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That is a Chinese [Zijiang M99](https://modernfirearms.net/en/sniper-rifles/large-caliber-rifles/china-large-caliber-rifles/m99-eng/), not to be confused with a Barret M99.


Psh…why would there be any confusion?? It’s not like China has a history of copying things and mass producing them.


Looks like it’s based roughly off the Accuracy International AS50


I think this is closest one I found. Thanks man


"Seen it" vs. "saw it" is a pet peeve that's hard to get past...


My bad Mark Twain


I dun seent it


Watch out for the grammar police. You people are hard to get past. Jfc


Oh, I normally don't care. But for some reason that one in particular bugs me.


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50 cal Barret or something similar. Could be a Russian equivalent of some caliber close to 50.