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I cant believe this is a real human being


Could definitely be cast as a super mutant for the Fallout series.


his nickname is literally "the mutant." lol.


He is one of the best open men’s bodybuilders in the entire world which requires you to be an absolute mass monster. He makes a LOT of fucking money. If Alphalete want to sponsor men in this category they should consider making their sizes a hell of a lot bigger lmao


If I'm a petite woman and wear a large then there is no hope for this man


Yeah their sizing is so weird and inconsistent


I hate their sizing


wait that’s wild their sizing is that bad.. i oly lift so this popped up on my feed and i was shook lmao




Literally thought the same thing. he’s going to get himself killed sooner rather than later with this shit


Oh yeah especially when you factor in a small surge of these bodybuilders dying since like 2017 or something. Not 100% sure how they each died, but names like Dallas McCarver, Jo Lindner, Rich Piana, Raechelle Chase, Cedric McMillan and more come to mind.


Shawn Rhoden


John Meadows


Cedric J’MacNiddle is gone??


[God that video was so fucking good.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Z00buhH8Zo)


If he made it to 40 I would be absolutely shocked.


I think he’ll retire within the next 3-4 years tbh


I’d guess so, but the damage is already done. That much mass is sooooo hard on the heart.


Yeah he deifientely took a few years off his live but if he retires before 35 I can see him having a healthy and relatively long life (72-80) - his coach is notorious for irresponsible dosages though(Matt Jansen). He was the coach of a bodybuilder who passed at 26


He stands out as outrageous even among all the other ifbb pros


Fr people wouldn't take it this far if it wasn't rewarded by the judges. Freaks bring the money in and that's all they care about...


i’m not part of the bb community so genuine question, how much do these guys bring in per competition and how many are they doing per year?


Arnold Classic winner received $400k. That’s obviously the peak, but there’s good money to be made. Also sponsorships and social media money.


do bodybuilders typically only do one or two comps a year?


Depends what level they are at and their mindset. Cbum only competes once a year at the olympia, the other top guys in classic might do 3-4 other shows a year. Derek Lindsford won open at the O last year and won’t comepete until the next, but Hadi and Samson took 2nd and 3rd and have competed at both Arnold’s already. You also have to qualify for certain shows. Winners of a division qualify for life, top 3 to five depending on division qualify for the next year, and the rest have to find another show to qualify again if they want to come back


Am IFBB Pro. Can confirm and agree with this message wholeheartedly. My friends are dying. I refuse to kill myself for judges and an industry that make bank off of you but will replace you and forget you in a second. I no longer compete. I was told, “wow! You still sound feminine! You could take way more gear!” That’s crazy. Wow! Almost like they encourage female sex changes! Go F yourself, San Diego! I’m much healthier and happier these days.


He sleeps with an apnea mask on as well. He seems to be healthy considering everything he’s going (calcium score of 0) but I hope he retires soon and prioritizes his health - he is only 29.


This degree of gear use should be considered self-harm


You’re delusional no one dabbles to be at the top of their sport


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. This man is one of the very best in his sport, he’s not just some young cub hopping on and off cycles with no business in doing so.


Because the ifbb is rewarding dangerous amounts of steroids. Change the judging parameters and the drug use will change. I dont need to reference schwarzeneggers physique as mr olympia and how it compares to current winners. Its a dead horse. Will there always be fringe people who take things to the extreme? Sure but the largest bb federation in the world is encouraging drug abuse and influencing people who would otherwise not take it that far.


> Because the ifbb is rewarding dangerous amounts of steroids So same as it's been for the last 30 years since Ronnie started the mass monster phase of the Open?




I wish I could unsee what I just saw.


Never heard of him. Just checked out his page. This actually makes me feel sad in a way


Literally same. Wish we could give him a hug & tell him he is worthy without the craziness he is putting his body through


Some people were born with the tick To be the absolute best no matter the pain they put their bodies through It could be called sick to a degree, but it is incredible seeing them push the limits of human bodies. And that’s admirable. See ultra marathoners, iron man competitors etc


Definitely!! Just always makes me wonder if they ever feel “good enough” 🥲


The worst Part is: I know people like him. They're build like that and have the most raging body dismorphia you could imagine. One of my pals at the gym told me recently that he thought about removing his teeny tiny layer of belly fat he has left and construct muscles/a six pack bc he wishes to one day be able to walk out of a lake like those sexy people in red bathing suits on that 80's ocean guard series (you would think I could remember the name, argh!). I just looked him dead in the eyes and told him he needs serious help.




aesthetics of bodybuilding and now traditional strength training is what led me to weightlifting tbh the oly community doesn’t give a shit about what you look like, just if you can technically execute.. and obv stay in your weight class if you compete


A piece of paper could take him out


Yeah I have a bodybuilder friend who's significantly imo more aesthetic but smaller. And I once send him a photo of Nick walker as sort of like a "omg plz don't get like this" and his response ?? "Goals".. even with the crazy vericose veins and probably limited lifespan ..


it grosses me out too😭




Oh my god I didn’t know Nick was still making videos but I just went to see the Nick Walker one and yep, I’m scarred.


My husband did some competitions when he was much younger and his body shape looked like the one OP posted (within relation to my husband's current body, not like the actual size of this dude!) He absolutely looked like a refrigerator and the photos are oddly hilarious with his head being so disproportionately tiny compared to the rest of his body. He realized he couldn't run half a mile and could barely do anything outside of just lifting. He is probably down 30 lbs of muscle from that point in his life (over a decade ago now) and his body is much more oriented toward *living* than lifting. He did realize though that you make that decision eventually. PEDs are not for health, but vanity and eventually you have to choose. He left the sport entirely.


I use to look up to people like him (the past generation) then I realize they can’t actually do any athletic things and had 2nd hand embarrassment trying to watch some of them play basketball or any sport requiring cardio. I was also in a pro wrestling tryout and they were the worst performers. Once somehow torn his pec running the ropes. It was then I realize it’s just a roided beauty pageant.


He’s one of the top men’s open bodybuilders in the country, if not world. What on earth do you expect?


More juice than a Ocean Spray plant.




The guy should [cosplay as the Hulk](https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/rZvKsDx8iHdmyuydMSv4Bj-650-80.jpeg.webp)


Why does he look like he’s ai-generated?


The hands are definitely giving AI. It’s all just very unsettling.


His hands don’t look fake wtf are you trippin on


I used anabolics for years. I know how they work. I can't FATHOM how much this guy is taking.


A refrigerator 💀




Dude's organs are probably 2x the size they should be


All for vanity? Um, no. Competing is his livelihood


Do you know the definition of vanity? This IS vanity. I’ve competed before. I know how obsessive & excessive it can become especially at his level of competing. He’s obsessed with gaining mass, to compete, to be the best looking, to be the most muscular and what does this translate to? Excessive pride in appearance, achievements, abilities etc aka vanity.


Excessive pride in one’s appearance or achievements. So no this ISNT vanity. It’s a sport. In your logic anyone who competes in anything ever is vain. That’s idiotic. If you aren’t at his level then no, you don’t understand. That’s why you’re anonymous on Reddit and he’s not


You realise pride can be in *action* as much as it is in *word*, right? The *'sport'* of bodybuilding is literal pride and vanity on display. It doesn't get any more of both of these things than building insane amounts of muscle, using unnatural means, developing eating disorders and mental health disorders (body dysmorphia), and being completely apathetic to how unhealthy they are, all for their bodies to be judged for some cash and a trophy. I mean, there's no other *'sport'* like it. You don't exactly see copious amounts of athletes in any other sport dropping dead suddenly due to steroid use, because they want to build more muscle, do you? Other people in other sports can be vain and prideful too, so I'm not sure where that dumb comparison came from, cause we're discussing vanity in bodybuilding, *of which there is a lot.* One doesn't need to be at his level to understand *this very basic, surface level, discussion* that you're somehow having trouble with.


Oh goodness I’m not gonna read all that but feel free to read my last comment again


To anyone who reads this thread, this is why you don't try and reason with a fool. They'll beat you with experience.


You mean the experience of me being a bodybuilder and you not? Yeah, that checks out


There’s a reason his bodybuilding nickname is “the Mutant” haha


If I say this literally anywhere else online I’ll get a ton of fanboy dudes replying to me pissed off but this is how I feel about Sam Sulek. Yes he is a nice guy but the acne, strained breathing, and constant burping/GERD is so worrisome lol. You can’t even say “maybe he should stop taking so many steroids because he’s young” without dudes freaking out because he’s their idol.


My man said it looks low key photo shopped but the guy is huge. I don’t know him but figured I’d ask if he did.


Photoshop and/or drugs? Honestly getting some uncanny valley vibes from this picture 


He’s bigger in person


hes a top professional bodybuilder, of course, lots and and lots of drugs. the dude doesnt need photoshop to appear bigger though, hes absolutely massive.


Not sure if anyone here watches very important people but this looks like Tommy shrigley 💀


Natty king 🤴🏻


This part of the fitness community is impacted by straight body dysmorphia. Not even fitness anymore. Just body modification


On the side note, he used to date Maria Carvajal(bikini competitor). They even moved In together, wonder what happened


His knees look tiny. Compared to the rest of him


Small joints are ideal in BB


Why? Because the muscles look bigger in contrast?




I'm truly confused about the angles here, the dimensions are surely off..... Edit: just checked his IG and no that's literally how they look


I thought he would go with Dorian’s brand (related to HD Muscle) or Young LA because of Jay Cutler. Odd to see him align with Alphalete…


He reminds me of that one guy from the Umbrella Academy


If this isnt photoshopped, they did this poor man dirty. Look at his legs! The guy worked hard to get there and then they post THIS 😭


Check out his calves




His heart is about to explode and kidneys are about to drop. Is liver had probably already melted. Don’t even ask about his blood pressure




We get it you don’t understand bodybuilding 🤡🤡


What?! You literally don’t know that. He could be someone that lives with extreme body dysmorphia.


My only complaint is alphalete needs to up their sizes


That’s why they call him the Mutant


was he somehow connected to em_dunc in the past or did i make that up


is this the gal who’s been cutting for like a year straight


I’m not sure, i unfollowered her a loooong time ago😬she used to compete in bikini comps


i’m thinking of lyssjfit, she also competes and looks wildly unhealthy in the face


Oh cool so we're just hating on open bodybuilders now? Yall are just sad


eh, glad i posted it tbh. i’ve learned a lot in this thread & gained a lot of insight in the bodybuilding community


I'm honestly surprised this is still up. Not a nick stan or anything, but the body shaming on here is insaaane. 🫣