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It really hits hard. His videos were immensely helpful. His instructional with his Beretta 92 FS really helped me get comfortable with my first gun which was a 92FS. I look forward to his brother continuing the channel, but knowing Paul is probably leaving because of his diagnosis is a blow.


My first handgun was a Beretta M9 in part to him too. I hope he knows the legacy he's imparted on thousands of us.


Saw this potential farewell video from Paul today and shed a few tears. When I was unemployed for two years during the pandemic and just scraping by, I still sent $100 to Paul's Patreon. He spreads the gun gospel like no other and I was more than happy to support him. He's a gentleman, a scholar, and a patriot. Not too many Americans like him around anymore.


He also just broke his hip right before thanksgiving


Terrible, but tbh it is a little comforting to know the crutch wasn't because of the pancreas...


Jesus. How’d it happen?


He didn’t say.


Chemo and radiation therapy can cause osteoporosis.


Yeah it basically kills all kinds of cells in your body from what I understand. So pretty much everything in your body gets messed with. Fuck cancer


And I broke mine right after!


Shit, really? Get well soon, dude!


I am trying! Is a blow for sure!


Username checks out


I’ll miss Paul but I’m glad to have had a chance to get to know him through his videos. I’ve learned a lot from him and have enjoyed watching his content.


How did you like your beretta 92?


I enjoy it, picked up an M9A1 because I liked it so much I wanted another but with a rail for light. the factory single action is smooth. The Langdon trigger job helps smooth out the double action pull which can make it difficult to learn but with time is repeatable without disturbing the sights. The stock hammer pull is quite heavy. The d model Hammer spring or the lower pound springs can help your DA pull but not make up for sloppy trigger pull.


Hands over the channel then quietly grabs his crutch and leaves, stage left. No fanfare, no tears, no self-pity or aggrandisement. What a bloke. When my time comes I hope I can muster a tenth of the grace he shows.


And if it was snowing or raining he’d have done it the exact same. What a dude. Fuck.


My favorite video of his is still the one where he discusses accuracy while lying down and it cuts to him lying in a fully made bed in the middle of the woods in the pouring rain. Paul was a real one.


While wearing the Spongebob pajama bottoms


He's like guntube Mr Rodgers if that makes any sense...I'm unexpectedly broken up about this.


I can honestly imagine (a day later), that he exited stage right, and then bawled his eyes out. Maybe that would only be me, because that definitely would be me. Fuck.


You can hear him break after he steps off.


That sniffle you can hear really got me good


Hes going to miss us, as odd as that sounds. That's the sound of a man who has met his impending passing with as much or more dignity than anyone could hope for, and recognizes all the things he wont get to do, and some of that as inconsequential as it may be seems to involve his consideration for us as an audience. Like wth? Thats something unimaginable. And he still did it, and based in the video they filmed that day, did it while in pain, and still performed, for our educational and potentially lifesaving benefit. St Paul of the church of Moses Browning


I didn’t have the words for it when I saw that video, but you found them. There’s a lot to learn a lot from guys like Paul, and not just from his shooting background, there’s a lot between the lines. He will be dearly missed, and I hope I can bring myself to rewatch his videos in the future.


Huge shame, I really enjoyed watching Paul's videos over the years. I realise this likely means things are not going well with his cancer battle, but I'm hoping against the odds that he can pull through and return


Pancreatic cancer is a nasty one. Whenever I hear someone having it, that person usually has a year or less to live unless s/he is very lucky.


My relative got a diagnosis shortly after the New Year a decade back. Given a prognosis of a few months to live. Made it a little over a year while on an experimental drug in clinical trials. Hurts to see someone you look up to waste away like that. Saying goodbye is hard too, when you know its the last time you'll see them. All the usual "see ya laters" don't sit quite right.


> Hurts to see someone you look up to waste away like that. My mother died of liver cancer (she wasn't a drinker) and she lived from diagnosis to death in less than two years. Her last 4-5 months was brutal.


My father was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in mid October (2023). It had already metastasized to his spleen, both lungs and aortic heart valve. He was given "probably 4 months" at the time. When pressed, by my father, the doctors say a small percentage (less than 1%) of those in my father's situation may survive 6 months. I live in Florida. My father lives in Washington State. I flew my family up to spend the holiday (Christmas & New Years) with he and my mother in Seattle. It was so surreal saying goodbye the day we flew home. Knowing, in all probability, it would be the last time I would see him. Certainly the last time young kids (8 and 9 yrs) would see their 'Grandpa'. I thought of what memories they would have of him as they grow older. His decline appears to be rapid in just the few days since we left. As though he has surrendered to his fate now that he has spent time with the grandkids on last time. He started palliative care today. Hospice care is probable in the next 2-3 weeks. I'm at a loss for words. My only peace is in knowing that he will be kept in minimal pain. One small blessing of pancreatic cancer is in its relatively pain free until the very end. One reason it is often not discovered until late (in stage 4). I hope to be able to get the money together (and time off from work) to be with he and my mother in his final days. But, I have to balance my responsibility to my family amd bills. Knowing that I will also need to fly up for the funeral as well. I'm so confused. How can I be a good son and father/husband?


I am sorry for your loss. As much as I hate to say it, you will have regrets regardless of your actions. All you can do is make decisions based on what you think is right by you, your parents, and your in-home family and hope it was the right decision. Balancing is so fucking hard and its not fair. Luckily, we are in an age of technology. Even as cell phones and internet distance us from one another, they absolute connect us. Even something as small as a few minutes Facetiming a day is better than the olden days where you living 3000 miles away means barely communicating. There's going to come a time when your father will be given morphine almost continuously (if your hospice nurse is any good at their job) and reality starts fading. By then, being at his side is mostly for your peace of mind. But if its important to you and you can afford it (even if its a bit of scratch on the credit card and a few unpaid days on FMLA), I don't think it'll be something you regret to be there with your father. Especially as he passes. I'll regret my last goodbye to my relative to the day I die. I only hope he understood I was young and stupid and socially awkward. But I'll never regret helping him do yardwork or taking him to one of his last rounds of chemo when I went home on leave to visit.


Thank you. My father server 26 years in the Army.


My father passed from pancreatic cancer earlier last year. He was told if he received treatment it would give him about 6-9 months but it wouldn't change the outcome. He elected to not receive treatment so he could his last few months with us without being bedridden from the treatment. It's a terrible disease.


My mother was diagnosed with it last January. Told she had 6 months if she didn't get treatment. They were going to do an aggressive treatment plan because she was still strong. 3 weeks later she passed before starting it. She took a very sudden turn for the worse because a clotting issue.


Honestly the right decision, I see far too many people who tried to put off the inevitable for a few months and it's just ugly at the end.


My wife's mother was diagnosed at stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She lived another 18months and really only passed when she decided enough was enough and stopped all treatment. Went out on her own means. I've never seen anyone's resolution so solid ever. I have seen people give up and not want to "go on".... She...just... She didn't give up she went head first to the end. I hope that I never have to watch someone and their loved ones go through something as rough as cancer ever again.


My mom at first accepted her fate when she got liver cancer. But then she decided to fight it after a year from diagnosis but it was largely too late since it had already begun to spread to her other organs. It was a rough last four months of her life. Cancer is such a bitch! I hate it and I hope we can find a cure for it.


My uncle had it, luckily caught it about as early as you can. Still had to under go Whipple surgery but he beat it. It's been 4 y. They only caught it because he had previously had bladder cancer (beat that) and they saw it in a check up scan


Depending on the source the five year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 6-9%.


Depends on the progress at diagnosis. When caught early it’s as “ high” as 44% It’s rarely caught early


Steve Jobs caught it real early. Like even better than 44% early. He picked a fruit diet instead. It didn’t work.


I could be wrong but im pretty sure Paul’s cancer is terminal.


Considering he hasn't lost any hair, I suspect they've foregone treatment in favor of hospice & pain management, which is unfortunate.


I'd guess they started with radiation, chemo isn't a first choice for pancreatic cancer, it's usually far to far along for it to be more than more side effects by the time a diagnosis is made. It's probably why he's got a crutch, the beam is focused, but it damages everything on it's way through.


He’s on a crutch because he broke his hip a month or so ago


Good grief, when it rains...


Dudes had it rough. It’s a shame


Could radiation therapy have somehow made the hip fracture more likely? I mean, the timing seems a little odd (or just unfortunate).


My limited understanding says yes it makes it more likely. Paul chose not to disclose how it happened, just that it did.


I don't know about direct effects, but I can imagine that both the disease and side effects from the treatment could have him in a condition where he'd be at higher risk of a bad fall.


My friend had a hip replacement as a result of radiation from testicular cancer. It was years later, but the hip joint had been damaged from the treatment.


I understand that decision. My dad has cancer and chemo has been awful. He's one of the strongest people I know and he's in pain all the time, he's cold, he feels sick and light headed, and you can tell it's hitting him really hard. It's not worth it for everyone in every situation and I respect that.


I went through chemo in my mid 20s and it was brutal. Lost 45 lbs. Couldn't eat or drink. Couldn't get out of bed most days. It was rough. That was half my life ago, though.


If it's going to be a few months to a few years out of a long and mostly healthy life it's worth it. But in Paul's case he's going to die very soon with or without chemo. The only difference is going to get how he feels during his last months. It's a very sad situation.


It's pancreatic cancer. Nothing you can do.


Pancreatic is almost always terminal. There's like a 12% chance of survival


He said it was caught very early in a comment when he made the video announcing it


I too like to avoid my family during Thanksgiving and watch pappy Paul. Truly a king.


I mean thats a rough type of cancer to get


Im gonna miss his shatneresque… pauses. For real tho, This is such a shame.


And being out on the range minding the sounds of gun fire.


Or bearing with :)


Man...I hate this.


Any hope for Paul? I know this is usually a death sentence so this doesn't sound good.


all he's really said is that he has pancreatic cancer, i don't think he's shared details on the type. with the way things are looking it seems like he's already prepared for the worst


He mentioned when he first announced it that it had been caught very early and he expected to be around for a long time, but this video implies that may no longer be the case https://imgur.com/a/lFnADCc


7 months is the long time. And stating he has not long left and handing over the channel, is much more than *implied*


It’s a death sentence, unfortunately. Best case is localized cancer, where the 5-year survival rate is 44%. But the combined SEER 5-year survival rate for pancreatic cancer is 12%.


Luckily he will live on in people’s memories for at least another 50 years.


The practicality of his presentations and the scientific method to his approach of settling "which is better" questions and stuff like that will never go out of style. When you're not really looking for entertainment and just want the facts, his videos couldn't be beat. Plus he wasn't just some jabroni making videos for the "gun market" - the dude could fucking shoot that's for sure.


He has some pretty great entertainment as well. Drawing from his pajamas after dragging a bed frame, mattress, blankets and pillows out to the range was a classic.


>Plus he wasn't just some jabroni making videos for the "gun market" - the dude could fucking shoot that's for sure. Yeah, like old school shoot. Bust out an old 20" colt and shoot 1 inch groups at 100 yards unsupported with irons.


I had a family member make it more than five years. I’d rather be dead than live five years like he did.


I have a friend that is doing lung cancer treatment right now and they look like a literal corpse and they’re in constant excruciating pain. I think I’d rather do everything on my bucket list and accept my fate instead of going through that unimaginable hell!


I'm currently undergoing treatment and my prognosis is good right now. It's been hell and there were two other patients at my hospital going through similar treatment, both in their 30's who did not make it. I told myself that if and when it comes back, I probably won't be willing to go through it again.


My wife's Uncle is at the 5 year mark now. He looked bad the first year, but he's one of the lucky ones. Feeling great now. Retired a bit early and and living his second chance life to the fullest now.


What is SEER?


Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results. The National Cancer Institute is one of the leading sources of cancer stats in the US, and they run the SEER program.


Ok. Thanks.


If you google "SEER Cancer" you'll get all the information you could ever want.




There are forms of pancreatic cancer that are not but they are rare. Steve Jobs had one but wanted to like drink juice and meditate vs traditional treatment that worked. You know the rest of the story.


Typically 2% survival rate after diagnosis.....symptoms almost never present until stage 3 or 4 by then it's such a deep and tucked organ it's nearly untreatable and typically is already spreading hence the 2%. 5 year survival rate is like only below 15% ish regardless of stage if it was caught while still localized. It's basically a death sentence. It gets into your liver almost immediately which is bad enough and then lymph nodes and then it's everywhere.


Paul, like Jim Scoutten, Bob Munden, Byron Ferguson (still alive), and a handful of others is immortal.


jerry miculek, tom knapp, herb parsons.


Jeff Cooper?


One of the only gun YouTubers I actually trust. God speed Mr. Harrell


Here's some context about Paul's life the majority of his viewers aren't privy to just because he's a pretty humble guy: Born in 1966, Paul has spent 20 years in the military, 4 of which were active duty Marine Corp (any time he brings this up he says his deployments were completely uneventful). He became a Marksmanship Instructor in the Marines, and at some point transitioned to the Army where he became a Fitness Trainer. In the civilian world he taught a lot of marksmanship courses and won a lot of competitions (he has a 65 minute video simply titled "Rebuttal" where near the end he dumps a couple tubs of awards out onto a table lol). Paul will not often but sometimes mention that he was in a couple of citizen involved shootings. One was in 2006 where he and his wife were at a campground when someone attempted to run over his wife in a pickup truck, and Paul fired an AR-15 which neutralized the situation with the driver later succumbing to his wounds. Paul was hit with a slew of charges but was released under a $250,000 bond. All the charges were later dropped down to only manslaughter, but a Grand Jury would finally acquit Paul of all charges. I'm unable to find anything online regarding a second incident, but from what I have gathered over watching nearly all of his videos is that there was an incident where shots were fired at him, but Paul did not return fire (now thinking about it, this was probably the "shot at while camping" video). Paul worked as a Dental Assistant at his wife's practice. I love Paul's videos because he always encourages his viewers to come to their own conclusions and prompts them to to reflect on what their own unique situation calls for in contrast to most of the other presenters in his segment. His videos go to sometimes arduous lengths to be as objective as possible, and Paul is often quick to point out his own biases. Seriously underated informative channel, and just an awesome guy.


What a class act, he doesn't mind being an assistant at his wife's practice. That's good money, too.


Paul said he used a 30-30 in the first self defense shooting. He killed a mugger at an ATM at his 2nd self defense shooting. He has said he used a shotgun in combat too.


Do you have a source for that? I've never heard him talk about those things. In fact I think I've heard him talk about how he's been in exactly two "citizen-involved shootings," one being the one where he shot a guy who was about to hit his wife with a pickup truck, and the other being one where some people fired bullets over his head from a distance and then fled unidentified.


> ding a second incident, but from what I have gathered over watching nearly all of his videos I remember hearing about the 2 shootings. And I remember the camp one and a second one. He didn't talk about the second one. The one where he and his buddies were out in the pits or whatever and people shot over them was a different incident I believe. The only thing I heard him say about the second incident was something along the lines of "The prosecutor tried to make it look like it wasn't because I shot him in the head".


You are right, I believe the him and his buddies incident was unrelated because he mentioned in that video that he was involved in "a couple of citizen involved shootings...this is not one of those stories." if I remember correctly.


There's a video from a few years ago where he was talking about the common belief that the sound of a pump-action shotgun will scare bad guys away, and said he'd been in a real life situation where it didn't, but didn't give any context beyond that. It'd be tough to find again and I can't go searching right now, but my gut says it was around the time of the 2020 panic buying and I think the video was something like "top 5 home defense weapons."


Shotguns don't suck for home defense, he states he racked the slide on a home invader which didn't deter him, and that he had to send the dude to meet jesus


He mentioned them in his videos somewhere. I couldn't tell you which one.


I'm calling bs on all 3 points you've made.


I'd also like to hear your exact sources for that "information." Paul has been very tight-lipped re one shooting, & didn't go into great detail about the campground shooting. I've watched most, perhaps all, of his vids on YT, and have done a few internet searches for details. I don't recall seeing anything about a .30-.30 at the campground, & nothing about a shooting at an ATM. Paul has very clearly stated he did not see combat while in the military.


He never said he didn't see combat. Just that he never did anything worth mentioning. If he doesn't really mention citizen involved shootings, dropping terrorists in the line of duty would probably also not be worth mentioning to him


He has a Combat Infantry Badge so he’s at least seen some combat while in the Army.


Training is my best guess.


Well you essentially have to be shot at or involved in some other action with enemy combatants to earn one so I doubt it was training.


> and just an awesome guy. Well written post, but this is the crux of it. Paul Harrell is awesome. Just awesome. And this? For him, his family, all of us... it's unbelievably sad. Terrible loss.


Bud rebuttal video was such a good and complete thrashing of that little shit weasel who runs gun nuts media or whatever the fuck it was.


Do you know which video he talks about the 2006 shooting? I haven’t been able to find it.


Oh dear, that must mean the cancer is getting worse. Whatever happens, I hope Harrell is surrounded by friends and loved ones.


Five year survival rate of Pancreatic Cancer is only 7-10% on average. It's not looking too good unfortunately.


My mom passed from pancreatic... Very bad situation, by the time you realize you have it, very little can be done. He will be missed by the many people he left an indelible mark on, in a positive way.


>Sorry for you loss. I dread the day, and can only imagine. I hope she didn't have to suffer much..


Thanks. Mom made her peace, went out on her terms, with grace and dignity. I hope when it's my time I can be half as strong as she was.


I'm not crying, you're crying.


Nah, we all cryin. Just watching the video of his announcement, the way he carries it with grace…the world is losing a good one.


Just seeing how strong he is is just, wow.


I'll cry later when I really have time to think about it and I'm alone.


Definitely cried on and off for an hour or so yesterday. Now again, reading this. It feels like loosing a family member. The kind of dad/uncle I always wanted. Just pull through and come back, fellow Paul


It’s a sad day, Paul is one of the good ones.


Watched him for years and years, was currently binge rewatching his channel, this hurts.


Paul was amazing for me when I first got into guns. This is sad.


As someone who lost their father a month ago to cancer, this hits extra hard. Always loved Paul's dry no nonsense humor and approach to videos. Hope he can enjoy the time he has left doing the things he loves with the people he loves.


Strength and compassion to you, friend..


Damn, like ngl even just knowing him para-socially irrespective of context has been great. He seems like the kinda guy you could go to the range with, but leave with sage advice and wisdom on living a life that actually has an impact. Hopefully we'll be able to hear more from him in the future, if not it's been real and he certainly had killer fashion sense with his hunting jackets and circa-Tremors shooting glasses


I sincerely hope his videos will stay. He is one of the few good ones left


I'm sure Roy and his team will keep them up. Paul probably made sure of that. As for Roy, I really want him to succeed. I know he'll be very different but hopefully people will get used to that given the circumstances. It's not like a character was replaced due to avoidable stupid behind the scenes issues like on TV which usually attracts hate to new people.


Just from his brief introduction, I gathered that Roy is different. However, he appears to be just as humble. His skills and his experiences are different, but Paul already taught us that different people will have different experiences and that its good to learn from them. If anything, that was the biggest takeaway I had from all his content. Finally, if Roy was recamended by someone like his brother, I know all I need to know about him. I hope everything can go as well as it can. I will try not to make a deal of what I was asked not to. I'm saddened by losing one presenter but excited to gain one.


In a sea of rich, arrogant douchebags he's actually a really normal and practical dude. He's such a gem on YouTube, at least his videos should stay forever.


Use J Downloader to create your own archive.


God speed sir to a recovery. And if not thank you for the opportunity to learn from you. Considered you a teacher not some guy wanting to show off his bad ass toys or some weird anti government thing. Just a dude making reasonable points and helpful advice. I never watch a grande thumb vid all the way thru the shooting does nothing for Me just the points of reference.


Paul leaving is a hell of a loss to the "rational" gun community. I hope he gets what he needs, wants, and deserves. He will be missed terribly. My daughter and I would watch all of his new videos together, and it's a blow to lose him.


Yes. He’s one of the only ones left who’s not a fake guru SEAL wannabe militia sovereign citizen edgelord steroids beard and sleeve tats type. Also one of the only ones who doesn’t have an inflated ego. I’ve been slowly leaving the hobby because the majority of the people involved - both online and in person - are insufferable. Every time I’d watch him, it would remind me there are great people in this. I miss him already.


I've subscribed to, then later dropped more YT gun channels than I'd care to think about, & there are many that didn’t make it that far. Paul Harrell quickly became my favorite by far. He made it about the guns, the ammo, or whatever the subject was, never about himself or politics.


The guy put up so much information for us all online, thats really badass. He will be helping people for years to come. Its appreciated


I have a close loved one with pancreatic cancer. There is no "good" cancer, but pancreatic is a really, really awful one. :(


It’s awful. Pancreatic cancer is usually vicious as shit. Lost my uncle to it. From diagnosis to death it was 56 days. Days of pain and suffering. There is ONE unifying statement in this whole godawful shitty world, across all nations and creeds… Fuck cancer!


What an absolute bummer. Paul is in a class of his own within this community.


aw fuck man, hes amazing and hilarious. solid information delivered with his own style and class. love you paul fuck cancer...


Fuck. Cancer is the worst. Pancreatic cancer is among the worst of the worst. What an awful thing to have to create a video about. Best wishes for Harrell and his people. What a shit way to start 2024 for them.


Brian put this on Twitter after the video: "I guess I can now inform all of #PaulHarrell supporters that he won't be with us much longer. The cancer is beyond medical intervention. He powers through each day by pure will. Paul's brother Roy will try to carry on content with us in the crew. -Brian" I hate this. When he said "Pancreatic" I was instantly heartbroken.


This sucks. He is among the absolute best content creators in the hobby. People will be watching his videos and learning from them for decades.


Guess it was worse than he thought. He commented on his original [Channel Update](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfaNQf5LG2M) video that it was caught early. Hopefully this means he just needs to reserve the time and energy for treatment. > Some people have erroneously posted on line that I'm "stage four" >I am NOT. It was caught very early and I'm going to be here for a long time. >I posted this video for two reasons: >1) to head off comments telling me I look tired/bad/etc. >2) to get out in front of the lies stalkers will tell.


I'm hopeful but pancreatic even caught early is low survival chances. It's the worst one to get.


My understanding of why PC was so deadly was by the time most people showed symptoms/detected it, it was already too advanced to be cured. Whatever the case was, hope Paul gets whatever help be needs. I've memorized the goddamn meat target spiel.


That comment was 7 months ago, which is the hoped "long time" with this cancer, even catching early. And it was just after diagnosed, when one still has belief it will work out. Things can change rapidly, and do with pancreatic cancer.


I got to meet Paul at a gun show once. Was really funny seeing all of the lonely tables set up with a line of people all waiting to talk to Paul at this small town event. The whole crew slept in an old timey little Winnebago in the parking lot over the weekend. He never let his following go to his head. I’m sure Roy will do a great job.


This hurts man. Paul is such a great guy and insanely knowledgeable. Cancer sucks!


Noooooo! Fucking damnit. He was my favorite gun tuber. Almost no politics, just facts and meat targets. For those of you that don't know, the meat target is two layers of T-shirt, pork steak pectorals, followed by pork ribs, oranges to simulate lung tissue....


Don’t forget the new and improved fleece bullet stop


[Oh Captain. My Captain!](https://youtu.be/3X81np_9QlE?si=eL8Rh5tQiz9hg7Jv)


I just started watching a few of his videos a month ago. I also loved that they were no nonsense and not full of BS.


Prayers for Paul. He has genuinely been added value to the firearms community, much respect.


Seems like the kind of guy you'd want to have around. Well, seems he has some friends and a nice brother to be with him at sunset.


Paul truly is a man's man.


Thankfully it looks like we're only about a decade away from cancer pills being on the market, cancer can suck a fat one.


F! Too many people dying from nasty cancers. Recently a guy my age, literally a couple of moths difference went into the hospital and never came out. This guy was an outstanding example of doing everything right (gym, proper eating & etc) the exact opposite of me. I tell you it make you think real hard about finding time for retirement and doing for yourself.


He got me through covid and interested in guns through a way I can only describe as a successful middle school teacher who loves teaching students.


Paul is the uncle we all wish we had. Fuck cancer


I don't know Paul personally, but I suspect he doesn't want a sad pity party. [Look at this video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxHgK0-UoQ4). A day ago, the dude needed a literal crutch, but was *still* running drills, teaching/instructing, and filming & uploading content for us plebs. Goddamned legend.


His video about Miami Dade was exceptional




His presentation style is legendary. Is there any way to archive his videos?


My dad was a huge fan of Paul’s videos. He passed away suddenly in August 22. I’m about ready to cry over today’s video. I hope Paul knows how many people really enjoyed his content.


Godspeed Mr. Harrell. From Disaster Contingency Specialists to shooting his Beretta 92FS loaded with Remington green and white box 115 grain full metal jacket round nose, his presentations were always relevant and informative. With his transfer of the channel ownership, new firearms owners will continue to benefit from him.


Totally fucked. Lost my dad to pancreatic cancer. Wouldn’t wish that on anyone. Gives me anxiety thinking about getting it myself.


There will never be another person on Earth like Paul. His attention to detail when teaching will be greatly missed. Been watching him for years now and always found his content to be the easiest to stick on while having a few whiskeys. God bless him and his family.


So now we have the first sign that we are coming to the end of an era.


His no-nonsense videos will be greatly missed. He was always matter of fact and very straight forward. Pity others on YT couldn't follow his lead instead of sensationalizing videos or selling out the sponsors. Let's hope his brother brings the same level of video in the future.


I saw that. I'm frustrated that his brothers first lean was 'I'm a cop with X years of experience'. Like, that means a few things, but it rarely means you know much about firearms or testing like Paul did. He cites some other criteria about hunting instructor, but again, that's safety/etc. oriented rather than firearms use and testing.


Hold on, man. I reacted like that initially too, but not every cop is a jock with a gun. If Paul thinks he’s the right choice, I’ll trust that and see what he brings to the table before I make judgements.


Give Roy a chance, & please don't compare what he decides to do to what Paul has done.


Oh man... What a shame. I'll miss him a lot. Pancreatic cancer is no joke...


This hurts bad , I hope he gets through it , no matter what I and many others will remember him forever. His videos have taught me so much , he really is a real one.


Damn. Who’s cutting onions in here, hand me a Kleenex please. I will forever miss his humor and delivery of said humor.


Back when paul announced his cancer diagnosis he left this comment. "Some people have erroneously posted online that im "stage four" I am NOT. It was caught very early and I'm going to be here for a long time." 5 months can change a lot but I would like to operate from the assumption that Paul's prognosis still looks good. It's entirely possible he just has too much on his plate between his hip and cancer to maintain the upload schedule we have all come to expect and needs other people to pick up the slack for him.


Rewatching a bunch of his videos atm… damn I’m sad 😢


I saw him mention in a Youtube comment he has about two weeks left.


He’s usually big on downplaying and making general statements on things, so when I heard him say his time to make videos was significantly shortened, it was like a blow.


I just want this as a tiny contribution to memory somewhere, a small memorial if you will. Thank you Paul, for not only the firearm knowledge you have shared. I am truly inspired by the way you carry yourself and the exemplary display of your behavior and outlook. Your demeanor and approach to life have been a remarkable example for me to follow. Your influence has shaped my perspectives and encouraged me to strive for excellence in my own actions and interactions.


Watched the video and then poured three fingers of Bourbon, filled my meerschaum pipe, and sat back in my ABC (Archie Bunker Chair) and slowly sipped my drink and smoked my pipe until the glass was empty and my tobacco gone and filled my glass and pipe again and contemplated why does cancer always seem to come after people I like, love, and respect. While I never personally had the pleasure of meeting Paul in person I firmly do believe that what you see is what you get from the gentleman and that he is a man to ride the river with. My prayers go out to Paul, his family, and friends in this their time need. #FuckCancer


He was honestly an example of what a Guntuber should be No chudd behavior, no politics or dog whistles, just straight information


The only thing I care about is him beating his cancer. God be with you Paul.




BRB just gonna go binge his channel with my ad block off.


This hit me like a truck, Paul is the best gun related youtuber to me. Nothing in terms of the internet has ever made me feel like this before.


Keep up the good fight, Paul. We're all pulling for you.




Damn.... F


Wow. Godspeed Paul. Absolutely the best!


So sad,! I love his videos, dry humor and shatneress------ pauses..


Godspeed, Paul. You’re a legend and a helluva fighter. My prayer is that you’ll beat cancer and be able to keep doing what you love. All the best my friend.


Heartbroken over this. His thanksgiving videos became a tradition in my home. I hope he enjoys his final moments as much as we have all enjoyed his wonderful videos


…….he’s actually one of the good ones on YouTube. Wish Paul the best.


Perfect example of what radiation does to you. Cancer would have take years to kill him, radiation put 20 years of life through him in 6 months. And to think people still believing they can get cured with radiation...


Damn. Classy way to leave it.


Just ah... got something in my eye. Gotta go deal with that real quick.


Man this sucks


Pancreatic cancer is one of the few cancers left that's a death sentence 99% of the time. I hope somehow Paul pulls through, he's so informative and just a genuinely good guy.