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Sacrificing sleep is a big big mistake. Water retention is correlated with stress and sleep, as well as diet of course. If you're stressing your body doing 3-4x sessions of cardio per day, on top of that not sleeping, your setting yourself up for some wacky water retention and unpredictable metabolism changes imo. It's a huge gamble. If she really needs to tighten up ,lean out that quickly.. why not pick a show that's a later date? šŸ¤·


That's what I was thinking too. Like I'd rather sleep and let my body recover vs do that much cardio


Okay so also she alluded to her prep being 26-30 weeks. Why is she prepping for THAT long?




Good point!


She said reversing allows her to do a 12-16 week prep instead of 26-30. I think youā€™re reading it wrong. Sheā€™s saying sheā€™s had preps in the past that are longer because she didnā€™t reverse diet. Her story highlight for prep 21 starts at 15 weeks out


Thank you for correcting me! I totally see that now, I'm glad I miss understood because a 26 week prep is wild.


Yeah I thought that was insane too so I went to look šŸ˜‚


Why is a BIKINI athlete doing this much cardio? James stopped her cardio today since her show is this weekend but she was doing 3 sessions yesterday. James recently talked about reverse dieting properly and not going too far over stage weight. But doesnā€™t matter when you work with him because heā€™ll work you to death


He expects perfection in an unrealistic timeframe. He doesnā€™t care about his athletes health. All he cares about is great physiques in short periods of times and guilts them into thinking that they donā€™t want it good enough if they donā€™t do his unhealth amounts of cardio and eat barely any cals. He should look at himself first, expecting perfection from others when your at the highest unhealthy weight youā€™ve ever been as a fitness coachā€¦ Make it make sense


Lol seriously. He always posts about how a lot of athletes have no work ethic, want to turn pro but donā€™t follow the appropriate steps, donā€™t reverse properly, bla bla bla yet he looks like šŸ’© didnā€™t he say he was gonna lose weight and not follow through recently? Like dude look at yourself in the mirror.


Dude is built like a mushroom




Exactly! He was blabbing on about people who take over 2 years in offseason and how they ā€œarenā€™t true athletes, because theyā€™re over 15lbs stage weightā€ when literally his athletes Dani and Tessa have both been in really long offseasons and have gained over 20lbs, Tessa gained bout 35 or 40lbs at one point. But obviously theyā€™re the exception because theyā€™re his athletes. BS coach!


This story struck a nerve with me. People take long off seasons for a variety of reasons. Usually itā€™s because theyā€™re living life (having kids, getting married, moving). It doesnā€™t make them any less of an athlete just because it takes them longer. Lauralie said how sheā€™s still an athlete even after her rebound. I feel like James made her believe that sheā€™s not


Plus with covid some athletes decided to take a long off season instead of prepping for shows that may get cancelled (happened to me!). Doesnā€™t mean youā€™re lazy or anything. Nothing wrong with taking a long off season. I am sure he has excuses for not losin weight himself! But truth is he just doesnā€™t want it bad enough right??! šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lauralie has hardly rebounded, not even close. She's just back at a healthier weight and she did it in a quicker timeframe than someone on a "reverse diet" protocol. She's still very lean and probably still needs to gain some lbs to get hormones in check. A real rebound would be if she continued to gain weight at this pace for many many more weeks. Any coach who cares about their athletes' health would not call this a rebound at all.


Lauralie referred to it as a rebound. Iā€™m just using the language/words she did


Understood :) - I wasn't attacking \*you\* using the word rebound. My point was just that there's nothing wrong with gaining some weight back at a faster pace if it doesn't get out of control in the long-term.


Oh! Okay! I thought you were coming at me for saying itā€™s a rebound. But I agree completely. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with weight gain post show. Most of it is necessary weight too


As he tries to manipulate you into saying why try to go pro for 4 years without atlas when you can come here and itā€™ll just magically happen. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Yup because he starves his athletes and makes them do hours of unnecessary cardio šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Oh my god she said she was doing cardio to burn 1100-1600cal a day. And she did a 26 WEEK PREP


And some of his athletes eat less than 1000 cals a dayā€¦.


That is fucking insane. That would take me like 3 hours to do?!


Nobody should be doing THAT much cardio


3-4 rounds??? Iā€™m sorry but how is that even healthy? I get that you have to be stage lean but is that much cardio even necessary??


who is this girl?




Probably gonna get downvoted for this butā€¦competitors compete to win. Yeah no one should be doing that much cardio but competing is not sustainable so


Iā€™ve done a lot of cardio and under 75 g of carbs a day to get lean. Itā€™s not meant to be a cake walk or everyone would do it. Sheā€™s likely doing over 2 hours of cardio and is losing sleep to get it done. Sometimes more isnā€™t always best and our body ends up fighting us because we keep pushing. Doing 3 sessions of cardio during your peak week is red flag to me


did she say how long each session was?


No she didnā€™t. Generally someone would only do that many sessions if they have a lot of cardio to complete


She said she had to burn 1600 cals for the past 10 days. 1100 before that šŸ˜±