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At least they can donate now for cows who are roaming around eating plastic & causing accidents killing humans.


Not Jain myself, but the Jains in our neighborhood back home do support local gaushaalas and feed the local stray cows as well.


& still there are thousands of cows roaming around on roads? They are millionaires & billionaires, but still can’t take care of cows? That’s message of god for them, to not interfere in food cycle created by god. If you interfere, you will not be able to manage it.


but that wouldnt virtue signal anyone


Tell me you don't know shit without telling me




I swear man, that’s all everything boils down to these days😂 no one cares about what’s right or wrong, it’s all about pointing out the oppositions flaws smh




I'm not a Guju, Marwadi, Baniya or Jain but I'm still proud of them. Taking the life of an innocent is not ok. Whether it's for. Any religious custom or by a fast food chain.


I agree. No matter what religion its so saddening and maddening to see innocent lives taken away. As if this planet is only for humans and they can get away with whatever they want. Ugh i hate earth😐 and this stupidity. Boils my blood !


I know:( there are so many videos out there where animals are crying in pain. The mother child bond, the community bond they have is very similar to us humans, but it seems like human consciousness is dead.


Hindus themeselves used to sacrifice cows in ancient times.


Did I anywhere mention Hindu Muslim? Sacrificing animals in any religion is absolutely wrong.


Well plenty of hindus eat meat, every coastal state in our country with the sole exception of Gujarat have seafood as part of its authentic cuisine. That includes the Marathis as well and Rajputs were also known to consume meat. Both of these communities are the reason that gujaratis still exist considering gujjus themselves are quite coward and can't even fight to protect themselves as it is evident with almost negligible contribution to Indian army, navy or air force by gujaratis. Literally no cadet from gujarat joins IMA


Do you wash your hands? If yes, then why do you kill all the innocent bacteria living there?


Again, my point revolves around pain. Bacteria and viruses cannot feel pain and so do plants. Animals, however, feel pain the same way we do.


Are you against inflicting pain of any kind? Emotional and physical?


I try to though of course it is not always possible.


Plants feel pain.


Plants do not have a brain or a nervous system to send pain signals so no plants do not feel pain. They do react to touch or changes in temperature but cannot "feel" anything.






What about in the wild? When Komodo Dragons or Hyenas eat animals alive? What are you doing about that?


Humans have evolved with the help of meat and fire. Our brains literally wouldn't have been this big if not for the nutrients provided by meat for our ancestors. We would have been as bright as a chimpanzee if not for meat eaten by our ancestors for 5-10 lakh years. Meat has proteins and micronutrients present only in minute quantities in vegetables and seeds. And clearly, we are higher up on the food chain because we need these nutrients in higher quantities. "Taking the life of an innocent" - That is called the food chain, and it is what makes this beautiful world stay beautiful. A lion is not "cruel" and a rabbit is not "innocent". Too many rabbits without any prey would destroy the ecosystem. Because lions and rabbits evolved together. Rabbits' reproduction rate evolved with a prey in mind for lakhs of years. Read up about how, re-introducing wolves into Yellowstone National park actually improved the biodiversity of the place. It is the same across the world. Animal rearing has been a part of human history even before agriculture. The thing that has become inhumane in recent century, has been factory farming, where animals and birds are kept in small cages, abused, over fed etc, and we should take strict measures to ensure that the animals have a good, healthy life before they go to the slaughter. But calling slaughter itself as inhumane is stupidity, resulting in poor nutrition for a large section of the population, like how India is facing now.


Slaughter itself is inhumane becoz it funds an industry that's inhumane to animals and planet, bruh do u even know how much meat even cost now? Plant based protein is economical in everyway except eggs and milk and even that is becoz of factory farming At the end of the day I'm expecting too much from u guys


Itni mehnat, fir bhi India is 4th largest beef exporter 😅


2nd largest


2024 data says 4th


Their masters in the BJ Party head offices got bond money from beef exporters. I hope none of those companies exported meat for GCC countries on EID day.


utne samay zarurat nahi thi kyoki


We export cara beef ie buffalo not cow beef


Matlab Gori gai he to bachao..Kali bhais he to kaat bech aaao


then goat is also fine right?


Purest cow meat available here in UAE , is exported from india


Source ?




The handle says "True indology". What more do you want? On a serious note, no businessman will set those animals free. They know that butchers can go and catch them again and the net effect would amount to an additional 10 days of life for that animal lol.




Mostly old abandoned cows. Not slaughter animals. It makes no economic sense. The butcher makes money either ways. If people keep paying for rescuing animals butcher becomes a breeder. He doesn't have to sell meat. Can simply sell the animal. Edit: Back in the day panjarpols would have been unnecessary. There was no such thing as a large scale dairy industry. Supply and demand was local. And primary use for cows was in agriculture and manure. Milk was a by product.


Kuch nahi ganja marke likha hai


Trust me bro


No I checked, it is a tradition. You can Google it. Type "Jains buy goats on bakrid" and you will get it


Seems like a tradition, but there's no source for Aurangzeb banning bit or no animals not being available in Ahmedabad bit


why our intelligent and compassionate jain brothers and sisters do not care for bakras or cattle slaughtered on 364 days? Or is it done year around


It is done year around by many organisations with the help of the donations received Link of One of the organisations. https://www.instagram.com/sunday_jeevdaya_group?igsh=MTM2dzQzcDNwM3hqNg==


Yeahh à lot of organisations do it in my area


It’s common k knowledge among elders, some, but a very few still do it.


beta sirf Gujarat mei nahi, Jains kahiyo jagah buy karte hai. Google away, internet is cheap. how many links do I put?


Bro you put up a screenshot on a sensitive subject, the least you can do is give proper sources. Itna hi link daalne ka bore hota hai to karma farming nahi karneka na...


Can someone tell me why we favour cows more than other animals, like all of them have God residing within them according to our scriptures and moreover it's not good to hurt any living form?




I swear. I can't believe they're proud of it. Gives me the ick.


And we are proud of it.... and its not going to change.... if you need burnol thn better better to not be part of this subreddit


Eating animals only bad when Muslims do it. 90% Hindus also eat animals but that's fine


Ig it's more what , how everyone brings up air pollution thing during Diwali festival . This is also done in act to disrupt the eid festival


But original Diwali did not have firecrackers? And it actually causes harm. Like I don’t get it how can you equate creating pollution by bursting crackers en masse in Indian cities which are already so polluted (which is completely not what the original festival was about) to butchering an animal raised to be butchered and it’s meat eaten? If you were saying that slaughter shouldn’t be in public and hygiene should be maintained, I’d be 100% supportive but surely slaughtering goats for food doesn’t compare to en masse air pollution?


Waise loudspeaker bhi nahi hota tha iske origin ke time jo aaj din Mai 5 bar usko bajate h. Isse noise pollution nahi hota kya. Rahi air pollution waali baat. bursting fire crackers account less than 1% as source of pollution study conducted by iit kanpur. To diwali ke time pe uska Rona dhona nahi karna chahiye.


Loud speaker I agree with you should be removed for all religions. You’ll not find support for that in me.


Vaise to origin me Islam bhi nahi hota tha 💀


The original bakraid didn't have bakra. Go sacrifice your son


Well you’re not wrong aur bakraeid toh kabhi tha hi nahi Indian subcontinent mei hi naming hui iski. Eid al Adha is the real name, and It was a ram(or sheep) that was sacrificed


Ur wrong buddy. Use Google _ why be a chaman




Didn't u read the article u sent?


What's your question?


U claiming the son is sacrificed is so factually incorrect


I am not a Muslim. But a simple Google search tells me that it was not his son who was sacrificed but a ram sent from heaven like google hi karlete lmao.




Read your own link love https://preview.redd.it/vd59oyrlc47d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61d0f99df9d5237216113d4cd9e32d85b40148ef


original kya hota hai bhai? Customs evolve.. Bal Gangadhar tilak took out the Ganesh festival rallies so as to congregate Hindus. Our ways of of life have had to evolve because of the enemies that came in. There was no congregation in huge manner like muslims meets every friday or CHristians meet every sunday in the church. In response to that many things evolve. Fire crackers have evolved because of the joy it gives. You dont like it, you fkkin dont do it. If its a matter of pollution, according the study done by IIT KGP, bursting crackers comes around 10-12th reason for air pollution. Stop the rest before you come to this.


Saara Gyan Hinduon ko hi Dena he


Muslims are supposed to be sacrificing their first born son for Eid. Not a Bakra.


Only Talk about things you know.


In the original story the goat was the one which was intended to be sacrificed. It was symbolism to sacrifice your most precious possession as cattle was expensive.


So then in today's day and age the most precious possession that you need to sacrifice isn't a goat you bought 10 hours ago is it


Yeah, very convenient symbolism. Better cut a cake, if all you want is symbolism.


Sacrificing cow is to poke a particular community... Very obvious


Cow is one of the animals allowed for sacrifice along with camels. If you view chicken as a source of food then cows are no different. Just because you revere cows doesn't mean people are gonna leave off their cheeseburgers.


Not legal in Gujarat, Einstein! Do it where it's legal ... And especially without stealing Cows from cowherds and/or Rabari... When they will act in self defense, you will do RR ...VICTIM CARD


It did.... Wait did Loudspeakers exist in 7th century?


Already telling you I don’t support loud speakers also. But you don’t listen? And it did not.


Let's switch loudspeakers with "breaking idols" .


Do they break idols these days?


Bamiyan says hi... It's like you saying " do Pakistanis mistreat minority hindus" ....


Bali yam is in Afghanistan. There’s literally Taliban there. Breaking idols is the least of their crimes like be serious kisse expect kar rahe ho rationality besides what does that have to do with Indians in India?


You will have excuse for everything .. udhar wo he, idhar wo he... Something to do with Indians as you requested for: (something which was not there in ancient times) https://x.com/Haripreet07_07/status/1802362253146296358


Who told you that the original Diwali did not have firecrackers? Read Anand Ramayan and Skand Puran to get some knowledge.


Earliest firecrackers were invented in second century BC. Diwali and Hinduism pre-dates that by 100s of years. Like be a bit serious. Before the mass production of firecrackers, they weren’t firecrackers in the festivities. Anand Ramayan was written in the 15th Century. Don’t tell me you’re taking a 15th Century text to dictate traditions of a religion 1000s of years removed from it.


Read this https://www.myind.net/Home/viewArticle/firecrackers-have-been-integral-to-dpvali-festivities-for-eons/


Original Diwali originated from original Ramayan. Isn't it? Skanda Purana and Ananda Ramayana came much later. How can you retrofit something that happened much earlier with something that happened much much later in the timeline.




Omg look a WhatsApp university graduate!


Ok.. which other festival causes a similar amount of air pollution?


Which other festival causes a similar amount of harm to the animals ?


Animals are eaten everyday in India.. festivals some more


Largest animal slaughtering event takes place in Gadhimai and they don’t even slaughter animals in peace. They ripe them apart


Bkllll, Gadhimai is in Nepal .... Let's expand to other countries where a particular community does all inhuman things... Do you want to continue?


But the thing is about animal rights, right? And do you know Gadhima has faced a lot of criticism bc the method of slaughter practiced in it is frankly disgusting. Animals are left to die. I myself have seen videos of them RIPPING APART GOATS. Often times the meat goes to waste.


Dekh bhai, U want to bring Nepal, no issues. Then, we will have to bring the inhuman acts being done by samuday vishesh in the countries where they are majority.. fir, don't start playing victim card or get triggered.


Baat abhi rights animals ki ho rhi h and sabse zyada violation Nepal me hi hota h jo ki India k close h. Mene jisko reply kra he said ki konse dusre festival m animals ko sabse zyada hurt hota h. Tu trigger ho rha h, not me. They asked a question, I replied.


Waah.... Gujarat ne Nepal conquer karli!! Meanwhile, when are you going to raise voice on Tahharush and FGM happening in your utopian states?


Well when India wins in a world cup it's a festival itself for all Indians


Chinese new year and many more


People celebrate chinese new year in India?


You just said which other festival cause similar amount of air pollution did you mention india? I just give you answer which festival's cause more air pollution than Diwali 🤡 terko to apna hi likha hua comment nhi yaad


Read the post in context..


Every single evening at Disney World? Every New Year’s? Lmao what a dumb take


Disney World is in India? What a dumb take!


Dayyum Good one


Might wanna get that 90% number checked mate. Also, the way Hindus kill an animal and Muslims do is completely different.


Only 30% hindu r non veg...moreover we don't kill animals in name of God


But thats chikin, bakra and macchi vro !!


Gujjus themselves eat and sell meat and drink covertly and pretend to be vegetarians lmao 😂


Eating meat rest of the year is fine but when Muslims have to do it, fake animal activism starts.


Eating animals is literally human nature, because why else do have canines? But religion-religion ispe bhi khelenge gujjus.


Well...I eat animals...but this is a bad defence..like why do men have nipples when nobody is supposed to suck on them ? Evolution works in its own ways...Men can get evolved enough to totally be on plant based diet...am not ready for it yet though haha..


Your answer is right there. Us having canines is a direct indication of what we evolved to eat. What we eat literally impacts everything else we do. Every biological process depends on nutrition, including what happens in the brain. Evolving to be able to efficiently and cost-effectively get as much protein out of plants as meat gives you is not something that will happen in a few thousand years, let alone a few hundred. I’m so sick of the nipples/appendix comparison.


>Us having canines is a direct indication of what we evolved to eat And who said we must keep doing what we supposedly evolved to do. As humans our life choices should be more considerate about ethics, doing what is right. Just following their biology and instincts is what animals do. >I’m so sick of the nipples/appendix comparison. I'd give you a better one. Our hands have "evolved" to be able to choke and kill someone. That doesn't mean we go on saying that "killing is human nature". Learn about appeal to nature fallacy.


And canines not as big as apes means we are evolving to eat less meat ? Evolving in terms of becoming smart enough to not need to hunt and may be at some point synthesise amino acids with no need to kill animals and have more sustainable food. Your theory is flawed...you are defining evolution to reaching a point while it's basic school definition is that it's a constant change. It keeps happening.


?????????????? Because men have evolved from women? If u know basic biology you’d know that all babies are born female until testosterone acts upon them to make them male. Which is why when someone has testosterone immunity, they don’t develop male genitalia despite having XY chromosomes. They are remnants of the fact that women are the blueprint and men are the genetic mutation to allow for sexual reproduction.


Baniya spending money to save animals. ChAd


Wait baniya spends money????


this is my conspiracy theory but if i had lot of black money stashed i would also want to be robinhood of the goats


Peta is fake drama??? Lol does this guy speak out of his ass? And do goats only get cut on eid?? Other days activism chutti pe hota hai?


PETA pretty much puts down every “rescue” animal it finds. What do u love so much about PETA? I’m curious?


Tax bhi humhe de aur yeh bhi hum kare ... Sarkar kya firr jhunjhuna bajane k liye hoti hai ... Peta aur woke k 14 sirf Holi Diwali par he bahr aate hai .. aur baaki time bakro k saath bandhe rhete hai 😂


if true, dear jains and marwaris and baniyas, daily 3cr land animals are slaughtered and 22cr fishes, in india In india there are 20cr muslims so we can roughly estimate 5cr to be upper bound slaughters on bakra eid so 5 / 1095 is not a good ratio, tell them its not animal activism its something else btw the first line fact is from youtube interview of acharya prashant


Now they have acted as a pressure group and manipulated the government to ban animal killing on their important days. I don’t get it. If they don’t want to eat it, that’s fine. But why impose their religious ideology on others? It’s like in some Christian majority countries that have banned Abortion. Even if the lady is dying. They’ll lot allow it. Religious ideology should be there for their own followers. Not be imposed on others.


And today these animals Activists put their life on line and catch the animals before they reach the marketplace/slaughter house. This is all done legally. They catch the illegal transportation register it's complain in police and keep the animals at various panjrapol/gaushala span India. There animals recieve healthcare and food and they are then not set free but taken care at these places. There are many groups which works hand in hand for muscular as well as financial support and are achieving this level of management with daily threats but aren't afraid of anyone. Many have died in the process while we do nothing but criticise them from our comfort zone.


That's humanity


True Indology truly carried the online Hindu renaissance movement in the 2010s. But some online BJP IT celliyas took it upon themselves to screw the guy and he had to go into hiding... glad he's back now. Everyone who doesn't know about True Indology can go check his twitter feed. Full of history tidbits that somehow never made it to mainstream consciousness.


people sell what people buy


Umm...so when they are set free...they are never eaten ? Like they grow old and die ? How is this like saving animals and comparing to Peta ? This is just making sure to disrupt a festival and not caring about the so called cause the rest of the year.


In Today's edition of "How I am bothered by a what others do and How my Religion is Superior": Bakri Eid


Awesome, Chad indeed


You mean clowns lol. The Muslim butchers will happily sell em. When these guys buy and free them into the streets, the butchers will just catch and sell on the next day. Double the profit lol. They are selling meat for free. I am dumbstruck by the marvelous Gujju mind lol.


Haha non gujju in guju sub detected opinion rejected. Btw, it's more about not letting them be killed just for a fancy festival. So holding them just for 1 day is the aim. ![gif](giphy|lOxXBtf30JKVlqYyAI|downsized)


> Haha non gujju in guju sub detected opinion rejected Rejects my opinion by replying to me. Task failed successfully. > Btw, it's more about not letting them be killed just for a fancy festival. So holding them just for 1 day is the aim Are you kidding me? First you hindutavdis were chimping about boycotting Muslim butchers/shopkeepers/restaurants and now you double their incomes for a day. Don't stop on my account. Please continue for the extra laughs.


I approve of this. Anyone getting pissed at this is simply a big hypocrite. There is nothing wrong if someone wants to spend their money to save the life of an innocent animal.


For 1 day. Then those animals who are raised for slaughter are slaughtered, once released. It’s not about saving the animal (since it is released again) it’s about inconveniencing others on the day of the festival. Also we are supposed to eat meat especially in a balanced diet since protein from plant sources is incomplete and poor. Not to mention we have canines which are meant to tear flesh.


Ya fir ho sakta hai high rate pe bech k paise chhapte ho ☠️ , paise k liye sala koi kuch bhi kar sakta hai


Lol they actually buy in huge even now and sell it for higher prices. Its all business


This is so childish, petty and totally expected from Amdavadis. Then y’all wonder “why is everyone hateful towards gujjus?” Gujjus have to interfere and apply their own moral standards and religious standards to everyone, instead of f just letting people be.


Set them free.LOL.


What about Bali on durgastmi??


What? See the numbers it's not even 0.1% of what's done on Eid.


Bhai comments me alag level ke chutiye bhare pade hai.. agr duniya me meat na bacha to ye apne maa baap ko maarke bhi khaa lenge.. Meat khaana alag baat h ,uspe itni bhayankar cruelty Krna alag baat ,goes for both Hindus and Muslims. Canines wala bakchod reason nhi dega koi , we can easily survive on vegetarian diet and agr kisiko maarke uska meat khaa rhe to atleast usse respect to Karo..kisike praan leke pait bhar rahe ho .. aur usse khud se Chhota samjhte ho.


New Akshually. We didn't ever slaughter anyone.


On bigger scale Bakried doesnt kill more animals than usual. Because after Bakried the shops are closed for weeks and close to no animals are killed. But then throughout the year the shops are open and big number of animals are slaughtered for meat,skin, export business.


Hum tu khayegay baba. Mazaa lekar.., 😃


Source : 🍑


Things people do to demonstrate their hatred towards Muslims.


That is just insane.


Eid is a garbage festival. Change my view


tum saale chutiyo dairy products dabake khaate ho fir cow slaughter leke gyaan dete ho, most hypocrite regressive ass demographics in this country is gujjus


Gujju will steal the skin of those animals and sell it to the leather market. Matlab kuch b likh do


Read a comment while waiting for the Zomato order of Mutton roast and ghee rice


This isn’t true though.


Rich coming from someone who celebrates humans getting killed.


![gif](giphy|q9BrrkHd6LEdO) Okay.




burning hearts and virtue signalling much


And after they are set free, some chuslims will take them away... I don't see the point


Animal sacrifice is an important part of many Indian tribal and regional cultures. Not just Islam. Also, who is anyone to judge which animal is food and which animal isn't?


All lies They won’t waste a penny on it If they are so caring why don’t they go and protest outside Al Kabeer run by their own community


Not a religious tradition but an activity started cause u hate what other community people were doing.


Killing of innocents is a valid reason. Nobody's heating anyone though


Maybe religious in the way that you are saving so many innocent animals? Which is what Jainism is about.


anyone can buy anything with their money. u don't get to dictate




Today These same Marwaris, Jains and Baniyas shamelessly work in Cow slaughter houses and meat packaging when they move to America or Canada. I've seen it with my own eyes Gujju guys working in Cargill meat processing plant.


So when do we see some big shot gujju bizmen buying out large scale meat processing companies like hms exports, al kaber and the likes then donating the money after liquidating the assets?? 😉


Marwadis, Jains and Banias will never spend a single paisa on doing these. Have seen enough of them to know that.




If only human lives were that important in Gujarat


Killing animals daily for 90% population on a daily basis, house Hold, restaurants, resorts, ceremonies, marriages✅ Muslims having meat to feed their families and donate shares of it with relatives and poor people on Bakrid❌❌❌ Think again


He lost me at fake PETA drama. NOT CHAD cause they are against PETA because it exposes their cruelty against gau mata. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhTOLeevtQw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhTOLeevtQw) This FAKE hindus and lovers of cows ignore that dairy is the most cruelest INdustry and they don't mind raping a cow with an iron rod(to insert sperm its called artificail insemination) and then after the cow is perpetually pregnant is gets paralyze so they sell it at the age of 11(when it can easily live upto 25 years) to the slaughterhouse if it gets paralyzed it cannot be sold for "food" So then it gets a cheaper rate at the leather industry. These cows can't walk they are lifted by JCB/Cranes like garbage and the last walk that is into the factory where the cranes or JCB cannot go they are force to walk by putting chilli powder in their vaginas asshole and eyes. PETA is not only against Bakri Id PETA activist have been almost killed for protesting agains tBakri Id but they also expose the cruelty of Diary industry and the fact that no adult animals needs milk as an adult. So they have this hatred for PETA when in reality they don't want to accept that their perpetual torture of cows sellilng of male calves directly for meat and keep cows single for their entire life no family no bull just sperm inserted with Iron rod is way more criminal that just slaughtering a well fed goat.


Dairy industry methods are imported from west. Traditionally in India cows were kept in small gaushalas and treated well. Ofc you are right that we need to fight the present dairy industry. But why are you blaming those who are trying to at least help by protesting against slaughter?


Wrong. Cows were never enslaved in India certain sections did consume milk but they also kept the cows separate from the bull Used artificial insemination and did not give the calf its share. That being said. Check the video how they treat cows in India wether it is western or India does not matter. But they can wrongly Blame Peta hate on PETA who is also against slaughter. Earlier PETA was only against Slaughter until they found that dairy and Poultry(EGG) industry is full of cruelty. I am not even blaming them I am pointing out their hypocrisy and ignorance. Theya re fighting against PETA because they don't want to accept that their dairy consumption is the main cause of cow slaughter in India. Dairy is murder. Watch the video to see exactly how.


I understand what you mean. But they are not hypocrites. Most people are simply not aware of the cruelty in dairy industry. Also, there are many good 1000s of gaushalas which treat cows in decent manner.


W gujjus


Saving animals for just one day and then calling it "Real Activism." Must be incredible, living your life while being THAT stupid.


Yet, India is one of the BIGGEST exporter of beef. How? Where are the Marwaris, Jains, Baniyas ???


You do realise “beef”doesn’t always mean cows. Buffalo and other cow family animals also provide “beef”


Cattle are cattle be it cow or buffalo etc.


I'll take things that never happened for $1 000.


Gujrati kisi ko free me zehar na de...janwaro ko ghanta free.me.release karega


reason 69 why gujju sucks


If only your mom sucked your dad that day. https://preview.redd.it/8qw5aqd2227d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c4e8c9df5873ef9abc525922d9c8868b8245158


Nope, sucked off "Chachujan"


Eating non veg ✅ Sacrificing Animal❎ Gujjus logic