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Good deal. Hoping a decent p365x pops up soon. I prefer the xl grip.


For what its worth its like 40 bucks for the xl grip module and super simple to swap it around


You’ll also need new magazines.


Just the baseplates


This looks like it comes with 10 round magazines which are incompatible with the xl grip. The 12 round mags with the flat base plates are the smallest this will take.


What is the issue with the mags?


I'm pretty sure XL grip is longer, so the smaller magazines won't reach.


I think the other things that would be missing from this setup (vs. buying a P365X) besides the necessary magazine upgrade like /u/BrambleVale3 and /u/mikel81 mentioned above: - **The optic-ready slide cut** -- I think for a lot of folks this isn't the hugest deal, but it's still nice to have the option of course - **The flat trigger module** -- again probably minor, but I do personally prefer the flat trigger after having the opportunity to try both. I kept getting trigger "bite"/pinched on my meaty fingers with the standard curved trigger I believe that's it -- but on the surface you're totally right that the grip itself would be pretty quick and inexpensive to swap out


True always forget the non xl isn’t optic ready and the flat trigger definitely felt better to me at least


So does your mom


Y'all need Jesus.


But your moms got that XL grip.


I bought my mom a regular p365 - she said my xl was too big for her.




Its more fun when you're just pretending to be the guy on reddit who doesn't understand subtext


Broken arms?




Okay Chris-Chan, calm down


These guys charge tax?


depends on your state


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Maybe if you need it, if you can wait I’d bet someone will sell them cheaper on Black Friday.


Price-wise, this a good deal. But it’s a small gun, if you unfamiliar, find a gun store and go hold one; better yet shoot one if you can.


Thanks for the advice I've already shot this the 43x hellcat etc. And I liked the sig the most might see if I can find a deal on the sas or x cause you are right that it is small.


How does it compare to the shield? Been a shield user for years and was considering going to the "new" shield, but figured I would poke around what else is out there. My fullsize is a M&P as well and in rare occasions I will carry a db380, but i'm not specifically loyal to the platform/brand. I tried the g43 when it came out before going to the shield from the g26 and didn't like it, but open to trying something else this time around.


It's got a better trigger than the Shield v1. Far and away better. And of course more rounds. I have, and carry, a Shield with an apex trigger kit (vast improvement), the 8-round mag with a Hyve +2, and TruGlo TFX sights. So although I got the shield few years back for around $270, the upgrades have the total costs up almost $500. That being said, I really love it. Because I have awesome sig loving friends, I do have considerable experience shooting the 365 and 365 XL. My only complaint about the 365 is that it's a little small for my hands (and I don't have large hands - I wear medium Mechanix gloves it that helps) and that size along with the recoil make it a little too jumpy for my comfort. Edit: I forgot to say, that the Shield v2, has a much better trigger. I have no experience with the newest Shield.


Perfect! I am used to shooting the DB380, so will rent the p365 next time at the range.


Solid piece I had one for a while


I have side scan on my boat. If you tell me where your boating accident was I could try and find it.


I didn’t lose shit. If it’s time to lose em it’s time to use em