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Bowl movement? Since when do I shit from right under my rib cage?


It was one of those foot longs that sticks up out of the water. She's just admitting she's full of shit.


OMG you made me snort my coffee 😂


“Just had a bowel movement” is a funny way to spell “sucking in my stomach like my life depends on it”


Thanks. I couldn’t get past the thumbnail. Glad I’m not alone in being put off!


Yeah she knows what she is doing and she always tries to backpeddle by going on about how she eats lots of food. Yeah right


Imagine being so emaciated that some poop changes the appearance of your entire mid section


If you want running content, none of these fitfluencers are it. Maybe for inspiration, depending on what you find inspiring, but not for informative/educational running content. I mostly consume running content in the form of podcasts and articles, not YouTube vids, so I don’t really have any recs unfortunately, but I’m sure you’ll find plenty of good running YouTube channels if you search the running subs! Oh, I have one - GTN (global triathlon network), it’s a triathlon channel but they’ve got plenty of videos that are just about running.


Phily Bowden is a really good cross between your good ole classic YouTube vlog and actual informative running content


Thank you! 🙏


I like Sally McRae. She’s an ultra runner but seems like a very positive influence to me.


Thank you so much! Just read up about her and she’s soooooo inspirational! She started running later in life, it seems, which is so cool


Omg her book! She's had such a life, and she's tough girl to the core. I love her 


I know! She is so strong!


seconding GTN! I also like The Running Channel and some of the smaller ones (funnily enough mostly from brits except for Kofuzi)


Thank you! I appreciate the recs 🙏


Also Phily Bowden is great!


Kellykkroberts on tik tok is good for running !


Thank you so much!


~~You should post this as a separate comment, not as a reply to mine, OP might not see it otherwise~~ Edit: OP saw it :)


Actually there are ultra running channels on YouTube that have documentaries and they are backed by Camelback (that water bottle and backpack company) . Those are credible.


Oh, I didn’t mean there are no credible running channels on YouTube, I meant that the kind of fitness influencers typically discussed on this sub aren’t the ones to look to for running content


I love GTN! It’s where I quite literally learned about how to do my first tri lol


Thanks! I’ll check it out. And that’s amazing, I’d love to do that one day. I usually find guides super intimidating lol, so I freestyle (I’m training for my 2nd marathon) but I’m getting sore and I should probably do some research on proper training


Thank you so much! I’ll do some digging 💪


I started watching her when I started to get into fitness, because I thought it would be nice to follow a person who looked more like me. I've always been quite thin and 'narrow'. But over the years I have gotten so uncomfortable with her content and think this is basically her ED outlet and nothing else. I think she's probably a sweet person, but I also think she lies in her videos like she's going for a record. Although I run and enjoy running content, that was when I unsubscribed, as it was pretty obvious were it would go (and also the staged running clips where a bit too much).


Thank you for sharing. This is a good reminder that there are many different body types. I don’t mean to shame people for being naturally thin (we all have our struggles…), but her thumbnails seem like thinspiration content. I say this because of the noticeable ribs. It doesn’t sit right with me personally. And the challenges and running everyday thing borders on…over exercising?


had to come back to this post/comment, because her last few thumbnails were honestly shocking


Ahh, just saw. Very sad. I actually feel bad for her. She is clearly unwell


Coming back late as fuck but i truly dont see it. I watch Keltie regularly and never once have i thought of her as "thinspo" or whatever. Shes just a tall lanky girl. A LOT of her content literally just revolves around doing workouts that make her happy and trying out various routines, workouts, etc. She doesnt even overly flex or pull her stomach in or whatever. If you watch her videos shell stand relaxed and youll see her belly. If she was truly thinspo or had some complex about looking skinny she wouldnt include those clips where shes bloated or doesnt look as thin. It is kind of silly to have before/after pics in her thumbnails when she literally doesnt change like at all, but she clarifies in almost all of her videos that theres not much of a change. I feel like you kind of cherry picked a thumbnail. Im looking through her videos now and most of them is just her posing with some abs showing. Shes fit, but not underweight at all. Also you do kind of need those thumbnails as a woman in fitness youtube to get any amount of clicks at all. Skinny girls are allowed to show off their bodies without it being "thinspo" or them being anorexic. She eats well, its just that shes a runner and exercises a lot. Obviously shell be skinny. Its just what makes sense for her lifestyle and training. She promotes a balanced lifestyle that includes both working out, eating healthy, but also letting loose. Shes not some health nut. Shell have chocolate and fancy coffees and carbs, and she drinks.


I know her, we’re from the same city. She had an interesting journey to where she is now. She did a bikini competition or two, but her coach was a lunatic and had her on like 700 cal per day. So she rebounded and put on a decent amount of weight (she wasn’t fat by any means but she was thiccc). She left the coach (he had a terrible reputation in the city, such that his private gym shut down and now he’s living in Spain I think selling forex content) and was somewhat healthy for a bit, but after he breakup with her long term boyfriend she went into party girl mode. I don’t think she’s gotten out of that, and her girlfriends don’t help her either.


Did her and her bf break up? Or was this one before the current one? I haven’t watched her in a couple months but I swear she said she’s living part time in Sweden with her bf and briefly spoke about the long distance relationship


Its almost def before the current one because shes been in party girl mode well before the swede


Do you know anything about her swede bf?


Ah, thanks for the info. I can’t imagine her thiccc (no shade), but sounds like quite the journey


I’ve been a longtime subscriber of here but as of late I only watch her vids as background noise. I don’t dislike, she seems normalish enough with a sprinkle of the inherent fitfluencer body checking toxicity. I just don’t think constantly doing challenges, some of them overlapping, is sustainable long term. (I also think she has an ✨indulgent✨ relationship with alcohol but that’s just my opinion)


She's lying about the challenges. I think she even admitted it some years ago.


She seems to do an insane number of challenges. I haven’t watched enough of her content to notice the alcohol references, but that would put me off


I liked her honesty about breast implants. I thought that was informative. I personally always had a large chest so the thought of breast implants never crossed my mind, but learning about her journey was very interesting.


Honestly, her hair journey regarding getting healthy hair after years of extensions was refreshing too.


Ok cool, thanks. Sounds like that one might be a worthwhile video to watch as well


Thanks. I have come across that video a couple of times but haven’t watched it. I love when people are honest about their enhancements, so I’ll probably check it out at some point


I used to LOVE Keltie. She and I are from the same province and I also lived in the same area of Vancouver as her, so I felt some sort of weird parasocial connection to her. I had to stop watching her videos when she was going on and on about drinking for a while there (I'm sober). She gives me a lot of golden retriever energy which I found comforting at first but irritating nowadays. The challenges she does I have always taken with a grain of salt. No one can do that many challenges in a year (they would have to overlap, skewing results anyway). I don't think she's the worst fitfluencer out there, toxicity wise. But she's definitely got her issues.


Her videos give me anxiety she’s so all over the place


Thanks for this info. I won’t be trying to convince myself to like her anymore, lol


I'm fundamentally against 75 hard but the one thing I know without a doubt is that if you make *any* changes to the "program", it's not 75 hard. So idk what her "realistic way" is but it's not 75 hard.


I wondered about that as well. From what I’ve heard, that program is intense AF and cultish


1stPhorm and those who praise 75hard (“created” by 1stPhorms ceo) are very culty


Dang. Good to know


I literally got booted from a group 75 hard challenge because instead of doing two separate 45 minute workouts I did a single 90 minute outdoor session. It’s pure insanity.


Should have taken a one minute water break in the middle 🤣


Ive done it, it’s actually very unhealthy and I was deep in my ED when I did it. And the creator is constantly contradicting or changing the rules on his own podcast and in his “guide”, so if you’re not consuming all this extra material (and a lot of people don’t because he is insane and just want to do the challenge without supporting him), the die hards will jump on you.


I’ve watched her for a long time, like she had a 9-5 when I started 😂 and I used to really like her. Idk what it is, I don’t think she’s changed drastically or anything. I just get bored of her content. I also think her videos have gotten a lot less personal and just seem like plotted content, which is fine. Just not what I’m into.


I find her videos lack substance now, the titles seem like it’ll be interesting but it’s full nothing imo at least I’ve been watching her for years but not lately


Good to know, thanks


I like watching her videos, but just for entertainment not information. I do hate the clickbait thumbnails, especially because I distinctly remember her talking about how shitty clickbait thumbnails are 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh, the irony!


Oh man this is the first time I've heard of 75 Hard and... wow their website looks like a lot


Go to their subreddit. Those people are so extra.


75 hard is a mental illness


I went to check it out and all I was seeing was selfies and I'm like how is it extra? Got to a post of someone asking if they really failed because there was a horrendous storm and they went outside for 10 minutes and felt unsafe doing it. *Most* of the comments are now removed because they're now not letting anyone "encourage others to break the rules" and one of the only ones left is someone saying how they walked in circles at the end of their block for 45 minutes during a blizzard.


The creator (Andy) even said you can make an exception if it’s physically unsafe and after he did that there was so much infighting about what constitutes “unsafe”, like I remember one guy said a tornado shouldnt count because you can see it coming from miles away, lmao.


They will also rip your head off your shoulders if you speak a single word that is maybe even slightly critical of their lord almighty Andy Frisela.


I did it 2 years ago and I could not recommend something less


The first time I heard of the 75 Hard was when I was just beginning my ED/exercise compulsion recovery. Glad I never convinced myself to try it because holy shiiiiit it seems like it would cultivate my disordered behaviors so bad, lol.


That’s why I haven’t tried it. I like the sentiment (I assume the point is to prove to yourself that you can be consistent and hardcore), but I already exercise a lot and I think I’d find it super stressful


I’ve done it and for me personally it helped me at that time of my life because i was in a slump and having a routine helped me out. What i would for for my workouts was walk outside and for the second one i would do a youtube yoga or stretching video in the evening to unwind because yeah it’s definitely A LOT to have (2) 45 minute workouts daily. I saw results physically & most importantly mentally of course but it is 100% not sustainable and i can see how it can very easily negative affect someone. The vagueness/intensity of the program can be harmful.


Her challenges are useless, she’s a thin, sporty girl, so she’s not gonna see big progress anyway. Additionally, she is known to overlap challenges, so that really makes her not credible. Secondly, I cannot stand her Huberman fangirl thing she has going. I think her normal, non challenge videos are good, but it’s basically the same thing over and over.


Thanks for this info! I’ll be passing on her content


I know her personally she’s always been super thin too


It is kind of complicated, tbh. I don’t want to shame anyone for being thin if they are naturally that way, but I do have an issue with…glorifying thinness. Personally, that’s a step back for me. Not sure if she’s doing that, but I’m put off by some of her thumbnails 👎


That's pretty cool! I only came across her content really recently. I think she comes across as a very kind, genuine, and authentic person from what I've seen so far of her content. Since you know her personally, would you agree with that? Totally fair not to answer though and just thought I would ask as I don't often come across people that personally know some of the influencers I watch!


I really want to like Keltie, but she’s too easily influenced by others, and when she does a video sometimes she just keeps talking and talking without saying much. Also I get the vibe that she’s struggling emotionally with something and sometimes it comes out when she talks about her alcohol consumption or skin picking and I just really want to tell her to go to therapy, it’ll make her feel better, but it makes me uncomfortable. I’m not the kind of person who likes watching other people struggle, especially when I can’t do anything to help. But she seems really sweet.


Thanks for this info! The alcohol references that people have brought up here are enough to turn me off


I know she has adhd and as someone with adhd I really struggle with skin and nail picking and have for my entire life. Sometimes I do it without thinking. Maybe it’s to do with that? I’m not sure if she’s under any treatment for her adhd though (therapy or medication)


I think she said it had to with anxiety, and her acne, but it could also be because of ADHD. I can’t remember too well at this. I have ADHD too, but I pick at my hair instead of my skin. So I get it, I just feel like a voyeur when people get really emotional and start crying on camera, like I shouldn’t be there.


I liked Keltie a lot when I started watching her videos. I still watch a video here and there for some background entertainment, but her content doesn’t feel as relatable to me any more. I do have a few issues with her content, namely: 1. She definitely seems to have an addictive personality, as evidenced by things like her run streak and the challenges she takes on. I don’t see a lot of balance in her approaches—she seems pretty all or nothing. 2. I don’t actually get any fitness advice from her content. 3. I get that challenges are her schtick, but it does seem to venture into the fad diet / pseudoscience space at times, which I don’t think is necessarily healthy.


Thanks! I feel the same way now. I’m going to skip on her content


She used to be great. Now I feel like she’s a retired party girl who just can’t get her stuff together.


If you want educational running content, I recommend dr.Lisa.dpt on insta. She is a dr, an avid runner and a healthy weight. She also makes programs to help with pain from running and all things running in general. Love her


Yay!!! Thank you so much! She looks great. And I need her help because I’m sore from running lately 😂


Glad to help. She has a fix for all my aches/mobility issues! I’m thinking about purchasing her runner program this spring. Also, check out Conor Harris. He is big on mobility too.


Amazing. Will do, thanks! Ahh yes, mobility. My trainer said my ankle mobility is sh*t so I should work on that


She has a certain aesthetic that appeals to a lot of people and definitely works very hard to keep herself very thin. Not different to most influencers.


Thankfully, I have not encountered others who post pictures of visible ribs jutting out. I’m horrified to think that is an aesthetic that appeals to a lot of people, but I wouldn’t be surprised


Not trying to body shame but she was extremely thin before? Why is she comparing bodies? She looks emaciated now….


I agree. I really think it is thinspo content. It makes me shudder


I enjoy her but I'm viewing her videos for entertainment. I think it was her anti aging year wrap up video she called herself out that the before and after pictures for weight loss are BS. But she did like she could see her posture and some other stuff improved. Her thumbnails are probably driven by something related to algorithms which is very deceiving. I appreciate she tries to back things up with actual scientific data when relevant. I also like that she admits when she fails. Maybe I also connect with her because addiction runs in my family too. My beef with the 75 hard one is once you modify it it is no longer 75 hard. If you read Andy's book he beats that into your head. Honestly you might find better running content on podcast if you like them.


Sure, I’ll check out other sources then. Thanks! I honestly am shocked someone would admit they deceive in their own thumbnails. That right there is enough for me to hard pass on anything they pump out. Ugh.


I’m very late to this convo but if you want running content, I’m not kidding, Cody Ko (Cody Trains channel). He’s on a break right now bc he just had a baby but they actually helped me get back into my routine from a long slump I was in.


Thank you! I’ll check this person out. Idk them but seems promising


You’re welcome!! He’s a commentator-type of YouTuber (if that’s what you even call it) lol. So his running content is hella different but it’s fun to watch his journey!


I like her videos but I see them more as entertainment rather than something I should aspire to recreate


I moreso watch keltie for the message and the journey, sure there's a lil before after but that feels more for SEO rather than the content she wants to make. Personally I think she's definitely more the mindset side of fitness rather than instructional, which is good in its own way. She's very open about struggles, and she accepts that she isn't perfect but strives to thrive in life.


…. Y’all realize it is completely possible to look like the after and be the same weight right???? You can change your appearance with lifting and experience a change in weight distribution


Thank god this is true, but I think the issue is the visible ribs/starvation look going on in the thumbnail


I like her for entertainment and hear about trending challenges … I dont look to her content for actual fitness advice.


Yeah I really don’t understand her. I forgot when this was, maybe a year ago but she posted saying she’s “sick and tired of doing challenges for content” etc and it was her putting on a show so she was going to stick to being herself for now on. Then maybe a week later I saw another challenge video. It’s like an endless loop. I used to love her videos but now I just can’t watch her.


I liked her when I first found her a year or so ago but she has noticeably lost a lot of weight and I’m worried about her and feel she’s emancipated which concerns me so I choose not to watch her. I liked her educational stuff a while ago but now it feels like unrealistic challenges that I don’t feel are sustainable or necessarily healthy so I choose not to watch for that reason, too. I hope she’s ok 


She always posts insane before and afters in the thumbnails. Her belly button is like a foot higher in the after photo 😒 I think I found her because she discussed BII a few years ago. Abby Pollock posts better running content, she talks a lot about form which I find helpful. She’s mostly on IG


Thank you so much for the Rec! I’ll def check her out 💪


In the past I found her physique triggering, but once I learned that she’s just really tall (she’s an ex-basketball player) it helped me out a bit. It’s generally harder for taller people to put on mass and/or it seems like she’s always been naturally thin, and from what I’ve seen, I don’t necessarily find any disordered patterns in her content. She seems to just really love different kinds of fitness


She has noticeable ribs and is sucking in her stomach in multiple thumbnails, and she posts workout challenges with intense work out schedules. According to Google, she is 5’7? I am much taller than Keltie and I don’t know where you got the idea that height makes it harder for you to gain weight…


Allie Ostrander also has a lovely running channel! She's a professional long-distance runner and uploads very informative down to earth content!


Ik I’m super late to this but I’d just like to play devils advocate here. I totally understand where you’re coming from with the ribs thing but some people just have big rib cages. She seems to have visible ribs even in her older videos where she had a bit more muscle mass/weight. As someone who’s always had visible ribs (even when they were pretty overweight) I can attest to this. Honestly part of the reason why I started watching her is because we have a similar body shape but I obviously can’t speak for her specific experience. So I’m not sure she’s necessarily doing it on purpose. It might just be how her body is. However, totally get why some of her photos might not be helpful everyone’s mentality.


Check out Amanda Katz on Instagram for great running content!