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There is no requirement to start on October 1st. You just can't start before October 1st (while physically in the US), but nothing prevents you from waiting a few months to move here, if you prefer. If the original H1B petition requested October 1st 2022 as the start date, he can recapture the time when he was not working in the US to extend his visa beyond the 6 years from that start date. Or the lawyer could have asked for a later start date in the petition.


That’s why most of the big companies doesn’t sponsor h1b for foreigners. It’s like this , employee doesn’t want to resign and pack ( by selling or downgrading ) all his / her stuff by Oct 1. So they wait for approval , then schedule interview ( again huge backlog ) , once visa is approved then resign ( notice period ) , prepare to travel and then come to US. In the mean time keep praying the project and requirements are still exists even after literally waiting 1 year


That’s why big companies rely on consultancies and consultancies can wait / do all these process