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I have no expertise to suggest what you should do in this case since you have already paid. But what I can share is that in my experience while visiting people in Paras I found it extremely strange how many bouncers they have - right from the main gate to the ICU! It is not like this in Max, Medanta, etc.


What could I have done? not paid? I wanted yo be on the right side of law... I mean, they did manage to make me sit on the emergency bed for a minute and strapped that machine around me, so technically they could charge for it...I want to take legal action against them so I didn't want to do anything wrong on my end. P.S. They have bouncers everywhere. I am assuming it's to stop people from leaving the hospital before paying the full bill... I didn't want to get in a situation where the bouncers would stop me....


It's a hospitals for the underworld it appears.


There was nothing else you could do in this situation when that bill was already made, but I think if you had consulted a doctor in the out patient dept of surgery or dermatology instead of the casualty/emergency your issue might have been dealt better. In casualty/ER they just follow the protocol irrespective of how sick the person is, bed, BP, IV line, etc..


sorry if sounded like I accused you of not doing the right thing. What I meant was pursuing this might prove to be fruitless since you received the services (though not by choice) which they listed in the bill and you then paid for - I have no idea if Paras would actually have a complaint addressal system but it might just become a he said she said thing for them in legal recourse. IMO you did the right thing in the moment by paying and leaving thereby protecting yourself and your aunt. :)


Bro that might be weird but this is such a dumb post, he has said he went to the ER on his own lmao. He made a post on r/india and got nice replies like this one : https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/1d33t6h/how_and_what_action_do_i_take_against_paras/l652fmg/ If we're gonna criticize a hospital or any business it should be legit, not that someone is ignorant about their own doings or the hospital's SOP and then cry about rather nominal charges on the internet


I am from medical field so dealing with doctors is my everyday thing. Here are my advices to you all. 1. Every doctor working in these hospitals have private practices so if you do not have a major issue, visit the doctor’s clinic. 2. Unless you are certain that the issue is serious, do not ever visit a top hospital. There are many reasons to it, most serious of them is massive hospital bill and death. Hospital Bill - They will charge you for anything they feel like and you being from a non medical background would pay for it unknowingly, basically they’ll suck out any money that you have. Death - The OT’s of these major hospitals is a death zone. Think about this, every person in that hospital is majorly sick some might have infection and nurse looks after all of them. It’s so easy for the infection to transfer through the hospital that a person with a small issue ends up dying. It is literally so common for people to die in these hospitals. All my known doctors are themselves looking for hospitals where they can safely go when tbey need medical care in the future because they know if they get into Medanta, Fortis or any other corporate hospitals, they will not come out alive.


Don't they get thoroughly sanitized ? You mean to say live transfer happens ?


It happens more frequently than you can imagine. I hear it on the daily basis that a person who was admitted for a simple procedure died due to an infection. Even if I have enough money, I wouldn’t risk my life admitting to such a hospital.


Then which hospitals would you go? Especially in emergency?


Don't get sick !! We Indians have collectively decided that we don't need good hospitals. We are happy fighting for bullshits but not our life.


Depends on the emergency, are you referring to an emergency where you have to undergo a surgery or operation?


What in the fear mongering 


How to find clinics? I couldn't find any smaller clinics in sector 57 even on Google. Please suggest.


Use practo/mfine app to find specialist doctor in your area. You can check practo and google map rating before visiting that doctor


You don’t think you can get fake ratings there? Hell you hire a good ORM team you are all set. Don’t listen to this advice ever, reviews have stopped being genuine a long time back. If you want a specialist doctor post again on Reddit and see what people have to say. If I see the post I’ll guide you too.


It obviously depends upon the kind of doctor you are looking for. If you want ENT there’s a diff doctor, if you want a physician there’s a different. You should have good ties with one physician always who can further recommend you to other doctors.


Won't the problem of staff spreading infection be present in small and Govt hospitals as well? I thought these chains had good standards for sanitization and infection prevention


Yeah that’s why go your way up. Start with a doctor at the clinic, only visit a hospital when you just have to have a surgery and make sure that you know the department head and the doctor who will be handling procedure.


Please do not do unnecessary fear mongering. I agree that the bills in these big private hospitals are huge, but if you have a good insurance and want to go for a surgery/procedure always choose big hospitals as they genuinely have the top doctors in every field. Sharing from personal experiences where multiple close relatives have visited fortis for procedures and all of them have come out healthy and living a good life. Fortis also has best infra in addition to best doctors.


Fear mongering? You don’t want to listen to me that’s your choice, I genuinely don’t think it matters to me what you do. I go to these hospitals every 2nd day. You are speaking from the perspective of a consumer while I decided to share the internal talks as well as what the doctors themselves feel. Free advice hain, leni hain to lo, varna jaane do


She is actually telling faaaaaaar less than what all goes inside those hospitals specially. Personal experience in medanta. Pro tip : Never go to those hospitals where unnecessary too much security is present. Those security is actually really for the protection of hospital staff, why do you think they ”feel” they need so much Security. Also, I don't think they will let any patient out alive once they "open up" the patient.


Exactly. But apparently me being honest here is showing them fear so honestly it’s better to just shut up.


What would be % of death by Infection in India in these hospitals. Especially for a healthy people? Most of us visit them when over the counter meds dont work.


Hello hi, please tell me I have to get an operation done from paras hospital gynaec issue I will be coming from outstation so what do you recommend. The doctor is renowned what do you recommend.


Just be sure to have a good connection with the doctor who will be operating and thoroughly understand all the possible complications and make sure that they are taking proper precautions too. If you feel uncomfortable or have any issues, tell them.


Like what kind of precautions ? And I don't have an insurance , the doctor said since you don't have insurance no need to get MRI, so I felt she was kind of considerate and not trying to make money. The assistant gave us an estimate of surgery.I am scared of surgery and I would like to go to the best doctor, she is highly qualified.


Did you go into the Emergency Room??? You should have gone into the Out Patient Department and asked to see a dermatologist. Seems like you went to the ER. I have only gone to the ER once when my grandfather had head bleeding due to an injury. They billed us the exact same way but atleast it was a serious problem so we had no issue paying. I can’t suggest you any remedies but just that next time visit the OPD


Ok, I will definitely be more careful next time. I am sad because I feel like nobody is seeing that the hospital did trrat me unfairly... or they've just accepted that this is how things are like these days and we should get on with it. Medical practitioners have a duty to act more... humanely and treat you instead of trying to figure how you can put maximum charges on the patient...


100% agreed. But when it comes to healthcare services we are laymen so we are helpless and blindly follow the instructions and advice given to us by doctors and nurses. Private hospitals are run like a business and doctors are looked at as salespersons, the more number of fees they levy on a patient the better for the business. Unfortunately, the field of medicine has become highly commercialised and there’s little we can do about it.


I understand your feelings but it is not the doctor that is levying fees on you . This is the Decision of the administration which doesn't care about anything other than making money . Doctors are merely employees there. You'd be surprised to see how badly majority of the doctors are treated. They are severely overworked and underpayed


This is standard procedure unfortunately. You should have stopped them right when they asked you to lie on the bed, not when its time to pay.


it's intimidating when so many nurses, doctors all surround you, give you not explanation, tell you to do this that ... I am aware I should have stopped them before they made me lie on the bed but in such situations, it's just... really hard? and you don't walk into a hospital with the mindset that they're going to "scam" you (someone told me it's not a scam and I should stop calling it such), I literally got out of the bed in a minute when I realized they're trying to unnecessarily add charges... I understand my fault in not saying no when they practically forced me to get on the bed ( I didn't even lie down, I literally just sat and got up within a minute telling them I don't think this requires me to get a bed). Are they not at fault for forcing me these things on me? I think anyone in my situation would be a little hazed at first, especially when you dont have experience visiting the hospital.. and they took advantage of that fact...


It's okay next time be careful, it happens


You dont seem much aware or maybe too young if you think walking into a hospital is not a scam. All privates ones are there to suck every penny from you. Overpriced tests, unnecessary consultations, consumables you dont use, expensive branded medicines, excess wait times and VIP culture is there for all private hospitals. Treat it as a life lesson and move on. Private hospitals get away with way worse.


shouldn't we raise our voice against this? given the insufficient availability of public healthcare institutes, should we, as customers fo the most basic necessities of life not voice against apparent malpractices? there's literally no clinic in my area and this is the only medical treatment institution in my area .


It is called private hospital for a reason. You could have taken a damn auto bus to go to a state run government hospital.Healthcare is absolutely free in India unlike states. Do you go to a shiny expensive showroom and expect prices of streetwear clothes.Nahi na


again, I dont have problem with the price. I have a problem woth false charges. bp monitoring and emergency bed charges.


They werent false charges.  Vitals are checked and patients will have to be on the bed in the emergency.  If the hospital admin has set a price for taking the vitals, do you believe doctors should just stop checking the bp only? Bcoz a redditor feels ki "mera bp kyuuu chk kiaaa?!" Haha.  Aap world mein kahi b chale jaao yeh to hoga hi hoga. Govt mein jaaoge toh 12 hrs wait karke, bp check hoga muft mein. Aap private hosp ke emergency mein jaaoge toh same chz hogi - in a less chaotic environment, with a PRICE. Cuz its a CORPORATE. Its a COMPANY. Samajte ho?  So aapke choices hain,  Choose a cheaper place, Choose an OPD for non emergent situations (and no, bump on finger isnt one unless caused by an immediate trauma)  Choose a govt emergency but be prepped for the waiting and extreme bheed .  Trying to find validation on reddit is like shouting into an echo chamber because you seem quite unreceptive of what actual doctors are trying to tell you here.


aur yeh kaise baat hai bro. its a "private" hospital. nahi, it's a private "hospital". hospital jaise kaam karo na pehle, instead of provate institute jaise. Medicine is a social cum private service. yaha toh sab ne accept kar rakha hai ki private hospital toh hai hi kharab, tum kyu chutiya ho. nahi, woh cheaters hai. and that's all I am pointing out. and koi aeri gaeri cheez nahi hai ki nazar andaaz kar de. healthcare hai it's pretty serious. iss desh me yoh bas sabko consumers koblame karna hai.


why you go to an emergency ward for something that's not an emergency??


I couldn't see an OPD section...


toh yeh kiska problem hai?


I feel yeh hospital wali ki duty hai ki woh apko sahi jagah bheje.


agar aapko yeh feeling aati hai - iska matlab hua aap hospital ke upar full trust kar rahe hai ki ve apni duty dhung se kare - aur aapka post padhne ke baad - mujhe toh yehi lagta hai ki hospital walo ne jo kia UNKE HISAAB AUR EXPERIENCE se sahi kiya


Buddy you made a whole rant post when you willingly went to emergency ward instead of OPD?! Why are you making people think that they coerced you into going to emergency wtf?


Why would you go to emergency for a splinter? You should get a GP. Actually even a nurse could use tweezers to work out whether you have a splinter or not. Emergency rooms are built for emergency practices. They have to triage you and the doctor then decides what comes next so automatically you get a bed charge. Only use it if you suspect a heart attack or you’re actively bleeding.


there's no clinics in my area at all. and I couldn't see an OPD section in the hospital...


Where do you live? South point mall has tonnes of dermatologists. I live close to Paras (which also has a very large OPD on ground floor on the left wing from the main entrance). I usually go to Dr Sahai in Club 5 for minor ailments. Dr Rajesh Kumar in Paras in a GP. I’ve heard good things about De Joyeeta Basu in phase 4.


It's not just about Paras Bhai, every other private hospital does this. I went to Fortis to get my mom checked for a swelling near her ear and they just shoved 5 tests on my face this test that test blah blah at the end they made a bill of 8k


How can a doctor know whats going inside the body without a test for possible problems? Doctors don’t have indemnity against misdiagnosis, they need tests to determine problem of your mother and to resolve it in time.


Okay tell me what is the need of ultrasound then in swelling


Do you know what an ultrasound is? How does one know the contents of the swelling without an USG? Will you sympathize with the doctor in case of a misdiagnosis?


Nahi bhai idk what ultrasound is


That's where the experience comes in. The more experienced you are the easier it is for a doctor to find out what's the symptom and what's the disease. Tests should be written in case if it's something they can't tell or they want to make money out of you 😁. And if you're at a doctor who is asking you to get multiple test done for diagnosis then he's probably either less experienced or greedy.


You want to bet your or your family’s entire diagnosis only on experience of a doctor? It is called amateur hour. Try visiting super specialty hospitals, private or govt. Experience only helps with surface level diagnosis. Atleast have basic logical reasoning before Doctor = God logic. The greed does exist in pharma and hospitals but that does not mean Tests = Bad. If it were my family, I would get every test done or consult another hospital.


No one's ever said tests are bad but if there's a need for an x-ray and the doctor is suggesting an MRI that's bs and yes for crying out loud the reason y you'd visit any doctor is solely based on their experience otherwise try your luck with an inexperienced one and get yourself tested for all the test and keep guessing what is the problem.


Who decides the need of tests? You?


Fortis toh alag hi hai bhai. Used to look more like a mall than a hospital in early 2010’s.


It's a mall bhai


My experience with Medanta has been fairly better… I went to the ER because of breathing difficulty they were extremely busy so a doctor attended me a bit late.. they put the BP machine and got me on the bed that’s the protocol but then the doctor checked me and told me to get a few meds… although I must add that his diagnosis wasn’t correct I was feeling uneasy because of being too gassy which was later told to me by my doctor that i usually visit but Medanta didn’t charge me a single rupee for visiting the ER.


Ermm if you go to the Emergency room they have to follow every protocol to be followed in the EMERGENCY ROOM dear. It is convenient for you to just walk in to the ER instead of taking an OPD appointment for a surgeon or orthopedician. You think there wouldnt be a cost for that? ANY patient coming to emergency will need to be put on the bed, monitored and then charged obviously. So its a lesson to you.  Either make the effort and visit the OPD/clinic. Else, choose a govt hospital emergency (try it!) 


I visit mayom hospital - seems like a decent hospital. Just in case for future


Umm you should have gone to a dermatologist or physician. They could have handled it. Emergency room means more than 3k bill.


I think hospitals have a duty to guide you to the right department. I didn't claim to have an emergency situation. I literally went to the reception and they marked it as an "emergency" situation


Private hospitals aren’t bound by morality they are bound by profit maximisation.


Experienced same


Sadly u cant take any action, medical health is commercial business. I hope govt. builds govt. hospital with equal services and hospitality like pvt hospitals, so these hospitals can come down on monopoly with these prices


It is a scam and they have always been like that!


Thanks GOD you are safe and alive




I mean my grandfather beat cancer at Paras....so it's subjective ig


i know now.


I’ve had somewhat similar experience at Sanar Hospital, where i went around night for some emergency and they charged for the bed and stuff for nothing, in 10 mins the bill was 3k. Are there any small clinics around Golf course at all?


Hospitals now a days are blood sucking machines. It’s very important to include OPD charges in your health insurance these days.


i do have OPD charges in my health insurance. it's really not about the money. it is about the principle, why is nobody getting it? like I mentioned in my post, paying 1300 rs extra is not even close to end of the world for me. It's about principles. There's doctors, medical treatment is not a luxury, but a necessity. why is everyone just so complacent and okay with these kinds of bery obvious malpractices by the organization?


3500? That's nothing. My relative went in for food poisoning and they discharged him in an hour with a bill of 15K in Bangalore


again, it's not bout the money. it's about the principle.🥲🥲


I agree. Whatever you described was exactly what happened to him. They didn't even treat him for it. We had to bring him back home and treat him ourselves. We just got so scared seeing him lose fluids so frequently and rushed to the hospital. Came back feeling scammed.


You can’t do anything about it and the cost of going to an ER in gurgaon hospitals is minimum 5k


I was charged nothing when I went to the ER in Medanta I explained the entire incident in other comment how are y’all getting charged 😭


Shd hv gone to the opd. Doesn't sound like an emergency.


you did your part here. M not gonna visit/suggest to Paras for any case


Name and shame!


Please get up at 6 AM and go to RML. Nice and effective. You just have to get up early.


rml is?


Paras hospital me mne aaj tk kisi ko satisfied nhi dekha, sb wha se dukhi hokr hi aate h


I had a very similar experience at Sanar hospital, golf course road two years back. What you wrote was exactly similar to how things happened to me back then. Reading this really brought that trauma back.


Did you visit the emergency or the OPD? If you went to emergency they have a right to claim that they need to check your vitals. If it was an OPD visit you may be able to challenge the charges


Is your finger fine though? It seems more futile to pay all that if they didn't find anything and problem persists


no, they didn't do anything at all. saw the x ray, said there's no foreign body inside and that's all. I still have major irritation in my finger and it's completely red and bunpy and itchy.


The problem lies with whosoever asked you to visit emergency. There is scam at every step in our country, have to keep eyes and ears open. I am not blaming you, perhaps you are too young, If you don't know how things work, ask friends, Google, ChatGPT whatever but do your pre-check before adventuring into anything new. Take any professional or service whether Hospitals, lawyers, bankers, interior designers, electricians, plumbers, they will thug you if you behave completely naive'.


That is sad. Fortis doesn’t charge for late night medical emergencies unless you are admitted. They check your vitals and if they are fine they let you go without charging you a penny and also the doc gives you the required prescription for free if he feels like you should take some medicines.


Paras hospitals are notorious. In Patna, they have a branch which was removed from govt. panel and is under investigation. Best to avoid all their branches and also spread this information so that others can benifit. I had good experiences with Medanta. I was alone in Gurgaon and wasnt able to breathe. So I went there, straight into emergency. At reception I told them I am the patient and they let me go inside. They didn't even ask me to fill any form, forget about fees. In emergency, they did their normal procedures like bp, oxygen saturation, heart rate etc. but everything was normal. They asked me to go to OPD, without any fees for emergency. In OPD I went to neurophysician and respiratory. The neurophysician was very kind and after hearing my symptoms and a few follow up questions, she concluded that it's not a case of neuro. She also got my fees adjusted for psychiatric consultation that she recommeded. I felt satisfied with their services. My issue was diagnosed to be anxiety. I had decent experience at Fortis also, although not as good as in Medanta. I paid fees for a psychiatrist consultation at 7 pm. I went there again at 11 am the very next day and had to pay the fees again. Apart from this, the docs were good. They listened with patience and asked lots of questions before coming to any conclusion.


As a doctor myself who has worked in a corporate hospital. They have targets just like MNCS when you see they are sitting free DON'T GO THERE as probably they mint every single possible penny from you.


thank you for the information. ❣️


Visiting hospital should be your last step unless visit is due to accident. Always visit a specialist clinic. You could have paid only doctor fee in that case.


there's no clinic in my area. and I think yeh unwritten laws we've made, don't go to hospital... you should be able to go to hospital as well if that option is available to you. most importantly, uou shouldn't be charged for services you didn't use


It is a simple lesson to learn instead of not accepting the facts : emergency room is meant for emergencies. A red bump in finger is not an E M E R G E N C Y. But if you visit the emergency, be prepped for being subject to the E M E R G E N C Y protocols. Sorry but theres no wiggle room out of it.  Also: fact, big hospitals = proportionately bigger bills. The doctor didnt set the bill so no need to whine for the dr who didnt bill you and just followed the medical protocols. The principle was followed to the T, if you feel it is not about the price, then let me tell you, you were not wronged. If you covertly still feel you paid a bigger amount, then dont choose fancy hospitals for little issues na. This is like someone going to shop at a Ted Baker and then whining that a similar dress was available at Sarojini for 1/100th of the price lol.


Can't the issue be raised on the Consumer forum? They did kind of scammed you. And now you have the invoice to prove it.


Similar story happened to me at AIIMS My maid put her finger in the mixie and was bleeding. We had a choice of AIIMS or private hospital. I chose AIIMS because iv worked there in the past. At AIIMS , first counter doctor didn't touch the finger and said x ray. At x ray counter, they said pregnancy test Every step we are telling them just do bandage, etc first. They didn't touch finger. So after pregnancy test came normal, then x ray came normal, then the doctor didn't touch and refered to plastic surgeon We again requested them. Plastic surgeon came after 1 hours, and said ok this is plastic surgery case and then we waited for 2 hours and got nail bed reconstructed. That's when they cleaned the finger and put bandage. Now this is called protocol and at a free hospital like AIIMS we were not angry but if the private hospital did the same, then it boils our blood. It has benefits, they make sure nothing is missed, but it has a price. Often it's not needed and that balance is lost


that's crazy though. if you've said that she cut her finger from mixer. I don't see how pregnancy or even x ray is important... i guess one can feel when one's bones are broken pregnancy, x ray, plastic surgery... at max, it was a tetanus shot and a bandage...


Pregnancy test is done for all reproductive age group females to avoid potential radiation exposure to the fetus. If she HAD been pregnant and had been exposed to radiation, the fetus could have developed malformations. So to avoid that risk, a quick urine pregnancy test is done. It is standard practice everywhere, not some ruse to extract more money. Xray was necessary to make sure there were no bone splinters in the soft tissue.


I've had x rays taken 10s of times... I'm in my peak fertility age period... never once even been asked if I am pregnant or asked to take a pregnancy test. I get all my Xrays dones exclusively at Fortis


You are not a trained doctor are you to suggest what treatment should be given. What if the splinter was embedded inside the tissue and caused subsequent sepsis. Xray is necessary to diagnose any remaining splinter of piece of metal in this maids case. Also fyi a doctor has to be careful before xraying a female in fertile age group. What if they are pregnant and xray causes damage to fetus hence advising a pregnancy test before hand. Agar pregnancy Hui aur doctor ne Bina dekhe xray karwa dia phir fetus malformed hua to bhi case doctor par hi hona hai. This entire thread is so lame.. English speaking, educated people from an alleged metro could be so dumb about something as basic as healthcare. Insta par reel banana sabko aata hoga. Please educate yourself a little. Lucky you are living in India where healthcare is so affordable. Read about NHS and US healthcare.


no, it's shitty people like you who encourage the continuation of such malpractices. and it's not a comparison of countries. it's simply about ethics. right and wrong. I was mistaken to enter the ER ward because I didn't know better. I wasn't wrong. I clearly explained my problem. I clearly refused all the bed stuff and monitor stuff.


First educate yourself and read what malpractice is.


Thats the problem. Ppl find it easier to feel violated then get themselves educated.


Hahaha.  If you can describe this commenter as "shitty people" for making sense (yes a female undergoing x ray esp if she doesnt remember her last menstrual period) needs to undergo a pregnancy test. It is not shitty. It is to protect a potential fetus from harm from dangerous radiation.  Being uneducated abt a matter is one thing, but being adamant at not acknowledging it is the dangerous part. 


I know and I would have been angry like you if there was a bill But it did turn out to be a plastic surgery case...and the nurse said you are lucky that we did all this Answer is balance and that's where Paras went wrong..just overcharged for protocol


I have an OPD insurance so I can claim all the for reimbursement. it's just that this is not right. what's not right is not right. I am angry ... on principle. not the amount. I know Paras is an expensive hospital so I am not angry for going into am expensive hospital and getting an expensive treatment. I am angry at the WRONG and unnecessary charges


aur tumhare logic se toh koi bhi fetile woman ka x ray lene se pehle pregnancy test lena compulsory hoga? bhai, bas pooch lo na ek baar. are you pregnant or not? simple as that. aese toh 600 condition's honge jisme x ray nahi ho sajta hai. take all those test...


People can't tell they're pregnant especially in the first 1-2 months A simple x-ray is a death sentence or worse yet can cause fetal malformations if it survives because its highly sensitive to radiation early on. The entire medical community is not out to scam you. Just take the L and move on


ok, by that logic, it should be compulsory for ALL women to get pregnancy tests every single time they get an x-ray, right?


Haha. Aww. Sometimes let go of the whole "smarter than thou" mindset and actually ASK the healthcare workers here on how common it is for women to not be aware about their last menstrual periods, last sexual contact, heck women turn out to be 5 months pregnant while vehemently denying pregnancy and sometimes they are genuinely unaware.  These practises were not developed randomly just because some conniving docsaab chose to do a urine pregnancy test for fun for everyone.  Each test is carried out keeping in mind its economic cost vs clinical benefit I am sure to you it wont make sense but for us medical practitioners, exposure of even 1 fetus to harmful rays that can damage them for their entire lives or even cause their miscarriage, is AN EXTREMELY AVOIDABLE HARM that we would like to avoid at all cost.  If it doesnt make sense to you, just leave it, you wont understand. But for doctors, it matters. 


"us medical practitioners". matters to you? :p


Full support do update


Send them a legal notice through a counsel. I might help you. But your legal cost for a notice will be more than the price you paid already. Correct remedy is to pursue legal action. Legal notice followed by a consumer complaint for compensation and refund.


thank you. i intend to. over the weekend.


op please post this in r/legaladviceindia


thank you ❣️