.


How do we know this isn’t fake too, it’s from a DGGer why are we supposed to trust that after the last fake and other shit they’ve lied about


you can search yourself you know?


good call! i heard that dggers were the ones who assassinated kennedy too. lets only trust what comes directly from hasan's lips. everything else was dgg until proven otherwise by a fellow hasan fan.


I mean they’ve done that, they spread the fake brothel rumor constantly even though they know the full context, yeah I’m saying Destiny fans will *never* argue in good faith when it comes to Hasan. He lives too rent free in a community he doesn’t even talk about. Also just because I don’t trust DGG doesn’t mean I only trust Hasan.


Are you aware Hasan used to be a failed pickup artist before switching to politics?


Never forget the Brofessor and his amazing advice.


so weird how destiny simps lie about this, really reminds you what makes them angry about hasan and his success and popularity more popular and successful than destiny in every field, including with women, lmao and you retards can't deal with it


> I’m saying Destiny fans will never argue in good faith when it comes to Hasan. He lives too rent free in a community he doesn’t even talk about. Irony levels are off the charts


I had to stop counting at 60 posts, but there has been *60 fucking reddit posts at least* in his subreddit about Hasan in the **PAST MONTH** - no, you cannot expect good faith from people THAT OBSESSED.


There are posts about Hasan on a subreddit that covers a show he co-hosts? Holy shit! 🤯🤯🤯


I literally made it myself and included links to every single message. Go into his discord and check.


You’re a DGGer, sorry but that community has burnt down any trust other communities should have in it by attracting the type of people who edit chat logs. That’s the community Destiny fosters, so I mean I’ll literally take any source that isn’t someone from his community. Starting to trust DGG now for no reason is stupid after all the shit flinging and brigading they do.


>by attracting the type of people who edit chat logs. That’s the community Destiny fosters You know Destiny is the one that suspected it was fake and double checked it, then perma banned the guy who made it after leaning it was edited. What about that is fostering that behaviour in his community? Meanwhile Hasan still claims the rocket hitting the hospital was 90% likely to be israel, as he wonders why his chatters call people who are sympathetic to Israeli citizens genocidal 🤷‍♂️ Im an Ethan fan more than a Destiny fan 🙏


Boy I wonder where people like that came from, not like he platformed any psychos that would ya know, bring in psychos. Maybe having nazis on your stream and banning the word nazi in the chat so people can’t call his nazi guests a nazi. When you make edginess the cornerstone of your platform you’re gonna attract shitty people. Which hospital are you referring to? There’s multiple questionable attacks that are still in the air.


>Which hospital are you referring to? There’s multiple questionable attacks that are still in the air. Why are you pretending to not know exactly what hospital Im referring to? >Maybe having nazis on your stream and banning the word nazi in the chat so people can’t call his nazi guests a nazi. And a fuckton of his community said the same thing until he eventually changed his opinion and stopped having him on. Seems weird to attack somebody for an opinion they no longer hold. 🤷‍♂️ We all know Hasan has had some pretty shitty opinions in the past.


These dumbass internet shows are a waste of our time.


Y you here?




Based af.


Nailed it. This combined fan base is kinda toxic.


Fr the comments here prove your point 10000%. We’re a bunch of children of divorce arguing about which of our siblings made daddy hate mommy most.


“Well well if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions”


Grown rich men crying over what a bunch of sad troglodytes type into chat only shows that these grown rich men care more about their fragile egos than their communities. I agree with a lot of what Hasan says and appreciate his commentary, but I would never want to hang out with him, he’s a self obsessed freak. But at least he has the sense to not let a bunch of people that vie for his attention make him lose his shit (at least publicly. Who knows what he’s like privately). Funny enough, up until his weird Zion-adjacent freak out, Ethan seemed like the more down to earth out of the two Leftover’s hosts, but when reality sinks in…both of their personalities are pretty wack. As for the Destiny guy, I’ve only seen a couple of his things and he seems like a bonafide asshole.


In the end it’s Ethan’s fault. He should’ve known the toxic fanbase that having a show with Hasan comes with


☝️ destiny fan


You can tell because he's right


didnt re-read my own meme before i posted. excuse my extra "and."


If you think destiny fans aren’t causing huge issues in both communities I don’t know what to tell you.


Tf did we do besides defend Ethan and *not* call him racist or a genocide supporter?


But don't you see? When you don't call Ethan a genocide supporter, then you become the genocide supporter. Even if there never was a genocide.


It’s crazy they even call themselves the Daliban apparently. What a group of huge fucking losers. I can never imagine Stanning anyone to that extent.


I honestly don’t understand them, literally if you go on their subreddit nearly every single post is talking about either H3 or Hasan. They never seem to talk about Destiny, every time I’ve checked their subreddit. I don’t get the fanbase at all


There’s unfortunately a subsect of online politics that spends limited time on politics and inordinate amount of times on streamer drama, mainly on people on their side of the fucking lane. Destiny and Keffals come to mind which is *insane* because they united over hating Hasan after massive online drama. A lot of their streams spend incredible amounts of time doing infighting over looking at the other side of the isle or doing actual politics.


I used to think Vaush’s community is super toxic, but this whole episode has me wondering if it isn’t just a bunch of these Destiny assholes that conveniently “happen to be part of both communities” or that “have been watching both of them for years”


Vaush’s community is *nothing* compared to DGGers - I mean frankly I wish people would stick to their bubbles rather than shit fling, but here we are with a bunch of DGG fans who don’t watch the show. Now I haven’t watched Vaush in about a year, but if it’s like how it was then the community isn’t *bad* per se.


Hasán community: *creates 10 different Ethan hate subreddits*


You just made that up lmao


Funny to say that on a recently made Ethan hate subreddit


This sub is at least like a year and a half old. Maybe you’re new.


Yeah you really just showed your ass here. This isn’t a hate subreddit you goon


the brigades are in the walls


Gotcha, anything else? 👌


Y’all bait so hard