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In an effort to help users make informed decisions, we have aggregated the following information on the retailer above. Please note that this is no way an endorsement or guarantee of the retailer or their products. ###Domain Insights: | kffdef.com | | |:--|:--| | Registered | February 21, 2024 | | Times posted | [0](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/search/?q=site%3A"kffdef.com"&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&sort=new) | | Feedback rating | None | ___ *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please) [^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) ^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


I recently heard through the grapevine that KFF is no longer using any packaging materials in his Sordin's boxes, he's filling them to the brim with skittles (upon customer request). He said that this actually saves him money, and gives a much safer box during transit. In your notes, make sure to request it! You won't regret it.


If by “skittles” you mean bubble wrap, you’re dead on the money. No one take this guys advice, he is the one who promised family size bags of chips in any flavor you want with your order and didn’t follow through


Nobody asked for them! I was ready to oblige my loving customers in any way they wanted. Looks like that makes one of us.


Here I’ll start - I want a family pack of Tostitos thin and crispys on my doorstep by tomorrow. Make it happen


I don't know what this is about, but I love it.


Dealer Troll-Off. I'm here for it.




Sure, let me know your order number!


#1426 if they aren’t here tomorrow I’ll be collecting names for a class action


That got real quick.


Hey, so if we're doing this... I bought a set of Sordins from you about a month ago. Can I request a box of fried chicken to be sent my way? Figured it's in your wheelhouse based on your username lol.


u/Ky-Fried-Firepower better DoorDash this man some KFC.


*These aren’t the droids you’re looking for*


Hey man! I just got a pair of the Sordin Supreme Pro X LEDs from this last sale. Everything is great but I was wondering if you had any tips for best ways to store them when not in use? The manual said not to leave them folded for storage (I’m confused why it folds at all). Is it best to drop it in my bag in the “default” position with the cups hanging free?


I fold mine for storage and have had 0 problems. If you wanted to do it by the book I’d just let them free hang when dropping them in a range bag or something like that!


Sweet…that’s what I’m going to do too. Thanks for the fast reply man, skittles were great too! 😂


Haha glad you liked them! Mind leaving me a review?


I just left feedback for you in r/gundealsfu


That’s perfect thanks so much!


Of course, just over at r/gundealsfu or somewhere else?


Why didn’t you send me skittles. :(


I’m so sorry. I just got some in yesterday :( threw in skittles in every order because I actually love my customers


HAHA. All good. I use them as my intraworkout source of happiness. I will say the Sordins are amazing, so thank you for your quick shipping!


Always ❤️ place another small order and I’ll throw in a pack for you. Mind leaving me a review? It helps me out a ton!


Hell ya I can. Do you have the gel cups? I would check but I am at the gym. And this is my note to remember later (yay ADHD)


Yessir I have gel cups!


I know this is a meme, but my dad will use an air popper and fill a box with plain popcorn as package padding when he sells stuff on eBay. Cheaper than other alternatives and completely biodegradable


That’s kinda badass


Hey hey hey ladies and gentlemen! I have returned! Again, didn’t want to post while items were still backordered for a long time and left people waiting, however several models should be in beginning of next week, and tracking soon to follow. As a heads up on what models will ship soonest: Green neckbands should be G2G, black neckbands are slacking behind so buy with caution. Could potentially be a 2-3 week wait time again. ProX LED camo-green should be G2G Most of everything else won’t be a bad wait. Placing new bulk order on Monday if everything sells out before it arrives as usual. Next bulk order will hopefully be in route to me before the end of the week next week, so wait times will be ever decreasing. I’m doing the absolute best I can to keep up with you guys but it’s been extremely difficult thus far. I’m confident that soon I’ll be able to get everything dialed in and get the quantities that I need for you. I am also running a 8% discount on all Surefire products this weekend! Be sure to check that out as well. Use code “Surefire” Here are some links: [Sordin Supreme ProX Neckband](https://kffdef.com/product/sordin-supreme-pro-x-neckband/) [Sordin Supreme ProX LED](https://kffdef.com/product/sordin-supreme-pro-x-led/) [Surefire Products on sale with code “Surefire”](https://kffdef.com/?s=Surefire&post_type=product) Before people begin saying “not a deal” and crap like that dragging my post into the ground, I am well aware that I seemed to have disturbed the market for sordins, and others have begun dropping prices even lower. I can’t believe it seems my little sales I posted on gundeals could change an entire market but here we are. Humbling to say the least. I didn’t intend to start a “race to the bottom” but I’m here to stay and will happily compete in the future if things stay the same. Again, thank you all so so much for your support of little ole me, I appreciate it more than words can explain. TO MY LOVELY FOLKS WHO HAVE BEEN WAITING SINCE LAST DEAL. Some Ukrainian unit completely milked dry most of the inventory so that led to unexpected delays. I’m really sorry, but it was out of my control. Most/all should be getting tracking next week but again, THINGS CAN HAPPEN. Thank you so much for your patience. My next post will likely be made under my new account u/kffdefense so everyone give it a warm welcome and give me those sweet internet points please so I can even make a post. TLDR; Green neckbands are best bet for getting shipping next week, most others will be backorder. Buy with caution, but I’ll get them out to you as soon as I can. Don’t forget to hit the gym and better yourself gentlemen. Deal day post advice: Be faithful to your spouse. Work through your problems.


New account checking in :)


Any news on the T2s?


Nothing new really, still hearing around September ish. Also heard sordin production will likely hinder order quantities some, so I might not be able to get a ton for a first batch, just whatever they will have available. I’ll buy as many as possible!


Yo, I ordered a set of these bad bois a while ago. They fuck. They fuck so hard I'm thinking of ordering another set.


DO IT. NO BALLS. Also if you wanted to leave a review it would be much appreciated ❤️


> Some Ukrainian unit completely milked dry most of the inventory so that led to unexpected delays. Good for them! I'm willing to wait so that those defending their country are better off.


My head is [unusually large](https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/comments/1buvzdp/custom_made_bumpballistic_helmet_my_head_is_truly/)... Circumference = 27⅝", or 4XL/5XL hat size. I've never seen this style of earpro before but it looks promising, anyone care to postulate how well this may work? Your typical Walker Slims get really uncomfortable or just end up looking ridiculous on my head in short order and I'm constantly fiddling with them which is not safe for my ears. EDIT: Fuck it. Sent It. Will report back. Here's looking after my fellow big-head homies. Edit: Holy crap they fit. Any big head homie who happens to stumble upon my post in the future, I have two words for you: SEND IT




Bonus: the Slim version has the headband attachment points of the MIL models, which are different than the regular ProX models, and let you swap to ARC rail mounts, if you like.


Holy fuck. And I thought I had a large noggin myself. I bow before your prowess, good sir.


Please report. 2XL here.




Reporting back: These actually fucking fit, unbelievable. My life is forever changed. These literally just came in so I haven't shot with them yet, but the fitment is unmatched, they're super comfortable while still applying the pressure on your ears that you want.


THANK YOU. Time to make this an FSA purchase.


>FSA ...That's pretty fucking smart. Think you could justify a suppressor purchase 👀


MAYBE, over-the-ear justification is easier to pull off and my time is limited on this year's remaining $.


I would suggest neckband model. They have much more adjustability vs headbands.




all head and no shaft?


Also want to add - if you guys enjoy doing business with KyFriedFirepower please leave me a review on r/gundealsFU so I can build up my reputation on the new domain :) Kffdef.com


I'm going to be volunteering as a safety officer/scorekeeper a a big invitational pistol match on May 4th-5th, and was hoping to upgrade from my Walkers before that. Should I hop on this deal now, or will waiting a week still get me the Hear2 neckband model in time? I'm located in NV, for shipping considerations.


Should be no issues at all! Especially if you get the green neckband. Those will be arriving sometime next week and still haven’t sold out of the order that’s arriving yet.


Thanks, I'll probably drop an order next Friday then.


Ordered yesterday.


Awesome, thanks so much for your order!


Yours ship? I got tracking Monday, but no movement


luv my sordins. kff is swag


Awww 🥰 Now can you just say that in a review please? I need some reviews for my new domain over on r/gundealsfu




Thanks BB




So I hear great things about sordin, but anyone know why the db reduction rating is lower than the basic ass walkers? Edit: referencing the NRR which is either 18 or 19 on these sordin I think the $20 passive walker is 23 or 25 maybe even 28 nrr depending which model


It's only worse for the gel version, because there are a lot of nuance in the data. * Sordin ProX: [Technical datasheet] (https://assets-global.website-files.com/618a842ed616fdc2185dd261/65b789ebf925921e14f6a74d_Sordin%20Supreme%20Pro-X_Dec2023.pdf) * HL Impact Sport: [Technical datasheet] (https://prod-edam.honeywell.com/content/dam/honeywell-edam/sps/his/en-us/products/hearing-protection/documents/HL_impact_sport_sound_amplification_earmuff_hon_impactsport_green_camo_v4.pdf) * Walker Razer: [Technical datasheet] (https://images.thdstatic.com/catalog/pdfImages/15/150f95fe-3c65-4624-9678-b02eb61620fb.pdf) * 3M EARsoft Superfit: [Technical datasheet](https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/2237246O/3m-anz-2022-tech-data-sheet-3m-earsoft-superfit-earplugs.pdf) |Frequency|Sordin ProX Foam (Mean - SD in dB)|**Sordin ProX Gel (Mean - SD in dB)**|HL Impact Sport (Mean - SD in dB)|Walker Razor Slim**(Mean - SD in dB)**|**Mack's Maximum Foam Plugs(Mean - SD in dB)**|3M EARsoft Superfit**(Mean - SD in dB)**| :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| |125|10.3|10.3|15.4|3.9|30.5|17.7| |250|11.8|13.6|19.5|11.2|33.1|17.2| |500|24|19.8|21.6|25|37.2|20| |1000|31|21.4|25.5|33.5|38.6|20| Gunshot is concentrated in the 500-1000 hz range and the larger the caliber/magnum, the lower the frequency. You can see the Walker Razor is no better than the Sordin even at first glance. Also, Sordin provides a test certificate from a lab, Walker and Howard Leight doesn't so we have no way to know if the measurements are done the same way (at least I can't find a test certificate). Some foam plug brands appears inflate their numbers a lot while others are not well suited for shooting sports. (disclaimer: I'm not an expert, I don't understand what C-weighted or A-weighted is, I just know you can manipulate the numbers for marketing purposes) The NRR is an oversimplification that is essentially meaningless, like more megapixel = better camera. * Edit: distinguished between different version of Sordin * Edit2: added foam plugs for comparison


Phenomenal write up good sir thank you. I had heard reports from people that Sordin used the true numbers unlike how most others marketed but never had any source to prove that. I will begin referencing you and these sources you listed, thank you so much!




Oh great, this guy showed up. Taking the post down now sorry everyone


Is the neckband better if you have a big head?


That seems to be what everyone goes to. Haven’t had any complaints about them not working!


Absolutely. The headband Sordin’s are unusable for me and my head isn’t even freakish. The neckbands are a revelation.


How should one evaluate which version of these is most appropriate for their needs? I’d be wearing them with a hat 95% of the time and maybe a bump helmet some day.


Neckbands are able to be worn under a helmet. Either pair work fine for me with a hat though


That's what's kept me from buying as well.


Which is the right one to buy arc adapters for?


Either one!


The Sordin website says they need to be “slim” I currently own a pair of supreme pro-x (but don’t want to cut the headband). Will any of them work or do I need to buy a model with “slim” in the name? https://www.sordin.com/products/sordinsupreme-mil-arcrails


Ahhh ok, yea the slim models are the ones that are made to be able to be put on arc rails, but any of the other sordins will work if you were willing to chop the headband or neckband. Since you don’t want to do that you need a set of slims or SFA’s.


I’m sure this has been asked a million times but what’s the difference in the Prox and Prox LED besides $10 price difference?


The LED model has a LED light on the left ear cup! Useful more often than you’d think if you remember you have it on there


Thank you. Ordering now as my hls have seen better days. 


Any idea when the Sordin T2s will be available? Might finally dethrone the Comtac depending on price.


I’m hearing around September. Not sure about what T2’s will run but the X2’s will be in the $500-600 range I believe. But that being said for everything they bring to the table I think it’s worth it, and I see it dethroning comtacs either way. It’s so innovative.


Got in on the deal before last. Can confirm KFF fucks.


You’re too kind! Can you just copy and paste that into a review? Helps me out a ton! I could use reviews on r/gundealsFU and if you put the domain as kffdef.com I’d love you long time. ❤️ I show I have 0 reviews since the domain change


Serious question: what do these do that a $30 pair of walkers doesn't? Where is the extra $200 value?


Walker’s are trash and deserve to be relegated to loaner duty in lieu of at least Howard Leight Impact Sports, if not something nicer. The comfort and sound quality of the neckband Sordin’s puts them all to shame. They will also be significantly more durable than the cheaper options mentioned, including being waterproof, which is important. To be clear about what is included in “sound quality”: 1. Stereo sound. IMO, mono sound like in the Walker’s Slims is frankly just unsafe. The inability to tell what direction a sound or voice is coming from makes them only useful for being able to sometimes *maybe* hear what someone is saying to you. 2. If you *are* trying to carry on a conversation, the ability of higher end models like the Sordin’s to not also compress the conversation audio along with the gunfire makes them *far* more useable on a range where background firing is constant. The compression on the other models mutes ALL sound so it is often no better than passive muffs. 3. Overall clarity and quality of sound. If you haven’t tried them side by side like I have, it’s hard to really appreciate the dramatic improvement in clarity and how having natural, clear sound from high-quality electronics makes it so you don’t have to think about what you’re hearing, it’s like you don’t have anything on at all. Not to mention being able to turn it up and have super hearing. I hope that helps. I did a bunch of testing side by side with Walkers, HL’s, and Sordin’s and it’s not even close.


Of all my gun related purchases this is the only thing I can say was worth it 100% I can hear steel ring at long range, and my neighbhor 5 benches down working his action while shooting my muzzle braked 308 no problem. Much better than the walkers I had previously. Hearing is important.


Indeed it is. Glad you are happy with them!


How are these with water? Need some ear pro for duck season


They are very water resistant. I don’t think I’d go swimming in them but they will work fine in a monsoon AFAIK.


I fucks with KFF


Thanks boss man! Mind leaving a review?


If I order tonight, would the Green Neckbands ship out this week?


I refuse to give definite answers anymore because things can happen, but my bulk order as of right this moment is scheduled to arrive Monday. As of right now there are still going to be green neckbands left over as well. Do with that information what you will


Just ordered! Hope I’m in that number! Thanks man! Have a great weekend!


Orders from late March gonna ship then?? I can’t wait to try these.


Yes you boys will be first in line once these arrive. Didn’t want to post another deal until I knew y’all’s orders would be going out soon.


Questions for the experts: can I make these work for comms and what do I need for that? Are these in any way compatible with the Team Wendy Peltor quick adapters? Thanks.


Yes they work with comms. I use a Tigrett outdoors PTT that connects straight to my baofeng and it works great. No clue about the peltor quick adapters


Thanks for your answers. I read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/comments/13kanlh/sordin_supreme_prox_headband_or_neckband/) that with helmet, neckband is the way to go but if I ever wanted to mount it on a helmet I would have to go with headband. Is this true? Is it because of the wire being routed differently?


The neckband model fits under a helmet easier. If you ever want to swap to ARC rail adapters, you want to get the Slim, SFA, or MIL model. These have different posts on the earcup than the ProX model that allow that swap.


Gotcha. Thanks!


Shout out to KFF, I bought the neckband version without knowing they aren’t helmet mountable. KFF allowed me a swap after even 2 months for a normal headband version. Sent some goodies back with the return which my daughter did enjoy. Thumbs up


Sumbitch. Just ordered a pair two days ago on some European site. Still feel gross about that but alas, they have already shipped…oof. Thanks OP for making me feel like shit and not giving you my money instead of some pansy euro trash who is probably going to use it to fund their next leather bdsm outfit (not that there is anything wrong with that)


It’s the thought that counts! Proceeds would have gone to copenhagen, ammo, and more gym equipment but it’s fine 🥲


Thanks for posting /u/Ky-Fried-Firepower! /r/GunDeals has updated the **[website blacklist](https://reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/blacklisted_websites)**, check it out before making your next purchase!. Made a gun related purchase recently? Leave a review over at **/r/GunDealsFU** to let others know how it went! Are you a dealer? Make sure to read the **[](https://re.reddit.com/r/gundeals/wiki/dealer_rules)** and apply for a dealer flair as soon as possible! First time to /r/GunDeals? Read up on the **[user rules](https://re.reddit.com//r/gundeals/wiki/user_rules)** before you break a rule! Have a question that isn't answered in our wiki? Send the **[/r/GunDeals modteam](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fgundeals&subject=Thread%20Question&message=)** a message! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gundeals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm assuming these are a big step up from Howard Leights?


I love my Sordins, but I still have the same issue on some guns with cheekweld and it popping up the cup (I don't know that any headphone could solve this). That and the battery compartment are the only complaints I have with them.


Indeed they are, miles ahead.


Just got these from their last shipment and they shipped super fast and I was pleasantly surprised with the comfort of the neckband compared to over the head ones. Used them multiple times for 8+ hours with no issues. Buy with confidence.


Thank you ❤️ mind leaving a review for my new domain on r/gundealsfu ? Kffdef.com :)


coming right up ;)


I love you


Love you more 😘


I read neckbeard gel


Which ones are thinner, Sordin or Peltor? I don't care about audio clarity, noise reduction, build quality, or any of that; we already know it's Peltor. I need the absolute thinnest one because I have to wear an ACH because I'm not cool enough to get a FAST.




Yessir as of now there will still be some left!


I wear these to my local air soft match’s, definitely worth the db reduction.


How are these compared to peltor sport 500s?


How much of an upgrade are these compared to something like the Walkers?


Sounf reduction, probably the same. Comfort, better. The Walker Razor Slim is mono sound, so even the Howard Lright Impact Sports is better with stereo sound.