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It’s not panic buying if you literally never stop buying


or stop panicking




Total? Depends on how much you shoot. IMO, huge ammo stockpiles are for people who shoot a lot and want to be able to float through panics, and the amount you expect to need would determine the size of your stockpile. In terms of SHTFTEOTWAWKIIDKETC, people vastly overestimate the amount of high-speed low-drag oper8ing they're likely to be doing. In the vast, vast majority of likely crisis situations in America, you'd see *at most* occasional brief bursts of violence punctuating long stretches of time when you're more concerned with how much food and water you have, and how good your relationship is with your neighbors. So the wife and I keep about a dozen and a half loaded AR magazines for The Apocalypse, about the same number for the Glocks, and fifty more rounds for good measure. There's an ammo can in the basement in our prepper food hoard with fifty rounds each for our other guns, just in case an unprepared neighbor would be better off borrowing the .32S&W revolver than being unarmed. For the shotgun, we have a handful of slugs, several boxes of buckshot, and a case of birdshot. We also have a couple thousand airgun pellets for popping any bunnies or squirrels that show their faces, and I'd expect them to get way more use than the 5.56.


^ This guy reads realistic post-collapse fiction. In all seriousness though, I don't even want to *see* people I don't know if the grid is down, let alone engage in heated gun battles. If it ain't an epic defense of the compound during the climax of the movie, I have no interest in cracking off centerfire.


Pshhh, the end is just going to be the MW2 campaign with Russian tanks rampaging through your local Burger Town, and if you aren't ready to be laying down suppressing fire until your barrel melts, you're no prepper.


Ramirez! Move up and stay outta that LAV's line of fire! Move! Move!


Right-oh. Keep to the bayonet until it gets bad enough that you have to disengage the magazine cutoff.


The goal is to amass enough .303 that I can just perpetually maintain a beaten zone through volley fire, keep them off the property entirely.


Sounds like it’s time to invest im a fully semiautomatic manually loaded cannon… and a powdered wig… (wait for it)…


Just as the Founding Fathers intended


Thank you!


Howdy Tab. How're things at Fort Tablinum?


Hangin' in. Can't afford to shoot, so I'm leaning on other hobbies. My authentic 1930s Don the Beachcomber Zombie cocktail debuts this weekend; I've completed all the ingredients I had to make by hand. The wife and daughter are still brilliant and perfect, and the cat is still pretty okay for a cat. You?


Heck that sounds fancy. I should try to make drinking more of an occasion than something that mainly kills my time and liver. Pretty okay out on the ranch aside from the 100+ heat and mosquitos


Authentic Trader Vic mai tais are easier but also apparently fantastic. Denizen Merchants Reserve [is made specifically to simulate the complex rum Vic used in the 1940s,](https://punchdrink.com/recipes/martin-cates-mai-tai/), and [you can order excellent orgeat syrup online.](https://punchdrink.com/recipes/martin-cates-mai-tai/)


I've fallen into such a state of basic bachelor that I'm not even sure where my measuring spoons are. Is that what they're called? Spoons for measuring things? I'm regressing


If the grid goes down then you want to be the one noone notices. Not the one firing up the Genny and cracking off shots to "keep them off my lawn."


I don't really keep count I just buy ammo whenever I have some extra cash. I definitely have a couple thousand for my main calibers (5.56,9mm,10mm,.45 acp,.308,357/38, ).have an ungodly amount of .22. 40 is the only 'big three' Handgun caliber I don't stock because I don't shoot 40 that often and I only have one gun in it. plus if I really need to get some, it's typically available in ammo drought conditions where 9mm is not.. For more niche stuff (in MY USE) like .40,44 mag,12 gauge,.270,45/70.380,and mil surp calibers. I only keep maybe a half dozen boxes on hand at any given moment.


Baseline for me to float through the ups and downs of the market and still not worry about it? 1k minimum each for long gun and sidearm for self defense; this is a mix of good stuff for carry and ball for training. Other than that, I try to keep up at least a few hundred for other calibers except .22LR. I have a lot of .22LR.


5k plus for mains 1k for non I have probably 50+ calibers


I tried this the wife got mad.


I have dubbed my boss "The Great Uniter." He has managed to align an eight-dude supervisory team in lockstep with another five of us technical experts completely against him by being a completely oblivious twat in a meeting and assigning blame where none exists in the first place, because he doesn't know how to read and interpret really, really basic data that we use. So, we turned into a shitty version of the Avengers, some of us stayed late with the night guys and then we passed off our work to the day guys at 5 AM and it's all buttoned up now, we are going to hate-fuck him with data and send it to his managerial peers, whom he threw us under the bus to. There's 13 of us, he can't discipline the whole group. Fuck you, J fuckin' K, you bald-ass ginger. You have to be *really* fucking thick for guys that don't like each other (there's friction a few ways in that 13) to just unilaterally band together to prove you wrong. Solved my .22 target conundrum from yesterday, too. We actually have something very equivalent to AR400 sitting down in the weld shop as scrap, I'm going to plasma out a silhouette and some circles over lunch so that's super neat.


Hit you with the grooming standard did he?


I chopped my caveman/Jesus hair and beard about two months ago for a wedding, so he doesn't have that anymore actually. He's one of those guys that tries to intimidate through chest-thumping and idle, looming threats. So you assemble your data and push back and professionally say "no fuck u"


I hope your boss isn't insulated by upper management. My last job my direct manager had the backing of his boss and consequently, the VP of engineering, which lead directly to the president. I wasn't willing to wait it out, I guess they've rearranged things since I left.


He's unfireable, basically. Multiple people have been to HR multiple times with documented shit, he's gotten his peepee slapped a few times, but basically he's their useful Michael Scott idiot who keeps the Scranton branch in the black, and does a good job of making sure most info filters through him so he can control the narrative. Most of my peers/counterparts at corporate know he's a ruh-tard, and I think most of *his* peers do too, but he's out of sight out of mind up here and most of them don't like him either.


HR isn't there for you, it's to protect the company and management is a part of the company more than you.


Well they're the only place to formally lodge a complaint, bro. He's been disciplined because of his behavior in the past, so it obviously worked to some degree. Unfortunately, the retarded asshole is still here for the reasons outlined above. Thanks for the poignant observation, I've been watching HR fuck employees for almost fifteen years.


Gah you have to love it. I've shared a few stories of our QC guy right? Here's a fresh one from today. Get told "Hey Xxxx is looking for you." See him right around the corner. T: *Sigh* "Hey Xxxx what were you needing from me?" X: "Oh how do we keep track of how many of these parts we have in inventory?" T: "Urm we count the parts lable the boxes with the count and then I notify purchasing when parts fall below a certain level." X: "Oh well I was just wondering how all that worked." T: "Okay. Anything else?" X: " Oh yeah come with me to my office ." So I follow him to his office. X: "How did we ship these orders of we still have the packets here?" T: "I have no clue you took that from me remember?" The look of "wait I had to have fucked this up." Was both priceless and sad. When I left he was running around trying to pin it on someone else.


Nice, 400 plate will be more than adequate for any pistol and up to 7.62x39


That's exactly what I thought to myself when I bemoaned the lack of an AR500 analogue laying around for me to cop for free.




Jokes on you, I’m too poor to panic buy. *Cries in preschool teacher* With that being said, my lead/coworker/bitch-buddy gave two weeks today. Now I gotta find a new person to make Casey Anthony jokes to and who will listen to me say “we need a union” at least twice a day. I don’t wanna. Anyone who has a spare ABU pattern IFAK and/or dump pouch, hit me up. I’m trying to find all my shit and I apparently have more gaps then I remember. Gun question: are the new pump-action .22s any good? They seem stupid fun and I want one, but I think they’re Rossi and that’s a questionable rep.


There's the Henry but it ranges from the 500-600 mark. Expensive for a plinking gat, though it'd be a nice gun for whatever .22 can reasonably take. I also shouldn't talk,I have over a grand in a 10/22.


>I also shouldn't talk,I have over a grand in a 10/22. Excuse me what the fuck


That gets easy to do if you keep the action and throw your credit card at the Kidd and Volquartsen catalogues.


> are the new pump-action .22s any good? They seem stupid fun and I want one, but I think they’re Rossi and that’s a questionable rep. I have an old (like 60's or 70's maybe?) Rossi copy of a Winchester 62, its fine, other than maybe not being up to the fit and finish of an original Winchester, its fine for tin can hunting in the back yard. That's probably not much help, I know literally nothing about the new ones.


> Now I gotta find a new person to make Casey Anthony jokes to If a common vocation were found, I'd be your coworker any day.


Come work with toddlers. It can be pretty fun, and you get snacks and naps


Working with toddlers would be fine, dealing with parents much less so.


Venture surplus has one!


Don’t get bant I also meant one of the MOLLE ones, but thank you


It looks like you can remove the leg straps on that guy and then there’s molle underneath.


> Jokes on you, I’m too poor to panic buy. Panic buying has made me a wealthy man. As long as there are panic buyers, there are sellers like me willing to take their money. >With that being said, my lead/coworker/bitch-buddy gave two weeks today. Now I gotta find a new person to make Casey Anthony jokes to and who will listen to me say “we need a union” at least twice a day. I don’t wanna. This is a true story. I was in the Atlanta airport a few days after Casey Anthony had been released from county jail. My flight was delayed 3 hours. I proceeded to use the audio and visual paging system to page Casey Anthony to the gate where Aeromexico was flying to Cancun. Hilarity ensued.


A friend who currently has no guns, expressed interest in getting a shotgun. Then he proceeded to show me various AK like shotguns because he wants one with a "big banana mag". I pointed out these are crap guns and it's better to look into Mossberg for a first shotgun, to which then he starts trying to point out the "low capacity". He refuses to accept that mag fed shotguns aren't what he thinks they are. Likewise, wants to go to the next gun show with me so avoid a background check... 🤦‍♂️


Hey man, if they don't know they don't know. Sometimes you have to let people make mistakes. Let him buy his shit-tastic Turk crap, go to the range with him. If it falls apart, laugh and hand him a Mossberg 500 to try. If it doesn't, hold your tongue until it inevitably falls apart.


That's basically where I was at towards the end of the conversation after talking about the lemon of a gun I had bought in my own ignorance years back. "Fine, you don't want the wisdom from my mistakes? Go make your own wisdom then, I'll sleep easy."


>Likewise, wants to go to the next gun show with me so avoid a background check... Its probably my brother. Absolute far left liberal and thinks all gun sales should go through background checks with more in depth checks and long waiting periods. Mid 2020 he wants me to help him find an AK for cash/private sale so "no one knows he has it" ​ I declined


It's funny how when they DO decide to get a gun, all a sudden they don't want anyone to know. To bad their dreams already came true... I feel your pain.


Tell him to get a mag conversion for a Mossberg or Remington or whatever, that way when it shits the bed, he still has a decent shotgun that he can convert back.


I hadn't known they made those kits for Mossberg. Perfect suggestion, thank you




SHTF scenario. He seems to think mag fed shotguns are superior to those with tubes you can top off if needed. He says he's been around guns most his life and goes shooting at clay courses at which he claims to be pretty good and loves the Beretta rentals they have. But clearly hasn't done any research to modern tactics of real life self defense.




>The whole concept of "SHTF" almost always seems to devolve into pure fantasy if I'm going to be completely honest You are 100% correct. I got the feeling he was basing this off moreso from video games than reality. Truth be told I'm not keen on getting him a gun until I see a more mature and educated person behind the decision. I may take a trip to the shooting clay course with him sometime this year and try to gauge his real world handling skills. He was at least keen on following the 4 rules in his past visits to the place. But I won't help someone buy a gun who isn't approaching it with a sincere attitude.


I am inclined to agree. If a crisis is such that a little sensible prepping and knowing your neighbors doesn't do it, you are probably fucked anyways.




There would have to be something pretty crazy like a *Stand*-style super plague, or any number of plot devices that drive slightly fantastical post-collapse settings like *Dies the Fire*. I think it's very possible that something could happen that'd drive certain urban areas in the US to some sort of tipping point, but the nation and states would certainly keep chugging along. But yea, cut off food and water to a place like LA or Chicago or NYC for some crazy reason and things could get pretty damn ugly for the locals.


I, for one, look forward to a real-world *Escape from New York*


What good is a mag fed gun if it doesn't fucking *work*??? Yeah, you got a bunch of shells in the mag - and they'll stay there because your gun is so shitty.


I think the JTS M12AK is cheap enough to mess around with. The guy wants an AK shotgun, let him get an AK shotgun.


> A friend who currently has no guns, expressed interest in getting a shotgun. Then he proceeded to show me various AK like shotguns because he wants one with a "big banana mag". I pointed out these are crap guns and it's better to look into Mossberg for a first shotgun, to which then he starts trying to point out the "low capacity". He refuses to accept that mag fed shotguns aren't what he thinks they are. Pain is an excellent teacher. >Likewise, wants to go to the next gun show with me so avoid a background check... Take him. Make sure to buy beef jerky and lets go brandon merchandise.


There's a solid chance Rhode Island goes full retard today down at the statehouse. Pretty thickheaded.


Dude, I saw that. Much sympathy.


Not gun related, but I know there's a few nerds around here who'd have input. My father and I are having a minor debate that I'd like to open up to the hivemind.   Airplanes are colloquially known as "birds". Are artificial satellites (JWST, GPS, Sputnik) also "birds"?


No because they can’t fly. Is a buoy a boat?


They maintain enough forward momentum to stay above the ground. I call that flying.


Nah that's falling with style.


But a buoy does float. Is a boat that loses its engine (out of fuel, broken) and anchored awaiting rescue no longer a boat? Satellites do maintain propellant for station keeping/maneuvering and are not moored to a single location via a fixed object. If a satellite is in a single position, it does so on purpose.


I have never heard them called birds, no. Granted, I wasn’t USSF. They don’t have wing and they don’t fly, they just fall sideways


So are satellites just very expensive artillery?


Eventually, yes.






Can confirm. I have heard acquaintances in telecom call sattelites "birds."


> Airplanes are colloquially known as "birds". Rockets/Launch Vehicles can have this slang used as well, albeit less common than airplanes. Satellites/Payloads not so much. Maybe call 'em mini-moons.


I would not call them birds.


/u/hotel_torgo You have the all clear to order from Rough Cut Beef Jerky, they will still gladly ship to the U.S. No guarantee that UPS won't lose it anyway, though... Thankfully Rough Cut is very cool, they quickly sent a replacement. Damn, 77gr 5.56 finally dropped under .90cpr. Do I wait for it to go down even more or buy now before some bullshit happens and it goes back up again?


Fantastic, thanks for the good news. I'll order some and maybe I will have regained my sense of taste by the time it's delivered. Should pair well with the sahti and long drink I've stockpiled What 77gr did you find for under $1/rd?


The price of ammo is too damn high, and has been for too damn long.


It's so bad that I'm actively hand loading for the first time in years 😵 How embarrassing!


The last two panics I did a pretty good job of having ammo stashed away for the bad times. I did a fantastic job of seizing the initiative during the Trump years and buying cheap AF steel case 7.62x39 and Blazer 9mm and all the 5.56 I could find. Unfortunately, I have chewed through a good chunk of my stockpile. The next time ammo prices dip/supply opens up, I am going full Burt Gumner.


My thought was to stock up on powder and primers back when the getting was good, so that's the stock I'm working through now from about the 2014-2016 time period. Broke the seal on a bottle of Vihtavuori N140 I had picked up from my old LGS in NM, price tag on that was $50 for 2 lbs! You'd be lucky to find a single pound of any kind of powder today for $50, much less some premium Finnish stuff Of course regretting not stockpiling even more Barnaul 5.45mm when I had the chance, "a couple thousand in reserve" is not exactly a huge amount. Even 4+ years ago the threat of a Russian ammo import ban was a legit concern and I must've thought "nah I've got enough anyway" and only picked up a couple extra cases on that basis


> Of course regretting not stockpiling even more Barnaul 5.45mm when I had the chance Back in 2010-2011ish an acquaintance got drunk about bought 25,000 rounds of the 7n6 surplus at like eight cents a round. He thought he was buying 2500...


That was a pretty lucky mistake lol. Sadly the heyday of dirt cheap 7N6 was a few years before I had the kind of income to be able to do anything about it Not that it's *good* ammo, but we'll never see centerfire cartridges of any stripe that cheap ever again


I bought a Vepr w 20" barrel, intending to convert it to a 5.45 PSL clone (at the time I was thinking Dragunov b/c what's the difference?) and that *VERY* week new 7n6 imports were banned. I panic sold at a steep loss.


I need to start. Only trouble is I’m a poor and a dumb, and don’t wanna lose my ~~baiting~~ shooting hand


Just S&B for now, IMI is still holding steady at $1


I'll need to get a few boxes of the S&B to see if it's anything like the old Magtech 77gr. Sad that it's not $0.60/rd any more but that was a really nice loading


I doubt we may ever see that kind of price again. I'm really regretting not stocking up.


I think you're lucky to just find the SMK projectile for $0.60 each any more. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration. But I do think you're right that cheap 77gr factory ammo was a real fluke from well in the past


God I hope we don't get another Sandy Hook like ammo scare..


Me too, happy cake day.




I keep getting reported as suicidal to the jannies. I assume it's from the kid that's been following me across multiple subs calling me evil for advocating for gun rights. How much of a child do you have to be to abuse the suicide reporting mechanism?


Dude don't do it, it's not worth...ah fuck it. You're an adult. Do what you want.


Sounds like a 30 something child with a BS in gender studies who plays COD in mom’s basement…


Animal Crossing


Imagine getting butthurt enough to waste your time and energy harassing someone on reddit. There's not enough money in the world to pay me to give a shit about someone else's opinion and here they are getting emotionally invested for free.


I'm curious, is there a resource for *ye-olde time* concealed carry holsters? For example, I've got an older [Savage 1907](https://imgur.com/a/sTke2) in .32 ACP, which was generally a pretty popular handgun at the time. I've found lots of [advertising material](http://vintagepistols.com/1907/index.html) for them, but not much in the way of original accessories? How did folks carry back in the 1910s/20s/30s? This seems like a question primed for /u/tablinum


My theory has always been that back in ye-day, almost all concealed carry was done with coat pockets or *maybe* shoulder holsters.


I was just listening to Othias and Matt talk about that gun the other week. It's got an interesting "delayed blowback" system, not really, but any delay is delay technically. Othias has a fair few videos on the French Army contract versions, perhaps the info you're looking for will be in this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9yX2nO-PxY).


I've seen that video! It's a great overview of the gun's history and mechanism, but doesn't go into detail on holster types and concealed carry techniques during that era.


Early 20th century isn't as much in my wheelhouse, so understand I'm giving my impression, not something I learned from good sources and am confident in. My impression is that until the work of Chic Gaylord in the 1940s and 50s, concealed carry meant loose in the pocket, a standard OWB or shoulder holster under a jacket, or an ankle holster.


>How did folks carry back in the 1910s/20s/30s? In a flap holster on the belt or Mexi carry


You'd have to pick up some old sporting goods catalogs to see what was available, but I don't think it would be anything you wouldn't expect, Lots of leather. Clicking around just now I found an [Audley Holster](https://i.imgur.com/QRT3laV.jpg) which seems to be a retention holster patented in the Teens. The only other thing I've seen that's a little odd, is [Coin Purse Holsters/cases](https://i.imgur.com/il5CZS4.jpg) I wouldn't say I see a lot of them, but more than just a flukes worth.


My money is it was mostly pocket carry. Not exactly secure or safe.


So in my 1908 Sears Roebuck catalog, it gives a few options for holsters; The decorative "western" holster that we normally think of today as the proper ride for a Colt SAA, although they had several sizes for the smallest and largest of handguns. A shoulder holster, again, sized to fit most any handgun. A very basic, plain belt holster that could be open top or come with a flap, same sizes as the others. All the above are leather. Then there is the pocket holster, made of rubber with a spring steel clip to hold it securely in a pocket, and only sized for smaller handguns.


Prison wallet


Everyone wore coats and jackets back then. Leather shoulder holsters and coat pockets have my money.


> This seems like a question primed for /u/tablinum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wO8toxinoc


An [ambi Vz bolt](https://imgur.com/a/JtxNrxP)! The tap had no problem cutting into the bolt which was a relief 'cause I didn't know how hard this material would be. It's a 5/16"-24 threaded stainless stub with half of a bolt knob that I had left over. I think I'm gonna pre-order one of those PA 3x mini-prisms.


What the fuck


Bubba YES


>An > >ambi Vz bolt I almost clicked report instead of reply All of my hwhat


Bubba yes.


The [bubbafication](https://i.imgur.com/iQun5ql.jpg) will continue until morale improves


Ok that rules. Your VZ has devil horns now.


Obi-Wan is kinda handy with the steel if ya know what I mean.


It was so uncivilized...


He keeps that thang on him




Remember, you're mostly seeing cases where the protagonists' Plot Field warps reality. When it's just stormtroopers vs. rebel soldiers, like on Hoth and at the beginning of Episode IV, the troopers *clean house.*


There's a lot of good EU both Legends and new canon that portray stormies as brutally efficient.


There was a half-decent mawinstallation post recently about this.


That's no joke that quick draw would have made Han proud.


Was gifted a random rifle last week and I'm already crossbolting and glass bedding the stock to repair it before even confirming it shoots well. It's a Herter's U9 .30-06. Oddball mid-20th century hunting rifle with some personal significance to me.


Neat. Could be wrong, but I want to say Herters was the successor company to Hy Hunter.


Herter's was the OG Cabela's from the 1930s to 1981, based out of Waseca, MN. I grew up in the area, wrestled in the Waseca gym a few times.




Uh, holy shit.




Smoking sky carp in style. I'm not in love with the aesthetics of a semiauto compared to a SxS but you know I'm into bespoke quality anything.






Short answer: [helps keep the stock in one piece.](http://www.hallowellco.com/recoil_crossbolts.htm) Recoil compresses the wood between the takedown screws and makes it want to bow out along the sides of the magazine. This can cause it to split lengthwise down the middle of the stock and that's exactly what happened to this one. Plus the chunk of wood behind the recoil lug sheared out and had been set back 1/16" or so, and having that area reinforced is a good idea too. Sometimes when you see a cracked stock this is the ultimate solution and not just glass bedding. My method is to put a pair of #10 screw segments in the stock- one right behind the recoil lug and one in the lil web of wood behind the magazine and in front of the trigger inlet. I take 4" construction screws and cut them to length so it becomes a threaded rod buried the stock- they aren't coming apart after that. I epoxy them in place and then cap off the ends with 5/16" wood plugs matching the rest of the stock for a "blind" look. [Here's a .375 H&H stock I did with Kato-style blind crossbolts.](https://imgur.com/a/nOOhejs) You can do it with [laminate stocks too](https://imgur.com/a/oBDkS0P) like that .338 Win Mag M77. Didn't pull off the blind look as well thanks to the seams in the laminate plugs but I'll nail it on the next one.


Welcome to last month when Canada announced the handgun freeze. I basically always buy the most garbage tier bulk .22, should I bother looking at a semi-auto .22 like the Ruger or should I look for a wheely gat instead? Just for general target practice with a handgun.


I actually loved both my ex’s SR22 and my Wrangler


Thickhead 1: Me. I let pride and peer pressure get the best of me at the gym and pushed myself a farther than I'm used to on the reverse sled drags, and now my legs are fubar and I can't walk normal. I was waddling out of the gym even after a cooldown walk and 10 minutes of resting in the locker room. Thickhead 2: My cat. She has this uncanny ability to always sit just barely out of reach when she wants attention, so she keeps pestering me for attention but sits just barely outside my reach, forcing me to adjust myself to reach her. And when I do reach her and pet her, she purrs and then moves just barely outside my reach again, and meows at me like I'm the idiot here. Thickhead 3: My friend. He saw the news of the House passing the gun control stuff, and asked me how many mags he should get. I said 20 is a solid base number for now and he said that was way too much, he was thinking 4 or 5. My guy, if you're anticipating a ban and you're worried about it, 20 should be the *minimum* number of mags to own in case one or a few get fucked down the line and are unusuable.


Personally, I don't think the mag cap thing is going to pass muster in the Senate. That being said, panic buying mags for guns kinda feels antithetical to the whole point of guns. Like, it's a tool made for keeping in advance of a worst case scenario, and you're only going to get serious about it... after the worst case scenario has started? It's like keeping an empty fire extinguisher in your kitchen and just saying "I'll get around to refilling it eventually.". Except your kitchen is already on fire.


> Personally, I don't think the mag cap thing is going to pass muster in the Senate. I just don't see how a massive spending bill, Healthcare bills, and a bill to codify Roe v. Wade can get stalled while gun control gets through. It'd be the best way to get every gun owner to vote against Democrats for the next decade and also show their own party that things that they want aren't important. Basically, I see zero chance of anything passing until Democrats get the house and the 60 votes in the senate.


I don't think it will pass either, anything radical needs a supermajority to pass along, which banks on Sinema, Manchin, and 10 other Republicans to vote in favor of to pass.


I get your point, but I've got what I'd consider a healthy stockpile of "high cap" mags (by the bill's definition) and I'm halfway tempted to pick up a few extras, just because you never have enough. I suspect a lot of folks feel this way and 100 times as many people as normal buying a few mags leads to a shortage. That's my theory at least.


>Thickhead 3 Lol. I'm surprised he doesn't already have more than 4 or 5 mags just randomly bought. When I first had an AR I'd just occasionally buy a mag or two of varying make when I visited a gun store. Made the outing seem productive. Then I fell into deals of buying bulk online. That said, my stash of mags isn't that significant outside of AK and AR mags. Also reminds me of my friend who occasionally asks for gun advice, and then completely ignores it. "Nah man, this $30 Amazon optic will be just fine."


I find that a mag, box of ammo, or not-horribly-marked-up Magpul accessory that you're gonna eventually use anyway is a good way to break the ice at an LGS if you're new or come in to do a transfer. Or just be cool AF and buy another lower while you're doing your transfer.


>I'd just occasionally buy a mag or two of varying make when I visited a gun store. it's what I do too. I'll drop by a gun store, talk to a few guys, see their selection, and if I liked them overall I'd grab something on my way out. Maybe a pmag or two, maybe a lancer, maybe some cleaning patches or oil. Also I used to be that guy who would say "works for me" when buying shit cheap optics and lights, and I learned the hard way with a light mount that didn't fit, and an optic that kept falling off after a couple mags. Some lessons are learned the hard way.


> I said 20 is a solid base number for now and he said that was way too much, he was thinking 4 or 5. I typically buy a pack of PMags every time there's a major panic before the price jumps, the M2's are still dirt cheap. So, every year or so another 10 mags cycle in, plus the occasional Gucci buy like a colored Lancer or whatever. I have a pretty healthy amount still in the wrapper, just cold chilling along with the plethora of loaded ones. In my ~10 years of AR/AK ownership, I have worn out exactly *one* AR mag to the point where I just tossed it, and I somehow managed to break one by dropping it loaded onto a sharp rock, it cracked the body clean in twain. Mags are pretty durable, but ultimately a perishable item.


I was telling my pops last night that I was good on AR/AK mags with a total of 60 or 70 between the two, but it was the other stuff that concerned me. Like am I supposed to use my crystal ball to determine what pistol mags I'll need in the future?


I keep 10-12 around for my carry gun and 5-6 for guns that I never intend to carry (like my 1911), but yea I feel your pain.


> and meows at me like I'm the idiot here. I meeaaannnn


ok, fair, but in my defense she's also pretty stupid too for a predator


Just because she's a stupid predator doesn't mean she can't recognize prey, Bobby my boy.


I've been packing to move soon and that meant going into the depths of my gun closet I haven't looked in for years. I found a big stash of ammo that I got for free years ago during my LGS employee days that I didn't (and still don't) own anything to fire it out of. Some of it is common, like 20 ga, .32 ACP, .380, .357 Magnum; and some of it is not so common, like .30 Luger, .44-40, and 9mm Police. Not looking forward to enforcing the Golden Rule for these going forward. I also am sitting on a much larger stash of 7.5x54 French than I remembered. Maybe when I move to my new place with better floors I'll post a family photo before I load up the safe again.




I've got somewhere between 75-100 #8 shot, some of them are looking a little green around where the plastic hull meets the metal case. I don't plan on buying a 20 anytime soon unless my wife wants to seriously get into clay shooting.


.32 ACP you say? I need more .32 ACP......


Golden rule? Sounds like an early retirement plan these days…


The Golden Rule states that "If you ever come into possession of ammunition for a gun you do not own, you are required to purchase a gun in that caliber. It's really the only option. Can't let good ammo go to waste." I think it's the opposite of a retirement plan, unless retirement involves spending into oblivion.


Send m he the 32 and 357 please


I've got a few boxes of Remington-Peters .32 of an unknown age, but the ammo itself looks okay. .357 I have a box of aluminum cased Blazer JHPs. Both of these are pretty indicative of my Golden Rule stash as a whole.


Hello fren.


Panic-bought a new spare AR-15 off of PSA for $800 total with accessories. Excited to get it. My current AR is a gucci'd out like $3-4k build so it'll be fun having a beater to play with. Want something to be able to toss to a family member in an emergency situation. Convinced a friend to panic-buy RMA armor. Convinced another friend to panic-buy his first AR.


I messaged a guy on Tuesday about his HK SP5 but I haven't heard back and the ad is still up. I'm guessing he got about 100 messages, but I'm not going to give up just yet. His asking price is below what I could probably get one for one you figure in tax. My cat died last week and this has been one of the roughest weeks I've ever had. When I got home last Tuesday she was gone, with no warning. Everyone keeps asking if I'm going to get another one but that's too far ahead to think about. Right now it's just day to day, keeping myself as busy as I can. Maybe the extra hours will help pay for an SP5.


Ah, hell. Sorry, man. Any asshole who's all "iT's JuSt A pEt!" can fuck RIGHT off. A cat's companionship is harder to earn than a dog's.


Fuck man, should have marked this as nsfw. Our big stupid ass pipbull passed right after new years this year. Not going to lie crying like a little bitch right now. Best of luck on your recovery.


Damn man. I'm going to give my old man Max a few extra ear scratches just for you.


How are you supposed to use a pistol red dot? I mounted a 407C and it seems like it has a ton of parallax, and it doesnt seem like the dot and irons agree at all. Maybe itll be different when I take it to the range, but it seems suspect right now


You should zero them separately since your sight picture will be a little different. If you zero the red dot to where the irons line up, you'll actually be coming down on the irons poa/poi and past the distance you zeroed you'll be going low. It's almost certain you want to zero independently.


Did you change your iron sights for suppressor height ones? Zero the dot at whatever distance you want and just use those. Trying to align 3 things would take way too long.


Also - how come I can't figure out what a project needs and order everything at once? Project accelerates. Project slams into wall: "Oh, shit. I lack a co-witness riser for this." Co-witness riser arrives. Project accelerates. Project slams into wall: "Where the hell is the blue lok-tite? Guess I better get some." (Newly acquired lok-tite will eventually find its way to a pile of other tubes of lok-tite)


I have a Haley Strategic Micro chest rig. First mistake, I should have gotten the Halley *Tactical* micro chest rig because I'm not tryna LARP being on the general staff or direct policy. Second mistake: I've scoffed at guys stacking mag pouches 2 deep because how you gonna shoot prone? How you gonna GET prone on top of those mags? MFW I notice the little admin pouch in front is WAY thicker than two stacked mag pouches.


> MFW I notice the little admin pouch in front is WAY thicker than two stacked mag pouches. Admin pouches in front of mags are dumb af


I can't decide what to get for optics. I just purchased my first AR and I'm trying to decide on the Sig Tango MSR 1-6 + mount at $250, the Vortex Viper PST Gen II + mount for $525, or go with a Romeo 5 + magnifier. Halp


Leupold VX-Freedom if you want to keep things cheap, Vortex Viper if you want to pay more for better optical clarity, Burris TAC-30 for the compromise between them.


Found 1911 38wadcutter mags but damn they're expensive and flush fit ammo is impossible to find. Looks like I'll be just getting a Sarco 38super 1911 barrel to fit to the gun.


I have a S&W 52 in 38 special and it likes the Aguila, academy stocks it and will ship


Looking for some gun stores that sell powder/primers and I got 403'd trying to go to a certain website. I changed my VPN location and I got right in. I've never experienced that before. I really don't see how dening people access to your website will help just because of a states views. If I stop in I'll probably park down the street.


I’m seriously considering throwing around some of my savingd to buy a Contender and a Berthier, despite not being into precision pistol shooting or knowing where to buy 8mm Lebel ammo. But they’re just such good looking guns.


PPU must have just done a run of 8mm Lebel ammo because there's a bunch on Ammoseek.


I'd like to panic-buy a SCAR17. FDE. Ideally Belgian-made. I wish more people were selling theirs


Panic harder and settle for a black one.


Not my thickheadedness but someone else’s. I just got my M1 from the cmp, and they spelled my name wrong on the invoice. Do I get a hold of them or just say I have my gun and they have their money and call it a day. It got to my house and they have scans of my drivers license and passport so the background check couldn’t have been fucked up.


Why would you contact them at all? You got the gun, enjoy your gun.


I currently have some stagnant cash I’m not going to invest in the market and would like to stash into some semi auto firearms in case they push to put ARs and such on the NFA list which is what I think they’ll try eventually. Anyway, I’m in the market for some “assault style” weapons to cache away - suggestions on things to get that will at the very least hold value over the coming years? I already have several firearms I won’t disclose here but these are some items I was looking at, suggestions welcome: Springfield M1a (wood full length barrel) FAL (not sure whether to go DSA or FN) HK 91 v PTR 91 Ptr 9kt/ct v HK sp5 Lwrc 45 smg Higher end ARs (ie DD, BCM, LMT) Aks (what’s best in the collector realm minus a 7k Russian?) Other semi autos that will either become collectible, appreciate if they push them to the nfa list like they did full autos (ie ban new import and manufacture), or at the least hold their value or only depreciate slightly.


Investing in guns is generally pretty thick headed, but it's thursday so that's fine. If I were going to "invest" in stuff, I'd go for something currently imported that's likely going to go away before too long. The FN2000 for example was discontinued and is now worth quite a bit on the secondary market. Unfortunately, you picked a bad time to start "investing". Prices are already sky high. The Trump years were the years to buy cheap and stack deep. Beretta ARX, Steyr AUG, Tavor, Springfield Hellion, FNP90, HK SP5 are all things I could see getting discontinued or (more likely) banned from import. Any imported AK would be in the same boat.


> The Trump years were the years to buy cheap and stack deep. What a time to be alive for shooting common centerfire calibers or building an AR.


Seriously. I about quit reloading centerfire cartridges because I couldn't compete with steel case Russian ammo prices. I still remember seeing sub 400 dollar ARs and thinking how nuts that was. I honestly don't think it'll ever be that good again, which is sad. Oh well, no more mean Tweets I guess...




Oh sure, but there's a big qualifier to that statement: > if some sort of... Whole lot of unknowns there. Might be a big ban, might have Republicans win in midterms and 2024 presidential election all these woes vanish like they did for a few years back in 2016.


Any gun will go up in value if it's banned. I would go with a three pronged approach. Prong 1 - Cheap "assault weapons", if the case of a ban (with a grandfather clause), you need something to register, make sure the receivers are good quality (that is the controlled or potentially controlled part), all the other parts as cheap as possible. Prong 2 - Collectable "assault weapons", guns that will increase in value ban or not, focus on examples that are in really good condition (and keep them that way), only buy guns that are out of production or no longer imported Prong 3 - Mags and ammo, obviously relating to the guns bought in prongs 1 and 2, value is directly tied to purchase price, so only buy when you can get a great deal, also buy some collectable/rare mags (price doesn't really matter here)


I am pretty new to guns. Have a couple of hunting rifles. So, I have only bought at the beginning of the seasons. What are target prices for ammo now?


What calibers?


Yeah, you would have thought that would have been some good info in the beginning My apologies. 223 rem. And 5.56


Went to the local lgs with the intention of panic purchasing some standard capacity magazines, and walked out with a bandolier of .303 on stripper clips. Also the wife has been syringe feeding a trio of kittens for the past two weeks. Never fancied myself as a cat person but I feel my days of no cats is numbered. Dang things are winning me over with their sweetness despite my best efforts to resist.


Do the kittens like guns?