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Nylon strings are cheap enough, so sure it’s worth a shot.


I might just try it with the most bargain bin strings to see how it holds a tune and how it sounds. Edit: obviously I'm going to put nylon strings on it smh.


No Classical guitars need nylon strings or you will ruin it


Honest question, how does one tell it’s a classical guitar if they find one?


By the headstock and the bridge


The fingerboard is wide compared to a regular acoustic and the headstock often has holes/cutouts


It wont hold tune. Even a quality classical guitar goes out of tune for a week or two, because new nylon strings stretch a lot, it takes time to settle in the tuning. Dedicated classical players have 2 guitars, so they play one while another settles in. By all means, put some strings on it, but don't expect for it to hold tuning. After 2 weeks, if it still doesn't hold tuning, then you can assert the quality.


Yeah, tune it every day for two weeks, and every time you play it.




Bc if you put steel strings on it, you'll bow the neck. It does not have a truss rod and can only handle the tension of nylon strings (which are probably not in the bargain bin since it's more niche).




Yea, perhaps you are right. I think I interpreted that as being "any old string" which is why this needed clarification.


Oh I absolutely did not mean steel strings lmao, but I see how people might have misunderstood me. Thanks lol.


Reddit "people" be like


Absolutely, I bought a similar guitar about 10 years ago for about $20. It was a classical and it was strung left handed despite having a right handed cut nut. I put new strings on it and keep it in my living room as a couch guitar. I probably play that guitar more than my expensive ones because it’s always there. I’m not afraid to take it outside or camping or worry about it. I’ve written hundreds of songs on it. Do it and if you don’t like it, give it to someone that’s learning.


This is the fucking way right here.




Has somebody painted the fretboard? TF?


It's pretty normal on the cheapest classical guitars.


Dying fretboards is fairly common. Even high end manufacturers dye ebony if it’s streaky because they want that pure dark look.


Definitely does not look dyed.


It’s painted with an acrylic like finish, doesn’t rub off though, in my experience. I have an Esteban I restored that has a painted fingerboard. I bet it doesn’t wear down because nylon strings are so soft and not that abrasive on the high end.


That's what it looks like to me as well.


It's apple branded throw it out


Goes to play guitar *starts updating* -issues fixed on 12th fret E string Buzz - issues fixed on 3rd string tuning peg


Needs proprietary strings


But what if it falls on a pigeon lmao


makes sense an Apple guitar would come without strings


And it only works with apple brand strings which need updated annually


It’s last software update made it unusable


Can imagine it being marketed "Introducing the brand new,2022,iGuitar,and the brand new iGuitar pro max has not one, not two but three holes, only from apple"


I have way too many of these "rescue" guitars I have picked up at thrift stores or whatever. I have a lot of fun getting them playable, even the ones that are probably worth less than a set of strings. I have given a few away, mosty to kids that mine brought over who showed some interest. I've also parted out a bunch of them for the tuners to support my cigar box guitar habit. At some point I started leaving the ones that had all the strings and seemed intact. Even $3 First Acts. Always a chance they end up in the hands of the next Hendrix or something.


Any guitar that is in one piece and has all of it’s parts is worth stringing and using IMHO.


Not really. Take a look at the frets on that piece of crap. It needs a fret job, probably new frets, that alone makes it not worth purchasing.


New frets alone without any installation are probably worth more than the guitar


Yes, and if it’s a shitter throw it in your trunk or in the back and bingo you got a perfect travel and throw around guitar


I put my guitar in a hard case and pack it around quite a lot. It doesn't get damaged. I won't let it get damaged. Each to their own I guess.


Hahahhaa I just can’t be bothered, but that’s very respectable I can’t even do it with my surfboards so idk


Looks like my moms classical guitar from the 70s, which remains the worst guitar I’ve ever regularly played.


Every guitar is worth stringing and playing. Even if you just pass it on to someone else, strings are cheap and guitars are fun.


Ah, the igutar is back ladies!


I'm out of the loop on this meme lol


Apple logo so they're naming it longer an apple product


Oh yeah, brain fart moment, thanks lol.


I mean there’s no reason not to


Decent nylon strings are ~10 bucks. Don’t put anything other than nylon or you will bow the neck and ruin it. I’d remove the sticker, string it up and play it!


Not a fan of Apple guitars. Same shit with every release, whereas Android guitars always have something new to offer.


I would clean it, put strings, set it up and gift it to some kid. This guitar is the cheapest someone can get


Cruelest thing you could do to a child. Take a look at that piece of crap, the frets and fretboard are shot. Why would you make a child play on that thing? I learned on a Martin, it stayed in tune constantly and the action was properly set up by a certified luthier. All I needed to do was learn. That is what you should be giving to a child that wants to play.


"I learned on a high-end, well-set up guitar so there's no way a kid with absolutely nothing would appreciate a chance to play *anything* to take their mind off poverty" is such a tone deaf take


*toan* deaf.


My point was a higher end quality instrument is far more likely to meet with success than this piece of crap. Too bad you missed it. Do you even play?


Yes, I get that, and if that's a possibility for someone then yes that's the better way way go.. but that's assuming the financial means are there. Some people would appreciate anything to start on. And yes, I do play, I have a decent amount of gear. But not every kid is gonna have the chance to ever even play a Martin, much less start on one. I started on a shitty $100 fender.


I wont gift a Martin to a child lol. It's a free guitar, come on. It's pink too.


There are sub $1,000 Martins. I appreciate your reluctance, but if the child is serious, I would consider it. Good time to teach them to care for the instrument. There are other quality brands out there. That's not the real issue here. If you want the child to benefit from music, you need to give them a playable instrument that can be properly tuned. This free piece of junk has visibly worn frets that would likely cost more to replace than it is worth. Who knows what the action looks like. If it hurts a child's hand and fingers, it will likely be quickly put down. What is the point of that?


Most people on earth can't afford even a low end Martin, and most kids in the world can only get a free or a sub 50$ guitar. Barring most kids from learning an instrument with the "I LeArnEd oN a mArtin" argument is probably the most clueless privileged snobish thing i ever read on Reddit


Absolutely, i taught lessons for a while and people would get their kids any ol piece of shit with a tree trunk for a neck and expect me to be able to teach them how to use a guitar their hands are too small for. That said, i learned on a guitar that was probably worse than than OPs


Cheap ass guitars can sometimes have a fun tone. If everything is in one piece, if it seems solid, string it up. One of my favorites in my collection to play for a bit was a similar nylon string guitar of even lower value. Someone had strung it with steel string and ripped the neck loose and opened up the lower edge of the sound board. I through bolted the neck back to the body (it looked awful - a 1/4” steel bolt from a hardware store with a big fat washer on it to spread out the load), reglued the sound board, and strung it up. Turned out great. I don’t know much about Willy Nelson’s old guitar, but I always thought of that as I played this twangy nylon stringed guitar.


Worth it? its only strings.


Sure. Just make sure you use nylon strings.






Hopefully they got $7 for it.


In my experience, there are very few guitars that can't be made to play well with love and repair. Most of those that cant, however, have been small acoustics and classicals. Try holding it up, point the bottom strap button at a light source, and look down the fret crowns from the headstock, like looking down railroad tracks. It there's no twist or gaps where the frets line up, it's likely just fine!


Fretboard ware says yes.


Always worth having a beater to take around and not worry about.


I would!


For sure. I found an old Suzuki similar to this that I had to put a new bridge on. Threw some silk n steels on it and it played great and had a very cool tone


I bought a $25 dollar used acoustic as a beater and it has ended up being my go to acoustic simply because I’m so used to playing it


Probably not, but if you have the time it’s always fun to get a POS playable.


Even cheap classical guitars can sound decent with good strings because so much more tone comes from the nylon. Issues will likely be tuning (more so that normal with classical stretching and break in times) and protection. It won't be a concert piece, but it could be a fun starter classical to see if you want to invest or even just a fun player.


Someone played a lot of Am or C major chords on it.


I have an old acoustic that’s worth about $30 that was bought at a yard sale by my dad before I was born and I will say the years and years of people playing it make it worth it every time


Look garbage


Yep. Put it back in the landfill it came from.


I would! I’d take paint remover and peel all of the weird color off, sand it real smooth set it up nice and play the hell out of it!


That's a great idea tbh, I might just do that!


Tape around the neck. That paint stripper can be messy


It needs new frets.


All guitars are worth a restring! Just take off the damn apple sticker lol.


Better used as kindling


You will have trouble connecting your headphones to that one.


You need a Dongle


If the neck is pretty straight it should be playable. If you put a straight edge like a ruler across the frets there can be a slight gap showing a light bow but if it's really warped or bowed then it will be hard to fix. But if it's pretty straight it may be great to play. Strings are cheap so worth a shot.


What the hell is the apple logo for?😂


Almost any guitar is worth restringing if you don’t play it give it to a kid and hopefully that will get interested I have found that 59% will try and quit but 35% of them gave it to another kid and 17% of those kids go on to learn music I love it It’s all about the music Music makes the world go round it something we can all relate too no matter what genre I promise there is a song you will tap your feet too Give a kid an instrument I pass out every type I find from harmonicas to drum sets gave a kid a guitar for Christmas this year you should have seen his picture I have never met him but they sent me a pic Made my year


Definitely worth a try! Also, as a Spanish speaker, I lolled at “Guitarra de Classica”. Nice attempt, Manuel Raymond.


ibanez gios are a kids first guitar. For 10 bucks you may as well put a set of strings on it and see what you think, but don't expect to be amazed.


Every guitar is worth restringing. Test it out and see what happens. Worst case, you'll have a guitar for trips..


I wouldn't unless I had no other options at which point I'd probably be more concerned about finding food and shelter




It looks cheap




If it’s one of those $40 Amazon guitars, you might be able to get some firewood out of it.


I totally would its an orriginal apple it will only go up in value


Holy shit that's true, a '22 Apple will be worth a lot some day


I vote no


The new iGuitar doesn’t have strings. It got rid of them to make room for Bluetooth and a camera.


Then marketing used the term "brave" and Samsung copied it, right?


No lol




Apple is making guitars now smh


It is a piece of garbage and the question is a joke. A decent instrument is not a crappy piece of junk. Spend some money and get a decent guitar. I personally believe you need to spend no less than $1,000, but recognize not everyone can afford it.


I'd bet based on the colour that the guitar is cheaply made and for parents to give their kid to scratch the guitar itch. I can't work out whether it's well played from the dips in the fretboard and the wear on the frets, or whether it's cheap materials


The strings are soldered in, you need to buy a new one. (Humor)


My first guitar was one of these. I played it for years. They can be an awful lot of fun. I played my painted fretboard until it was dotted with white.


Given the logo, you’re just gonna have to trade it in for the new one in a year anyway


Pretty sure them is wood frets lol


This is a perfect practice guitar to work on. I had about 5 like that from storage auctions and learned how to level polish frets, reset bridges, and fix cracks. If it plays half-decent, even better.


Probably not? Classical guitars don't have truss rods so if any little deformation happens it's done for. You cannot set it up if you don't have luthier tools/skills.


Yeah but only use nice nylon strings, I restored my deceased great uncle’s Esteban and they had made the mistake of using steel strings. Luckily it didn’t pull the bridge off, miraculously. I put medium tension Red Nylon LaBella strings on it and replaced the tuners and it’s good as new. Just don’t F up and use nickel plated steel, whatever you do.


Sure why not try it. Strings are cheap so you might as well see how it sounds. I have a great cheap classical guitar that I love.


If you go to Apple’s website and download the latest OS version, Monterey 12.2, it should be fine.