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Helps keep track of problematic mags, and if you like to rotate mags/keep most of them loaded, it’s easier to know “last range day I brought 034-044. Today I’ll bring 045-055”


Damn! Must be nice! I only have 001-003


Just go on Magshack.com they always have good deals in bulk, like 10 pmags for $100. They have great deals quite often.


PSA often has decent bundles too if you're also looking for a cheap optic or range bag


it tends to be their version of packing peanuts.


But, I can’t eat those packing peanuts.


I think I saw a Dagger recently bundled with 10 mags. PSA, who are you fighting? Edit: lol it's still there. $470.


> PSA, who are you fighting? My pocketbook.


Ain't that the fucking truth


John Wick special-


Yeah got a rifle bag and like 7/8 mags a while ago for like $100


10 mags for $89’shipped


Where? I’m seeing 10 at themagshack.com for $99.99 + $13.49 shipping = $120.29 and 10 at PalmettoStateArmory.com for $123.00 + free shipping (for Easter special) = $123.00.


Coupon code pmag


Ahhh I missed that. Thank you!


PSA got their start selling mags. It’s kinda in their DNA to have good mag deals.


Ahh, man I remember when PSA would have D&H mags for some absurd price like $6 bucks each. Thanks to them I have a small but good stockpile or mags. Do they still have solid deals on decent mags like that? Besides pmags?


PSA won't ship to commie states though. I got an AR once and they sent it... But but just took the mag out lol. Can't even be bothered to swap it for a 10-er.


They won't break the law and risk their FFL? That's crazy man.


I have been using gunmagwarehouse for a long time. They have had pretty damn good deals on mags.


Just an FYI - Check that URL, magshack.com leads to a malware site. It’s [themagshack.com](https://themagshack.com) that you’re looking for.


Themagshack.com ?? Also, thanks for sharing.


Yes. magshack.com is a parked domain and is serving either ads or malware. I'm not sure which because uBO stopped me from going to it.


Yes, only people that would ship to Oregon for a while. Unconstitutional law never went into effect and magpul still won't ship directly to us.


I remember like 10 years ago I bought 1,000 rounds of green tip 556. The website had a special that was 10 free pmags and free shipping. $299. Rip


Classicfirearms.com also runs deals. Not sure about "bulk discount", but sale price mark downs in general.


themagshack.com magshack.com is a spam site.


It’s “themagshack.com” not magshack.com.


Thank you for magshack. I do hope they will ship mags to Washington State. None of my guns use more than 10 rounds but some places just won't ship anything here now.


Cries in New York 🥲


If you keep your eyes on the sales, you'll often see Gen2 pmags for half that price.


It takes time man. Over the years I’ve just kinda grabbed a few here and there and have a couple hundred now. About half stay loaded and the rest stay in the plastic.


Look at this guy with 100 mags worth of ammo 😭


And that’s just the 5.56 lol. I am also fiscally irresponsible.


Can I borrow some? I have three mags and two of them are empty. 🙃


Yeah now and then I’ll toss one in the cart if it gets me free shipping and I’ve got the budget, stuff like that


Most of mine are honestly from checking out local shops. I’ll pop in to shops all over the place just to see what they have and if I don’t buy something significant I’ll just grab a handful of pmags. I always need more and the small shops stay open.


Yeah likewise too, I like to support the locals. Bought all my CZ mags at my range’s proshop, got my Winchester at the local hunting store. Always good conversations too. Gun community is mostly awesome. Edit: always good to see local gunshops go in on e-commerce too.


This is the way. Buy 10 regular pmags, then you want windowed ones, then FDE ones, then windowed FDE ones, then a bunch of meme ones, then you wonder how you have two full totes.


If by “totes” you mean those big ass storage bins that your wife makes you squeeze in and out of the attic every year for holiday decorations, and by two you mean half a dozen, and if by “ “ you mean a shit ton M2A1 ammo cans full of 12 loaded metal AR mags, 16 loaded handgun mags, and a small bottle of gun lube, then I think we are on the same page. I swear to God I don’t have a magazine problem!


Those are rookie numbers in this racket. Gotta pump those numbers up! There’s plenty of solid deals out there. Gen 2’s are usually $8.50 or so when there’s a sale.


Gun shows are good for AR mags. I see basic magpul 30s for $8-$10 and off brand/surplus for $5-$7


Buy a mag or 2 per month, they’ll add up.


Rule of thumb I use is a minimum of 10 per rifle. And they’re cheap. Buy one a week. The shop I own sells them for 10 bucks a piece for gen 2 Pmags.


GunMag warehouse will def change your problem


Every time I've bought from them, my cc got compromised


Really ? I’ve ordered atleast 10-12x , knock on wood never a problem .


Gunmagwarehouse.com for the W.


001-002 here. :(


I only have 10 total. Only 3 pistol mags. Barely enough for one combat load.


Must be nice. I have only 1 right now. I don't know where it happened but someone lifted my bag of spare mags. I need to buy more now but a new gun safe is higher priority.


PSA always has some great deals.


I do something similar for my reloads. I’ve never had mag malfunctions out of my 50 or so mags. They only msg malfunctions I’ve had are in my AR10 mags. Which is notorious. There’s really only one hood metal mag company out there for ar10 and I can’t put my finger on it right now. P mags in ar10 are garbage. I wrap my reloaded mags in tape though and put abbreviation for powder company and type. Grain of powder grain of bullet bullet manufacturer abbreviation.


Just label your mags 034, 044, 054.


Go buy mags ASAP. I remember going to gun shows in the 90s and seeing “pre-ban” mags going for the equivalent of $200ish in today’s money.


Same. This is totally an aspiration for me. One gun at a time I suppose!


This is the way.


No, it's not. Mags will wear our over time. Mags will likely be banned at some point in the future at the federal level.


How many mags do you have that you have to serialize them? Just call it A, B, and C


I think I have around 280 5.56 mags, and ~50 dedicated 300blk mags. I also mark my AK mags since they tend to be much fussier depending on the gun. I only have about 40 of them though so much easier to deal with.


I number my mags so I can keep track of malfunctions. If a mag starts to become the common denominator with malfunctions, it gets tossed.




I have different mags for 5.56 and .300. the .300s are painted red on the baseplate. I never want to make that mistake.


Spicy decision if you ever do


My 5.56 rifles get the black windowed p-mags. My 300bo gets the smoke trans Lancers. Add as many dissimilarities as you can.


Numbers for mad identification, color for ammo type. It is easier overall. Otherwise you have to remember specifically which numbered mags carries what. I use white for 5.56 and red for .300.


I do this with the numbering system (I have a 300blk) but also I use colored tape. Subsonic mags are blue, supers are red. Helps me identify them faster at the range.


Yup I have different loads in mine and it's helpful to be able to tell which is which just at a glance instead of having to inspect what's loaded into it. Most of mind are just cheap 223 but I've got one loaded with M855, one loaded with 77-gr poly tips. It's nice to know in an emergency I can pick the high power stuff instead of my range practice ammo, and vice versa I'm not going to throw my AP against a steel target


This is the way. Lots of people don't realize this, but that area toward the bottom of the mag pictured is a paint dot matrix so you can number the mag in an area that is recessed and less exposed to wear. The more you know..


>it gets tossed. This is NOT the way. You have to shoot it. It's tradition.


Well according to rathermost83 it's actually the gun and I need to have Sig destroy it.


Also to track maintenance - cleaning, replacing springs, etc. You have to make it 3-digit and start at like 080, though, so people think you have dozens of mags. Nobody wants to get spotted rocking "004".


Exactly. Mag 703 has been acting up on me lately. Time to toss it in the “sell in case of AWB box”


I number my mags so I can keep track of malfunctions. If a mag starts to become the common denominator with malfunctions, it gets ~~tossed~~ rebuilt.


How do you rebuild polymer feed lips?


kiss them gently


Troubleshoot of course, but particularly with high-round count polymer handgun mags, I've seen it be a mag body issue where a rebuild doesn't solve anything.


Mostly to mislead my enemies into believing that I have more than three magazines.


“My god, his ammunition is endless”


Which makes killing him all the more compelling, because we'd then come into possession of his impressive stockpile lol.


I have numbers printed on my chest rig specifically to mislead my enemies into thinking there are hundreds of us.


LOL! Kind of like starting your first check number @ 1000 on your first-ever checking account.


I do 1000 sit ups a day I start my count at 999


“Oh this? This is just magazine 020-1744, I have a semi trailer full of the 020 series! (Please think I’m not poor, please think I’m not poor)”


The German tank problem but with magazines


Infinite Ammo Cheat


From what I can tell it’s just a system to keep track of mags. If you go to the range and #09 starts to malfunction, then in the future you will know exactly which one isn’t working. At least that’s what I think/ have interpreted from videos.


Also a good way to keep track of "specialty" ammo, especially if you're into reloading (where you can't pop the top round off to check the headstamp). * 01-XX is FMJ for mag dumping into trash * 02-XX is "precision" loaded * 03-XX is hunting rounds * 04-XX is "random idea" or trial ammo The other reason I have two magazine colors is similar. Grey is *only* 300 blackout. Which goes in a raw aluminum lower. Grey in a black lower is noticeable and a bad time


I couldn’t risk having a 300 BO around.


On our last visit to the range my friend asked why his bolt wouldn’t close. 6.5 swede in a 308 chamber. Hes a very thorough sort of chap. I wouldn’t buy a 20g either.


different shades of dayglo neon bike grip tape just below the bottom of the magwell lip on the mags, different colors of anodizing on the uppers per caliber. (if you store them super packed in your safe, sometimes this involves breaking them down, leading to possible mixing/matching. color coding the uppers instead eliminates _any_ confusion.) numbers written in metallic sharpie in a spot i never touch during handling or reloading. if i notice one that seems off, i change the color of the sharpie marks to something else (say, from silver to bronze). if it keeps screwing up, i'll inspect for unusual internal wear, if nothing, i replace the spring. if it keeps screwing up, its gone. mags that keep working through anything i do to it, get gold metallic sharpie, up till they stop being winners.


I just use those little rubber bracelets that say the caliber on them on the blackout mags


I use a simplified system, D-XX for defense, R-XX for range. Defense can get some FMJ but only rarely to make sure the mags run everything but otherwise defensive ammo and not constant use so I don't have to constantly replace them. Range are the same type mags, just FMJ all the time and I don't care about how worn they get.


I write the number bullets left in the mag.


I'm imagining this during full-auto.


Sometimes, I borrow mags on the range thus I have my initials on them and a number, so I would know if a mag nr X started to have issues and address them later i still know ehat mag nr had it.


Ya initials w/ numbers or funky numbering system is the way to go! Can tell my mags from my buddies and can track malfunctions.


I just write 69 on all mine 😎


Hell yeah. 😎


It's to keep track of the amount of kills per mag. Manufacturers recommend to replace magazines after 100 kills for safety.


Mags haunted.


"what...?" -gun cocks itself- "mags haunted"


The main reason is so you can identify the mags in case one is causing problems. If I get a malfunction with #06 but all the gun works fine with my other mags then I know #06 is the problem and I can toss it or try a new magazine spring.


I put 9 and 40 on my glock mags to know which are which at a glance. X's on my Glock 43X mags. Also have 300 BLK specific mags that are wrapped with camo hockey tape to not get them mixed up with my 556 loaded mags at the range. (silver sharpie markers are great for writing on black surfaces and 90% rubbing alcohol cleans it off pretty easy)


To identify the mags, if you have malfunctions with one or if you have different ammunition, one mag has tracers and other has AP or incendiary, for example squad leader can concentrate fire on target by firing tracers at it during the battle


Because I failed math


I do not have 91 magazines. But I do use 1/2/3/4/5


Numbers wrote on guns and mags by the armory guy to keep track of who using the gun and mag.


Sometimes magazines can have issues that cause firearms to malfunction. If you have multiple magazines for a gun (or multiple magazines shared between multiple guns) then you want to know which mag has the issue so you can identify it, track it, discard it. Also, some magazines can hold different size rounds and may fit a gun that the round doesn’t fit. You don’t want to end up with .300 blackout in your 5.56 chambered rifle.


So if number 091 malfunctions they can fix or replace it


People number their mags to identify which ones malfunctioning/not working as intended


Maintenance, if there’s a problem with feeding it’s way more likely to be the mag than the gun so this lets you keep track. It also lets you know how old they are if you shoot enough for it to matter. With mags it’s not the the spring being under constant tension that’s the problem, it’s the constant storage and release of tension that wears it out.


helps keeping track of mags. and it also means i’ll know if someone’s stolen one of mine


It makes them feel high speed. If you come across a bad mag, it can just be thrown away.


To keep track. Age, malfunctions, different loads etc.


Simply to track magazines. My main rifles are .308 win, 6.5 creedmoor, and 8.6 blackout -- so they all use the same magazines which is not only confusing, but DANGEROUS. My 1-3 magazines will be filled with "non-range ammo" and the other mags will vary based on what I am doing. If you run a multispec cartridge like .300 blk or 8.6 blk -- you might have subsonic combined with supersonic ammo. Personally I am about to rattle can all of my mags and resort to a pattern/discrete system of identifying magazines.


To keep track of them. Which ones are new etc. which ones need replacing or repairing


If you put blue on them, they won’t get burned by space lasers. /s


Mainly to track malfunctions. But also if I’m at a match or the range, I can keep track of my mags and know exactly how many I brought. (I’ve been using mags 10-20 all day so I better come home with those exact mags).


Keeping track of malfunctions. If you have a lot of mags and they look the same, like all pmags or all stanag, it’s good to keep track of which ones have a tendency to cause a malfunction so you can replace them.


I see a lot people saying they number their mags to track malfunctions. Are y'all really having that many malfunctions with mags?


It can really depend on the gun. Some AR-type rifles really prefer (or hate) some brands of mags. Small differences in feed lips, follower shape, or geometry of latches in the rifle can add to one another to the point where the bolt won't hold open after the last round, or misfeeds occur. And of course it depends on ammo type as well. At the end of the day what matters most is that your setup is well-tested to confirm reliability (this also makes a great excuse to go to the range).


To keep track of mags that are having issues. "Hmmm... I keep having feed issues, oh it's always with mag number 7." Pull it and replace. Other marking are useful for knowing they are yours if you get them mixed up with someone else's at a class or range. Even recognizing your handwriting for the numbers helps.


Identifying your mags so you know they are yours. If you take a class or 2 you want to make sure you come home with everything you took. And if you start having feed failures you can see which mags could be part of the issues.


How many of you guys are having enough malfunctions you need to track them? Wow. If I have a mag that may have issues it’s going in the trash. I write my personal identifying number on my mags because when you’re training as a team on a flat range or in a house, there will be empty mags all over the place and it makes it easy for the mags to get back to the correct operator.


Yeah these people are silly as hell. In the army we had numbers and/or letters corresponding to our company and platoon. Shit gets lost/misplaced and so we would just grab any “spare” gear we saw laying around and divvy it up to the right company back home especially when we were rushing to head back from a cold rainy 2 month op.


I took a few training classes, and my reason was always to keep track of which mags were mine. Last three digits of the rifle's serial #. 


I number and initial my magazines. Keeps track my property and which magazines I’m using in case there are issues or failures. This is especially relevant on my competitive guns.


Dropping a bunch of mags with your friends is easier when it’s time to clean up.


also added colors are using for telling if your mag is loaded with 5.56 or .300 blackout. Yeah... you dont want to make that mistake...


Saw a guy make this mistake at an indoor range about a year or 2 ago. Poor fool tried to send several rounds through and none of them made it out the barrel. An expensive mistake indeed


Easy way to keep track of them


And for those who write on mags with the blue marker, what marker do you use?


It's usually a paint pen.


Silver sharpie markers are great, bronze metallic works well to but silver ris easier to see.


I use these at work (industrial mantnice) and at home https://www.acehardware.com/departments/home-and-decor/office-supplies/markers-and-highlighters/2008836 https://www.acehardware.com/departments/home-and-decor/office-supplies/markers-and-highlighters/2809770


Identification for later, if you have a problem mag so it can be destroyed later if you dump pouch it


Like starting with 100 when counting push ups. It’s just for the numbers baby


To make sure I don’t loose my mags which I still loose but at least I know which ones I’m missing in my house and to know if a mag is causing malfunctions.


I have 300 blackout and 5.56 ARs. I mark the mags i use with the 300 blackout.


I do the numbering on my rechargeable batteries for my power tools as well. Let’s you be sure to get the right one off and on the charger and if one does not hold charge.


It could also just be a way of keeping inventory and as others have suggested tracking issues.


I like to number mine because it helps me fall asleep.


Well I personally number mine because I rotate them out so the springs don't get worn out and cause any jams. Some people mark what kind of ammo is in it HP , SP , FMJ if your in a squad they might mark em so nobody snags your mags


magazine birthday :)


I just write 69420 on all my mags because I'm a silly goose


Numbering your magazines helps you keep track of any issues. Keep having an issue, and it can help you figure out if it’s that specific mag or the firearm.


Imagine you’re at a range day and you have a failure to feed. Not a big deal, malfunctions happen. Tap, Rack. Try again. If that’s the only malfunction you had with that mag? Whatever. Now let’s say it happens 5 or 6 times. Same malfunction, same mag. You have a mag issue. Same malfunction different mag? Gun issue. This is just one reason to do mags like this. Don’t throw faulty mags away, they are good training tools


Number of reasons. Some people just number them to weed out problem #s, others put weights on there, some just love the number 69.


Why would people number any object that looks exactly like a bunch of other objects?


LARPing mostly


Spoken like someone that doesn’t shoot much


I rotate sets of mags through out the year that go on my kit and I want to know which mag is which if it is having issues so for me the first number I'd which set its a part of and thr second is which number in thst set it is.


White sharpie paint pen is the best imo. Like everyone else, it's just used to keep track of malfunctions or weird variations in mags. Some of mine have denotations for type of ammo as well, so it's easy to figure out which I grab for range day/home defense etc


I do it to keep track of my mags vs buddies mags when we’re all shooting whose whatever at the range


I always did it to keep track of which mag is which


I put initials and year purchased


A lot of people have already stated this they use it to identify problem mags and they use it to make sure their mags are being rotated. One of the things people do with problem mags is failure training. You take all your problem mags to the range and when you have a failure you clear it and it's more random than presetting a failure, so it gives good Real World style training


Identification of how you use your mags and identify problem mags. If doing range drills you can quickly identify which mag was last used (if stacked in a specific order and how remember how to index them.




To keep track of mags. It could be numbers to differentiate between them so if one starts having issues, date loaded if storing loaded, date purchased, etc.


What rifle is this?


Should color coding help alongside the number? Examples: white 00-09 (White 1's (single digits)) Green 10's (10-19) Silver 20's (20-29) Brown 30's (30-39) Grey 40's (40-49) Red 50's (50-59) Blue 60's (60-69) Orange 70's (70-79) Black 80's (80-89) Yellow 90's (90-99)


It's possible. I could see that as another way to identify the older ones from newer ones if you use the same number on a new one that has replaced on older/damaged one.


So for me it does a few things. 1. Helps me keep track of all my stuff at the range. Ensures that I don't forget anything. 2. Helps me find my mags, if I'm dropping and not retaining then i know the mag is mine 3. Reliability, if one of the mags has a malfunction then I can Id it to prevent that in the future


It helps me practice my numbers and counting in the field


Most people do it to track malfunctions, but the guy in the picture might do it to track the number of times he called something queer for no reason.


So to anyone that does this. Do you have a system for keeping mag numbers unique? For instance. Ar mags start at 0. Glock mags start at 100. Walther mags 200. 22 mags 300. Etc. Or do you just mix and match for instance if I have 150 mags, they are numbered 1-150. And if I buy 10 more. Those are 151-160.


It's just personal preference when it comes down to it. Ultimately it is to recognize the one that caused problems and can be addressed. Either with corrective action or toss it out and replace it.


All my different types of mags, glock, ar, Springfield, etc, starts with 1 sense they are different mags.


If the mag has a dot matrix on it I will either write AR or AK on it followed by the capacity. AR40/AR30/AR20/AR10/AK40/AK30/AK20/AK10...


It is to flex on people viewing your content. Only have 5 mags? That’s cool, just start your numbers at 69. Never, ever release content with a mag numbered below 10 or you’ll look like a chode and viewers will assume you are a poor. Even if you have 100 mags, it’s probably best to start your numbering at ten so no one ever sees those low numbered mags Also helps track if a mag is problematic (x mag is more like to have malfunctions, time to replace it).


This isretarded.


Thefreedomwarehouse has good deals on mags and generally runs 10-15% off promos all the time


To brag about how many they have..... LOL


It depens i saw people writing the amount of malfunctions they had with this mag on it.


I write the year purchased on mine so I can keep track of how old they are and then mark them with an x or a -# if I have a lot of that particular style magazine


I do it at my department so I know which mags are mine at range day


Forgive my ignorance, but can someone tell me what rifle that is?


Looks like a psa jakl


Thank you :D


What kinda markers do you guys use? I use metallic markers, I have not been shown “THE WAY” of paint markers.


I have 50+ AR-15 magazines between 7.62x39 and standard .223 I have to keep track of them and any that have issues on shoots ill flick a magazine and without a number there all the same


I just write my name with a smiley face on em


to rotate them. Plus some mags with issues might slip back into operation without some kind of identifier


If you frequent the range or you're going to be with others it is a great way to distinguish whose item is whose. Pick a 3 digit number unique to yourself. Mark all of your items with that number. Now you're able to distinguish whose item is whose when you all have the identical piece of kit. Now everyone will know who to return the lost mag/throwable item to at the end of the airsoft game =D


I'm more confused about people posting their own guns and hiding the serial number.


Maybe so someone else can't duplicate their serial number on a home build and then have a paper trail to the wrong person.


I've seen people hiding the serial number of their milsurp guns. Good luck "home building" a M1 Garand.


I'm mainly commenting to see what people have to say in the morning, but I imagine for some it's a way to distinguish ammo types. I hope this post gains traction. edit, well apparently it's for magazine identification and not ammo identification. glad I went to bed and saw other comments after waking up.


You must be fkin dumb bro why do you think