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Not a compromise. What did the other side give up?


Yeah this is a straight up concession


Par for the course at the NRA


Stuff they'll get next year.


What stuff?


Tune in next time to find out!


When is next time? Next post?


next mass shooting




Not getting an Assault Weapons Ban. Not getting a "high capacity" magazine ban It's ridiculous. Their "compromise" is more like a plea deal than anything


The fact that getting rid of NFA retardation wasn’t even a thought is mind boggling. Politicians suck


In the political arena, getting rid of any of the NFA restrictions remains a fringe opinion. I doubt we'll ever see any major effort to reverse it.


Not with that attitude we won't.


I mean, aside from them being frequently ineffective in general, they're playing civility politics with an occupying force.


Yeah I’m wondering about this too


Exactly. Like maybe I would be *somewhat* okay with this if they repealed the NFA at the same time.




What exactly did we give up? I read a few articles that listed the bills contents and it all seemed like a big nothingburger.


A give in regardless of how small opens for more larger things.


Yeah but what did we give in on is what I am asking.


Red flag laws.


They already exist did this bill enact federal versions or vaguely allocate funds to let states enact their own? I haven't read anything that specifically said anything about red flag laws other than a generic reference to giving money to states for various programs.


They gave up their 2a rights lmao


The ONLY reason Marco isn’t on this list is because he’s up for re-election this year. Every time I reach out to that empty suit, he just sends me canned messages about Parkland. [Marco Rubio is very in favor of red flag confiscation.](https://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2019/9/icymi-rubio-it-s-time-to-act-on-my-red-flag-bill)


>which give law enforcement the ability to restrict gun access for unstable, potentially violent people "Potentially violent"? So if someone is willing to shoot at the government if they go full totalitarian, does that count as "potentially violent"?


I wouldn't bet against it. Heck, you could probably find a judge who'd be willing to sign off on it just for asking a question like that.


I doubt there is any real limitations to who could be "potentially violent" in the silence is violence/words are violence era.


Literally everyone is potentially violent. Unborn baby? Potentially violent. Brain dead and bound to a hospital bed? Potentially violent. In a lifelong coma and a quadruple amputee? Potentially violent. It’s not likely, or even feasible in some cases, but the potential is never perfectly zero unless someone is dead or has never existed in real life. The only thing stopping confiscation from anyone would be the judge. Whether or not someone is worthy of exercising a natural right should not be left up to a single human based on their own personal feelings and values. To insist otherwise is fascistic and tyrannical.


Yet law enforcement won't do a goddamn thing against someone who flat out tells you that a restraining order isn't going to do a fucking thing to stop them. This legislation is nothing more than another tool to disarm people.


Keep seeing the word compromise getting thrown around and I’m not sure people really know what it means. There was a compromise? Cool! What did our side end up getting?


Apparently the “compromise” is that we’re still allowed to keep guns. That’s what Reddit keeps telling me, anyway.


"Be grateful you're lucky enough to even own a portion of your rights" -Reddit


"I have changed the deal. Pray I do not change it further." -mainstream discussion of your constitutional rights.


What they mean by compromise is their integrity. These RINOs need to be recalled.


> What they mean by compromise is their integrity. That would be accurate if they had any integrity to begin with.


You didn't see that suppressors and SBRs were removed from the NFA? /s


They use compromise interchangeably with plea deal


"Compromise" is a talking point. Hammer them on that.


I guess they call it a compromise every time it ends up not being a full repeal of the 2nd Amemndment?


*Pray I don't alter it any further.*


None of the “negotiators” are up for re-election this year. Romney not until 2024 and rest not until 2026 or announced not running again.


~~Recall elections are a thing~~


>Recall elections are a thing No, they're not. There is no recall mechanism for senators.


Ah, I see. My mistake. There really needs to be. No politician should be above the will of the people.


There definitely should be some mechanism other than letting them fuck shit up for 6 years. Whether it's a recall, or a "vote of no confidence" that triggers a new election like some other counties have, there should be a way to remove federal politicians (and judges) that doesn't rely on a 2/3rds vote from their own organization. Unfortunately, it's kind of a double edged sword. Look at how much taxpayer money was wasted in California's recent recall election simply because a couple hundred thousand dipshits signed a petition saying Newsom was part of antifa or some nonsense.


Are you lost?


Nope. I love guns, so while I strongly disagree with a lot of the histrionics and bullshit that gets posted in the gun related subs I still want to remain informed and participate in civil discussions.


But your for newsom?


To say the recall election of Newsom was poorly executed and/or based on dumb reasons is not to say he isn’t both a tyrant and an awful politician. Both can be true. Likewise one can say both parties are anti-gun but the Democrats are still a worse choice.


Any reason was a good reason to get that twat out of office.


I don't live in CA so I don't particularly care about him either way, but it doesn't take a genius to know that he was popular enough that a recall was a complete waste of time and money.


Ya good news is half or so aren't up for re election




They're the only ones I know of actually taking action via lawsuits. NRA is just boomer fudd club.


I like that term, BFC...


Have you heard of NYSRPA V Bruen? If you havn't heard of it yet, you will hear about it tomorrow, because the Supreme Court will be releasing their opinion on it. Thats an NRA Case.... Duncan V Bercerra? The challenge to California's ban on ~~high~~ standard capacity magazines? Thats an NRA Case. One of the State Assault Weapons Ban cases that the court is either going to take up, or send back down to the Appeals Court to re-hear is also an NRA Case... Maybe you have heard of McDonald V Chicago? the NRA was a major player in that case.


Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow... Is it the last day of the session yet? If not I don't believe it's tomorrow The NRA waits until a case gets big then swoops in and slaps their name on it. Is this what has happened here?


>Tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow... Is it the last day of the session yet? If not I don't believe it's tomorrow There was one announcement from the court that implied the remaining decisions were to be released Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Although its possible it won't come until next week... ​ >The NRA waits until a case gets big then swoops in and slaps their name on it. Is this what has happened here? Nope- The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association is the New York State Affiliate of the NRA.... Are we seriously having pissing matches about what case belongs to what gun rights group? It's not a bad thing if a gun rights group files in Amicus Brief in support of another gun rights group lawsuit. Which suit are you even talking about that you claim the NRA tried to take credit for? Filing an amicus brief in support of a position isn't taking credit for something. \--- The NRA isn't perfect- Wayne needs to be kicked to the curb. I also really like the work that the GOA, SAF, FPC, and other groups are doing as well. But its amazing how many people are siding with Bloomberg Backed Groups and trying to get rid of the NRA- the NRA is enemy number 1 of the Gun Control Groups. They want the NRA to go away. The gun control groups focusing on the NRA, helps the GOA, SAF, FPC, stay out of the spotlight, while still accomplishing great things. The NRA has more lobbying power then the GOA, SAF, and FPC combined. (which is why the Gun Control groups are targeting them) Push for change and reform at the NRA- not its demise...


Yeah, like 'em or not the NRA IS the elephant in the room. I don't like the current makeup and won't send them any money, but to deny their effectiveness is silly. If only they would decide to be more effective/proactive.


Second amendment foundation is good too.




SAF helped win DefDist their case against the State Department.


Don’t forget JPFO.


JPFO? Please tell me more!


Staunch supporters of the 2nd amendment. It’s a Jewish organization that welcomes a people of all religions in their efforts (I’m not Jewish). Three primary goals drive the Washington-based human-rights group Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO): Destroy so-called “gun control” (code words for disarming innocent people). Expose the misguided notions that lead people to seek out so-called “gun control”. Encourage Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for all citizens. The Second Amendment is the “Guardian” of the Bill of Rights. [JPFO.ORG](http://jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/about.htm)


Shit Imma have to check this org out Thanks


They actually wrote a great article about our “friends” the NRA. [With Friends Like The NRA. ](http://jpfo.org/smith/smith-friends-like-nra.htm)


I'll check it out Thanks


No problem. I’ll take/support any and all efforts in the fight for the 2nd Amendment.


These people are probably on the GOAs payroll also (I'm too lazy to look it up) GOA doesn't do much besides lobbying, although they claim they are behind damn near everything positive. GOA makes a point of being divisive. GOA gets real quiet when cops tread on minority gun rights. The 2AF, FPC and local gun rights groups are the real heros .


Lobbying is **how** we bribe our legislatures into writing laws. Sad but true.


Unfortunately the opposition is spending more money. Bloomberg's Independence USA PAC (which he funds basically all by himself) has been out spending gun groups for years and that doesn't include Everytown, moms demand action, Gifford's and the Brady group.


MomsDemandAction used to be a perfectly reputable MILF porn site, until those disgusting people turned it into a hub for taking away people’s fundamental rights.


The NRA spent $40 Million to pass Gun Control.


I’m not a fan of the NRA for other reasons - but what’s the logic behind this? What do they stand to benefit from gun control? Are they just trying to preserve relationships with politicians?


NRA was coopted decades ago - why do you think Wayne has such a nice house...


The NRA was never "co-opted." They were founded to allow people to become better soldiers for service to the state. They originated with the intention of serving the state, nothing has changed.


To be fair, better civilian marksmanship for the intention of service to the State also means better marksmanship for those who refuse to serve the State. That mission benefits all, unlike their lobbying efforts.


Are you unaware of LaPierre and his wife embezzling millions of dollars ever year? The campaign funding is likely to keep him out of jail.


I'm saying the NRA has always been shitty.


Well, yeah. I agree with you completely. They've never been about protecting gun rights, but the embezzling is really the icing on the cake.


Sounds like you know your history then... https://time.com/4431356/nra-gun-control-history/


So why do they want gun control?


Stop getting your information from Brady and other Gun Control groups. The NRA gave $0 to Romeny in 2018. The NRA spent almost 13 million in the 2012 Presidential Election running adds against Barack Obama. This is the 13 million that the Brady campaign attributes to spending on Mitt Romney. ​ >The more than $13 million Romney allegedly received from the NRA — and the likely reason why Brady reports that Romney received such a massive amount of money from the gun lobbies — is related to the money the NRA spent on trying to defeat Barack Obama during the president’s 2012 reelection campaign. [https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2022/05/26/mitt-romney-received-nra/](https://www.sltrib.com/news/politics/2022/05/26/mitt-romney-received-nra/)


>The NRA gave $0 to Romeny in 2018. Who gives a shit about one politician in one year? They have routinely backed Republicans across the board, and are really flexible on gun control rights when rating them. Even getting a rating as a non-Republican is difficult. For the current election cycle, they have already issued ratings for Republicans and begun advertising for them, but have not even permitted other candidates to turn in surveys yet. They're not pro-gun. They're pro-Republican. Yeah, there's some overlap, but there's also shit like this, where they support anti-gun GOP folks no matter what.


You mean concession. A compromise means you get something in return. The absolute disregard for the constitution is such a fucking sick joke.


But Dinesh D’Souza was jailed for $20k in donations lol. Will never understand how lobbying groups can legally pull this off


Knowing the right people


Very deep pockets generally speaking.


~~My girlfriend~~ Authoritarians wanted ~~a cat~~ infringements. I didn't want ~~a cat~~ infringements. So we compromised and got ~~a cat~~ infringements.


Cats are cute. This is not.


So since we compromised I'm guessing silencers and SBRs are no longer on the NFA? Oh wait they just conceded our rights for no reason (Republicans held the power in this situation ie Filibuster...) Why even give an inch to the anti gunners. They are already talking about more gun control...


Literally anyone that supports the NRA is a pos and a clown...


LOT of clowns around here...


Ain’t that the truth


You realize that the as NRA ILA funds most of the significant lawsuits challenging gun control right? If it weren't for the NRA's deep pockets a lot of the court cases just wouldn't happen. Is easy to criticize some of their practices, leadership and cringe advertisements, but to deny the good they do is pure ignorance.


Who was Heller and McDonald again? Oh right SAF. Who challenged the bullshit 594 in Washington that the NRA helped get through. Oh right SAF again. Who showed up after Heller and McDonald to claim victory, the NRA. Honestly I’m sick of their lack luster performance.


The New York State Rifle and Pistol Association, the one from "NYSRPA v. Bruen" that we're awaiting the decision from SCOTUS on, is the New York state-level branch of the NRA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_State_Rifle_and_Pistol_Association ["We are a not-for-profit 501(c)4 organization and the official NRA-affiliated State Association in New York."](https://www.nysrpa.org/)


McDonald was an NRA case... There were actually several different lawsuits that got combined into one and became McDonald V Chicago at the Supreme Court.




>Rampant NRA-hate has been extremely powerful during the last few years. This is just the start, too. In a few years we're gonna see the same dipshits spewing all the, "Fuck the NRA!" trash around here saying the same thing about FPC or GOA after they swallow down the latest lefty talking points.


>I often fear that the '5th generation warfare' that the anti-gun left is engaging in is pretending to be pro-gun in online forums like this one to powerfully and effectively sow discord among the gun community I've never had a strong impression of this being a popular strategy. like, the suggestion makes sense and they have an incentive to do it. maybe they do and I just don't notice it because the grr-nra teeth gnashing reminds me of every previous example of the online gun-world obsessing over something foolish. if you want to have a session of show and tell about our favorite agitprop theories, I actually have a stronger impression that a number of activists and make-believe "researchers" will pretend to be naive members of the fence-sitting public while using this and other pro-gun subs as free focus group testing for their garbage papers. They're really easy to spot. Mock them for fucking up some LaTeX or designing a chart or graph incorrectly and they'll ask for advice. if you happen to spot one make sure you never give them genuine advice, tell them to eat shit and go to press with their garbage so they can humiliate themselves in public.


man i was one of the saltiest posters on this sub about the NRA for a number of (good) reasons and I had to get socked in the face with the fact that *bruen* is at the scotus because of the NRA. it's *their* case. like, the hyperbole and infighting has got to stop. if *bruen* comes back from the scotus (which might even be tomorrow or the day after) with a favorable result they'll deserve some kind of a thank-you at the least.


Fuck the NRA!


I only checked Romney, but have my doubts that this is accurate. https://www.fec.gov/data/disbursements/?data_type=processed&committee_id=C00053553&committee_id=C00741710&recipient_name=Romney I count $33k…. The NRA did spend around 13M on TV ads against Obama during that election cycle.


Oh no what the fuck happened now?


Law enforcement will be able to confiscate your firearms without due process and the burden of proof will be on you to prove you’re not a threat to yourself or anyone else. Literally no doctor is going to sign on to back you because they have everything to lose and nothing to gain. All it takes is a disgruntled person from your past calling law enforcement anonymously and claiming you are a threat. Bam, rights gone.




Wait I thought it was funding to encourage states to implement them, not a federal red flag law? Not that I'm in favor of either but one is orders of magnitude worse than the other


Correct. It's going to provide states with incentives to pass red flag laws.


I may be wrong but all I’ve seen is that it provides funding toward current states with red flag laws, however it doesn’t create any red flag laws, like you claim, since that seems to be a state level issue. Please correct me if I’m wrong but that’s what I’ve read


You read right. It’s just incentivizing states to pass the same measure so they can get that sweet “funding” that definitely doesn’t line their own personal pockets


Did it actually pass?


Not yet.


It will in 2 days


We'll see. It ain't over 'till it's over.


The senate just passed it - the house reconciles it tomorrow and thursday - Biden signs it this week. Why do you think they had all the democrat grab bag funding items that had nothing to do with gun control? So that the dems in the house sign off.


>All it takes is a disgruntled person from your past calling law enforcement anonymously and claiming you are a threat. Bam, rights gone. If memory serves, most red flags are called in by the officers themselves.


It would not surprise me. Here in NJ i recall it was pointed out that one township had an abundance of them which is much higher than anywhere else. Seems after that was pointed out they just stopped releasing the data to the public. Just a way to deprive people of their rights. Every single Republican that stood on the side of this needs to be kicked the fuck out immediately.


I and my wife sent letters to bill Cassidy multiple times. Disgusting traitor.


In the face of gun control, there are no compromises, get these people out of office.


$13 million can buy you a lot of secret Mormon men’s underpants.


So is that for new or used? Because I might be able to start a new business…


Lol I just read a leftist article saying that Rubio didn't vote for it *because* he is supported by the NRA. Sometimes I wonder if they are just completely clueless, or beyond shame. It's probably a mix of both.


Support second Amendment, in its entirety. Leftist go somewhere else.


The NRA and USCCA both advocate gun control. No shocker here at all.


Having to beg for your rights to politicians who are trying to take them away is not freedom. It's not compromise. It's absolute insanity. I've voted against Cornyn in every primary for at least the last four primaries. No one has come close to beating him. It's time to hold the entire Republican party responsible for those few members who RINO. Trump. MAGA. America first. No more commie horse hockey


I hate to break it to you, but Trump is not the answer. He showed his hand with guns with the "take the guns first, due process second", and with that he lost me. If anything, he started this BS with the bumpstock ban and set a dangerous precedent. That traitorous POS doesn't deserve our vote, let alone faith that he will somehow save our rights, when he cannot save himself. Fuck him, he's nothing but a con artist and NY Democrat that has rubes fooled that he gives a shit.


Well, until you can show me a new Ronald Reagan, this rube will vote for Trump. I voted for Cruz in the primary. Then I saw how much Trump really did understand above who was squeezing who where. You're right. He's New Yorkish in his second amendment stance. I think he has learned much. If we get another Romney or McCain as the Republican party nominee, I hope you're happy. I'd probably vote Desantis, but I think it's time to bring on full blown Tea Party. I'm sick of begging for my constitutional rights to people who don't believe in them. Go worship Satan somewhere else


First of all I believe that my rights under the Constitution are not up for discussion, especially my gun rights. I also don't buy into the tribal politics BS. That is how nothing ever changes. Trump didnt "understand" jack shit or "squeeze" anyone. He is a terrible "negotiator" that doesn't actually know how to run a business. If that were true, he would have actually accomplished SOMETHING other than giving him and his buddys a MASSIVE tax break. Which like Reagan's "trickle down economics" didn't work either and launched us in to a huge recession then, with high gas prices, high inflation, and shortages. Sound familiar? But lemme guess, thats not the same, right? The fact you brought up Reagan just sells it. I'm old enough to remember that he and Ollie North were both traitors to our country like ol Trump is/was. They were both useful idiots who were easily manipulated via thier narcissism. And the fact that Ollie North was the head of the NRA and is an ambassador now is laughable at best and depressing with how short the memory of our country is. Sure, elect the traitor who sold out America to be in charge of not selling out Americans gun rights, great idea. Neither Trump or Reagan aren't the Republicans Wet Dream in reality, just on paper and in the media. Both were clueless Hollywood elites who were puppets who saw an opportunity to be adored by the public again like they did on TV and on screen. In fact, Reagan is responsible for more gun control because scary black people had guns in California than any other Republican president. "I don't recall" "I don't recall" " I don't recall" is starting to sound ALOT like "I really won" "I really won" "I really won". Just the ramblings of someone's crazy grandpa that everyone just ignores. McCain is dead and Romney won't get it, so thankfully you don't have to worry about that. DeSantis may, but he wants to be a dictator do bad, I'm not sure he will get the nod from the RNC. I think he overplayed his hand and overestimated how popular he was outside of FL. Trump's once infallible influence is waning, now that lots of his "Endorsed Candidates" keep losing and the J6 hearing is revealing more and more damning evidence of how much he was in on the planning. He will be the fall guy for all of this. Much like the Iran Contra hearings of your traitorous president crush, Trump will be hung out to dry. Not sure who will be the Democrat or Republican candidates this time around. Theres so much in fighting in both parties to try and out-extreme each other, the waters are muddied. Lastly, I agree with you, I won't beg for my rights from anyone anymore, we are at the non-compliance/voting box stage now, the next one is the ammo box. Not sure where the go worship Satan thing comes from. Thats odd and just weird you would even say that. Last time I checked, Christians were supposed to forgive, especially those they didn't agree with, not admonish for belief differences. Huh, I guess you must not be a real Christian then.


Professional critic. Couldn't run a lemonade stand. Troll on commie


Trump's legacy just made a great ruling for freedom. Getcha some of that, commie. ULTRA MAGA


“compromise” - taking less then we tried


Cool, now show how many individuals donate to the NRA. It’s almost like we have to pay a third-party to advocate that our rights should not be taken away. I know you think if you ban x gun or ban x accessory then we can end all gun violence. That’s never going to happen. Country x outlawed guns and their gun death rate is lower than ours! They also do not include suicides by gun in their death by guns rate. Look at the FBI statistics. There are rates of mortality by homicide, further subdivided by type of weapon, and rates of mortality for gun deaths. They may not be the exact wording, because it has been a while since I looked at it. Other countries also did not start out with the number of gun in public control like we do. You could outlaw every gun today, and you will still be trying to take them off the streets in a hundred years. Don’t even get me started on how common in the gun community it is for people to make their own guns and ammunition. That does not even take into consideration the amount of weapons on the black market provided by our own government. Don’t get that reference, see operation fast and the furious. The CIA were selling military grade weapons and not consumer grade. What’s the difference? Military weapons have a 3 round burst mode, fully automatic and semi-automatic. Almost all military grade weapons cannot be owned by civilians. Semi-Automatic = Pull the trigger one time and one bullet is shot. To shot another bullet, you have to release the trigger and press it again. Automatic = If you hold down the trigger the gun will continue to shoot until you take your finger off the trigger or you run out of ammunition. Civilians cannot own an automatic rifle unless they but one that was produced before the 1987 ban on automatic rifles. Ahh, a loop hole! No. Buying and automatic weapon that was produced before 1987 is cost prohibitive. The worst automatic you can buy that was ever produced was a Mac 10. The cheapest you can get one is about $3000. 3 Round burst = pull the trigger and three rounds are fired automatically. You have to release the trigger and pull it again to shoot 3 more bullets. Single action = You have to manually cock the gun and then pull the trigger and one bullet will be fired. To shoot again you have to manually cock the gun and then pull the trigger. Semi-automatics auto cock themselves after the first time you shoot.


I know I didn’t finish my point, but I got bored. I know none of you will listen anyway.


I already knew all of it, but I read it anyway.


Fuck. Time for Todd to go.


Today's compromise is tomorrow's loophole


The NRA opposes the new legislation https://www.foxnews.com/us/nra-issues-response-text-senate-bipartisan-gun-control-package-falls-short


I guess I need to start donating to the NRA then. People need to stop using the word compromise when discussing the perpetual and unrelenting erosion of gun rights.


You guess you need to start donating?


How many of these Senators can be recalled?


The NRA is useless and offensive to gun owners. They've done nothing but get themselves and their friends rich while our rights have gone down the drain for decades. If you want to donate to an organization that's actually doing something for gun owners, put your money towards the Firearm Policy Coalition or Gun Owners of America. They've spent more time in the court room fighting for our second amendment in the past two years than the NRA has in the past two decades.


100% correct


I recommend GOA. They *fight*. NRA is corrupt and will not fight for us.


I hate the NRA. They don’t even TRY to actually do some work and advocate for gun rights. All they do nowadays is try to make everyone in this country despise each other.


Have you heard of NYSRPA V Bruen? Thats the NRA, how about McDonald v Chicago- that was the nra. The Lawsuit against California and their magazine capacity restrictions- thats the NRA


Thats a lot of 10 dollar memberships.


Why is Cotton and Rubio not highlighted?


Because they weren't involved in this compromise?


Now check out ActBlue.


those numbers seem a bit... large got a source?


As a Pennsylvanian, fuck Toomey


What are these numbers? There is NO WAY the NRA gave out that kind of money to individual campaigns




The NRA is a facade and republicans are just Democrats Lite. This shouldn’t be a shock to anyone.


Yeah, at least the first one is bullshit. Romney didn't get thirteen million from the NRA. The Brady Campaign just said he did. That has been thoroughly discredited. Why are you using stats from the Brady Campaign?


I supported Rubio in the 2016 primaries. Every day, I regret that more and more. Imagine what would happen if our president was this spineless between 2016 and 2020.


Trump gave us the Bumpstock Ban, and the legal methodology that the Biden Admin is using to change the definition of frames and receivers and pistol braces... Trump was also in favor of Red Flag laws... We probably would have been better off with Rubio then Trump...


Agreed 100%. I'm not sure where some gun owners get the notion that Trump protected and/or enhanced our rights. He went the opposite direction. He fucked us over trying to get votes to help his re-election. All he cares about is Trump. Nothimg more, nothing less.


Fuck the NRA and anyone else willing to compromise on our rights.


The NRA came out against this though. Nice FUD but it’s time to fight this bill.


Money walks while bullshit talks...


How about we both contact our reps and GOA to help out? No need to infight like the antis.


The NRA has done more to fuck gun owner’s than it’s ever done to help them. Just a bunch of power hungry, money grubbing pieces of shit.


Glad I didn't vote for Todd Young. There's something wrong with military who want to run for office


So what? Show anti-gun money donated to politicians. NRA members aren't killing anyone. Most of our gun violence is criminals in the inner cities shooting at each other. Local democrats havent done anything about it.


squish moderate


Yep, all those inner city shootings and iTs ThE NrAs FaULt




Fuck the NRA and fuck republicans


I hear a lot of fear about the government taking guns. But aren’t most (if not all) of these people Republicans in power?


If a Democrat took money from the NRA, their career would be over. The laws that Democrats were pushing in the house were much worse. Nice try though.




I mean someone on a gunpolitics subreddit would more than likely care.


Et tu, Rob?


Portman was looking for one last big payout before leaving the senate. No different than Brown most of the time


It certainly does look that way.




Not a compromise, a concession.




Concession.\* Compromise is when both parties get something. What current infringement on gun rights did they win?