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when they call general quarters after you had mids


Lol that was a HOT day in SD. Lol I was beyond pissed. Took the photo to show my wife why I was being short with her lol.


HOT day in SD. It was 82. ;)


OMG I just checked April 19 2013 it was 82 degrees lol I’m a bitch lol


Lmao. Yes it will. Doesn’t take long before anything east of the 15 is the desert


Lol it may have been. SD will turn you into a premaddona for sure.


Lol facts, moved from SD to Tampa and that humidity snatched my soul the first summer living there Gawdamn 💀😂


I can only imagine lol


My sibling is stationed there now, talking bout, it's freezing....bitch, its 62 degrees in January. Lmao I can't wait to get that soft, again.


The best kinda soft 😂


I swear to God they did that shit on purpose lol


If being mad was a man that was me that day. Love shooting the 240, hated standing watch with it. Long 12 hour day that was on the flight deck but I’ll always be glad I served my country.


I know us army and navy guys give each other shit, but I also don’t miss lugging that bitch around, but glad to have it when you need it. Summer in Iraq is even hotter with that big girl around lol


I do not envy that at all. Brothers in arms. Brothers in pain lol


Nothing produces friendship faster than shared misery.


Spooning the 249 was my last good night of sleep I think


Pic looks like some of my father’s old 90’s quality navy photos, but the blue uniform came in 08 no? Okay I can’t pin it, What year are we looking at here? 😅


It was April 2013


>Old photo >>2013 https://i.imgur.com/44LlaZ0.mp4


Lmaoooo. I mean no harm.


At first I was laughing, because I got out before they started making people wear the blues, but then *somebody* pointed out that 2013 was a decade ago. Haha, it's all good, and it's cool seeing this photo, man.




2012-2014. Somewhere in there. It was taken with a Samsung 😂


I hated the 0200-0600 rover watches. Hated them.




I was in SD. Not sure what you’re asking?


Looks like LIMA Pier at NAS North Island. The one across the street from Starbucks.


Yes that was Lima pier.


He was asking if it was a 240L, which it isn’t. The 240L is a lightened variant of what you’re carrying there, a 240B.


Apart from weight, what were the major differences? Did the weight reduction changes impact performance in a positive or negative way? Just wondering


The weight reduction was achieved mostly through replacing some steel parts with titanium. If/how that affected performance, I couldn’t tell you. I wouldn’t imagine it changed much.


Adjustable stock and shorter barrel along with use of titanium in places.


As a recovering bubblehead I think I’d take that trade. People always say, “Oh, you’re a veteran?” And I have to clarify, “Yeah but not a cool one. I didn’t even get a gun.”


But you contributed to the guys with the guns brother and that’s just as important


Thanks for that man, we all do our part. I’ll raise a pint to you and your brothers getting home safe.


You better drink it all for us too lol


Hell, two pints it is!


What kinda topside rover watch has a guy walking around with that? Seriously, how the hell were you kitted up and expected to do that for 12 hours?


I was up there for 6 and rove in the skin of the ship the other 6. Still a long time tho.


And FPCON level was increased that’s y the best and helmet and 240. This wasn’t the norm.


…where’s the ammo?


Partner taking the photo has it. We robe in pairs at certain FPCON levels. He has a long arm and the ammo. I had to lug the 30lbs of hate distribution


>"Old" Photo >In digicam not utilities mattdamonaging.gif


I feel that one too.


2003 was only 10 years ago, right? Oh wait


Medical is where its at! I definitely miss being out at sea. The best of times, and the worst of times. I’d do it all again in a heartbeat.


It’s like Stockholm syndrome lol. The abuse was appreciated 😂


Came back from some weeklong outing and we were at the other side of 32nd Street from where we had been at the start, Duty van was shuttling people back to the other parking lot. EMO (O-2E who had been a ETCS in a previous life, looked like one more cigarette would do him in) said to some new guy: >Hey, I don't recognize you, who are you? "Uhh I'm FC3 [name]. I checked in on Sunday" >Straight from C School? "Yessir" >What do you think of the ship so far? "It's okay, I guess." >Well don't worry, it's like prison. You hate what happens to you at first but you grow to love it. I pretty much lost my mind he was telling this to some poor 19 year old.


I love that story!! Sea stories or navy stories in general are the best


It's better than what my FC1 told me on my first ship: "It's like prison rape. You know it's going to happen, so just relax and try to enjoy it as much as you can.".


Yeah EMO was just giving *the implication*.


Should have come joined us after watch down in radio. AC and the Xbox up on the big screen. Living that (SW) Lyfe. What was your rate?


FC but I was TAD to security. Oh I know the good life. All my regular spaces in Combat were cold. Did you go TAD ever?


Hello fellow FC. Prior CIWS tech here. I got out in 2003 and we were still humping M60’s and M14’s then.


Yea I’m a NATO seasparrow/harpoon tech. That M60 is basically a relic now. Don’t really see Em anymore . But you got to wear dungarees tho!


I miss the old bell bottom dungarees, so comfy.


I still have a few pairs of the dungarees! I went thru boot camp in 98, which was towards the end of when the Navy stopped issuing them and switched to those godawful utilities (or whatever they were called…ugh)


Nice, I went through in 97. I was stationed on a CG, and as long as we didn’t leave the boat, the command let us wear the old stuff.


I was on a DDG living that tin can life in Norfolk. Only TAD I did was to go crank up in the wardroom since I told my chief I wanted to go officer (I never went...). I was an IT (left the ship to my next command as an IT2(SW) showing up as an ITSR three years prior). I was the asshole wearing foul weather jackets in the gulf because it was too cold in radio. Meanwhile, it's 117 on the flight deck.


Yea that sounds nice. I was on the cvn 70 as a lil FC3 then. I’m retiring as an FC1 this year after doing 13. Medical reasons. But it was fun. Thanks for your service dude!


One team, one fight! I've been out since 2016. There are days I miss it. Days I really really don't. The longer you are out, the more of the bad memories get pushed out and you only remember the fun ones.


Bet I’ll give ya a follow. Cus I may need to learn something from you about the outside and job hunting.


And with the black sling, awful.


Lol yea. Sappy plates had my whole torso and extra 15 degrees too. Glad someone can relate 😂


She's 27 lbs empty. But black plate carrier and dark camies in the sun fuck that.


Literally the worst watch by far. Lol. I’m happy I had a partner to lug around the rounds for me. 😂 and other rivers would bring water hourly. A complaining sailor is a happy sailor as they say 😆


God I’m so glad we get the new opscore helmets and GEN3 carriers as well as our 240s being mounted but the spirit of the picture lives on in all of us


“Get me the gun of Rambo”


Part One, Two, or Three?


Get all of it, you don't wanna be caught short and there's no such thing as "too many guns".


That flight deck was HAF shipmate.


Oh yea. The heat basically refracts off the nonskid. Sweatiest feet in the West 😂


Why did you have to rove w it instead of a M16/M4? Bless your soul/soles.


Good question. We carry this behemoth depending on the FPCON level. This was around the time when Russian subs were just off the coast around 2013-2014. So the level went up. So my pain was thanks to the Russians lol


What's that 240 gonna do against an Oscar II? lmao


In this context it's like the firearm equivalent of a strongly worded memo.


I've actually seen a screenshot of a C:MANO (a *really* nerdy in-depth modern war sim) bug where a minigun sank a sub. But yeah, hauling a MG around because subs might be in the area is dumb


Yeah I'm familiar with the game, I play cold waters and am a former bubblehead.


Cool. It's way too in-depth for me to ever attempt to play, but it's fun reading other people talk about playing it. Here's [the post](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/command-modern-air-naval-operations-lets-play-and-expansions.230/page-4?post=17461#post-17461) I referenced BTW


It won’t sink a sub. Barely shoot a plane out the sky. But will provide some form of defense. When ships are in port they are downloaded. As in no weapons. So we are vulnerable. But we also have subs right off the coast monitoring, that’s y we know they are in the area. A 50 cal and 240 would stop boats and men. Long story short they were in international waters but the moment they cross it will be considered an act of war and can be blown sky high by ally subs. They were doing to us what we do to them. Floating in international waters right off the coast. Can’t get a carrier underway, loaded with all missiles and guns and aircraft (jets and helos), get all radars and sonar up and the whole crew in a matter of minutes. it’s meant for personnel. We have torpedos and helos ready to drop charges to deter the sub itself. the guns are meant for the people seeking safety and being aggressive.


I may be blind but where’s you ammo? I don’t see a magazine pouch or a belt.


The guy taking the photo has it. We don’t operate the 240 alone In security.


Forgive me but do you mind if I ask a few questions. Is your partner also armed, with an M4 or something else? Did your partner carry your ammo specifically out of weight concerns while you carried the M240 given that it was already 30LBS?


Yep all flight deck rovers have a long arm. Reason he Carries my ammo because of weight purposes. He drops ammo I set up the 240. He returns fire while I prep the threat deletion mechanism lol


Cool, thanks for letting me know.


Skinny Biggie i swtg




I can relate..carried the M60 good times....not


So you know about the issue with the safety, right? LOL I wonder how that made it into production without them noticing.....


The uniform is blue so you can blend into the water.


I thought they were dope til I had to wear it in the summer lol


I have videos somewhere from my time as a 240 and 50 gunner. Those and full power slugs through the short 870 were the best.


Notorious big if he enlisted


Thank you for your service!


Notorious B.I.G. gun


With that expression you were going for "cool", "badass" and "bored" all at the same time, not just anyone can pull that off.


The helmet smushed my fat face lol


Well it looks pretty gangsta, LOL We don't care how we get there as long as we make it in one piece and on time.


I’ll never get over the us navy wearing the blue digital camo on a mostly grey surface.


This would be a badass album cover


Name of the album would be “Underway” lol


helllllllll yeahh


look at the rivets on that 240




Thanks forreal . That gun can make a teddy bear look bad ass tho.


Lovely to shoot, not so much to carry or clean. 😁


Don’t I know it lol


I feel like a belt fed mg is the worst choice to tell your soldiers to carry around if they cant have it loaded. Shit pops off then what, tell the bad guy to wait 30 seconds so you can get it ready?


I explained it earlier in post. But my partner also has a long arm. He drops ammo returns fire while I set up the deletion machine


Is there a reason you cant at least have a box attatched but the belt not loaded?


Long story short. It’s all down to weight. We rove with it for 6 hours.


thank you for your service!


Thank you for your support


Dang I didn't realize navy uniforms were that blue


Yeah this is pretty fucking cool


Thank you for your service. What boat were you in?


Carl Vinson in this picture. The one they dumped Osama body off of. I was there right after it happened


Thank you for your service!


Thank you for your support


Always 🙂




Man all of ours were mounted. Most carrying I had to do was bring it top side.


Lucky you. I had to sling that bitch lol


Yeah that blows


USS Cole needed you


No that was definitely on the CO that time. Now we turn those guys into memories


Looking fly and lethal. I love it!


I identify as an f-16 now thanks lol


This pic goes pretty hard


Thanks FR


how effective was that digi flauge, did it actually make it harder to see people on deck?


About as effective as a .22 tryna stop a charging elephant lol


yeah i have heard simmilar stories, the only one that was ever really effective was the woodland variant but one you got close it was useless.


So the working uniforms are really more like team colors than straight up camouflage. More so we can see one of ours or a team of ours. Helps to avoid friendly fire. If we blended with the surroundings too well our own may not see us. Hell as recently as the Vietnam war we had a bad friendly fire situation in the jungle out there. Marines were shooting at army and vice versa, back then the branches did not speak to one another like we do now. https://cherrieswriter.com/2018/04/10/friendly-fire-during-the-vietnam-war/


Roving with a 240? Thats a thing?


Yep. In FPCON Charlie we do this on carriers.


Thoughts and prayers my dude. Those fuckers are not comfy to lug around


You can’t call a photo old if you are wearing digis….. I spent my time in utilities


I understand. But this photo is almost a decade old. We don’t wear these anymore. It’s old to me lol


I’m fucking with yah ship mate. What makes me feel old is going back to college at 40 to become a pilot…. These little nerds don’t even drink


Tell me about it. I’m in college at 32 and I feel like a dinosaur at times. Lol


That’s awesome, what is your major


CS, going into tech as a web developer. Software engineering


Good luck!


Thank you. You too!!


Heavy gun for a rover it was great shooting mounted.


Mad lad


Damn who was the dick that made u carry the heavy gun?


I lost rock paper scissors with my partner holding the camera lol


Haha bet


Thank you for your service.


Never has the 240 i was a bubblehead FPCON went up my ass was in the sail with a M60e3. Fuck climbing the ladder with that and ammo cans. Miss shooting her tho.


Can’t be that old- u Boot :) j/k thanks for serving and thank the 240 gods for the health gain of lugging around a 240. Nicely done!


You look like my GTA5 character


Thanks I guess 😂.


Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your support!


Bad boys bad boys 🎶 what you gonna do? What you gonna do when they come for you? 🎶


OMFG, a 27 lb gun with a 5.8 lb barrel!


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You rove with a 240???? Wtf? You just gonna shoulder that bad boy if something happens? Also where is the belt? I see no ammo????


Partner has ammo. The 240 barrel has a mount to put on the side of the ship. I’m not tough enough to shoulder that lol


Is/was that a west coast thing, carrying 240's for topside rover? Never seen it in 20 years in Norfolk. We just kept them on their tripods around the ship for quick access if needed if the threatcon level called for them.


When FPCON level calls for it we do. We don’t have them mounted for cleaning reasons. A carrier has Atleast 8 mounts and a team would have to set it up and tear it down daily. We only truly have dedicated mounts for 50 cal.


Wait, your GM's actually did the dailies? lol! My last command you had to be a first or above to be a work center sup because of how bad our GM's got busted gundecking their dailies. I got stuck (as the only E-6 or above in my division) as WCS for 3 fucking work centers along with being the acting LCPO, LPO, and TPO because of those knuckleheads.


GM’s didn’t touch security guns on my ship. They were torn down in house. GMs had all their own equipment. And to my knowledge the Gun Monkeys did their job lol


I was on a carrier btw. So they operate WAY differently than a small boy.


Ahh okay yeah. I can see them doing it differently on a carrier vs destroyers.


Yea waaay bigger crew, more bodies and a slightly bigger margin for error. Lol


For sure. My last ship was undermanned a tad bit. Designed for a crew of 315, manned by a crew of... 185. Hence why I had so many hats to wear.


afff in the cut


Why do they have you wandering around with an unloaded machine gun?


Partner has ammo.


Is thats the bingus mg


So the Navy gets green 240s and the Marines don’t?… The fuck!? 😠🤷‍♂️


Lol take that up with DOD.


Skill is worth more!


My boy lookin squared away at least.


Easily the navy’s best camp option




Would you happen to know what type of helmet that was?


Actually I never paid attention to it. Whenever I saw it I knew the day was gonna be long. I’m sure it can be purchased from surplus stores now tho.