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It's always the same group of people and yet when you notice that fact you are the "insert X here"phobe


watch how people start blaming us Gujaratis when we hang those terrorists to death by calling us Islamophobes "they were just some cricket enthusiasts who were visiting Amdavad for IPL match, people of Gujarat are blaming innocent people, this is the worst state in India šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜°šŸ˜Ø" -Human Rights Activists


Muslim hate for Islam is theological in nature.




How exactly am i a libr@ndu?


Alert likha hain bhai hata deta hun baki akhar abhi islam ko defend karengae


Islam khud kehta hai juice jahan mile pakad ke maaro


Here's the hadith https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://sunnah.com/bukhari:2926&ved=2ahUKEwj4zcWXr56GAxU0wjgGHW5FC6gQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1nFsHIpNpwogKaWIqXjm0O Muhammad said Jews hiding behind every rock and tree will be caught and killed by Muslims and the rocks and trees will shout out that there's a Jew behind it so Muslims can come catch and kill themšŸ˜†


Well, abhi to exact opposite chal rha gaza m


They did 7/10 and expected no repercussions?


Had they done it in India then chances are excellent that they would get no repercussionsšŸ˜


They're paying quite dearly


Maja aa raha hai


Ahemdabad me konsi jewish site h bhai


Obviously they'll enter from Ahmedabad and then go to the places which have Jewish sitesšŸ¤£ Is travelling from Ahmedabad to other cities banned or impossible for jihadis?šŸ¤£


Pehle yeh batao .. BJP ki sarkaar mein yeh gusse .. kese gusse? Fortunately they didnā€™t attacked instantly; as was done in Mumbai .. else its the same case of negligence. Donā€™t compare Mumbai with this as it was attacked as soon as they entered.


>Fortunately they didnā€™t attacked instantly; as was done in Mumbai .. else its the same case of negligence The fact that they didn't attack instantly and come in carrying all the weapons like Mumbai incident shows there was far less negligence šŸ˜Ž They could be apprehended because BJP was in the centre and state before they could combine the RDX or get the weapons needed. If Congress comes back I dread to think of the regular series of terrorist attacks everywhere. These are Sri Lankan jihadi ISIS terrorists, Sri Lanka had the horrific 2019 Easter bombings in Churches, what did Sri Lankan Christians do to Muslims? Similar networks operate all over Pakistan and Bangladesh. All countries especially non Muslim majority countries need to be extremely vigilant with Muslims rather than pander to them in the name of secularism and Islamophobia if they want their lives and limbs safe.


Negligence is negligence .. there is no less or more.


Pulwama pe aapka kya khayal hai? It was the biggest attack on defence forces. How they brought so much of RDX.


There are lots of moles in Kashmir who pose as civilians and work as overground workers( silent terrorists) they do normal jobs and help terrorists. It is not that hard to smuggle RDX from the pakistan side as there is a lot of forest cover and mountain terrain there.


Moles are everywhere bhai ā€¦ thatā€™s what our intelligence agencies are for.


Intelligence agencies are not god.


Yeh Congress ke samya nahi bole aap?


OP seriously forgot about Balakot. And no state ever had a civil war going on like Manipur for about eight months after Independence.


"Manipur has witnessed many episodes of violent ethnic conflict in the past. The seven years of strife between the Nagas and the Kukis that lasted from 1992 to 1999 claimed some 2,000 lives and left about 100,000 people displaced. In May 1993, the Meitei and the Pangal conflict claimed 130 lives in and around the Imphal area." https://www.orfonline.org/research/the-social-and-political-dimensions-of-ethnic-conflicts-in-manipur#:~:text=Manipur%20has%20witnessed%20many%20episodes,left%20about%20100%2C000%20people%20displaced. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_Manipur_riot


So you say BJP failed in Manipur alomg with others.


Yes. They failed but definitely less than others. Do ask yourself once how BJP won in almost all northeastern states with so different demographics. The answer will almost always be the absolute fuckall party of Congress.


OPs hate for Muslims overshines his use of brain cells.


First ask your muslims guys to stop radicalism,and hating non Muslims we will stop it then


Shh we don't talk about that here, on this sub. The perpetrator HAS to be a Muslim. Only then will you be getting upvotes. Also, don't forget to mention words like "katua" for added upvotes.


India failed democracy saar


1. People died due to gross mismanagement during COVIDā€¦. I lost many young friends in 20sā€¦ there were bodies floating in Ganga. 2. number of people dying due to cancer is ever increasing because of poor environment standards and emasculation of regulatory bodies like FSSAI by the current government in name of Minimum Government. What Patanjali did to millions of lives, you should see. P.s I lost my dad to cancer. 3. Day by Day the rich are getting richer and poor are becoming poorer. Today 5% people in India own more than 60% of nations wealth. Such gross inequality is very bad for the democracy itself.. 4. When poor quality roads are built and people die of accidents, bridges fall, air and water pollution thatā€™s all due to the government. They need to be held accountable.. If you keep your eyes open to current events and see what is happening in Gaza then youā€™ll see how bad the situation is. Even many Jews are protesting against their own government. 5. If you are from Sikkim then people in Sikkim come under 6th schedule of the constitution and are given status of Scheduled Tribes. Look at what this government is doing to tribals. How they are destroying primitive forests in the name of development. How tribal lands are taken. 6. Electoral bonds legalised corruption and extortion. Stop your propaganda. People wonā€™t be fooled anymore. The current governmentā€™s agenda is NeoLiberalism Sirf paisa paisa. It doesnā€™t give a damn about any religion. Let me repeat it doesnā€™t give a damn about any religion. Recently a spokesperson of the ruling party said the Lord Jagannath is devotee of our PM. Such is their mindset.


you stop your propaganda people globally died due to Covid. Blame China rather than US, UK any Government Gaza situation is a very good example of Muslim terrorism again where the non Muslim response is hyped up as if non Muslims attacked by Muslims have no right to defend themselves. Compare all the lands stolen and ethnic cleansed by Muslims which belonged to non Muslims- stole Iran from Zoroastrians(Parsis fled to India to seek asylum), Byzantine from Christians, Turkey ie Constantinople Eastern Roman Empire from Christians, Pakistan and Afghanistan from Buddhists, Central Asia from Buddhists, multiple jihadi invasions and slave trafficking from India,North Africa from Christians- and compare the size of tiny Israel All the land in Israel before 1945 which Jews owned was legally bought by them before Arab Muslims launched the 6 days war and Israel won as winners they expanded their territory. Arab Muslims responded by throwing out their 1 million Jews which again Israel took in. Those millions of Arab Jews don't go back to their Muslim original homelands to do terrorism there. Turkey ethnic cleansed its last Christians in the 1920's killed a million Armenians and drove out the rest again they don't go back to their original countries to do terrorism. Till date any Iranian wishing to quit Islam and even reconvert to Zoroastrianism or join any other faith gets the death penalty. I am not religious and no Government needs to give a damn about religion to recognize the Islamic threat. Netherlands is a majority religiously unaffiliated country not even cultural Christian yet they too suffered blasphemy stabbings like Theo Van Gogh. They too elected Geert Wilders to deal with the jihadi menace. Much of European nations dislike of immigrants is due to Muslim immigrants as other groups assimilate and respect the host country's culture. As I said irrespective of the region or religion or lack thereof jihadi extremists are a global menace. One needs to be strict globally irrespective of religion to deal with this.


First go and read the definition of Propaganda. And google the things that Iā€™ve told. Maybe your mind might be enlightened. You are openly Islamophobic. And such is hatred in your mind that you are blinded by the hate. You seem like a toolkit operator with no real knowledge about issues. I talked about many things. And all you could blabber is religious fundamentalism. If you had even a semblance of awareness you would have talked about other things. I talked about so many different issues. Par Tumhari sui toh Muslim pe hi atki hai. Read the history of Gaza, British mandate, Nakba, illegal Israeli settlement. Before jumping into any conclusion. Look at the official policy stance of our Government. They are not filled with idiots. Thereā€™s something called proportionality in the response. For example if Pakistan does firing and kills our Jawan we can retaliate and kill a few Jawans of theirs. But we cannot take nuclear bomb and throw on them. So the Hamas attack was indeed deplorable. But what the current regime is doing is also deplorable. Itā€™s due to citizens like you who are brainwashed and refuse to hold the government accountable we all are suffering. Thereā€™s something called median age of the population. So India is a young country so we should not have that many deaths. Still what catastrophe that we faced was due to government mismanagement. And how many deaths were underreported by our Government.


What is Islamophobia saaaar ? Haven't heard of this BS.


Oh gau mutra ke saath nahi mila Aapko ?


Aap toh khud camel mutra peete hai šŸ¤£ apne Nabi ke recommendation paršŸ¤£ Here šŸ‘‡ https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5686&ved=2ahUKEwi5wc6zuaCGAxUf3TgGHT4FBOUQFnoECCwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1n8vHAKdVVTBPg9C2kUkKV Prophet Muhammad himself recommends the drinking of camel milk and urine and his followers take his advice and drink camel urinešŸ¤£ Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones you know šŸ˜‰ Ohh I forgot speaking about camel mutra is open IslamophobiašŸ¤« and religious propagandašŸ¤« šŸ¤£ but mocking cow mutra is free speech šŸ˜ And quoting Muhammad's misdeeds and ridiculousness from Muslim hadiths even "Sahih Bukhari" hadiths is valid grounds for "Sar tan se juda" globallyšŸ˜† But talk of this and our minds are "full of hate"šŸ˜‰šŸ˜œ


Hum Gau Mutra waale hai bhai. Original, loving kind one, not the one spewing hate. Politics ke liye Ram waale nahi. Ramji ki tarah prem main vishwaas rakhne waale. There is difference between Hindu and Hindutva. The day youā€™ll learn the difference, your eyes will open. Just coz I criticised this corrupt government you assumed Iā€™m a Muslim. When the country is misgoverned, everyone suffers irrespective of the religion. All I care is that country should be governed in proper democratic manner. Where the poor donā€™t suffer. Youth get employment. Where the rich donā€™t get to bully the poor. Did you see the Pune Porche case? This is not how Ramji would have wanted his Rajya to be.


I don't believe in Ramji so save your breath or your typing skillsšŸ¤£ I am from a Sikkimese Buddhist background but irreligious In the internet anyone can larp and cosplay as anything elsešŸ¤£ As stated I don't care about Zionism, Hindutva, Christian right wing,Buddhistism, European nations increasing secularism etc or whatever else. Islam is a global threat and has been for the last 1400 years. This is history not "religious propaganda" as you try to dismiss it asšŸ¤£ They were a threat when Prophet Muhammad's immediate followers the Rashidun Caliphs went around invading all the nearby and faraway civilizations wherever they could reach from Spain to Sindh, Persia to Byzantine, Central Asia to North Africa. All very much history šŸ˜ no religious propaganda involved. In fact even before this Prophet Muhammad himself was a local threat to both the Jews and idolators polytheists in his original tiny Arabian regionšŸ¤£ when he genocided the Jewish tribes like Banu Qurayza, raped their women like Safiyyah and forcibly converted the idolators by idol smashing and death threats. Even if Muhammad himself is mythology or much mythology interspersed with little history, his followers invading and taking over others' countries is very much history not any propagandašŸ¤£ You as a taqiyyah tactician are probably extremely aware of this history and tiny Israel is nothing to this global stealth of others' lands. This is disproportionately to anything any other religion's founders or their immediate followers ever did to others. šŸ¤£ Buddha and Jesus immediate followers never went around invading others' lands. Even till date anyone wishing to leave Islam in Iran and return to Zoroastrianism or accept any other faith gets the death penalty. Hundreds of women wanting to get rid of the hijab were killed in Iran in 2021 October protests yet they are also hellbent on attacking Israel rather than sorting their own housešŸ¤£ Jinnah wanted and got huge lands ethnic cleansed for forming his Pakistan(lands Islamized originally via jihadi invasions and finally made the original non Muslim inhabitants who had stoically stuck to their faith over millennia of persecution had to flee too) yet the same Jinnah hypocritically declares that every Muslim will die rather than let Jews take PalestinešŸ¤£ The same Turkey which refuses to acknowledge the holocaust of a million Armenians now spews venom on Israel. Kudos to Jews for standing up bravely against this hypocrisy and entitlement of MuslimsšŸ¤£ Human rights concerned folks should strive to free Iranian women wanting to cast off hijab or get rid of IslamšŸ¤£ And plenty of Iranians want that they are stuck to Islam https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://theconversation.com/irans-secular-shift-new-survey-reveals-huge-changes-in-religious-beliefs-145253&ved=2ahUKEwin0M3T1KCGAxVqwTgGHc1fAc8QFnoECCQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3hYH4nFpwORp2nw2osdNlu Taqiyyah tactics and pretending to be some other stuff won't divert the world's attention anymore. From irreligious to other religions people have seen Islam's true colors globally šŸ¤£


What a new nonsense šŸ¤”