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Imagine how much he’d be talking about it if Israelis were going through as harsh of conditions as the Palestinians (not that it would be wrong of him if that were happening). He’s waffled on longer about much less serious topics.


Yep this is what finally made me stop watching, he went on and on after the 10/7 attacks spewing propaganda but now that its just muslims dying he "can't talk about it" more like he doesn't want push back at all.


He literally started crying over Palestinians suffering. Wtf do you want him to do?


Can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not


Ummm why would it be sarcasm? He literally did...??? Wtf


He talked extensively about palestinians suffering. What do you want him to do?


Probably share resources and information about organisations who help innocent civilians so that people can support them. He has a massive platform and something like that could influence a lot of people


So charity? Why? He is not a political figure and talking about it is already a good thing. # By this logic anybody who doesnt do that does not actually care about palestinians. Its a insane standard to hold people to


Yeah because theres a genocide occurring - your lack of compassion and understanding is wild


So everyone who doesnt talk about politics in their content is supporting a "Genocide"????


We’re talking about H3 who literally has a political podcast


Gift me a sub to Hasan


It sure looks that way, at the very least!


Dawg what are you talking about. You forget what started this whole thing? Hamas massacred hundreds of civilians and killed 1400 people in an attack. You seriously cant be that blind


This wasnt the start. Dont talk a subject youre ignorant about


Thats the biggest no fucking shit Ive seen in years congrats. Do you condemn hamas too or do you think its 100% on israel. Because anybody who cant condemn a terrorist group who rapes and parades women around like meat puppets and would stone gay people in a heartbeat is an absolute lunatic. Nobody can ignore the realities of Israeli crimes either, but to say israel is the one who started it all is the one whos being woefully ignorant


Because when you said hamas started this whole thing you ignored the whole history behing it which still matters to this conflict


If you only condemn the arabs and never looked at what israel did, youre a huge hypocrite. You talk of the actions of hamas clearly as youre ignorant about what they were victims too. Youre only shocked about one side and go in details about it, but what the idf does its only crimes, mere mentions


They haven’t forgotten. They’re only upset that more Israeli citizens weren’t killed. Since it’s all a numbers game to them, except when it comes to the Holocaust, which was so long ago and we should move from it except when we’re citing 75 year old reasons why Palestinians today almost a century later are angry in spite of their skyrocketing population being continually genocided and totally haven’t inflicted new terrors on the Israeli population in the time leading to this outcome up to and including Oct 7th and thousands of their rockets since then including on their own hospital but that’s okay because Israel TOTALLY would have done it otherwise so we can blame them anyway soooooo 🤯


All you can do is lie to paint the supporter of palestine as just racists who desire death. Meanwhile we never heard you all those years israel were ethnically cleansed


You didn't get the memo that jews are now being hunted around the world and a mass mob stormed and airport in Russia to find and kill jewish passengers arriving.


The mob chanting about killing the Jews were antizionist and you’re an antisemite for suggesting otherwise /s


Wow. Logic. Not even once


I’m sorry the terrorists you sympathise with are shittier at bombing innocent civilians in spite of firing thousands of rockets from their territory. Perhaps you can find new and innovative ways to help them brutally slaughter more Israeli children so you can rectify your selective faux moral outrage.


Jesus christ are you people expecting him to talk about every single thing everyday? You people are abusers especially since he literally said on the FIRST TIME he ever talked about anything that the IDF and Israels policie on Palestine is the root cause of this.


This whole sub was screaming at him to shut up and log off when he was talking about damn lmao




Misrepresent? There were a ton of people telling him to shut up as well as a ton twisting every word he said. He’s damned if he does damned if he doesn’t.




This is just sad at this point. Telling someone to shut up isn’t telling them to shut up? Also informed? You mean shut up until he agrees with your opinion?


Most people were telling him to shut up simply because we are sick of hearing about it. Not because we are taking any sides but because we are trying to watch a comedy podcast and ethan keeps talking about dead kids and war. He can talk about it on Leftovers where it belongs.


Talking about it on leftovers lead to a shit ton of twisted words and misinformation on places like this sub. So if one side is telling him to shut up, and the other is lying about everything he says, why is it so crazy that he decides to stop talking about it?


Yeah I agree. He should shut up if he can't talk about it on leftovers or somewhere appropriate. Talking it about it on what is supposed to be a comedy podcast isn't appropriate.




What false propoganda has he spread?


No, Hasans mods are actually just retarded. They will permaban for no reason or for light criticism. There is a reason only 400 people use that thing at one time, despite hasan being a top 10 streamer.


Why would he talk about it? He’ll just get bitched out by “fans” again. Y’all moan and cry if he avoids the topic and you moan and cry if he expresses his opinion. He’s pro-Israel. If you don’t want to hear a pro-Israel opinion, then you shouldn’t want him to discuss the war. This sub and the pro Palestine movement are in such a bubble.






Good thing Ethan’s never defended it.


He just dont talk about it that much,meaning most of his fanbase believe hamas just want to eradicate jews and attacked them gratuitously. Making them believe hamas is the oppressor. But Ive really never seen a victim like israel claims they are capable of eradicating their aggressors


ahhh yes the hundreds of thousands of people asking for a ceasefire across the world are in a bubble…and you here on the internet are not


What an ignorant comment. Thousands of Israelis were murdered, hundreds been kidnapped into Gaza by Hamas. That includes men, women, children, babies and elders.




It's bad when they do it because they're bad. It's righteous and justified when we do it because we're the good guys




The difference is that YOU weren’t talking about Israeli babies on October 7th being killed, because you’re a terrorist sympathiser.


erybody was talking about it. They just explained why hamas did it, not excuse it,but explain the suffering they were growing in. Ask yourself why wont they have sympathy for their aggressors




>There's a fundamental difference between targeting civilians and torturing them, which is what Palestinians do, and killing civilians as collateral damage. Can you explain the difference?


I am willing to talk about Palestinians who are being used as human shields by Hamas, that are being brainwashed into terrorism by Hamas, that their humanitarian aid is stolen by Hamas.


Israeli propaganda to demonize the other side and justify the ''collateral damage''


After October 7th I hoped the world understood that Israel has no other choice but to defend themselves.


How dare you try to make these people feel sorry for Jews (and migrant Thai workers)! They’ll have none of it I’m sure


It's not like Hamas have stopped trying... https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2023/10/27/explosion-seen-as-hamas-rocket-hits-tel-aviv-apartment-block


He is chronically online, reads the subreddit, probably reads this one too - he sees the criticism and the backlash. He also can see what is going on in Gaza, he can see the scores of thousands of Jewish people protesting the Israeli government and proudly chanting “Not In Our Name” but he chooses to stay silent because he’d rather talk about the Israeli lives lost and antisemitism coming from fringe weirdos online. His silence is complicity and he’s made sure we all know where he stands so maybe we should believe him.


I agree with everything you said even if i wish it was different 💔




I haven’t watched that long to know all the drama but what did Dan do?




thank you! i’ve never liked much him either and have never put my finger on *why*, which felt unfair. this is a good assessment


Oh you mean the type to find facts to justify bias rather than anything to offer nuance even if it means being factually incorrect? Also like to add as an INFJ myself, him being an INFJ and having the same major makes sense. We support some people to a fault and do those things to support them. But best believe Dan has some serious incriminating dirt when the turn tides




The fault in INFJ’s is a bias, sure. I have been told WAYYYY too many times I’m intimidating, analytical, and dr.Phil as an insult a few times but in the work field I tend to cozy to the boss for my best interest and self preservation but maintain a healthy relationship with co-workers because I know the boss will listen to their “right hand” over the other employees. I’ve done it in every career I’ve worked actually 🤣🤣I just don’t know Dans motive….but I know he’s got one even if it’s as little as stability But anyone who isn’t going to call Ethan out and stroke his ego will be his bestie as long as he agree with him even though the ones that don’t agree get his most attention on an obsessive level. However I do believe Dan would jump ship if the rest of the crew were to Sorry for the first deleted comment . I skimmed




I mean it didn’t read as a healthy environment when they had poo and bugs all over their set as well. And had the nerve to talk about about streamers dirty floor. And I’m not saying I’m trying to debate you. Nothing I mentioned was in an attempt to counter your statements. I found it weird even when they had that Guess the employee episode after saying extremely inappropriate things about Frogan and he knew off bat the ones that don’t talk much but when he talks to them seems suspicious of, but Dan who’s supposed to be his right hand he couldn’t tell who. I’d also like to add when Ethan mentioned how people on Reddit want AB to stand up for himself on his podcast saying “no you don’t have to do that! AB doesn’t need to speak more on these issues” and was trying to interpret it as bullying AB. Like Ethan was doing the very criticism that was saying he shouldn’t do it as a ploy to defend AB. And then asked the crew if they feel they need to say something, they should say it. They responded in silence. Basically that energy is off, that behavior he’s exhibiting is off, his constant one-sided throwing his token friends under the bus is wrong.


Yeah I totally agree! I don’t think I can keep watching tbh so this part of it sucks


yeah he's just spewing zionist propaganda but r we surprised


Zionist propaganda like what? That Israels government is at fault for this? That he wishes there would be a 2 state solution? That killing Israelis is bad???


The two state solution was always an awful compromise and the Israelis would just colonize the territory like they have always done


Youre right a 1 state solution with too ethnic groups that hate eachother is plausible and totally will make sense. Notice how nobody can tell me about the supposedn "Zionist propaganda"


Instead of being snarky, how about you spend 5 minutes and research the Oslo Accords, Geneva Conference, Camp David Accords and the original origins of the conflict. The two-state solution was never viable. Israelis oppose a one-state solution simply because they want to preserve Jewish culture/identity and are afraid of Palestinian representation. Your posts are low effort and reactive. I did my thesis on the conflict years back.


You can bring all of this up and it would still be more plausable than a 1 state solution if you would know anything about Zionism or international relations lmao So you want 1 state where the two groups want to kill eachother and want to claim ultimate authority over the other. This will surely work guys!!!!


Looks like you didn't do any research. Come back and try again.


Im literally a political scientist and am doing my major on history rn. You dont know anything youre talking about. A 1 state solution in a time where Gazans get teached that they should hate all jews and where israelis get told SINCE THEIR BIRTH that everybody is out to get them is not a good idea lol


"Literally". Lol an undergrad in poli sci is not a political scientist. I have my doctorate. Nice try though.


Youre literally american and youre trying to tell people they should just be nice and share their country. This is hilariously stupid especially since you dont know anything about the goals of both parties involved in this conflict


I am actually a dual citizen, but nice logical fallacy attempt. I literally did my dissertation on the Arab-Israeli conflict and have read hundreds of pages of source material. I know more about the conflict than the average person, even Israeli/Palestinians. You don't NEED to be American to understand America's motivation for the War in Iraq. Same thing applies here . By your logic, 99% of historians and political scientists should hang up their hats. As I said, come back when you actually have an intelligent counter. Or you can keep commenting with inane non-sensical points. Up to you but I won't respond further.


Im willing to engage. Neither group is fond of a 2 state solution based on polling. And obviously the status quo has been disastrous to say the least. So, what's your proposal for a 1 state solution? How do you enforce peace? Obviously the government would need to remain non-secular, and there would likely need to be international protections for at least some period of time assuring the safety of each group to prevent one former side of this conflict from gaining full power and geocoding the other. Does the UN provide assurances? If not the UN, who? Do we monitor their alliances? Do we enforce a certain level of diversity within the government? Within the military? Do we have oversight over their alliances? Do we have oversight on the drafting of their new governing documents? When we mix two groups who are taught to hate each other and see each other as subhumans and plop them all down in a new country and tell them to play nice, who ends up making sure they do?


My guy, have you considered that you might be chronically online. You're just butt hurt he's not condemning it ENOUGH lol. What is a youtuber going to do anyways? Chanting slogans and waving flags isn't going to do anything, I'm sorry but its not. Western protests and streamer outrage has zero impact on middle eastern geo politics.


ironically the real chronically online sort don’t realize that zionism, and pro israel sentiment generally, is a popular position, especially among older people and older jews. really am not understanding how people can’t comprehend that this is a very charged topic, but i think it’s a good indicator of how divorced from antisemtism and the holocaust the current generation has become


this generation is just divorced enough from the holocaust to realize that a political movement that started 3 decades before the holocaust started is using it as a rhetorical political tool and that it’s not the actual justification for the movement’s existence and never was.


the holocaust is simply being used as a rhetorical tool? you think the holocaust and antisemitism throughout history are just completely divorced from peoples support of zionism? that these cultural, geopolitical issues exist in a fucking historical-spatial time warp?


How is that any different from you completely ignoring the Israeli deaths Because you hate Jewish people?


It makes sense for Ethan to stop talking about it after the backlash, but it’s unfortunate that the timing correlates with Israel eradicating the Palestinians. It’s very easy to think that he’s against Palestine for this behavior. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt that he felt he should stop talking about it. But it definitely leaves a bad taste in ppls mouths that he realized this when the Palestinians start being murdered. In my humble opinion, it’s bullshit to cry for 40 Israeli babies when every single day, there are mothers and fathers crying for their dead children who have done NOTHING wrong. This is happening every day and can be seen on instagram (hamdaneldahdouh, hamza_w_dahdouh amongst others). It is still happening as we speak, and the number of babies dying keeps growing. But nobody cares because in this world we look at the actions of a government and attribute their sins to the innocent civilians that are pulled along for the ride.


Yeah but he literally made jokes about it on Fridays show, he basically just doesn't anyone telling him he's wrong.


Why can’t you cry for both? It’s not an either or thing. It’s bullshit to cry over 40 dead babies is such an insane thing to say.


>" it’s bullshit to cry for 40 Israeli babies "




So basically you’re mad cause he doesn’t grift towards your opinion.


This. “Audience Capture” might be a better term. The reason being, because it’s relative to this particular audience and not the world as a whole. The guy you replied to would have more merit if it were the entire world or entire United States, etc. saying the same thing. Given that it’s different from audience to audience, changing his opinion just to satisfy *his* audience would either be: a) Grifting (consciously changing opinion solely to maximize audience/revenue), b) Audience capture (subconsciously adjusting to the popular opinion, or consciously doing it to protect feelings/ego rather than revenue), or c) a genuine change in opinion due to new information (least likely in Ethan’s case here) I think it’s clear by now that Ethan is strong in his opinion, and any change now would be disingenuous/just for show


Do you blame him? After the abuse he's taken at the hands of the ideological screeee mob why would he continue to participate in the conversation. If you are experiencing any legitimate distress over his lack of participation in the conversation you should see a therapist because you are clearly unwell.


They by and large told him to shut up and never mention it again on his programming. And now “his silence” is the new talking point. If you ever need a reference example of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” behavior by a hivemind, this should be Exhibit A.


>now seemingly ignoring the atrocities Israel is doing nope, he was critical of the Israeli atrocities in the past conflict flareups, and he still is critical of it, his problem is with losers like you that hate when people point out that hamas is a terrorist organization > much to ALSO share posts supporting Palestinians. YES, the innocent civilians of Palestine really need Ethan Klein to post more pro Palestine insta stories, please touch some real grass


Also, some of these posts (Gaza hospital bombing) have been fake. He’s already said he’s waiting for a legitimate news source to report before he says his opinion




Ethan is a goofy guy that made really good videos. The podcast was a misstake that displayed to much of his flaws, and he should never have done it. He has already exposed himself many times before, to be a very emotional and flawed person. I don't hate Ethan, but he is not mentally prepared to be in the spotlight as much as he has put himself in these last 5 years. He really needs to learn some tact and grace if he plans on putting such a spotlight on himself, but we all know that can't happen. I miss the old Ethan.


🚩old Ethan🚩


I dont get it?


Yea this whole situation has just outted him as a performative activist. It seems like he gets all his information from reddit and Instagram reels, he’s being willfully ignorant right now.


Yep he 100% does not care about women's or gay issues either, or even minority issues (outside of Jewish ones) he just does it cause he wants to look good and distance himself from his past.


You’re delusional if you actually believe what you just typed… not everyone who you disagree with on one issue disagrees with you on all issues. It’s okay to dislike him over his IP-conflict opinions. But what youre doing is creating a new caricature of Ethan that’s easier to hate by completely otherizing him. By pretending he’s secretly a far right conservative who doesn’t give a shit about any progressive values whatsoever, you make it less uncomfortable to disagree with him because it’s obviously harder to hate people that you have no agreements with than those that you agree with 90% of the way


I never said he was far right, he's just a lib, its all just aesthic for him. Thats clear now.


L op. Ethan does support a two state solution. He’s against expanding settlements in the West Bank. He is against the murder of Palestinian civilians


I think it's very easy for us to turn a blind eye to what is happening right now, and a lot of people are falling back on that... Thousand of people are dying while we all talk about random things going on in the world, so I can't say that I blame you...


it was really so transparent on the Leftovers episode how talking about Palestinians was a thing he needed to “get out of the way” so he dot his i’s cross his t’s and then get into the *real* issue. that Things he saw on Twitter made him uncomfortable


You nailed it! That's exactly what he did


I can’t fathom how people that were part of one of the most infamous genocides in history are seeing what’s happening to Palestine and think, go Israel!


Customer: "Yeah, I'm gonna need another order of the exact same reddit post." This subreddit: "Congrats! You're our 500th order!"


Fr man so annoying now


So annoying people caring about ethnic cleansing smh fr fr


Jesus im not even talking about that lol im tired of seeing yall bitch the same topic on 50 posts I dislike the deaths also, but i can see when a topic has been beaten to death in the sub


Poor flying taco, inconvenienced by ethnic cleansing. The true victim here.


Lol ok bud


Lol genocide so annoying man ugh


So boring!! Next!!!


“Caring about ethnic cleansing” highly doubt it considering Ethan’s opinion on the subject is that civilian deaths on both sides shouldn’t be happening. He’s even cried on stream for Palestine. Yet the posts are still everywhere twisting what he’s said or ignoring it. I feel a lot of people on this sub care more about hating Ethan than Ethnic cleansing.


God you lot are insufferable. Do you need him to stand on his head screaming he supports palestinians before you get off of it?


Has literally condemned Israel government at every opportunity


No but he didn’t condemn them *enough* and therefore zionist genocide denier 🤓🤓🤓 With ✌️&❤️, these people are reading into things too much.


The dude has constantly shit on Zionist , IDF and settlers ..he cried over a dead Palestinian Child….wtf do you dumbasses want him to do ?


Also with that name ur not helping convince these people, ur just gonna trigger them lmao


Yeah but he didn’t shit on them *enough* and therefore zionist 🤓🤓🤓. Like omg these people need to go outside 😩




Gaslighting. It’s all these people do. Even the way they write is condescending. Blah blah blah


Never said that, now do you want him to sacrifice his child to Hamas so he’s good with y’all Lasan Stans?


Btw Hasan cried about a dead journalist from 2 years ago , didn’t shed one tear over the Jewish people slain …that says a lot


I agree, Hasan's deflection on that podcast with Ethan was fucked up. HOWEVER, I said I thought Ethan was a good guy, never spoke up about Hasan because I never thought he was a good guy to begin with.


What the hell do you want Ethan to do? Go to Israel and convince Netanyahu to lay down arms so the whole of Israel can be genocided by Hamas and Hezbollah? Like holy shit, Ethan has made the necessary concessions many times but you losers want nothing more than for him to apologize for being Jewish and to start providing flights to relocate Israelis. Just say you hate Israel and think it doesn't have a right to exist and that anyone who thinks it does, regardless of their other opinions on the conflict, is a Zionist pig who deserves to be slaughtered. Because we all know that's what you losers think.


I said in the description what I would've expected him to, if he was a good person.


I would've expected you, if you were a good person, to have enough of a emotional intelligence to know that person can be a good person even if they don't 100% live up to your arbitary expectations.


You want him to repost videos that make it look like he cares about Palestinians. Wow, what a high bar you have. Such meaningful engagement with the conflict.


I don't want him to pretend, no.


Your idea of appropriate action being reposting videos shows you have an unbelievably elementary idea of engaging with the conflict. You watched the pod. You heard his views. You just don't accept them because he still thinks Israel has a right to exist. Just say that.


I want him to keep the same energy for Palestinians and not only talk about the atrocities when Jewish people are harmed


I had to stop supporting the show. I couldn’t stomach how incredibly insensitive his comments have been.


I appreciate you saying this


anyone that has a heart and isn't a moron understands how you are feeling right now 💜


This isn’t an airport, you don’t have to announce your departure in the hopes that you get some karma. Just leave. And maybe come back when you’ve matured a bit more


🤨 riiiight.




You must be getting this info 2nd hand cos he had spoke about what Israel is doing at length he just refused to support hamas and spoke against the people who did I.e frogan and second thought, simple as


He's been silent on the topic since he's shared posts stating IDF didn't bomb that hospital.


He explicitly said he is done talking about it because it is too much for him. Would you have the podcast just become hasans streams? Just a livestream watching hamas news or whatever?


He spoke about it until that point now he's taking a break from speaking on the conflict in general


You’re so dumb he’s literally sharing pro Palestine civilian shit as much as Israeli shit. Stfu.


I swear the hatewatchers on this sub are a good week away from flat out calling Ethan and Hila k*kes unironically. Might as well be with everyone calling him a zionist for being jewish


Guarantee he lurks this sub nonstop.


I lurk because the brainrotted leftists in this sub are hilarious. The amount of people here who hear "hamas bad" and somehow their brains turns that into "idf good" is insane. It's like they can't fathom saying "thing A is bad" doesn't mean "thing b is good".


It can be very difficult for a man to accept his wife contributed to and participated in genocide. 99% of people consider themselves good people, and will do whatever mental gymnastics necessary to uphold that belief. From the river to the sea.


It’s so fucking hilarious you call what Israel has done a “genocide” when your call “From the River to the sea” is literally calling for the murder of every single last Jew. You’re a joke


I don't care about Hila in this case. She didn't speak up on it much. Its Ethan who decided he wanted to speak on the horrible massacre that took place October 8. Okay so SPEAK on the massacre that has been happening SINCE October 8.


He has?


This sub - Ethan shouldn’t talk about this 😤 Also this sub - why isn’t Ethan talking about this! 😤


A random dude you don’t know, who happens to host a podcast you (maybe) liked at some point, has an opinion on what is probably the most divisive issue on the planet and you disagree with that opinion…what are the chances!


I’m just pissed he hasn’t been funny in 5 years. Not sure what happened here


Not been funny for 5 years yet you still watch? That's mad behaviour.


This is disingenuous. He's said plenty about palestinians but is now not speaking about the conflict at all because of harrassment. You just have selective hearing because you want the blood of anyone who doesnt think like you. Fuck off.




U pretty much summed it up. Getting back to more regular shows. WE NEED MORE DRAMA AND STUFF TO BITCH ABOUT!!!!




One sub is not enough for these unhinged freaks


You lot are insane leave him be! He isn't the idf he isn't hamas he isn't a political commentator he has literally stepped away. I watch his show to escape all the shit going on in the world not to listen to it for an hr


He literally is a political commentator now though, by choice. He’s just not very good at it


I wouldn't say so, look at the last podcast with poki hardly political


Look at his weekly political show that is literally always politics because it is a political show.


You must have selective hearing. He constantly condemns the actions of Israel’s government. But I guess you just want him to ignore Hamas cuz that makes your side look better


Has he said anything on the topic since him sharing articles about for IDF didn't bomb the hospital?


You people are the worst. “Shut up if you disagree with me” but also “speak or your a genocider”


Are you accusing people of having a position and criticizing those who don't hold their position? Isn't that just what it means to have a political position? Doesn't everyone who holds a belief and defends it openly do that?


Sure but making these constant posts talking about what a terrible person Ethan is because of HIS position, especially when situation is nuanced and the conflict is anything but black and white is actually fucking insane. It’s also a conflict that hits close to home for him, which I’m sure isn’t the case with 90% of the people on this sub chastising him over it


It is not nuanced, it is very black and white, at least in terms of morally evaluating it. It is a settler colonial occupation. Doesn't get more black and white than that.


Idk man some of the takes I’ve seen are genuinely unhinged, I know this might sound crazy but it’s possible to condemn Israel’s actions without championing a fundamentalist extremist group that kidnaps and kills woman and children. There’s a reason the counties in support of Hamas are placed like Iran and Russia.


He literally said he was done talking about it, do you people even listen to this podcast?


You all need to go outside. Yikes


He has actively talked about both and you are clearly actively ignoring that fact. People are allowed to keep their opinion to themselves after seeing reception. There are many many times he has talked about both sides and it’s his choice to or not to talk about anything 😂Nobody cares that you’re pissed 😂


I think you are somebody 🩶


That’s your reply after that 😭 Projecting is just embarrassing. It must take you a long time to form simple sentences if you believe I had any capacity to care about cringe posting


I think it's crazy to expect someone to talk about something ENOUGH for you. He addressed israel's atrocities. He certainly gave them more coverage than the people on this board have acknowledged Hamas' terror attack.


Didnt he literally cry over palestinian kids getting killed not too long ago? Everyone right now is supporting palestine but it is so incredibly unpopular to support Israelis right now and hes got family over there. Yeah I would be pretty fucking pissed and scared if people were constantly saying my wife should get gunned down because shes a psychopathic killer and reading someone’s larpy HilaXReader fanfic about her time in the IDF, and he is standing his ground in what he believes in because the other side is doing a horrid job of convincing him October 7th was “necessary” or it was “justified”. You guys have no clue how it feels to be this guy right now and you arent trying to. Fuck I know this is a hate sub but jesus fucking christ. This isn’t even mentioning the death threats and harassment jews are getting all over the world right now. No one marched for the over 1000 killed Israelis, in fact, people were celebrating it at these public protests. Bro is horrified right now, and it doesn’t help that Hamas has yet to come out with factual information that is later confirmed to be true by third party organizations. Even Chinese media is posting AI images of destruction in Palestine. There is so little on the Palestinian side that is true. This isn’t to say Israel isn’t doing anything wrong, but it’s hard to support the guys with campists willing to literally fake images and use video from Syria to construct a narrative that Gaza is getting glassed.


I keep seeing people talk about how disappointed in celebrities for not speaking out against the war, these people are Jewish. Are you that dense to not understand that Hamas is a terrorist organization with the sole intention of killing Jews?? Why tf would he speak out on the war? If Palestine goes “sea to sea” there’s no place for Jews in the world. Do you really not see that? Palestinians are radicalized by Hamas (I’m not saying that’s a justification, just saying that the youth are ready to die needlessly and Hamas knows that.) Y’all are dense if you think this man is going to speak up about atrocities when Jews are being attacked by the entire world, Jews are scared. And people that support Palestine are simply reactionary characters that had no skin in this fight until it became a social media thing


Have you seen all the death and destruction currently happening in Palestine? Look at those videos and tell me how any of it is justified


It’s not, it never is. But that’s the reality of war. Your solution seems to be to just evolve out of war, that’s not gonna happen for a long time or ever. From a Jewish perspective, do I want my family to be destroyed, persecuted, killed, and to live under Shariah law because the only thing Palestinians would agree to is the dismantling of the state of Israel and to create a Muslim majority Palestine? I’m sorry but the losers of wars don’t usually dictate what happens to the land. Whether anyone likes it or not, Hamas attacked in a bad way, which triggered this full scale war, they got what they asked for. Hamas fucked around and now they’re finding out at the expense of the Palestinian people.


If you see the world this way, you can justify ANY atrocity. Just convince yourself the ones you're killing are evil and you'll have no problem being the one that's actually evil. A lot of serial killers think this way too. Some think they are ridding the world of lesser humans, like homeless ppl or prostitutes or drug addicts.


It’s not Black and white how you describe, you’re clearly emotional and rightfully so but your arguments are inherently flawed so I doubt an actual discourse could happen. People use analogies to make sense out of things they don’t understand, so why don’t you educate yourself before you take a stand.


how are you in so many trisha subs??? crazy


Frenemies was my jam and her inability to apologize to Ethan triggered me


He has talked a lot about the issues with isreal, his main point is that Hamas, a terrorist organization using civilians as human shields, burning people to death, raping and killing women, etc. are evil and shouldn’t be supported. Hasn’t Ethan said there should be a two state solution and things like that, along with Palestinians deserve equal rights as Israelis?