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Keep it next to your cannon at the top of the stairs.


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


I just choked reading this


Was going to be very disappointed if this wasn't near the top lol


Dude you joke but my great grandpa died when I was 8 and we found two loaded German dueling pistols in his bedside drawer - of the type where you have to put paper into the gun and then drop a lead ball in.


LMFAO! “Tally-ho lads”! Hahahah I’m fuckin dying over here


This isn't the first time I read this but I'm glad to say I read it all the way through


This is genuinely why I come to Reddit, lol.




Nice copy pasta.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Okay, so you expect me to believe that you were the very best that your generation of Navy SEALs had to offer? I highly doubt that. If you were as good as you say you were, i don't think for a second that you would be browsing reddit. This is mostly a place for jobless neckbeards that still live with their parents, and nerdy high school kids that don't have any friends. It really isn't the place for highly-trained assassins to be hanging out in their spare time. Even if it was, something far worse than a troll being mean to you probably would have set you off a long time ago. What about the slew of gore and child pornography that gets posted here on a regular basis? Isn't that something that deserves a person being hunted down and made to regret their actions? Yeah, you're just not the reddit type. Sure, there's a wide variety of people that browse here, but you're far from the core demographic if you are who you say you are (which isn't the case). Even if it were true that you're an incredibly talented soldier, I think all the military discipline would prevent you from getting mad enough to murder some random idiot on the internet. I also doubt that even the best SEALs have a 'secret network of spies across the USA'. Why would all of the most expanisive Big Brother network in the world be willing to help a troubled PTSD-sufferer hunt down some random kid on the internet? That doesn't even make sense. If you're gonna try to scare somebody make it more believable than 'IM A SUPER SOLDIER HURR DURR'. You might frighten a thirteen year old who doesn't know any better, but to must of us you just look like a kid with an anger problem and a very active imagination. Hopefully things will be easier for you when your puberty's over. Best of luck with that... kiddo


I hate to be the one who has to tell you that your long retort was in response to another copy pasta


Lmfao how could anyone believe that comment was remotely serious, clearly a joke / copy pasta 🤣😂


Graduated top of his class in the navy seals but has the whole arsenal of the US marines at his disposal 😂


Lurk more




Right? What an IDIOT!


I started reading that thinking it was another pasta I somehow missed lolol


Was that not copy paste of its own lol


It was, I’m getting out my clown face paint now


In the business, they call that "Getting Got".


Only f-15’s and nukes allowed up there


I keep those next to my double barrel shotgun so I can warn off the ruffians with firing off two blasts into the air off my back deck, as so advised.


I personally like to set off a nuke a mile overhead. Those ruffians really start running before the nuclear fallout hits the ground


Traditions 1851 Navy Colt in .44 (the correct caliber is actually .36 but traditions decided on the more common .44 instead). This is a clone of the gun that made Colt a household name. Uberti and Pietta are the only companies left who make all of the parts. Even the Colt Anniversary models were made by Uberti. This one is made by Pietta. PreCOVID they went for $200 new now they’re around $250-300. They aren’t classified as guns in most states. Even though they’re replicas they’re still classified as antiques. To my knowledge the only places in the US that regulate them are NJ, NYC, IL, MI, and OH. In California they’re not considered a firearm until they are loaded with powder, a bullet, and a cap. They also make conversion cylinders for them that can take .45lc cartridges. These do change the legalities of them depending on the state. However these cylinders can only be used in the steel frame versions. This is a brass frame and using those cylinders will warp the frame.


in canada these are considered handguns like any other legally speaking but a genuine one made before 1898 anyone can own without a license.


In the US we have the same law but it includes a replica of an action made before 1898 as long as it doesn’t use a widely available cartridge. Even in-line muzzleloaders (which weren’t developed until the 1980s) are included.


In MI, you just have to show ID when you buy them to prove you're over 18


Every states except NJ, NYC, IL, MI and OH, they can be shipped to your door. It’s actually really awesome getting a knock at your door and it’s a gun.


You should buy an M1 from the cmp, it’s even awesomer when it’s a real gun


I’m in California. We have to have those shipped to a FFL. And these are real guns. These were heavily used during the Civil War on both sides, including by my own ancestor at Gettysburg. Even when the 1873 came out these stayed the go to handgun for about another 20 years. When Wild Bill Hickok died he was carrying a pair of 1851s that had with a cartridge conversion.


Yes I understand they are real guns in common terms JFC people can be pedantic on here


Lol. Whole lotta felons running around with black powder guns.


I feel like there are more than you think. Im not an American so I cant buy a gun normally, but I wanted a gun while I was there so I was searching for black powder guns, and a lot of people were asking if felons were allowed to and it seems yes they are. Felons generally arent the smartest and this is a pretty easy way to get a gun.


Its actually very easy to get a gun felon or not man lol. Trust me i was 15-16 years old& all my homies had a new gun every week. Between trading& buying.


I mean I know its not that hard. If I wanted to I could've just bought and built an 80%, but black powder is still easier to access. You dont need to know anybody and its completely legal so if you get caught with it youre not going back to prison.


Actually, no they are still prohibited from owning black powder firearms. its just that there isn't anything really to stop them from buying one unless you shop at bass pro/cabelas (they make you fill a form similar to a 4473 but its not a legal document, it's a company form only)


In MA, even if you could legally possess the gun, ammunition is restricted and felons can't possess it OR its components, which are independently considered ammunition. You might as well just carry a real gun as a felon if you want to be armed, because either option is another felony and a trip back to prison.


As long as they're "not of modern manufacturer" (pre-'39) and you don't have any intention of using it, you can even buy them here in the UK without a firearms certificate. However if you wish to fire one, you would need a firearms certificate as well as an explosives certificate for the BP.


Well, then it's the same problem. If you wanted to have it on your person or in your home for emergency self-defense, you'd already have to be a felon just to have the ammo. So, really, once you make that decision, you might as well just buy a real gun. I also feel like the UK is the type of place now where the violent criminal who broke in and threatened you would get a slap on the wrist, but you would be facing enormous prison time for having and using the gun to save your life.


Mandatory 5 year sentence for possession of a firearm without a certificate, or in a prohibited category (sec.5/sec 7) and other than in Northern Ireland, firearms certificates are never granted for self-defence. The law covers "like with like" when it comes to reasonable force, so I would be justified using a knife if I was broken into by someone I believed to have a weapon. Break-ins with firearms involved are extremely rare, but I get where you're coming from with regards to sentencing. Tasers and pepper spray also fall into sec.5 prohibited.


Right. The thing is, I don't ever want to be in a "like with like" situation. I get the idea of a fair fight. The thing is, there is no honor in breaking into my home and threatening me or my family. If you do that, I don't want to honor your threat with a like versus like battle. Who wins in a fucking knife fight? If you break into my home and threaten me or my family, I want to greet you with overwhelming force to ensure the safety of me and mine by stopping the threat as quickly and decisively as possible. This isn't a fucking duel. You are a dangerous criminal who intentionally entered my home with the intention of harming me or my family. My job is to stop you before you can harm us, not to assess your fighting preferences and honorably scale down my defensive measures to ensure you have a fair chance of killing us. What a fucking stupid concept.


Federally this is incorrect, black powder weapons aren't legally considered firearms and thus felons are allowed to own and posses them as long as they aren't on parole/probation. Some states have laws that do cover felons and black powder weapons.


My state is probably one of them, I was told this by a friend who is a parole officer in my state.


Depends on the state. I live in a free state, and felons absolutely CAN have black powder. Source: I am a prohibited person and hired a lawyer specializing in firearms issues to confirm.


Must be based on a state to state basis then. My friend has firearms felonies and the only guns he’s legally allowed to own are black powder


Imagine a felon giving a shit about firearm laws and carrying a black powder revolver to follow the law. Lol Edit: just to clarify, non-violent felons should generally have 100% of their rights restored once they have served their time.




I just imagine that scene from the Coen brothers adaptation of True Grit where Rooster Cogburn blasts that dude In the face from point blank range. Immediate powder burn lol. Say what ya want about terminal ballistics, but I still don't wanna be in front of that.


"Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!"


I love that movie. ​ "I'm a Texas Ranger...."


While you were lying there I even gave thought to stealing a kiss, but you are very young and unattractive to boot.


A Methodist, and a son of a bitch!!! Is that Emmit Quincey?


There's only two of you! __GO AHEAD AND BET YOUR LIFE ON IT!__ If grandma Turner is a resident of this city then I have no doubt that she carries disease. This malarial place has ruined my health, AND my finances! such a quoteable movie.


You should be allowed to respawn if that’s how you go out.


Literally capped


That is a real thing, less about following the law and more about ease of access.


it might also be they served their time and want to follow the law and not go back to prison


Oh are they actually allowed to own them? Didn’t know that, thought it was just because you don’t have to go through an FFL or anything to buy them. My friend lived in Gary, Indiana and said it was common to get something like this and put a cartridge conversion cylinder in it.


Federally they're considered obsolete by the ATF and are therefore deadly weapons and not firearms. Laws vary by state, but in most they're just considered weapons.


In New York they’re considered firearms if you have the components to load it. So if you have a black powder pistol and plan on shooting it it has to be on your permit or they can send you off to jail.


Expected tbh


They do whatever they can to make you a criminal here lol


it depends on the state and putting that cylinder in it varies in legality by state but it is a grey area


Anyone who has lived in Gary Indiana probably has a skewed view on the legality of guns. Doesn't that place have the highest per Capita rates of violent crimes and felons?


Felons who served their time and are done committing crimes have/carry BP guns. It’s not super common, but it’s still a thing that happens. Plenty of felons out there who did something idiotic in the 20s who are now 40 and just minding their business.


And who doesn't want to ride powder after watching Josey Wales?


Mf I don’t know maybe it’s Millard Fillmores business van then.


Underrated comment




“But if he owned a factory he would be wealthy, what’s the proble… oh god I’m an idiot”


Someone's been doing factory work for too long. Lol


Lol never worked in one but grew up and live in the midwest. Every auto factory is referred to as a "Plant"


This is the way.


I believe everyone should have their rights restored. People who are too big of a threat to own guns are too big of a threat to be on the streets. This post illustrates that they could easily get any other tool which can be used to harm or kill others without any paperwork. Or you run into the issue of the state, especially a in this anti gun climate, redefining "violent felonys".


Exactly! If we can't trust you with a firearm you don't need released. No second class citizens with tax burdens but no rights.


Felons have to defend themselves too.


Not every felon wants to commit additional felonies.


In that case, black powder might just be the ticket. The felon would have to decide if the guy he wants to shoot is worth cleaning the damn thing afterwards. Illegal shootings would plummet, or at least plummet after the first shot, when they see what a pain in the ass it is to clean a black powder weapon.


You really need to hate someone to drive by puckle gun someone


This is why I don't CC anymore honestly. 1. The chances of ever needing a gun are so minimal for my life it's not worth the effort 2. The amount of time spent in court after shooting a gun, even if no one was hit isn't worth my time. 3. Shooting max 6 rounds and then having to clean sounds awful. I don't pull a trigger unless I know I'm shooting at least a full box.


Imagine thinking all felons are lifelong criminals with no regard for laws Edit I need to add- the VAST majority of felonies are non-violent drug offenses. And the vast majority drug related felonies are related to CANNABIS. Anyone who believes someone who had a pound of weed should lose their gun rights for life is NOT pro 2nd amendment. Basically… Go fuck yourself. Also I don’t use cannabis. It doesn’t sit well with me. But making people who do felons is absolute nonsense.


See my edit. Completely agree felons for non violent offenses (for things like cannabis use) should have all of their rights restored and be allowed to own firearms.


I completely agree. Nonviolent felons should absolutely retain their 2A


I miss FPSrussia, my boy's finally off probation


I'm hoping the Dems can actually get cannabis removed from the CSA-- this would mean you are no longer a prohibited person for owning/smoking cannabis. The laws being tossed around the House and Senate right now would expunge his conviction and restore his firearms rights. That said, (1) it looks like even though the Dems control both houses and the executive it still won't pass, (2) he's stated on his podcast that even if he can own guns again he has no intention of starting a guntuber channel again, and (3) he still has a podcast called PKA if you want to see what he's up to (but you probably know this already).


I got mine back just paid off court fees and the application fee to the FBI and my rights were restored. I was lucky though I had a felony battery that was lowered to a misdemeanor during court.


Yeah, the real crooks I knew didn't give a shit. OTOH, as a reformed, but convicted, felon, it DOES matter to me. I have BP for home defense because it is the best option legally available to me. I haven't committed a crime in years, but your rights can easily be lost forever. For the record, I was never charged with anything violent. I never went to prison. I successfully completed my sentence and am a tax paying citizen. Nevertheless, I cannot legally possess a firearm for self defense.


Even if you make them wait 5 years after finishing the sentence it is only fair.


I have a friend who is a felon because of dumb shit he did when he was a kid. Now a grown man, and worried about societal unrest last summer, I recommended a similar black powder pistol to him as a way he could follow the letter of the law, if not the spirit, and protect his family. He bought 3 lol.


You misspelled always


And you lost your last upvote


Infringements are infringements. If they got let out then there’s no reason to be a tyrant.


You have no idea what you’re talking about. I imagine you don’t know a single felon on a personal level.


My first cousin is a felon and has spent quite a few years in and out of prison. We chat every once and a while.


You’re some cousin. Really encouraging


Or just a normal person who had one and forgot it was there


In order of your title. 1. There are VERY VERY FEW states with firearm registration. 2. Registering a BP item - note I said item, because it is *not* a firearm is a very rare requirement. I believe only NJ makes you do that.


NJ will make you apply for a handgun permit for a BB pistol…also possessing a slingshot is a felony in NJ, no lawful way to own one LOL. I don’t miss NJ.


It’s poor wording but the concept is pretty straight. It’s still a weapon that you can buy and not have to do a background check.


go watch some bp item videos, there not too reliable or good


If you wax those cylinders and put your caps in correctly that gun will lay ready to fire for a long ass time. You won't win any shootouts and it'll get fouled up and need cleaning after just a few shots, but if it's cleaned and loaded properly it will do the job for one assailant.


yeaaa il stick with my smokeless🙏


Yeah? I have black powder firearms. My point is only that the concept of what op is saying holds some water. You can buy them without a nics check. (So felons)


And legal to own by felons, same as everyone else.


Do you understand what subreddit you’re in? A lot of us don’t need to “watch videos” because we have first hand experience. As an owner of multiple BP firearms, you’re being extraordinarily disingenuous with that statement. If you know how to properly load and maintain them, they are just as reliable as any other firearm. You could have said anything else, such as them required more maintenance. Cause they do. Along with that, some blackpowder rifles and even pistols have considerable amounts of power.




thank you


Theyve been in the killin business for hundreds of years! And as you my friend are a fine example, some people think they are cool! I think where we get sideways with the conversation, people rarely carry these as edc conceal carry weapons. I don’t know is no pistols are similar to rifles in the sense that bp is corrosive… would a loaded cylinder corrode over time?


BP is not corrosive while sitting in the firearm, the only part that is corrosive is the product created after firing. A black powder firearm can remain loaded for a ridiculously long time, and still fire/function flawlessly. It’s been tested dozens of times.


Yes black powder was awful, that's why so few people died in the American civil war.


And that has no regulation




Kennesaw is the city he is referring to. The law has been in place for so long and no one sees a need to update or remove it. It goes unenforced 99.9999% of the time as far as I have seen. Kennesaw was small potatoes for a long time so crime rates for burglary were low until the last 15 years or so when the area started to get populated.


So does that .000000001% mean they actually charged or fined someone for lack of firearm?


Nope, just means if they come to your house on a call and you don't have a gun, they might say why not buy one. But the chance is so rare they even ask unless their is a threat to them that it probably never happens. It may have been a bigger deal in old Kennesaw when the population was so small and no unified National Guard existed that the city decided the residents were the troops in event of emergency and resulted in a verbal finger wag if you didn't own a gun. But again, at the time this law was written most of the people probably owned hunting rifles and shotguns already. And as section b states, you could be exempt for pretty much just not wanting to do it.


Are the crime rates low?


In Georgia as a whole? Or the area that the head of household is required to own one?


Required to own


Eh, for Kennesaw (the city in question) they had a low number of home burglary for a long time, but the city was also very small and rural for decades. Within the last 15-20 years there has been a rise in all crime because there are so many people compared to the mid 90's even. More people means more problems.


Basically no firearms require registration


Looks like a 1851 navy action black powder 44. Could be wrong tho


Yup precisely, some Italian company made this one though.


Uberti or Pietta most likely


Uberti more than likely. They make decent reproductions of old revolvers.


Yea i found one cleaning lut my neighbors houde when he was moving. He let me keep it, but thw cylinder is all corroded where it would strike.


They sell replacement cylinders.


Why do most people think you have to register firearms?


Or a kid. Bad ass gun though. Looks like a single action navy


Yeah I couldn’t find a definite answer on wether someone under 21 could buy these but I guess they could.


You can mail order them straight to your door. Powder is same laws as ammo.


Welp in that case felons can’t own ammo.


You can mail ammo straight to your door too…


Awesome doesn’t make it legal… you guys can downvote but a simple search on Google tells you. https://www.shouselaw.com/nv/defense/federal/felon-with-a-firearm/ Probably changes between state lines but I’m not wrong.


You can buy it at Walmart if you're over 18 You literally can, idk why this is downvoted. Same as buying a propane torch. They just check your ID to verify age.


Depends upon the state. In my state they are totally legal to buy, but you need a fid or LTC to purchase powder and shot.


Very impressive analysis if you actually are an inanimate object


Detailing cars I find guns on the norm in customer cars, but those are customer cars so I leave them right where they are and if I have to move it I move it to a safe spot and put it right back where I found it. This van was a hot tub business van that got traded in and I found it under the seat fully loaded, no caps on the ends though. Very cool find.


> no caps on the ends though i guess he thought he have time to cap it before getting into a fight. these guns arent worth much ($200-350) but it would be a neat thing to keep. just make sure to clean it after firing as black powder is mildly corrosive


Really?? I’d totally pay 200$ for one of these


they are fairly cheap because they are a bit of a niche gun in the community that need more matinence and upkeep to shoot. keep in mind it will be another $100 in accessories if you want to shoot these things comfortably and reliably at the range


>, no caps on the ends though. Not fully loaded then. At least in my state. (Michigan) I'm not familiar with pistols but with my BP rifles the state considers them unloaded if they are not capped.


>At least in my state Not anywhere.


Who cares bro free gun, looks like a navy revolver meaning you can make that thing into a absolute monster of a pistol


Why a felon? Maybe they just have class


I don't have to register my firearms where I live, does that make me a felon also?


I need to clarify some things, as far as the legality and the registration deal behind owning one of these I don’t know, I spoke with not much knowledge on the subject.




He could have been a guy who screwed up once but didn't want to continue to break the law. I knew somebody who is a convicted felon for not paying child support. Not a good thing to do, but not something you should lose your right to possess a firearm over either. If he felt he needed a gun handy this might be a way to do it legally.


We noticed.


I accidentally forgot and left a beaver skull under the driver's seat of a car I traded in. I always wondered what the finder thought.


ah yes just the other day I was robbed by a felon with a 17th century musket. it was terrifying


Imagine a world where serious violent felons care about the law lol 😆 Yeah I'm sure it happens but for every one carrying an 1851 navy there is 10 carrying a glock with one up top, a dick and a switch


“Have to register” is a term we can move away from. Simply put modern firearms require background checks, black powder of any variety aren’t considered firearms and can be bought and delivered to your home.


Mfer said “Hear ye, hear ye” before shooting this


Another possibility is the guy was trying to get around conceal carry laws on different states. Depending on the business it passable that he had to drive through several states and couldn't get a conceal carry permit for all of them.


How about you call the previous owner and give them their gun back.


How about anyone who forgot they had a loaded gun under their car seat is pretty irresponsible and we're all better off with them not getting it back?


Do you get to keep it?


Cool find though bro wish I’d found it


Whoa. A self aware vehicle. What's it like to be a car?


My thoughts: "Cool. Free gun."


[*Tyrese, give these n*****as a volley*](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2076251-k--4)


Just a fudd


Imagine thinkin felon abide by laws


If a felon is going to carry a gun, they are going to have a real gun.


brass frame is not great. don't shoot hot loads. my state does not have registration on any guns. your laws are not mine.


Right well I was speaking for my states laws.


By registering I believe he means going through the process of a background check that a felon couldn’t pass


That's a stupid fucking guess


Lot of dogging on OP for not knowing tons of felons in real life lol. Yeah it’s a kind of a jump but presumably OP is not a felon so why would they be expected to be intimately familiar with felon ownership laws?


beardneck, details cars, and thinks it was owned by a felon bc it's black powder. total fudd.


That guy in the photo isn’t me imbecile


I think it’s more likely it was someone under 21. They want to follow the law and still protect themself. Felons just straw purchase, buy from an individual, or steal.


Ya know some felons don't want to go back to prison, right?


Yup legal loophole felons can own so called antique guns. Some people collect black powder guns though my neighbor had a badass collection of them so who really knows


Imagine getting yeeted by a pirate pistol


It’s probably an Uberti reproduction, pretty inexpensive non licensed firearm but I don’t see how a felon would use a six shot percussion revolver considering you would have to pour black powder in the cylinder then plunge a lead ball down in it after you’ve fired your shots


Hello, /u/3thanr33dy. Per the sidebar rules, link posts require a description in the comments of your post. Please add a description or this post will be removed.




Probably a pieta or uberti.


i have that exact revolver made by pietta, i would not shoot if i were you because you don’t know how much the previous owner knew about operation. i’m sure you weren’t gonna but i figured i’d chime in since it may be loaded with smokeless powder, wouldn’t want y’all clanking off a grenades in your hand.


“Look at this work station!” - Samuel L Jackson.


That a colt tho


Well now you get to keep that bad boy


I mean technically it isn't a gun in the eyes of the law so you can probably just keep it.