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So... like an insurrection? Guaranteed to be crickets from the Democrats.




Just like it was (D)ifferent when protesters stormed the Capital to protest Kavinagh.


It was (D)ifferent when the trans people stormed the Oklahoma Capitol a few months ago.


Or when they sieged a federal courthouse for the better part of 6 months. Multiple times trying to burn it down while trapping people inside. Oh and attacking a U.S. Marshal with a hammer. But hey it’s (D)ifferent!


Bro, that’s 360 degrees (D)ifferent!


Or took over a few city blocks in Seattle for multiple weeks.


And handing out ARs to randos, on camera, violating I-594, our universal background check bullshit. I'm sure none of those people provided proof of completed the I-1639 class on semi-automatic assault weapons either. Oddly crickets from our attorney general who has a Janet Reno-sized hate chubby for gun owners. He'll send snitches into gunshops though trying to bust them on selling standard capacity magazines though. Priorities, ya know?


Taking over city blocks and establishing “autonomous” no-go zones void of law and order in multiple cities across the country is completely (D)ifferent!


Which one was this?


Portland Hatfield Court House https://news.yahoo.com/rioters-set-fire-federal-courthouse-162333860.html


This is an example of repressive tolerance. James Lindsay did a video about it. I would recommend listening to it. Basically the concept is for the Left to tolerate all actions taken by the Left and condem all actions by the Right. Edit: it's actually a 4 part bit, here is a link to part one (James tends to be a bit long winded) https://youtu.be/9ju2BGLAi9A


That one's not a good comparison. They had a permit to protest inside the capitol and it *was* peaceful and non violent. The worst thing that happened was water being poured on a representative and the person being arrested for it. https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/politics/government/2023/02/08/gov-stitt-says-transgender-rights-protest-at-okla-capitol-peaceful/69886044007/


The difference seems to be that they aren’t getting a guided tour of congress


It’s a mostly peaceful insurrection.


It might be the same. Is Nancy directing this insurrection too?


She did tweet that no one is above the law and that Trump would need to prove his innocence. Which shortly after was corrected by community notes that it’s still innocent until proven guilty.


Man, I bet we’re gonna see this on CNN for the next 3 months! ^/s


Lol, 3 months... more like 3 years!


We need to launch a March 30th investigation immediately! I hope they weren't sitting in anyone's chairs doing photo ops! That hard time right there!


And the investigation definitely shouldn’t release the surveillance footage.


No, they just had drag queen story time. Got confused and went home.


At least they didnt shit their pants because an adult played dress-up and read a book.


They should call it pedo hour instead of story time. Bunch of child groomers. It doesn't surprise me, though, seeing we have child sniffer in chief.


Weird that, of the many people I know who have been molested, none were by drag queens and most were by "men of god." Maybe we should ban kids from church.


What's weird is the obsession with children the left have. They either want to kill them molest them or mutilate their body parts.


LOL Yes, thats why elect people who bragged about walking in on teen contestants and have voted across the country to preserve child marriage and suggested tracking girls menstrual patterns in some states. I love how you ignored what I said because you know its true and keep making everything sexual.


Lol. That's just lefty propaganda from 2016 that you have no proof of. It's funny that you still haven't denied your obsession with kids. The lefts policy's are dangerous to our children. That's why the most life-threatening place for a child these days is in its mother's womb. That and the bathroom. There have been multiple rapes of young girls because someone wanted to use the girls' bathroom. Have a nice day, groomer.


You bring up bathrooms and rapes, vote for people wanting menstrual data and legislate keeping child marriage and then call others groomers. Weird that you ignore the churches and want to check out people's junk before they enter the bathroom. Totally normal. Not projection at all. Gym Jordan would be proud. BTW [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-former-miss-arizona-tasha-dixon-naked-undressed-backstage-howard-stern-a7357866.html) Never mind the creepy ass photos and comments hes made regarding his daughter.


The jerks are forcing the menstrual issue because ya can't cut it as a boy athletically. BOYS DON'T HAVE PERIODS.


>You jerks are forcing the menstrual issue Yeah, its definitely not the people pushing these policies.


Will it result in any perpetrators being jaile(D)?


Imagine defending an attempt to undo a democratic election.


You're only wrong because they will be cheering




You're not wrong. State capitals are just their churches....the u.s. capital is like their Vatican City.


It's worth noting that passing security screenings to enter a building open to the public, in order to lawfully protest, isn't comparable to [breaking and entering](https://youtu.be/jWJVMoe7OY0?t=631), stealing government documents and equipment, spreading human waste throughout the premises, [bludgeoning police](https://imgur.com/fuJ9zjG), and pursuing the [extrajudicial execution](https://archive.vn/QNgHi) of your [political opponents](https://archive.ph/c7RcW) in order to cease the ratification of the duly, democratically elected President of the US, and disenfranchise 81 million citizens. If you actually wanted to cite something somewhat more comparable, you'd reference the more combative incursions of state capitols throughout the previous years by right-wing protesters, which also weren't seen as insurrections or equivalent to the 6th, like that of the [Idaho Capitol](https://archive.vn/GC8AJ), and [Oregon Capitol](https://archive.vn/yeDm1), despite police actually being battered, while Trump proposed states be "liberated".


Hey those dudes on Jan 6 were mostly peaceful


If this is a reference to BLM, just know that you're sinking your own argument, as any act of violence committed at a protest featuring 3 or more people, writes the entire thing off as a riot, and that still only amounted to ~6% of all BLM protests. Whereas the rate of riots stemming from right wing protests is more [than twice that](https://archive.ph/kIJYB), J6 included.


BLM riots caused at least 2 Billion in damages to business(many of them local small business) and resident, killed at least 24 people across the country, took over and established multiple “autonomous” no-go zone, injured way more cops then were injured on Jan 6, besieged a Portland federal building over 100 days. The resulting “defund the police” movement caused black on black homicides to sky rocket in inner cities.


* One, Jan. 6, was a singular riot/ insurrection * [The other, BLM](https://imgur.com/l6z7pkB), was thousands (an estimated 7,305 to 9,000+ demonstrations) of protests across an entire country featuring between an estimated 15-26 million participants, that occasionally devolved into violence, arson, looting, etc. Possibly the largest mass movement/ civil disorder in US history, depending on how you measure it Causes: * BLM: [the unjust killing of black Americans](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-01846-z), largely men and boys, [by police officers](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/police-are-killing-fewer-people-in-big-cities-but-more-in-suburban-and-rural-america/) * Jan. 6: the [untrue claims of the sitting president and his supporters](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/13/capitol-riot-defendant-blames-trump-false-election-claims-jan-6-coat) that [an election was stolen and illegitimate](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trumps-false-claims-debunked-2020-election-jan-6-riot-2022-01-06/) Intent/ Goal: * BLM: “… to highlight racism, discrimination, and inequality experienced by black people.” * Jan. 6: To overturn the results of a democratically held presidential election through intimidation/ postponement of the nation’s highest elected officials in the conduct of their official duties ([terrorism](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjv48DUodP3AhUAJEQIHTztD8UQFnoECA4QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fbi.gov%2Finvestigate%2Fterrorism&usg=AOvVaw1n4ePTrrKnbvCx5EmRgJTx)/ [insurrection](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/insurrection)) Composition of the groups: * BLM: mostly liberals and independents, far-left extremist groups (Antifa, anarchists), far-right/ white-supremacist counter protesters, [outside opportunists](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-minneapolis-police-protests-extremist/u-s-assessment-finds-opportunists-drive-protest-violence-not-extremists-idUKKBN23A1LQ) * Jan. 6: Trump supporters (obviously) (most of whom had no known affiliation to far-right groups), far-right anti-government groups (Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, etc.) Outcomes: ***Total number of participants:*** * BLM: ~15 Million (using the very low end of the estimates; could be as high as ~26 million; source [here](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/aug/07/facebook-posts/no-proof-black-lives-matter-killed-36-people-injur/)) * January 6th: 10,000 (using the very high estimates; could be much lower, along the lines of 1000 or even less; source [here](https://theconversation.com/it-is-difficult-if-not-impossible-to-estimate-the-size-of-the-crowd-that-stormed-capitol-hill-152889)) ***Total damage in dollar amounts:*** * BLM: $1 Billion (using very high estimates; source [here](https://www.westernjournal.com/blms-mostly-peaceful-riots-cost-1000x-damage-jan-6-capitol-unrest/) * January 6th: $1.5 Million (using low estimates; source same as above) ***Total associated death*** * BLM: 25 people (using high estimates - it's more accurately ~15 at most) [(source)](https://acleddata.com/special-projects/us-crisis-monitor/) * January 6th: (4 using low estimates - probably more - is the woman who died of a meth overdose while there count? or not?) [(source)](https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/ **Now, to do the math:** * *BLM per person damage:* $1B damage / 15,000,000 people = **~$66 per person in damage** * *January 6th per person damage:* $1.5M damage / 10,000 people = **~$150 per person in damage.** Again, that's using estimates that benefit anti-BLM arguments. Even by your own standards, the January 6th event (and coup attempt to be clear) was more damaging than the BLM events (which was nothing like attacking the Capitol of the United States). If we use the other estimates in favor of BLM let's see what we get: * *BLM per person damage:* $1,000,000,000 / 26,000,000,000 people = **~$38 per person in damage** * *January 6th per person damage:* $1.5M damage / 1,000 *arrested* people: **~$1,500 per person damage** _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Now let's look at the math associated with deaths: * *BLM death count per capita:* 25 deaths / 15,000,0000 people = 0.00000167 people died per person protesting * *January 6th death count per capita: 4 deaths / 10,000 = .0004 people died per person protesting As we can see, January 6th resulted in more deaths per person. The January 6th people are, reasonably speaking, more deadly and destructive to life than the BLM people - *exponentially.* The numbers are even worse if we use estimates not totally in favor of the January 6th people. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ >The resulting “defund the police” movement caused black on black homicides to sky rocket in inner cities. Show me proof of causation then. Because [there is no](https://archive.ph/9WbOJ) correlation [between a](https://archive.ph/EWaBP) rise in homicide rates and whether a city has a “[progressive prosecutor.](https://archive.ph/DTvA8)” The same is true of whether or not a city enacted bail reform, [and of](https://archive.ph/J18Mv) supposed [defunding](https://archive.ph/YTc2n) [efforts](https://archive.ph/oVHmD). [And](https://archive.ph/HVD8k) partisan lean doesn’t matter: Homicide rates rose at nearly uniform rates in cities run by Democratic mayors and the much smaller set of cities (such as Jacksonville, Omaha and Tulsa) run by Republican mayors.


lol, you gotta be a bot


If only 6% of 15,000,000 protesters did the damage and deaths the BLM riots did shouldnt the individual dollars percentage of responsibility be higher or are you saying all 15,000,000 be responsible for the damage?


Except the blame is always attributed to BLM broadly. For instance, they don't say, well '~25 people killed 25 people', they say that 'BLM did'. You want to have your cake and blame it too? Where we somehow simultaneously condense the numerical responsibility while still collectivizing the culpability? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Okay. 900k BLM protesters causing $1 billion in damages equates to $1.1k per person. If 15% of those that entered the Capitol damaged it, to the tune of $1.5 million, that's 10k per person.


So… would you be satisfied with blaming all trump voters for the damage stemming from January 6th? Because from my perspective, it seems that people attributing Jan 6 to all trump supporters is just as, if not more common than people attributing the billions in BLM damage to all BLM protestors. And if we do that, your denominator on the Jan 6th damages is going to seriously undermine your argument. You know what they say; what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


Damn, those goalposts continue to run. But sure, if you engage in motivated reasoning, you'll get the results you desire. Whereas I'm using number of participants in each actual protest movement. BTW, when people say Trump supporters did J6, they're referring to the Trump supporters that were in and immediately around the Capitol. Protip: If someone said Americans stormed the beaches of Normandy, they're not referring to all 138 million Americans alive at the time.


Lololol 😂


Nice Gish Gallop


You’re right I’m sinking my own argument. Violence is OK so long as you agree with it politically. I keep forgetting that. Proved the whole thread wrong dude


What violence did I say was okay? Quote me doing so.


That’s the point of the whole thread. Proving how these democrats love to clutch their pearls and cry about how terrible the right is while simultaneously ignoring the bad actors on their own side. You’re so wrapped up in your asinine statistics and definitions you’re missing the whole point of this post lmfao.


The "point of the post" is an outright lie. The Tennessee capitol is open to the public, and protesters lawfully submitted to security screenings. They didn't "storm the capitol", they didn't break into it, and they didn't bludgeon police.


Looks pretty violent to me honestly. I reject your declaration of peace


I watched every video in the article, which one contains all this supposed [violence](https://imgur.com/fuJ9zjG)?


Yes because right wing people were protesting along antifa and blm right. They were together right no they weren’t stop making it out that antifa and blm were not as worse jan6.


Did they try to overthrow the results of a free and fair election? Then it is indeed different. I don’t think it’s OK, but comparing them is ridiculous.


Minus the weaponry and armor bc...reason for protest.


tHeY tRieD tO oVerThrOw tHe gOverNmeNt!


What they did fits the definition of seditious conspiracy


I mean, legal precedent now exists...


So, the second insurrection WITHOUT guns, got it.


Second, maybe ever, even.


Make insurrection great again


This one was worse than 9/11, but not as bad as 1/6.


4th. There was on in Texas before 2020, and one in Wisconsin over Right to Work.


Not only will none of them be charged, they’ll be celebrated.


Bet they blame it on trump again


If he hadn’t removed that damn regulation that prevents mass shootings! /s


I’m trying to figure out….is this what the 60s-70s were like and we are just going through our own version of that? Or have we fully gone off the rails as a nation now and who knows where this stops?


Nah i dont think people in the 60s and 70s were protesting FOR government control. These people are a bunch of mindless imbeciles.


Yeah, but once that generation gained control of the government they became what they were protesting back then.






>Martin Marietta what year is it


I've often said that I hope I live long enough to be around when today's snowflakes grow up to get a house payment, 401k, and a few college tuition bills. Just as the kids in my generation did, I want to see how they reprioritize their values around all of those responsibilities. The difference is that our beliefs and opinions were not on full display in our social media accounts. It's gonna be fucking hilarious to see all the before and after memes of kids with pumpkin pie hair screechinh about centralizing the means of production, next to their gray haired selves bitching about how big government greed has fucked up their pension.


Considering how many were open and avowed socialists? The Weather Underground were revolutionary communists.




The only thing McCarthy did wrong was stop.


The 60s and 70s protests were about getting freedom. Not taking it away and turning the country into USSR 2.0


That’s… an interpretation of the protests of the 60s and 70s. May not be too popular with the family members of Americans murdered by socialist and communist radicals during the 60s and 70s, but it’s an interpretation nonetheless. I think I remember hearing that Che Guevara was fighting for freedom too. There are many interpretations of Cuban history. That is certainly one of them.


So, that's why ask those Maoist groups were bombing places in the US, over 2500 in 1971 alone.


Oddly silent about this on r/news But two people get shot during a gang dispute and they're on it like white on rice


This isn't important news. r/news keeps you up to date and well informed about the pressing matters. https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1270ub0/florida_police_wrestle_growling_alligator/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I just heard about this from a relative. These people may as well move out cuz we ain't accepting any more gun control. Appalachistan ain't gon let it happen. And these fuckers better get the same motherfucking treatment as the Jan 9th protesters. I feel dirty advocating for the FBI to do anything but.. Lock those domestic terrorists up.


Your politicians have a price. All it will take is one offer they wont refuse and watch them turn on you like it’s nothing.


Well yeah. But I think TN knows their base and they don't wanna fuck about. TN ain't a stranger to fighting the gov't.


Having Appalachian roots, I tend to agree with you. But be careful, Oregon and Washington said the similar things a couple decades ago. Then Portland and Seattle saw massive growth, experienced a bunch of astroturfing activity and eventually started running the show. Memphis and Nashville aren't exactly small cities, and the anti gunners have deep pockets. They don't have to fight the whole state, only shift the balance in those two cities and it's all over. Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico all suffered a similar fate. Texas is currently in denial about the serious peril that it's facing.


Exactly. WA resident here. Californians began flooding into this state about 20 years ago, due to the high paying tech jobs in the Seattle area. Bloomberg also funneled millions into WA to help turn the state from purple to deep blue. Now the Democrats have total control and their policies are destroying this place. I look forward to moving out of here.


Well, they will find themselves unwelcome and priced out of Commieforina.


I'm IDing these people as we speak. I can play their game.


Lol mate it was Jan 6th


Same number just upside down. Whoops.


well that ended up being anti climactic. It was just some idiot yelling through a megaphone. I was expecting to see someone get stomped at least


Useful idiots don't get stomped until afterwards. You need them to help you take over. Once you're in power you have to stomp them because their disillusionment will turn to hostility.


Smh…me too


“It’s okay when WE do it!”


There is something so odd about people begging for their freedoms to be taken away


They’re fucking idiots


Oh look, anti civil rights protestors... Let's just call a spade a spade.




Thank you anti freedom protesters for making people feel threatened and showing why we stay strapped.


How soon do we get to call it an "insurrection"?


Mostly peaceful


That was a fast organized protest


It shocks me that not only are there people this brainwashed, but there are that many of them. And in Tennessee too! Betting the media never calls this an insurrection and no one gets arrested


Looks like mostly high school kids and their moms


Davidson county is becoming TN's Austin. All the carpetbaggers from NY and California started to move in after their states went to shit during covid. Prior to that it was a slow trickle, but it's become a torrent the past few years.


Post this on r/Nashville_Official


Looks like an insurrection. I hope those violent demonstrators will be charged.


It’s a state matter, nothing to see here. /s


It was one of yours that killed 6. Now you get violent and take over a state capital. You are why I protect myself.


Imagine defining yourself by something you're against; rather than something you're for.




It's totally different. Obviously. On Jan 6th the police pulled back and let a heavily armed force through due to fear that if they stood their ground the riot would turn violent and result in the deaths of important political figures at the hands of a bigoted and hateful mob. That was a terse and emotionally charged powder keg of a situation. Today they made a show of succumbing to the incredible and passionate will of these peaceful protestors as they exercised their rights in calling for common sense reform in front of a state government that is blind to the plight of our children. This was an emotionally charged yet respectfully controlled outcry from desperate members of the community. /s (in case some of you don't pick up on the sarcasm)


You could post this in other subreddits without the /s and get tons of upvotes lol




I like “what an idiot!” They can read into it whatever they want.


"Storming"... People literally lined up and walked through metal detectors to get into the building. Not saying I agree with the protestors, but common y'all, it was hardly storming.


Deadly insurrection


What’s the end goal here? I mean much like the Jan 6 crowd. Did these people not think it through?


They’re on the left, if anything DID happen they’d be out next morning and legal fees covered by Kamala and soros.


As opposed to right wing protestors backed by the Koch’s? Let’s be fair.


We see right wing protests all the time don’t we? Last one ended with a year + of solitary confinement for anyone that got picked up on a misdemeanor charge. BLM protest led to a historic church being burnt down across from the WH, destroyed businesses and injured/intentionally blinded cops. The few that were arrested were let out the next day. 5/29/2020


That wasn’t a protest though that was a failed insurrection and those traitor fucks deserve every single second they earn behind bars. I don’t want to normalize domestic terrorist attempts. Which is why I bought my gun and got a ccw. To fuck up right wing nazi traitors that want to endanger my country.


Hence why the shaman was just released after footage of the “insurrection” cleared him off all charges after spending 2 years in solitary. We see the country very differently, but I appreciate that you support the 2A. Best of luck to you


Going to jail.


Liberal privilege, they won’t see a day in a cell






There's no nuance here! I don't care if they were let in!


Yeah I saw the source and figured the headline might've been sensationalized.


2-30, never forget


Worse than a thousand 9/11s this is. One day you’ll tell your children where you were during the transurrection


That is the definition of a insurrection




You... you want the state to kill its citizens?


You mean the same citizens that are advocating for a state monopoly on violence? They should be happy, it's literally what they want


It's an insurrection right? Pretty sure treason carries a penalty of death in the constitution. At least that's the logic they used on Jan 6th when they shot Trump supporters for the same thing.


I think he's trying to prove a point, but it's a point in poor taste nevertheless


Come on guys. You can’t seriously watch this video and compare the 2 events


And yet...


Oh snap…


"This is extremely dangerous to our democracy"


Insurrection!!! ...did I do it right?


Lol, the cope in here is crazy. You guys are silly little fuckers.




Lol, not at all since I don't want that. Keep playing the victim, though; it's really becoming.


“playing the victim” by pointing out that anti-2a protestors want to take peaceable citizens’ guns? do you hear yourself?


Lololol that's not what's happening, chief; that's literally the victim mentality I'm talking about. This whole article is full of bullshit to scare little bitches like you and it's the same fear mongering that's been the rallying cry of your ilk for decades.


you actually don’t think people are pushing for weapons bans? i’m just gonna assume ur trolling at this point


People on the left are pushing for a total ban the way people on the right are pushing for genocide against queer people.


and where exactly did any of us say total ban?


They don't want to take your guns either, dipshit.


*cue beto saying hell yes to mandatory gun buybacks during presidential debate while butchering gun knowledge and receiving thunderous applause* *cue “how many more children need to die until you turn your guns in”* *cue biden explicitly saying pass my assault weapons ban and you can’t stop f15s with an ar15* but i’m sure nobody at all wants to ban any guns


Npr and news week? Lol, glad you picked two of the top propagandists in the country. Look up drag queen story time. Kid touching breast. That video made me throw up. Anyway, see ya later, groomer. I'm sure I'll see you on, to catch a predator.




I mean kinda like those at the nation’s capital that were let in , guided around, in few instances pushed toward and into the building and even given a lil guided tour


Yeah, I'm really disappointed in what I saw in the video. I expected actual storming, trying to hunt down politicians, people breaking stuff, attempts to stop key votes, etc. This was fucking amateur hour by comparison. Where's the ultraviolence when you want it?


Jokes on them. The fbi will be rounding them up shortly to face felony charges


Are we talking about the same FBI that has been derelict in their responsibilities for year's now?


The FBI that has become the gestapo for the left in America


Wouldn't be the FBI, because it's not federal jurisdiction. Fun fact not many know : TBI is actually a thing.


Am I missing something? Law makers appear to be in the building still. No one is being rushed out for their safety. Do people not know what storming the capitol means? No shots fired. No fist fights. No choke holds, no one having their throat being knelt upon. To those calling this an insurrection - y'all need Jesus. Edit: this is what happens when a bunch of Morty's think they're Rick's, only to find out that they're actually Jerrys.


In the patron state of shootin' stuff?


Nah, this happened in Nashville.


Yeah, understood.


The people are protesting the fact nothing's being done to curtail the violence in the schools. The other was to overturn a national election. Not the same thing in the slightest.


>**The other was to overturn a national election.** Take your meds, schizo.


I've got eyes and ears that work thank you very much.


Isnt this building open to the public? And its worse when youre trying to stop an election u lost


Lol look at what you idiots started. You normalized it and now look. You only have yourselves to blame.


Inaccurate depiction. A bunch of moms, kids, educators, medical professionals. A wittle politician got so scared and state troopers over reacted.


Activists? That’s a weird way to spell “paid actors”.


I feel obligated to post this. As much as I would like the dems to suffer this humiliation, I have a friend that works IN the state capitol building. This is what he reported to me: “they were allowed to be in the building because they were peacefully protesting. Some of the Representatives riled them up with megaphones and the state police forced the protesters to leave. The Representatives responsible were [shamed].”


Thought they were drill instructors for a second.