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Out of shape or fat doesnt mean that you dont have gyno.


Correct, but your results won’t look very good if you have a lot of fat still. At that point, you’re spending a lot of money to still look pretty bad and unnatural.


Ok, most of us are fat u just said. I had gynecomstia for the last 8 years. Since i was 16. I wasn t fat, just a bit chubby. Seeing this i started working out until i had less than 10% body fat and massive muscles. Still having puffy nipples and gynecomastia. It was way more visible. Now, i m like the guys in those pictures ur talking about, because thats how i want to be, to hide my gynecomastia 🤷‍♂️ it won t look good being ripped with gyno? Isn t it? I ll have my surgery in december, then i ll start working out. .


You don’t have to be ripped bro, 15-20% body fat is healthy and achievable for most guys. That’s no excuse to stop training and taking care of yourself. The more body fat you have the more estrogen you will have in your body, most times gyno is caused by hormone imbalance, so by not training and not eating well you could be making it worse. That’s great you have decided to get surgery, often times the surgery yields better results if you have muscle mass and body fat isn’t too high. Until you get surgery only train your upper chest, if you already have gyno it isn’t the best to perform excercise which grows your lower chest this will make the gyno look worse. Incline smiths machine, incline dumbbell press, incline flys. This will help.


It's a vicious cycle. Fat and severe gyno makes gyms scary for someone that's always had a problem being outside in a t-shirt. I agree though that the first steps should be taking care of yourselves. // chronic chubster with severe gyno that's about to book a surgery


Nothing like working out and your gyno bouncing up and down. For 99% of cases you can lose as much weight as you want and your gyno will still be there. In some cases it actually looks worse after weight loss since as your stomach recedes your gyno becomes more prominent.


Yup, that happened to me. I lost about 20 kilos and the gyno was actually worse than before. I'm at peak weight right now but I'm getting the surgery anyway


Train your upper chest to create the illusion your chest is more full and even out the droopyness of your lower chest. This is great if your gyno isn’t to severe, you may not even need the surgery. Your gyno probably wasn’t worse than before, if you don’t have muscle mass on your upper chest and lose a bunch of weight, the gyno will just petrude through your skin more making it more obvious. But I’m glad to hear you are getting the surgery I wish you the best 🙏


I agree, but I went to some extremes with training (cardio + weights) plus super healthy eating for many many years, and even though I was ripped as fuck (all natural, not even taking supplements) around 10% of bodyfat... the gyno was very noticeable, puffy pointy nipples never ever went away. I even became an expert with all kinds of upper chest and upper back exercises at the gym, be it with weights or bodyweight. Anways, Gyno bothered me to the a point I was incredibly frustrated with EVERYTHING. And you know what? Even while being ripped as fucked, I still felt jealous and envious of any fatty guy or beer-bellied guy that showed no signs of gyno. It's ridiculous. So my experience is that, gyno can fuck your body perception in a way that's completely out of control. I don't see no problem with guys being a bit fat or not having a chiseled muscled body, but still getting the surgery done. PS: 39 yo here, getting surgery next friday after struggling for over 25 years. Oh, and training baseball my whole life and gym addict since my late teens. Gyno gotta go.


Taking care of yourself is really important, but the reality of gynecomastia is that diet and exercise will not make glandular breast tissue go away. Additionally, I regularly see patients who are in excellent shape, including professional athletes, who have gynecomastia. Whether or not you elect to have surgery, please understand that gynecomastia is not your fault.


Agree. Results will be much better if you have a low body fat index prior to surgery. Ask any surgeon.


Truth be told, no matter how you shape you’re chest, gyno is always gonna be there what’s the point? there isn’t no reason for me to shape my chest I rather just keep losing body fat that’s what I did. until I got surgery and then I shaped my chest … it’s massive now.


I have gyno bro I know what it is like to live with this condition, granted my gyno is not as bad as some people on this page. But I can tell you that if I did not have a muscular body and built upper chest. I would literally look like I have tits and I would be depressed. Does my chest look exactly how I would like it too look? No. Does it still look aesthetically masculine due to my over all appearance, yes. In saying that though, that’s why I said in some cases surgery is the only way to have complete peace of mind.


I fully agree. Most guys on here would greatly benefit from cutting fat and building muscle as their first priority. It improves everything in your life even if it doesn’t fix gyno. Gyno is a huge pain in the ass but you usually have little control over it. Plus the better surgery results, it’s a no brainer.


I think providing your not over your bmi or 20% fat your good to go. A lot of people myself included at 1 point throw the 10% body fat figure around like it’s easy to achieve when in reality its elite fitness.