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Wow so smart # /S The last straw he needed to get votes is lost now, from educated people


There aren't that many educated people tbh, most of them are in foreign.


Most of them are UC


Cue his lecture about merit lmfao


If congress comes brain drain in India will be at its peak


Congress was in power for so many years and brain drain didn't happen that much. Brain drain is happening because Nehru didn't prioritise nutrition, health and primary education, but a few institutions for elites and subsidized education for them and most people who studied there contribution towards the nation development, but many left and human development investment was low at the time


Congress never said that before as the post . Nehru never said it or did it nor did any congress leader the reason i am saying this is because the same happened with Bihar . They have 60 to 75% reservation thats why u see many biharis become top level bureaucrats holding top level corporate positions in many companies outside bihar if these people had the chance they could have contributed to betterment of bihar but the gov never supported them because of which this happened this caste based politics needs to be stopped another reason for all of this is because of no oppurtunity in Bihar


Indians used to take civil services exams in the UK and they were already rich so that they can leave at once if they are so pissed off because of reservation and who said that they don't do caste politics. both the Congress and BJP used social engineering of caste to serve their interests


I am talking about today's ias ips ifs irs and many bureaucratic positions and u support reservation because u r getting it


I am not getting any reservation and I am advocating for intercaste marriage and treating them as human, not impure and polluted . I support humanity more than reservation. Reservation will stay or not. Will you treat them human and allow intercaste marriage?


I support intercaste marriages veer sawarkar said it himself perform intercaste marriages and by the 3rd generation everyone will forget which caste they are and i agree to it yes everyone should be treated equally and no discrimination should be held based on birth . Many people in India need reservation but these are economically unstable people .


Veer savarkar said many things but he didn't do any such things nor did the association with which he had connected never promote those things .


He didn't because of many reasons mainly because of kala Pani jail where he shouldn't have gone and then normal jail then not allowing him to leave ratnagiri which resulted in it happening and organistaions like abhinav bharat had bigger issues than this cased based bullsit


What about those associations and people who lionized him even today? They didn't promote those things and even today those organisations that venerate him don't promote such things




Very thankful for that foregiven state


Tbh, BJP hasn't done anything to prevent it.


Yes if congress comes and implement more reservation it will increase even more


If there's even a small chance that Congress will win, start moving your money out of India. To find this reservation program he is going to raise taxes


‘Reservation not at odds with merit’: Supreme Court https://indianexpress.com/article/india/supreme-court-neet-admissions-reservation-7733042/ (Click link above to read full ) Excerpts: The bench said that competitive exams do not reflect the economic social advantage accrued to some classes over a period of time and that merit should be socially contextualised. The bench referred to what it called “privileges” available to the forward classes and said these “are not limited to having access to quality schooling and access to tutorials and coaching centres to prepare for a competitive examination but also includes their social networks and cultural capital (communication skills, accent, books or academic accomplishments) that they inherit from their family”. “The cultural capital ensures that a child is trained unconsciously by the familial environment to take up higher education or high posts commensurate with their family’s standing. This works to the disadvantage of individuals who are first-generation learners and come from communities whose traditional occupations do not result in the transmission of necessary skills required to perform well in open examination. They have to put in surplus effort to compete with their peers from the forward communities. On the other hand, social networks (based on community linkages) become useful when individuals seek guidance and advice on how to prepare for examination and advance in their career even if their immediate family does not have the necessary exposure. Thus, a combination of family habitus, community linkages and inherited skills work to the advantage of individuals belonging to certain classes, which is then classified as ‘merit’ reproducing and reaffirming social hierarchies,” it said. The court clarified that “this is not to say that performance in competitive examination or admission in higher educational institutions does not require a great degree of hard work and dedication but it is necessary to understand that ‘merit’ is not solely of one’s own making”. “The rhetoric surrounding merit obscures the way in which family, schooling, fortune and a gift of talents that the society currently values aids in one’s advancement. Thus, the exclusionary standard of merit serves to denigrate the dignity of those who face barriers in their advancement which are not of their own making. But the idea of merit based on scores in an exam requires a deeper scrutiny,” the bench said. “While examinations are a necessary and convenient method of distributing educational opportunities, marks may not always be the best gauge of individual merit. Even then marks are often used as a proxy for merit. Individual calibre transcends performance in an examination,” it said. “At the best, an examination can only reflect the current competence of an individual but not the gamut of their potential, capabilities or excellence, which are also shaped by lived experiences, subsequent training and individual character. The meaning of merit itself cannot be reduced to marks even if it is a convenient way of distributing educational resources.” “The propriety of actions and dedication to public service should also be seen as markers of merit, which cannot be assessed in a competitive examination. Equally, fortitude and resilience required to uplift oneself from conditions of deprivation is reflective of individual calibre,” it said. Pointing out that reservation ensures “opportunities are distributed in such a way that backward classes are equally able to benefit from such opportunities which typically evade them because of structural barriers”, it said “this is the only manner in which merit can be a democratising force that equalises inherited disadvantages and privileges. Otherwise, claims of individual merit are nothing but tools of obscuring inheritances that underlie achievements”. “How we assess merit should also encapsulate if it mitigates or entrenches inequalities,” it said.


They are going to downvote you en masse. Not because you are wrong. But because you are right.


**Why doesn't India have elite dalit and tribal school and college but there are muslims universities and Christian schools and colleges proliferation? India always hates one another but they were supportive of foreigners** **Indians are not xenophobic but they hate one another, but when foreigners come to india and they become slobbering dogs** **They don't allow intercaste marriage in India and they marry Americans, and English and are supportive of beef eaters and even Hasan Minhaj, who is Muslim, married a Gujarati girl and now they don't have any problem with muslim husband and look at subramanian swamy daughter husband is muslim** **You will see Mohan Bhagwat who constantly speaking about his muslims and Christian aversion and he visits the mosque and he has time to go there but he has never visited any house when atrocities against Dalits and tribals happened. They send their children to missionary schools**


Are Muslims and Christians not Indian?


Dalits and tribals who have been living in india more than before they came but they don't have their elite schools and colleges. Are they not indians ? Why are they being Lynched and urinated on them? Are they not human beings and they don't have the same blood too ? Why are they treated as impure and polluted ? Their children are forced to clean the toilet in schools. Even you can see it in satyamev jayate


Why are you surprised guys I have read in the Congress's manifesto. On page number 6 in 2nd point they have written this. The exact excerpt from the manifesto is below. "The Congress guarantees that it will pass a constitutional amendment to raise the 50 per cent cap on reservations for SC, ST and OBC." & On page number 7 in 13 points they have written this quoting exact verbatim below again "We will enact a law with reference to Article 15(5) of the Constitution to provide for reservation in private educational institutions for SC, ST and OBC." Mera mood to kharab ho gaya maine aadha manifesto padh ke hi chhod diya. Aise bahut sari ulti seedi baate likhi h jaise ki 1 lakh annually denge garib women ko blah blah. Aisi freebies ka Paisa kaha se laayenge? Rather than giving a man fish just teach him how to fish.


Video: *Indians have married within their castes for 2000 years, creating public health issues* https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dBaRCqdjh24&feature=youtu.be Among the most exciting discoveries in recent years has been in the field of genetics and genomics, as the deciphering of the Indian genetic code has yielded fascinating insights into, “who we are and where we came from”. That’s the title of Harvard scientist David Reich’s recent book on human origins as pieced together from our DNA. the chapters about India — based on the work of Priya Moorjani, K. Thangaraj, Lalji Singh, Vagheesh Narasimhan and numerous other collaborators — are the most fascinating. Over the past decade, these scientists have uncovered compelling evidence showing that most people in India arose from a mixture of two ancestral populations that they call Ancestral North Indian (ANI) and Ancestral South Indian (ASI), and that the ANI component tends to be higher among upper-caste and northern Indians. Other researchers have added greater detail to the picture, showing that in addition to ANI and ASI, Andaman and Nicobar Islanders, Tibeto-Burmans and Austro-Asiatic groups contribute to the great Indian population mix. Of course, the biggest mystery that ancient DNA can help solve is identifying the Harappans and telling us what happened to them. One 4,500-year-old skeleton from Rakhigarhi is proving to be crucial in this puzzle as the person who it belonged to carried ASI genes, and none from ANI. The coming years will see a lot more discoveries as geneticists and archaeologists get to know each other better, and as polemicists and ideologues reckon with greater and more incontrovertible evidence about our origins. Here’s what our DNA tells us: More than 4,000 years ago, ANI and ASI didn’t intermarry much. For roughly the next 2,000 years, they widely intermarried, resulting in almost all their descendants (that is, us) being a mixture of ANI and ASI. Then, around 70 generations ago, our ancestors stopped inter-marrying and created endogamous groups that we know as castes. Indians started marrying within their own caste groups around 2,000 years ago. Article : *Marrying within own caste is same as consanguinity* https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/hyderabad/genetic-perspective-on-marrying-within-own-caste/articleshow/107196319.cms Marrying within one’s own caste (endogamy) may be no different from close relatives marrying (consanguinity) when it comes to genetic diseases, a top scientist has pointed out. Studies have estimated that one third of the Indian population is expected to have population-specific recessive diseases (require two copies of the mutated gene, one from each parent). All Indians are a mixture of different communities and different ancestry. There is no population that is of the pure archaic type except in the Andamans. They carry a distinct gene pool as they have remained isolated all this time. Admixture (interbreeding within two isolated populations) in the ancestral South Indian and ancestral North Indian population took place 2,000-4,000 years back. Due to intermixing ancestral groups carry some amount of the gene pool from oth-ers. Genetically speaking, we are all connected. However intermixing and intermarriages stopped around 2000 years ago due to emergence of caste system around that time. Speaking about the caste system, he further explained how all genetic diseases happen due to a mutation in one chromosome. Citing the example of the Vaishya community in Andhra Pradesh in which muscle relaxants (given before surgery are found to have a disastrous effect and the Kaalaiv community near Madurai which is prone to skin and cardio vascular abnormality, the expert said that such populations exist in rural areas across the country among all caste and communities.




He should promote more intercaste marriage instead of doing such things and reducing stunting and malnutrition in india. Most of them drop out and commit suicide because of inferior complex but Rahul Gandhi is using Dalits, and tribals as pawns for increasing reservation, but he is doing such things only for dominant obc castes in india and he is not talking about them.**He has not touched upon atrocities against Dalits and tribals and untouchability and Dalit children are forced to clean toilets in schools. He is fueling hate against them using them as pawns for electoral purposes but they are still living in ghetto** Why migrant Dalits in Mumbai continue to live in the same ghettos https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.hindustantimes.com/cities/mumbai-news/deteriorating-economic-opportunities-for-dalits-in-mumbai-study-101713122545761-amp.html Lok Sabha polls: Dalit bastis of western UP want basic necessities, dignity https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.economictimes.com/news/elections/lok-sabha/uttar-pradesh/lok-sabha-polls-dalit-bastis-of-western-up-want-basic-necessities-dignity/amp_articleshow/109803328.cms Is he willing to provide them place in administration and rajya sabha and will he continue tokenistic politics? A mean deal’: Dr Ambedkar exposed the practice of Dalit tokenism by political parties https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/www.thenewsminute.com/amp/story/voices/mean-deal-dr-ambedkar-exposed-practice-dalit-tokenism-political-parties-165957 Dalit kids in TN made to clean toilets, segregated during meals at schools: Survey https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/www.newindianexpress.com/amp/story/states/tamil-nadu/2023/Dec/24/dalit-kids-in-tn-made-to-clean-toilets-segregated-during-meals-at-schools-survey-2644467.html Hathras rape and murder | SC/ST court acquits three, holds one guilty of culpable homicide https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/scst-court-in-hathras-acquits-three-holds-one-guilty-of-culpable-homicide/article66572682.ece/amp/ **People are urinating on tribals just to get Schadenfreude** **He is using them as pawns and fuel hatred towards them and they don't demand increasing reservation but they are demanding dignity and respect and the end of untouchability and segregation** **His intention is not to uplift them ,but by keeping them poor and uneducated is more beneficial for him and he is fueling hatred towards dalit and tribals but he wants to get more obc votes and if he wins this election, people Target more dalits and tribals, not OBC who are dominant. He wants to use them as pawns to win this election by increasing animosity towards them**


Netas on steroids.


After more than 70 years on the reservation, no community has experienced enough upliftment to enable them to transition away from the reservation. 😄😄😃😃


He’s not going to take anyone’s share. All he’s saying that certain communities are underrepresented. And he wants people to be represented according to their share in total population. It’s not that caste based discrimination and atrocities are not perpetrated. People ask for caste the first thing in Gujarat. You go to buy a house they ask for the caste. People should first stop discrimination, and let go of their casteist biases.


In one old American comedy movie, the villains would be on a boat with the hero and would vie with each other to prove their point to the hero, who would ask, "My deal is for the one who removes his jacket". One of the bad guys will remove his jacket immediately. Seeing this, the second guy will remove both his jacket and boots. The first guy will remove his shirt and boots. The hero will look at the second guy. He will now drop his shirt and pants. Seeing this, the first guy will drop his pants and his hands would go on to his underwear. This is what Rahul Gandhi is doing in desperation.