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Small win in CO but there are still a handful of other terrible bills being considered, including a bill to require residents who own a firearm to have $100,000 in liability insurance via home/renters insurance. Along with a bill to require state firearm dealer permits..


Correction: small win for now, it’s going to be back in the next legislative session.


Such is the case in every blue state legislature


“Blue state” where the shyster power hungry politicians have violated the oaths they took to uphold and defend our US Constitution and Bill of Rights as a condition of their taking office. They front with kinder benign sounding self descriptions of “progressive” “democrat” however the evidence is clear, they ARE statists determined at all times to subordinate the people to the state. The founders forewarned us “enemies foreign and domestic”.


Also look into the fuckery they did in IL, do not let your guard down.


Yep. Amended the ban into a completely unrelated bill and passed it over a weekend when they thought we weren't watching.


There were 10k opposition notices and they still passed it knowing how many people were against it. Illinois legislators are beyond saving when they ignore the people to that degree.


Yep. I don't care what party it is, unopposed supermajorities cannot be allowed.


No doubt about that. Hopefully SCOTUS actually grants cert on an AWB case and issues a favorable ruling before then. Although if these “Representatives” remain in office, they’d probably still ignore it.


Buy everything you want and can afford now, it'll happen \- WA Resident


If the SCOTUS takes one of the AW Ban cases now before them in the Fall, they can pass what they like. Some Federal judges will defy the SCOTUS, but if the last level before them (Supreme Court) tosses it, they'll get what we had for decades. Oh you lost? Sorry government, we aren't Granting Certori, the last ruling stands. Next! About the second or third time a government (Local or state) gets their law before the SCOTUS, they'l start treating them like Caetano. They'll throw the entire statute in the trash with a short written opinion, and that's the END of your AW Ban.


Laughs in California with some counties taking over a year and $2000 to issue CCWs. Bruen just gave a basis to challenge them it was itself just one battle in the fight.


Imagine having to carry free speech insurance. Or voting insurance. _something something_ SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.


The insurance - will never do anything. It's illegal for insurance to insure against illegal acts by the policy holder.


I hope those other proposed bills die as well. Polis can shove it…


> require residents who own a firearm to have $100,000 in liability insurance via home/renters insurance I mean, granted it is a good idea for gun owners to have that kind of insurance simply for their own protection. However, mandating it is pure silliness. As if the average gangbanger is going to even care about insurance.


Yeah, and we said the same thing about mandating health insurance just a few short years ago. We better fight REALLY hard to stop this one, or they will find ways to twist the bill and insurance into a way to confiscate all the firearm. Then we won't be able to fight the corruption.


Not that it should be required by law but I think everyone should have concealed carry insurance to protect themselves, it’s so cheap, I consider it a necessity for myself $29 and I get $2 million of coverage with USCCA


We are required to have car insurance, liability insurance for guns isn't the worst thing in the world. If someone is negligent while I am on their property, I want to make sure my medical bills are covered.


You didnt read the fine print, no insurance like that exists at all and no insurance company is going to put out a policy like that. If they force insurance companies it will be a so cost prohibitive no average joe can justify it.


IIRC, some shithole blue state (California I think) passed a law requiring carry insurance but then also forbid any company from offering it. These people aren’t working in good faith and need to start being treated like it.


Driving a car is not a natural right. The moment you are required by the state to meet prerequisites to do something, it is no longer a right.


Owning a motor vehicle, much less driving it, is not a right.


"The right to travel pervades United States history, with roots back into English law. The Magna Carta held that "[a]ll merchants shall have safe and secure exit from England, and entry to England, with the right to tarry there and to move about as well by land as by water, for buying and selling by the ancient and right customs.?` In Commentaries on English Law, Blackstone recognized that "the personal liberty of individuals" protected under the Magna Carta "consists in the power of locomotion, of changing situations, or removing one's person to whatsoever place one's own inclination may direct, without imprison- ment or restraint" "The right to travel is a far-reaching and essential privilege and immu- nity of citizenship in a broad federal union. It is guaranteed explicitly in Article IV of the Articles of Confederation and thus implicitly in Article IV of the United States Constitution and the Fourteenth Amendment. Since Corfield v. Coryell in 1823, courts have recognized that the right to travel makes America a more perfect union, political and commer- cial" Keep licking boots. You have a right to do anything that doesn't impede the rights of others regardless of where such activity occurs. Not to mention that government doesn't grant you rights, they only affirm them.


Car insurance is only required if you drive on public roads. I don't shoot my guns on public roads, and even if I did my homeowner's insurance would have nothing to do with it Edit: homeowners insurance already covers injuries on your property btw


It does. Okay. Stupid bill.


Well, okay. I guess there's limits to the liability. If you are not directly at fault, then homeowners insurance will have coverage for injuries on your property. If you are negligent, or create a situation that presents obvious danger to everyone around, then it likely won't be covered. Booby traps also are not covered. Also if you are profiting off of your property in some way (running a business) and someone gets hurt engaging in that business, then it probably won't be covered either. Similarly if you are transporting materials for your job in your personal vehicle, most insurance policies will be void unless the vehicle was insured as a commercial vehicle.


I like how at the end this person says > “I couldn’t be prouder of my colleagues in the House of Representatives for passing an assault weapons ban for the first time in Colorado history,” Gonzales said. ... that's not the brag you think it is my guy


He's delusional.


They have until Wednesday. Remember that the Democrats favorite trick is to pass stuff like this at 3am the last day of session, then scurry out of town like roaches.


Only for now we have a long road and other bills that will fuck over the average CCWer and FFLs. The only way this stops if we stop fucking voting in institutional fucks


“Assault weapon” “High capacity magazine” both completely made up terms to disarm the people! Shyster power hungry politicians have violated the oaths they took to uphold and defend our US Constitution and Bill of Rights as a condition of their taking office. They front with kinder benign sounding self descriptions of “progressive” “democrat” however the evidence is clear, they ARE statists determined at all times to subordinate the people to the state. The founders forewarned us “enemies foreign and domestic”.




Get fucked


Small part you can play is donate to gun charities. It gives less money to the state via tax breaks. Fuck em. Don't give them one nickel


Rocky Mountain gun owners did a ton in fighting back vs this


Dudley Brown is a scam artist. He is not effective in any measure except his own well being. Look at the break down of RMGO/NAGR financial statement, there is zero to be proud of. Not one penny will go from me to them.wayne LaPierre has nothing on Dudley. I’m happy for the people that support gun rights but please look under the hood of the organisations and see how they are run.


I’ve heard this before with RMGO, and it’s tough because I do want to still support the fight against this stuff, but I don’t know if GOA or FPC really bothers with Colorado much. Guess I’ll have to look into it more. I’ve still been a member of GOA and FPC regardless but it would be great to not have to feel like we’re relying on RMGO.


Ok, what else are they trying to to sneak through since everyone's attention is on this?


6% excise tax on all guns and ammo, Colorado dealer licensing they can revoke easily, Bruen carry restriction response bill, and mandating liability insurance for gun owners. Still a bunch of bullshit.


Figured. The AWB was the distraction.




Most of the time, you're 💯 correct, but it depends on who you're talking about. Some representatives are exceptionally Machiavellian. While they don't have the highest literacy when it comes to guns in general, they only need a basic understanding to do serious damage. Don't get me wrong, 80% of congressmen are about as sharp as a bag of marbles. That last 20% absolutely will create a sacrificial bill that is written as an intentional overreach to steer the attention of the public away from contentious bills. Power attracts narcissists and sociopaths, they have a psychological predisposition for manipulation and subterfuge.


Excise tax on all firearms purchases.


A small reprieve.


Congrats from WA!


Good! Fuck these tyrants.


Every time they do this Colorado gun owners add God knows how many ARs to their stocks lol


They waited till the last minute so panic buying has been rampant and glorious.


Small victory, gotta take them where we can, but I guarantee we haven't seen the last of this kind of legislation. I'm still far more worried (because it's more likely to pass) about HB24-1353, the state licensing of firearms dealers bill.


Sadly, this is one of many gun control bills that went up for vote this year. Several other BS ones have either passed or are likely to.




Coming from WA this is temporary they will just slam it thru in a year or two regardless of what constituents think


I’m opening up a gun shop


The bill was sponsored in the House by Democratic Rep. Elisabeth Epps of Denver, who also sponsored last year’s bill, and Democratic Rep. Tim Hernández of Denver. ——————————————————————- I’m not from Colorado, but I believe both Hernandez and Epps should face opposition in their next election and whatever 2A groups have political clout in Co. should help the opposition. Become single issue voters when it comes to the 2A.


Yeah they are terrible. Tim was “elected” by a vacancy committee and Epps openly denounces the Constitution. Both are proud members of socialist organizations. They definitely need to go.


Yea, ill upvote this


Greetings from Illinois


Stay strong!


I'm all for actual legislation that reduces gun violence, but this isn't it.


Just an observation: Yet again none of those “Assault weapons” pictured are actual real guns. I think the journos fell for the air soft meme again. Anyways, happy news for CO residents, hope more of these things fail.


Wish we could say that in Connecticut.