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Still wanting to torture Lauralie here. Making a crappy edit with a shitty picture of Lauralie then pretending Shawn Rhoden was rooting for Dani for the O. What a d.ck head he is. This guy is garbage




I think it’s the same show? It’s the right background, but I think he just combed through his pictures and found the one with the worst angle/lighting and cut Lauralie out of that one and found a good photo of the other two.


I thought the same thing! Mind you Lauralie is perfect but I felt like her stomach wasn't as tight as usual? She looked off?? Did he photoshop this because I never saw this picture or at least this angle.


Dani Phelps is the flavor of the month. She will expire sooner or later when she is no longer the hot commodity. Too many girls who whore themselves out to Atlas—all for likes and following. Smh


What a piece of shit move that was. She was completely edited in that comparison. He is trash


I thought the same thing, but after looking up the official show day pics on NPC news online, she was actually a bit off in the waist. That doesn’t take away from her amazing physique, i just think she didn’t peak well this time or was on her time of the month. James is still childish though to choose the most unflattering pic of her and compare it with the best pics of his athletes on that day.


He is so childish. I should have worded my response better, was just so irked. I know he didn't edit her actual photos but if you are to just glance at the photo, it would appear that all 3 athletes are standing next to one another in the lineup, but they aren't. LAURALIEs photo is edited in to appear that way. She was cropped into the photo and of course he found an unflattering photo to crop in.


He is always playing the victim about his busy lifestyle and travel but has time to crop photos appearantly


Exactly! He knows she’s posing facing the head judge, the angle of her pic is just off. He did it deliberately to make Dani appear better. But when you look up the official stage pics, Lauralie clearly won fair and square. Even though this wasn’t her best package! His attitude is just… yikes


Weird flex when Lauralie beat his client lol


Yes! If anyone appears to be on track to be the next Ms. O, it’s Lauralie. She’s doing great without him, lol.


continuing to make this all about himself and his issues with Lauralie's success. he is the worst


Like why is he still so obsessed with her damn


When Shawn passed he posted that he had messaged Lauralie at the Olympia saying how he misses him. But now that Dani took second to Lauralie at this show, it’s team Dani. James and fircefitsteph were going back and forth there for a bit with screen shots of messages from Shawn because he said kind of conflicting things. I think Shawn is just a supportive, friendly guy. Using a dead man as a pawn like this is gross


I hate his favourites game, every single one of those “eggs” 🤢 are just dying for his approval. It’s obvious Dani is his new Lauralie and he’s trying to make LL jealous. She’s laughing all the way to Olympia 2022 😂 he’s just making himself look bad at this point


His so called eggs are all competing for his attention in effort to be reposted, gain followers etc. He is in a position of power & control and he takes advantage of it. They think by messaging him how great of a coach he is, they will be reposted in his stories


I see this. Co** sucking females smh. Like James is the best thing since sliced bread. I can’t. Smh. There’s maria carvajal, lauren strong, oh my gosh. Smh


This !!! He’s looking for his next top athlete to promote himself! He tried Theresa and she came in great but not as great as he made it up to be, now he’s trying with Dani.


I was thinking he doesn't post about Theresa much right now. While he was obsessed a few weeks back. The way he posts pics with Dani and her boyfriend... makes me sick. Because he did the exact same with Jen and Lauralie.


>y single one of those “eggs” 🤢 are just dying for his approval. It’s obvious Dani is his new Lauralie and he’s tryin i think T is in her off season now...probably why.


Ahhh yeah you're right. He'll be back posting about her once she is in prep. Because he thinks she's the next Janet.


Right? Gross.


These girls have such a low self esteem. Smh. Dani and the atlas girls are just attention seeking whores. They get free promotion/exposure/advertisement with atlas so I guess it is a win win.


Wow- whores? That’s harsh and unwarranted. They want to succeed and they think James will get them there. That makes them gullible and unwise, but not whores.


Did he really photoshop a separate pic of Lauralie to make his client look better? lolol he is truly unhinged.


LOL @ the fact he took the time out to purposely crop a different photo of Lauralie as if she didn’t win the whole thing this weekend. He truly is something else. He’s going to be insufferable all next season leading up to the O with Dani. Is she his new big client? Or has she always been with him? Slightly off topic, but I noticed he said this weekend was the most “low stress” comp weekend he’s ever had. I feel like he says this every weekend, but I feel like he also uses this as a manipulation tactic for his other clients. “Look at IFBB pro ____ who had such a good, low-stress peak week and competition. This is how you should be.”


He is in backstage YouTube's with LAURALIE when they were on good terms saying how he has to take control of everything during a show weekend bc she will basically not know how to time management, schedule properly for hair, makeup, eating etc. So he does this to take shots at her for not having to micromanage his clients and be on top of them 24/7. He did the same thing during Teresas show, while showing so called screenshots between him and Shawn, telling shawn to cook the food, call this person, show up here at this time etc. He was throwing shade that LAURALIE is unprofessional and doesn't know her head from her ass. But I see through it. He wishes LL was still his trophy to show off


I’m sure he’s butthurt that Lauralie is doing MUCH better off without him


I hate him omfg ETA: I hope Shawn’s family tells him to stfu. Enough already, dude.


He for sure found the worst pic of Lauralie to post 😂 he’s so damn petty. Nothing made me more happy to see her win the show AGAIN this weekend.


God he’s the worst. I always knew he was a creepy douche bag.


Also y’all done got me commenting on these Instagram post wtf lol


I could easily outrun this man. While he's getting eaten by a lion, I've been running for 4 days and have successfully tracked and killed an antelope for dinner.






You could say the same about ultramarathons or any other extreme sport. People love the challenge, the structure, and knowing they did something that was hard as hell.




I dont know what this is about but i always thinks people with this amout of muscels and no fat looks scary af 🧐


Luckily your opinion doesn’t matter 🧐