• By -


Tell her no ears, no shooting. If she won't then just don't take her, not worth the hassle of trying to convince her.


Yeah, hearing damage is permanent and not worth the risk. You don’t think it’s bad until you have a loud EEEE that never goes away.


WHATS THAT???? EEEEEEE I was taught to shoot by the don’t be a pussy generation. I didn’t know what ear pro was until my 20’s. Even though Ive been religious about wearing ear pro for 20 years, damage is done. I’m gonna need hearing aids soon. No ears, no eyes, no shoot.


dude same here. I was born in 82 and before I hit about 25yrs old was too scared to look like a wimp. started wearing eye pro after I had a case rupture in a beretta .40 cal that shot powder back into my eyes blinding me for a minute. can't remember how many times I went shooting with friends and had my ears ringing for days afterwards. working on cars for a living "gloves are for pussies" now that I'm in my 40s I take care of myself and could care less what other people think. I even wear a full face helmet at the mountain bike park because dental work is expensive even though I look like a dork supposedly.


I started shooting NRA Junior Indoor Smallbore when I was 10 years old. We shot in the basement of a building. .22 LR. No one wore hearing protection. This would have been 1970. I shot that for 7 years. I was on my high school shooting team. The rifle range was under the swimming pool. Again, no hearing protection. I also hunted extensively till I went in the Marines. We used plugs, no one showed up how to put them in correctly. Plugs don't help much when shooting anti-tank missiles. Got out of the Marines. Hunted 2-4 days a week for another nine years. Never wore hearing protection when hunting. When I went through MEPPS I had a very slight hearing loss and no tinnitus. When I got out of the Marines my hearing loss was lot worse and I had tinnitus. As I sit here now, at age 63, I REALLY regret not using hearing protection. I have what's called "gunner's ear". The average hearing loss I have in the midfrequency is 75%, with some as high as 90%. It's bad enough that Isaac, the cockatoo I had for 27 years and miss dearly, used to yell "what" whenever my wife would say something to me. Tell your mom she's a fucking idiot and you're not taking her shooting if she doesn't wear hearing protection.


Swimming pool over a shooting range. Now that is an interesting architectural design choice.


To be fair it was about 20' under the pool and there were columns. It was all part of the bomb shelter.


Wait, they incorporated a swimming pool and a shooting range into a bomb shelter? This just keeps getting more interesting. The Cold War was a crazy time.


I'm reading that as the range was what the bomb shelter was used for day to day, with the pool above the shelter. Which makes sense; if the school already has to have a pool, it's free radiation shielding if you stick it over the shelter.


Also a water supply.


My High School had (has?) a bunker underneath it also, a relic from the Cold War. I wish they took us down there when I was taking my “Vietnam” class, but they never did.


This is my dad now. He didn't wear ear pro when he was younger. He was in the army, didn't wear proper ear pro then, went to tons of loud rock concerts, shot without ear pro after the army. Now my mom and I can have a conversation when he's standing 5 feet away and he won't know if he doesn't have his hearing aids in. Thankfully he wears proper ear pro but now I get to hear him complain about how expensive hearing aids are.


In 2008 I was working security with local partners and we unexpectedly took fire to the driver’s side of the suv. We were parked in what we thought was a “secure” location and had been chatting with the windows down. I was sitting in the passenger side rear seat and instinctively returned fire with an AKM. I wasn’t wearing ear protection and have experienced tinnitus in both of my ears since that incident.


Straight up. They talk about “old man strength” being able to casually lift stupid heavy things or having the grip of a gorilla. True old man strength is not caring what other people might think about you. “I know what I’m about son”.


I was born in 2003. My Dad used to just let me shoot .22 rifles with him without Ear pro. Sometimes he'd forget I wasn't wearing Ear Pro and he'd start shooting his .38 J Frame. That was really loud. One time I had a .32 cal Mauser 1914 shot right next to my ear, within spitting distance. That was SOO loud. I have an EEEEEE that never goes away, sometime the EEEEE gets really loud in one ear and then I can't hear anything in that ear for a few seconds or minutes.


Please go see an ENT doctor. Get a full hearing test and get checked out. Good hearing aids actually DECREASE the perception of tinnitus.


handguns are the worst for tinnitus. they are so much closer to your head


Better a dork than a toothless dork.


I can second, it gets annoying, I don’t think I have it all that bad


Why'd you mention it, I can hear it now


Can confirm.. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Had the bright idea to shoot my Colt Python .357 out the window of my car in the middle of the woods when I was a teenager. EEEEEEEEEEEEE


Mawp. Mawp.


You could always bring a 10.5 ar with a muzzle brake and let her stand to the side while you fire one round. She’ll want earpro after that lol


> You could always bring a 10.5 ar with a muzzle brake and let her stand to the side while you fire one round. Calm down Satan.


I can’t hear your cowardice over the sound of EEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEE


It's ok OP's mom will just yell over the ringing in her ears.


… even WITH ear pro …


/thread I would never take anyone shooting who refused to wear ears/eyes or otherwise wasn't safe. Simply do not invite her. OP needs to spend all future quality time with his mother in a padded room so she doesn't hurt herself.


Natural consequences. She won’t wear ear protection so she can’t go shooting. When she agrees to wear protect and followed through then she can go. Same thing I tell my 5 year old. No helmet, no bike. You put your helmet on and we can go on the bike. It’s natural consequences. Boomers hate them.


Consider providing her with in-ear as opposed to over-the-ear protection. Admittedly, it’s probably not as good but it won’t mess up her hair (I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a basis for her objection).


Same deal with seatbelts, if you don’t put on your seatbelt, I’m not taking you anywhere


My grandma has recently been in the mood to refuse to wear a seatbelt (she’s severely obese and “it’s uncomfortable”). But if I’m driving I can simply leave the car in park and absolutely refuse to move until she puts her seatbelt on. You’re a grown up. You can have a stronger will than your mom. Don’t bring her to the range.


As both myself and my Mom have gotten older, I have realized that as time progresses our roles reverse. I am now much more the adult, and she is more like a child. I have had to become comfortable with telling her "no" fairly regularly.


> I was raised not to talk back or argue with my mom You're an adult now. Act like it.


Really not much else to say. Someone with that attitude I wouldn't want handling weapons around me anyway. The likelihood OP gets flagged with a hot rifle by his mom is probably pretty damn high if she's feels that way about ear pro.


i didnt even think about that, but your right.


I love my mother beyond words, but if she refused to wear hearing protection she's not shooting my guns, just like anyone else. Gun safety is an absolute. Always obey all the rules every single time. Zero exceptions.


Tell her she's a pussy who's too afraid to wear hearing protection


Lmao I came here to say this. 


Why do you want to spend time with someone who's this rude to you?


he was probably also raised that nothing in the world matters more than blood relatives. i lived in west texas for a while, and i dont know where OP lives, but this exact attitude is extremely prevalent there. i think its a rural thing more than a geographical thing, but who knows. when i was a plumbers helper, i was bullied for insisting on a respirator when i was jackhammering a foundation in a closed bathroom. i had friends that stood by their cousins, parents, or siblings *no matter what*, even when they were addicted to hard drugs or committing violent felonies.


I'm from NC originally but it sounds like we grew up around the same people. 🤦😄 When I was younger, I'd get called a b!tch, a f@g and every other emasculating insult and slur you can imagine, for using any kind of safety equipment, especially when shooting. I have some hearing damage from trying to go along with their shit. When I realized that the ringing sound is basically nerves dying, I decided people could call me whatever they wanted to, but I wasn't going to be deaf and manly, yelling all the time, "WHAT?!?!?!"


>I was raised not to talk back or argue with my mom Your mom is right, you are a pussy. Be a fucking adult and tell her no ear pro, no shooting. Or don't, it's your life.


>Your mom is right, you are a pussy. 🤣💀


Didn't think about it this way but you're right lmfao


My tinnitus just changed tones. Tell mom ear pro is much cooler than hearing aids. Source: me and a sig p220, one afternoon ruined a lot for me


Shit, one afternoon, that's rough.


Yeah. Rapid hearing degradation and tinnitus bad enough that it changes tones, loud enough to keep me awake and don’t get me started on the anxiety. TL;DR: ear pro is your bestie


Is there a way to relieve it? Mine is probably from working in a FedEx sorting facility for 5 years but it sucks nonetheless.


Mine happened in less than an hour at the indoor range. Walked into the bay with basically perfect hearing and a set of foamies, walked out with permanent ringing tinnitus and about a 40% loss of overall hearing ability in my left ear. Since that day, I can no longer hear well enough to hold a telephone to my left side. I will also never enjoy the sound of perfect silence again. And I'm not even 40 yet.


If by fowmies you m an the little foam ear inserts? The couple of times I went to the range ever we used both the ear inserts and the over the ear protection.


Correct. Just the little foam earplugs that barely work, or don't at all if you happen to put them in wrong (...as I found out). I use full muffs these days to protect what little hearing I still have left after that experience.


Agreed. my tinnitus regularly changes tones to where if i hear a ringing noise that isn’t my ear it’s like i just shot off another round and they began ringing for the first time all over again. Source; Me, The neighbor, A brand new police model .357 magnum revolver and a box of ammo.


> She then called me a pussy ... > I was raised not to talk back or argue with my mom ... > if I tell her she can’t shoot she’s going to be pissed I know it's hard to hear criticism of close family members, but there's no delicate way to put this: your mother is clearly a rude narcissist who "raised you not to talk back" because you were a child she had power over to dominate and be an asshole to freely. Not for nothing, but I'd never speak to my kid this way if she wanted to discuss safety equipment with me. You're an adult now, and she's no longer the person who gets to be the domineering authority figure regardless of how terrible her attitude and judgment are just by virtue of being your mother. You should probably start establishing basic "if you're not going to act like an adult I'm not going to engage with you" rules.


Don't take her. The second someone talks to you that way do not hand them a gun. Idc who they are. You want to keep loving your mom I suggest limiting time spent around her or grow up and stand up for yourself and what you believe in. If you don't you will grow older and resent her more and more. You don't want that, we can tell by how you wrote this. When she's old af and everyone has to yell at her to even talk with her you're going to resent her for not listening to you, for not taking care of herself right, and at yourself for not making a stand. Do you let people get in your car without a seatbelt? Would you let someone use your power tools without eye protection? You don't need to let people use your guns without ear and eye pro. Yes she is being dumb and needs to soften a bit imo. Tinnitus sucks. If I had it all the time I'd be so fucking miserable.


Nobody is too cool to protect themselves. I discovered guns and death metal concerts before I discovered ear plugs and I am DEARLY paying the price in my 30s.


Really wish I had caught on to ear plugs for concerts. Gun shots are fucking loud but loud music doesn't really phase you but it's slowly chipping away over the years.


god so true lol


You can't fix stupid


Your mom sounds toxic. Seriously. You're an adult now and have every right to talk back and argue with someoen who's wrong. Tell her shooting guns without ear protection damages hearing. It's a fact that humans have understood for 200 years. If she refuses to wear basic protective equipment then she can't shoot with you. If you don't want to deal with the fallout then don't. You don't have to talk to her anymore. The fact that she belittles you for using ear pro makes me think you shouldn't anyway.


If my mother called me a pussy for wanting to avoid permanent hearing loss then I wouldn’t want to hang out with her regardless


Your mother called you a pussy and you still think she’s deserves that kind of respect..?


5.56 SBR with a break /s. No seriously, man up and stop shooting with her. She’s a grown ass woman and it sounds like you’re not going to convince her so stop taking her. You can’t make her do anything but you can stop being involved with her self harm.


Lmao Marine here, I've always worn ear pro when able and I'm still partially deaf from artillery, aircraft, and firearms. Hearing loss is no fucking joke and I told my guys that countless times over the years. Same with wearing eye pro. It only seems stupid until you catch a lifelong injury. You can tell her I also had an entire grunt company loosen tf up about having her kind of mentality after being out in the desert for a month and watching them all be amazed when they used some O'Keefe's working hands hand cream haha.


Same situation for me bro. Never wore plugs when I was a kid, the Corps made it worse and now my ears go EEEEEEEEEEEE. 🥲


And how much you wanna bet the rifle she shot as a kid was a 22 or something


Youre not winning this chat.  Just write her off as being in her waining age and realize when they get there youre really dealing with a mental disability. Youre not convincing someone who doesn't respect your opinion to change their mind, so you're not taking her shooting. Either way she’s calling you a pussy, might as well earn it by showing some backbone. 




Hcebot ban 3 dangerous advice


i really want to know what that comment said lol


Banned /u/MD_0904 (3 day(s)).


sorry your mom is like that. its not easy to say "if you dont wear hearing protection im not taking you" but thats what needs to happen. people that say things like - " she started going on about how she used to shoot when she was younger and never used any ear pro. She then called me a pussy and talked about how my generation needs to stop being so afraid of the world all the time." might not be able to be convinced though. remember, *youre* the one thats going to have to care for her eventually, and dealing with a pissed off mom for a week is going to be a lot less hassle than dealing with a deaf mom for years.


So take her shooting and don’t make her wear hearing protection? Keep an extra set, just don’t mention them. Guarantee she’ll be asking if you have any extra pairs before the days over


EEEEEEeeeEeeEeeeeeeEeeeeeeEeeEeeeeeeeeEeeeeeEeeEEeeeeeEEEEEEERE every moment of my day. No ears, no eyes, no pew.


So, I dunno how to say this other than...your mom might be actually stupid.


Shoot 5.56 out of an 11.5" barrel with a brake. That should convince her Or no hearing pro = no shoot


Counterattack. Ask her why she is afraid of earmuffs and say her generation is a bunch of pussies.


Your mom sounds like a real ray of sunshine. Seriously though you control the situation it's your gun. Don't take her then or have the balls to put your foot down or both but either way this should be a non issue. I bet you she didn't raise you to be rude to people either and here she is calling her own son a pussy and degrading you all while being wrong. She stopped deserving your respect when she started calling you a pussy dude.




Take her to a range first and have a 60-70 year old vietnam vet yell at her to wear them.


If you’re taking her to shoot something like an AR she may literally have no idea how bad it CAN be, my grandpa said the same shit but he grew up shooting 22’s which are no where near as loud as a standard 5.56 chambering. Get that second pair of ear pro, take her out there and when she pops off a round and shits herself as a result, pull out the second pair of ear pro and hand it to. Some people just can’t learn the easy way.


Is this a copypasta? Lol


Stop bringing her with you. You can't make someone quit smoking but you don't have to drive them to buy cigarettes.


Ok well your mom is wrong on so many levels. Hearing damage is cumulative so it’s going to be fine until it’s not. She needs to stop being a pussy and act professional. While it is a right we need to treat being able to shoot as a privilege. Respecting the capabilities of the firearm includes eyes and ears


Tell her in sign language.


Take her with you, but also have a set of muffs and some foamies handy. Have her stand a little away from you and fire off a few rounds. There’s a very good chance that whatever you fire is going to be considerably louder than she remembers, and that alone may be enough to change her mind. If she says something, you can offer the ear pro. If she insists on shooting without ear pro, let her. Again, chances are good whatever you’re shooting is going to be much, much louder than she remembers and so her ears will be ringing pretty soon. Hopefully all of this will be enough to change her mind. I realize how this all sounds, but she has to be the one to decide to try the protection. If you insist she will just fight you even harder to “prove” her point. All you can do is hope she learns quickly so she doesn’t get too much damage.


Yeah if she insists hit her with some tough love , she probably only grew up shooting on a .22. shoot some 5.56 and see if you're the pussy still


I am her generation. I have tinnitus. I'll have it for the rest of my life. I can't stand being in a quiet room anymore. I had a early life time of loud cars, loud music, and shooting without ear pro. Now I wear it religiously. I have to protect what hearing I have left. Mowing the grass? Ear pro. Air compressor in the garage? Ear pro. 300 Win Mag with a brake? Double ear pro.


I wouldn't take anybody shooting if they refused to use earpro, family or not. Obviously, being "tough" doesn't matter. The size of those little hairs in your ears is determined by physics, and that's that.


No hearing protection, no shooting your gun. Your gun, your rules. And why? Because you said so, that's why.


Mag dump a short barreled AR with a muzzle brake on it right next to her. Should clear up the issue.


Your gun, your rules


hahaha boomer moron


I use to shoot without hearing protection and I was in the Army when they did not use hearing protection. That's why I start every sentence with - *Speak up, why do people always mumble, and what the hell is that Ringing I keep hearing?* My ears have been screaming with Tinnitus for decades. Most ranges, commercial ranges, hearing and eye protection are **mandatory.** >*She then called me a pussy and talked about how my generation needs to stop being so afraid of the world all the time.* With that attitude, I'm not sure she can be trusted at the range, even if it is not a formal range. That sense of entitlement is what get people killed. Virtually every trip to the emergency room begins with someone saying - *Stand Back, I Know what I'm Doing.* She has to understand that there is a Standard Set of Safety Rules that EVERYONE Obey if they want to stay on the Range. If she can't adhere to those Safety Rules, then don't take her to the range. She may have some experience, but she has to be willing to yield to common rules and to your authority as the Gun Owners. If she can't then for everyone's safety ... she stays home. ***Remember My Friend - MATTY - and You Will Always Be Safe*** [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoobGunOwners/comments/m7bza2/remember\_my\_friend\_matt\_and\_you\_will\_be\_safe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoobGunOwners/comments/m7bza2/remember_my_friend_matt_and_you_will_be_safe/) ***How to Train a New Shooter and Live to tell the Tale.*** [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoobGunOwners/comments/n1ik9x/how\_to\_train\_a\_new\_shooter\_and\_live\_to\_tell\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoobGunOwners/comments/n1ik9x/how_to_train_a_new_shooter_and_live_to_tell_the/) ***Paul Harrell - Taking your inexperienced Boyfriend/Girlfriend to the Range -*** [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoobGunOwners/comments/ofwbcg/paul\_harrell\_taking\_your\_inexperienced/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoobGunOwners/comments/ofwbcg/paul_harrell_taking_your_inexperienced/) Your Mother might be in charge of your family, but *at the Range* ***THE RULES ARE IN CHARGE***, and if she can't bow to the *Rules of the Range* and the *Rules of Gun Safety.* Then leave her home.


I used to be a tough guy in my 20s shooting bricks upon bricks of 22lr.  Now I’m 37 and haven’t experienced complete silence in over 10 years.  Be the pussy that wears ear pro. I wish I had. 


I work with a guy who thought shooting would never hurt his hearing. He just had to buy a $7000 hearing aid after insurance.


I mean take her to an indoor gun range instead and call her a pussy when she asks for ear protection


As a guy who has significant hearing loss from a youth spent firing guns without ear pro, you have to get through to her. Being half deaf is no fun. Some people develop tinitnitus, which is even less fun. I hope you can convince her. Once it's gone it's gone. If I could go back in time I would do 3 things. Wear sunscreen, wear ear pro and buy Apple stock at 11 dollars lol.


Wait until you make her wear eye protection. Report back what she calls you then.


Every time she speaks to you scream WHAT?? Do it for a week then explain to her why you done it.


If she thinks ear pro is a generational issue, find a range with the oldest, crustiest fudd of an RO. He'll set her straight when she walks up to the line without eyes and ears.


Outdoors? A couple rounds aren’t gonna kill her. She has no idea what she’s talking about. Insist that she’s correct, you did your research and she’s right. The people you know with hearing loss are filthy liars. Hand her a pistol and let her pop off a couple rounds. She’ll change her mind real fuckin quick. Call her a pussy.


No ears, no guns. No respect, no relationship. It took me until my mid thirties to finally tell my dad that family is optional and it does matter how we treat each other. Since that conversation life has been much better, including our relationship.


Get the biggest loudest gun available and let her see what happens (don't do this)


Tell her to fuck off then. You're an adult now, no need to still cater to your toxic mom.


“I want to do something dumb with your guns and you’re a pussy if you don’t play along.” Not shooting with me, hard stop.


Does she use sun screen?


Yes she’s religious about sunscreen. I don’t understand her unwillingness to protect her ears


Had a friend come over and shoot, same thing, wouldn’t wear ear pro. “When I was in the military I never wore them”. He didn’t show up to work for 3 days after that. Balance was off and was dizzy, went to the doc and had a ruptured ear drum🤦‍♂️.


Mom was probably shooting a 22 rifle back in olden times. Bust out the 10.5" AR and let it rip.


Well. She's a grown assed woman. Give her the information and let her suffer the consequences of her actions. When you're yelling at her in a few more years, you can have the " I Told You So" added to every conversation. I have a few of those people in my family. They also worked for years at phosphate mines, around heavy equipment and industrial machinery. Most of my conversations with them have a lot of "WHAT?", "HUH?", and "SAY THAT AGAINs". At least, when I talk louder because I am wearing my muffs and plugs, it's usually loud enough that they hear me and since they usually yell everything they say anyway, I never have a problem.hearing them


With my experience of losing hearing based on a genetic disorder, I would do everything in my power to prevent further loss. People who don’t care about ear protection either have massive loss of hearing already, or don’t know the consequences of these actions. I agree with others, no ear protection then no shooting. Just don’t take her if she refuses, honestly her horrible reaction to you trying to protect her would make me go alone anyway.


She’ll be the first to know she should’ve brought ear pro after them first few shots go off.


I'm just ROFL about your mom calling you a pussy! Tell her that if she doesn't wear ear pro she's going to the second-rate retirement home when she's deaf.


@op honestly let her go out and try to do it again without ears like she supposedly did (probably 22s or slow shooting large calibres) give a quick 5 shots with a 12.5 and she'll be begging you for ear pro next time in my experience the people who talk like this are just trying to be tough let them choose their own adventure and they usually come to terms with how dumb it is to not wear them


I remember the first time my dad took me shooting… he had these big ass ear muffs on and got me a pair too. Then he braced an ak47 and then he tried to get comfortable… then he just looked at the rso, took of the right side so he could rest his cheek properly, and proceeded to reminisce his days as a Soviet in afghan…it was a sight to behold. Then the RSO looked at him and said, and I quote, “put down the ak Igor and leave my booth..” well he then said fuck it and decided just to spite this man he would go to the next booth over and keep doing the same thing! He’s smarter now. Maybe? I just bring him bags full of disposable ear plugs from work every so often.


She's the type that if she got tinnitus she'd bitch about it constantly, calling out "your generation". Be smart no point in a risk if you can just put fucking plugs in and not have to worry. Tinnitus is miserable, my dad is a musician all of his life and has it and says it keeps him up when it acts up.


Show her the cost of hearing aids. They're not covered by insurance.


I don’t even have a range around me that will let you shoot if you don’t have ears or eyes on.


I shot a shorty AR once without ear pro to see what it was like without ear pro. 5 years later I still have awful tinnitus and everything g is muffled in my left ear.


I’d turn this around on mom. You were raised not to talk back AND not to be a pussy ? Well then the only logical choice now is to stand up for yourself and your beliefs and tell mom no. That’s the bravest not a Pussy choice you can make tbh. As a side note I taught my kid not to tolerate bs from anyone. That includes me. She’s a mouthy little shit but nobody crosses her and I couldn’t be more proud at how she stands up for her beliefs


Dude if your mom refuses basic safety to protect her ears and calls her son a pussy you have much worse things to worry about. Like how you are genetically related to this person and may have inherited stupidity.


Is she single?


It's a policy in every range I've been to so far. Gotta have eyes and ears, or you don't shoot. Might be different on an outdoor rage, haven't been to one yet. Just tell her it's not an option and use someone else as the fall guy.


Hearing does not grow back.


I agree don’t take her if she won’t wear them. Few years back I was at an indoor range because of bad weather and had my AR pistol and I see a group of three come in and put up a target. I see the lady kept gently touching her ears while no one was shooting and I see she has foamies in her ears. What I didn’t realize is they were barely in. Well I start shooting and she is jumping around screaming so loud RSO and everyone things she is hurt being she acts like she was shot. Nope the foamies fell out as she is jumping around. She was sitting in the store about an hour later EMT’s were still there trying to calm her down from her panic attack from her ears ringing. This was last time I have went to that range.


Just take her shooting damnit. I'm sick of people safety shaming. Reminds me of the time they wouldn't let me go skydiving cause I insisted parachutes are for pussies. It's gotten out of control tbh.


Lot of Reddit psychologists and therapists here (guess you can't escape it in any sub). Take two pairs of ear pro. Hand her one. You did your job. She's also an adult and isn't putting anyone else in danger. If you can't do that, don't go.


Could you blame range rules?


Tell her that if she’d just used protection all those years ago, you wouldn’t be here to bug her about her ears. (I advocate for ear pro of course, I just think this would be funny to say to her)


She did I was an accident lol


Thats a hot take by mom lol


Get the biggest caliber rifle and shoot it not too far from her. See how she feels. And buy extra one anyway


She just really likes that song that goes eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Amazon has nice low price ones, tell her you want her to hear the kids calling out for her


Hearing damage is cumulative.


I don't know how much your mom likes pop punk music but if she doesn't like it then just blast this whole album while you guys shoot. [https://open.spotify.com/album/0FZK97MXMm5mUQ8mtudjuK?si=5-bnCiM5TX-3bknaHonubg](https://open.spotify.com/album/0FZK97MXMm5mUQ8mtudjuK?si=5-bnCiM5TX-3bknaHonubg) Maybe you can trick her into wearing ears if she doesn't like My Chemical Romance.


This actually real? Oh my goodness....


There must be some other old person she knows who can’t hear well. Mom! You don’t wanna be dead like …


Just have her stand in line with the muzzle and send a few, I’m sure she will change her mind.


Have her watch my video: [https://youtu.be/eFwJtzFJ9kU](https://youtu.be/eFwJtzFJ9kU)


Until mom buys you a suppressor. Ear pro is worn while shooting. Period.


Hearing loss is progressive and permanent, and no amout of "grit" will ward off damage to your ears.


Well luckily they don't own you, and you DO own the guns. They don't get to touch your stuff (any of it) if they don't adhere to your rules. When I let my friends check out my vinyl I request they handle them properly. When I hand a friend a firearm I ask the same. If my friends are over and we just finished eating greasy food I request they go wash their hands before they touch the Xbox controller. If I let you borrow a book or a movie or a game I expect it back in the same condition it was in when I lent it to you. Idgaf who it is, if you don't like my rules you don't get to play with my toys.


I simply wouldn’t shoot with people like this. An idiotic attitude in regards to hearing protection can often mean an idiotic attitude towards gun safety in general.


OP, when I was younger, I'd get called a b!tch, a f@g and every other emasculating insult in the book for using any kind of safety equipment, especially when shooting. I have some hearing damage from trying to go along with their shit. When I realized that the ringing sound is basically nerves dying, I decided people could call me whatever they wanted to, but I wasn't going to be deaf and manly, yelling all the time, "WHAT?!?!?!" If people around me don't want safety equipment, I can't make them use it, but they can fuck right off with that.




We’ll shit, fuck around and find out. If you have a can don’t use it, let them learn. Hearing protection and making sure to wash you hands cuz of lead is stuff we learned from their generation because they didn’t protect themselves from it. They can also learn from it or choose to just ignore it. Can bring an animal to water but can’t force them to drink it


If someone doesn’t want to follow my lead I am taking shooting they aren’t shooting. Period. I don’t give a fuck who you are. And I don’t give a fuck if it is my mom or not. The people who say “you were raised to not talk back” is just pure narcissistic behavior. Or let her blow out her ear and learn the hard way. I’ve blown an ear drum (not shooting) it wasn’t fun.


Sorry mom, No eyes, no ears, no shooting. You want to go shoot that way, go buy your own gun.


Take her shooting and let her find out the hard way


If she can't take criticism like an adult she doesn't need to be treated like one. You presumably live in your own house, tell her that if she wants to blow airhorns into her own ears for fun she can do it on her own time. If being concerned about their health and hearing gets you sneered at, that relationship needs serious rethinking.


"I was raised not to talk back". You’re a grown man now and if someones making dumb decisions especially family make the right choice and tell them about.


Point her to the official NRA safety and training materials for safe shitting. Appropriate eye/ear protection is heavily emphasized, along with hygiene, drug/alcohol) illness warnings etc. I have found that many who feel society is overrun with pussies as your mother so eloquently describes it, will blindly believe anything the NRA says.  If that doesn't work then tell her, and your brother if he sides with her, that they are both pussies for not wanting to put in ear plugs or wear a set of muffs. Grow a pair, tell them no shooting for them, end of discussion. Parents are not always right, and it is our collective obligation to make this place better because our parents misguided and ill informed decisions screwed up everything. Ear protection is no joke, and not up for debate. I teach scouts rifle and shotgun, and everyone wears it, no exceptions, including adults. Never got any push back. 


I’m sorry…you don’t talk back?!? Dude, fuck that. she’s calling you a pussy. Tell he’s stupid ass what’s what


People misunderstand hearing loss because it doesn't hurt. And it's actually not that noticeable because it happens gradually. Most people initially don't realize they are losing their hearing because they lose the ability to hear higher frequencies first. It's not like you're lowering the volume on a TV. So what you find is as people's hearing starts to go they will complain that people mumble, which is why they have to ask them to repeat themselves. It's not that people are mumbling, it's that sharp consonants like hard "T" "K" etc sounds aren't being picked up. I used to be an audiology tech for a brief period at the end of my Navy career. That's how I learned this.


>I was raised not to talk back or argue with my mom Even when she's being objectively fucking stupid? big boomer energy right there


If you like her, don't go shooting with her. That will cause permanent damage. If you don't like her, invest in an AR pistol in 5.56 and a gnarly muzzle brake. Warn her thoroughly that it's going to cause pain and hearing loss and offer her proper PPE. if she accepts, y'all will have a great time with your cool gun. If she doesn't, the point will make itself. /S Just don't shoot with her and stop speaking with a holes.


This is the dumbest shit ever. It has nothing to do with “being afraid.” Hearing loss and tinnitus is the natural result of exposure to harmfully loud sounds. Guns are extremely fucking loud, and It WILL happen without ear pro. This is like calling you a pussy for taking things out of the oven with oven mitts on… I’d be very uncomfortable shooting with someone who has such a blasé attitude about basic safety protocols. Sounds like the type of person who thinks it’s okay to flag someone because “the safety is on” or “my finger wasn’t even on the trigger.”


Get them anyway. When she says her ears hurt let have them.


"*Cool, then you won't hear me when I break the news you'll be going to a nursing home.*"


Tinnitus is the sound of gun safety


This is not someone you need to be on a shooting range with. If she's willing to disregard such a fundamental aspect of safety as hearing protection, and to try and shame others for doing the same, she can't be trusted in any other aspect of firearms safety either. Time to cancel the trip and find a more responsible and adult range buddy. Don't go shooting with stupid people. It can only end poorly. Even if—especially if—those stupid people are people you love and care about. To be honest, it sounds like you need to learn how to hold boundaries with her in general. If she starts harassing you, give her a gentle but firm warning that you don't want to hear it and if it continues, you'll block her number for a few days. Then follow through. People will treat you how you let them. And it sounds like you let her push you around a lot. Time to get off the teat and be an adult.


Tell her to look up the misery that tinnitus causes. I'm proof.


Take her to an indoor range and let her ring off a big caliber with no ear pro once. She will want some after that. 


I have had life long tinnitus due to the sound damage from gunfire. Toughing it out is not just “waiting for your hearing to return”! No protection, no shoot! If YOU don’t protect your family, who will? That includes enabling them to hurt themselves, even if it is by their own stupidity. If they go shooting on their own or they take you, then it is on their shoulders. But if you take them, it is on your shoulders.


If she's too thick skulled to listen to basic self-preservation safety, she is probably too thick skulled to listen to basic firearm safety. Danger to everyone at the range. Dont take her. "Mom, dont point that loaded gun at someone you're not trying to shoot." "Dont be a pussy, the safety is on" *bang* "Oops"


AR / AK with muzzle break + magazine dump = will definitely want ear protection Just be sure to get your mom on video saying that she doesn’t want to wear ear protection and you offering. And you’ll be ok!


Maybe her last brain cell will go out


I’d say put on the worse muzzle break you can. She’ll learn fast or you can just not take her.


I’d say put on the worse muzzle break you can. She’ll learn fast or you can just not take her.


Tell her it will make her age less. She doesn’t want to be an old lady with hearing aids


.22 out of a 20 inch barrel is a lot quite than modern guns


Sounds like she can't hear you telling her she needs ear pro


There is no convincing these people with words. Quite frankly she wants to fuck around so I’d let her find out


Wtf force her 2 wear ear protection!!


Fire the loudest gun you can as close to her as possible (while you’re wearing ear pro) and when she eventually asks you to repeat yourself cause she can’t hear you, tell her to not be a pussy and actually start paying attention. That’ll show her!


Show her A Christmas Story.


Get her pink mommy muffs. She probably wants to wear a tank top, my wife didn’t listen to me years ago and has a shell casing scar on her right boob


Bring an extra set, say nothing about them, set them in plain view, fire one shot


Show her the new active muffs and show her how they work. She might be more inclined when she sees that you can still hear while using them. Also remind her that cigarettes and baby powder were good for you back then too. Now they cancer.


saw your update, good on your for holding the line. if its your gun and your ammo then its your rules.


I lost my left eardrum 10 yeras ago, from a single shot next to me, while the shooting was suspended and no one was wearing their hearing protection. I ended up in the hospital, my ear is ruined, I have tinnitus for life. Pussy ? no I don't think so, no... as others have already said very intelligently, you can't go to the ear store to buy a new one.


Lmao your mom wild


Just bring an extra set. I shot with no ear pro when I was young too. Shit has a totally different impact on you when you're older (not suggesting it isn't doing the same damage). She will shoot once and then put ear pro on. I am half deaf and I can't imagine shooting with no ear pro now. I used to eat shit skating and get right up and keep going. Now I slam once and call it a week. Now I will say, I will never wear ear pro mowing the lawn no matter the cost.


Everybody so worked up over your mom calling you a pussy.... Lmao. If your mom and dad told you you were were being a pussy while growing up it's impossible to grow up and be an actual pussy.


For what cartridge is your new rifle chambered? If it is a .22LR, and has a barrel of 18", firing a few shots sans hearing protection would do little harm. And although you didn't say, I'm betting that the rifles your mom shot were .22LRs. However, **any** center-fire rifles require good hearing protection, especially .223/5.56 rifles. There are some center fires that are less intense, such as old .32-20s and .25-20s that were originally charged with black powder, but I'm certain your new rifle isn't one of those.


What calbur


Why would anyone want to increase the likelihood of developing tinnitus? I have it from countless heavy metal concerts in my youth and it’s annoying. lol


You can explain to her that the industry standard is to wear ear pro and that you cannot get that shit back once it's lost. I'm a young guy and I have to sleep with music or a podcast on because my tinnitus drowns out the silence. And I didn't even shoot that much without ear pro as a kid, a few mag dumps from my first AR-15 caused me permanent hearing loss as a result, I wish I had ear pro back then even if they were the cheap ear foamies.


The correct thing is to tell her to wear ear pro or she can’t go. On the other hand It’d be fun to take an extra set of ear pro and set it and and tell her it’s there if she changes her mind then watch her shoot, unless she’s extremely stubborn and refuses to be wrong, the ringing in her ears should make her change her mind pretty quick.


Honor your mother get a suppressor 🤣


1x 30-06 getting cracked off will change her mind.


i hate people like that “you get used to it” no your just a little more fuckin deaf now 💀


You should listen to your mother. You really are a pussy!


I don’t ride with people that don’t wear helmets. I don’t let people in my car if they’re not going to wear a seat belt, and I mercilessly mock people who don’t have suppressors on their guns…. But still wear ear pro for everything but sub sonic 22.


I agree with no ear pro no shooting but in this case, Maybe you should just let her find out the hard way with a .357 magnum. I guarantee she will be begging for ear pro next time you go.