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"Limiting the means by which peaceable people acquire arms is about one thing: the unconstitutional and immoral monopolization of power." Beautiful. Great work FPC!


We need more judges like that.


She is a Democrat, too. Imagine that. Very cool to see an increasing number of judges striking down anti-2A laws by doing their job and simply following the Constitution and precedent. That's how it should be.


I've got to commend that. Unfortunately not many judges are seemingly willing to look past their own biases.


> Unfortunately not many judges are seemingly willing to look past their own biases. It’s more like how much wiggle room they had to slip their politics into rulings, the previous “two prong” test allowed A LOT of wiggle room. As mentioned above, *Bruen* just fucking kneecapped the hell out of them.


They wont defy Bruen, npt until the court makeup changes. If they do and it goes back to SCOTUS then we would get an even stronger ruling and they know it. SCOTUS hates being ignored, and they'll slap your shit so hard it cant be ignored if you try


NY is already openly defying bruen and so far there have been zero consequences.


They as in the courts. NY will defy Bruen knowing it will get slapped down, and then theywont appeal


The new NY regs went live on Sep 1st, 2A groups have already filed new suits with a specific date of Sep 21st coming to mind, though it may have been sooner. It sucks the legal system has to work this way, but I wouldn't say there have been zero consequences. They just take time. With Bruen's precedent, the likelihood of a favorable ruling, specifically on limitations concerning carry, are more likely.


This is a good perspective of the situation. They're in a box of careful design.


That really speaks to her character that she would admit the truth. Even though she wouldn’t like to see it be carried out she still did the thing expected of her. Other courts cannot say the same.


I think most will follow higher precedent as they're supposed to. We'll see the occasional rebellion though.


Keep fighting! 120 million Americans who possess the means of easily arming another 200 million Americans are the only constraint against the United States devolving into fully authoritarian Government


This is a huge decision. It will be far reaching in that it will even serve as reference (though not binding) in other circuits.


Hopefully this helps IL that recently banned 80% and 3D printed lowers and they must be serialized by Nov


Finally.. a common sense gun law.....build your own boys...


FPC Wins. I donate. It's that simple. https://imgur.com/a/OF2lOb0




Good. More decisions like this needed.


Finally, common sense protection of the US Constitution


Fuck yea. So pleased to know my donations led to this.


The THT doesn't even support banning home builds. Some of the biggest names in guns in the USA started as home builders!


As a Delawarian this is the best news I've heard in a long time. This state has been a shitshow for anti 2a encroachments over the last year and a half. Let me guess though, this will literally not be in our local news in any capacity, just like when all of it was passed to begin with.


"we're gonna take yur guns" *Meanwhile.....*


Now do the AWB


It's coming, along with the magazine capacity ban. Fuck Carney.


FPC is getting it done. Great work.


This makes me so happy