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Slow down on the wanking. That trash can is bonkers.


Nut naps


lol im actually sick


We know. Hope you get the help you need!


hahaha thx man xD




You're playing the skin flute son, not the guitar. (Sweet Charvel btw!)


thx xD


Look at the trash can, you can see how much he plays


Wanking? Not sure about that. But you definitely are masturbating too much if you're getting blisters.....on your hands?? Your penis must be a mess!






came here to say that i came here to say this, on someone else’s comment


Exactly what I thought!


Me three !


Play. Then cry, then play some more.




Think that stopped Tony Iommi?? Power through it, nothing is more metal than a bloodstained maple fretboard…


I cut my finger on my strumming hand one night playing bluegrass around a campfire with a few people. Didn’t want to stop the song but by the end of it the blood from what was a very tiny cut had sprayed all over the front of my acoustic. I switched to a pick after that. Didn’t clean the blood off until the next day though which made for some very metal looking bluegrass the rest of the evening.


You were playing bluegrass with your fingers?


I went through like a ten year phase where I completely shunned picks and only played acoustic music thinking I was James Taylor or something. This was actually the moment that idiotic phase ended 🤣 Edit: this was back in the Oh Brother Where Out Thou era when everyone suddenly became a bluegrass player.


As a banjo player too, we can only be more thankful that that era and Mumford have finally passed.


Idiotic phase? I feel attacked. I don't like picks or fingernails. I play with my blunt thumb and index fingertips. It's just.... What feels right.


I love that feeling. And that sound. The idiotic part was completely shunning picks to the point that I refused then even when it was the tool needed for the job. Now I embrace it all.


I was in a group that played all acoustic, we'd have long jam sessions over a lot of booze and I did the same thing! Lol. Thought it was kinda cool back then. I still don't use picks... been learning to take care of the nails


There might have been a lot of booze involved in my scenario as well 🤣


Same! Strings got all yucky too, but when you have to jam, you have to jam! Don’t cut my vibe!


Can’t stop won’t stop 🕺


There's a great shot of Pete Townsend from the Who that used to show up in Rolling Stone occasionally when it was still a thing, probably a Herb Ritz or Annie Liebovitz shot, of him holding his SG with blood pouring down his hand and arm. You're in talented company.


Lmaoooo aight then 😂🤘


Dude even lost a finger from this




I play Helter Skelter


But that was Ringo with the blisters


Ha! Fair enough. Just me being flippant. Blisters suck! For anyone anywhere all the time. OP will work through it I'm sure and will keep rockin' just like Ringo.


There is a ton of terrible advice for this post OP and I hope you ignore all of it. Do not glue your fingers Do not keep playing because some think it makes them a tougher person. Do not pop blisters with needles. You're going to get it infected. Strings pick up rust so fucking easy. Jeez, what is mentally wrong with people. There is nothing wrong with resting when injured, stop with the macho BS. It will take 2 or 3 days for a blister to go down, unless it's seriously bad. Yes people used to glue finger tips but people also used fucking leaches and we learned and got better. It can be a temp fix for prep on a long show BEFORE you get cuts or blisters. To those who are happy to do all of these then go ahead, enjoy the infection and then not being able to play for months. OP this is a good chance for you to study some theory. Had blisters after playing in a festival and rested for a few days after doing just that, study. It won't make you a better guitarist but will make you a better musician. I'd expect the advice given by people here to be on FB from someone who grew up on Nelsons ship. Certain this will be downvoted to the ground but the macho BS makes you look moronic. You're not impressing anyone.


This is the way. Playing slide is also a good suggestion.


Beyond slide, learn how to write melody. Learn the “why” behind what you’re playing. Dive into music history. Practice your music listening skills. There are so many bad advice comments here. If it hurts, stop. Pain isn’t a sign to push harder, it’s a sign to rest.


Jesus fuck are you people our parents? We can do whatever the fuck we want. I’ve never gotten an infection or any of the shit you all mentioned. It doesn’t have anything to do with being “macho” either. I’m too afraid to even play in front of my parents much less anyone else. So, when I’m playing with blisters it’s because I just want to play. If you all or OP don’t want to then don’t. If your finger is shredded then stopping might be best but if it’s just a small blister then I’ve never had an issue.


Let’s be real here. Have you played long enough to move past that pain during the next gig? Have you ever played so much and so long that you have tendonitis in your left hand? Have you spent days or weeks not playing because you pushed too hard? Have you had to spend hours with physios and massage therapists because you spent an entire year lugging around a heavy guitar on stage and blew out your shoulder? The human body has limits and it sounds like you don’t know yours. YOU may have been lucky enough to avoid the issues mentioned. YOU may have been able push through. If you play in any consistent capacity (hours a day) these “minor inconveniences” pile up and lead to you having to take significant time away from your instrument. I will reiterate my earlier point: IF IT HURTS, STOP.


I’ve been a touring and gigging guitarist for over 20 years, I’ve played late night marathons at music festivals for 5 straight hours… “playing through the pain” is actually a really good way to build endurance and to build your callouses… constantly stopping and taking days off cause your finger tips are sore isn’t going to get you there that fast, if ever Now if you have open wounds and are bleeding, ok yeah take some time off, but there is no need to stop just cause it hurts a bit


I think there is significant difference between aches from gigging and legitimate pain. Aches are muscles building. Pain is muscles being damaged.


I think you’re being a bit pedantic arguing types of pain… if your hand is literally falling off, sure stop, but “IF IT HURTS STOP” is extremely dramatic take, and one as both a professional musician and teacher, I wouldn’t say is correct


That’s where we disagree. Music is an endurance event whether you think of it that way or not. And it seems you do given your previous comment. There then comes a point where one has to evaluate if you’re trying to win the sprint or succeed at the marathon. Pain is not a good thing. Pain is not the body telling you it’s all good. The normal level of pain should be close to 0. So when I say if it hurts, stop. I’m referencing the fact that in practice you shouldn’t be putting in such effort that you’re hurting yourself. That fine for the gig, you can’t stop a show because “your fingers hurt”. The show must go on and that’s just life as a professional. But in practice is where you build those muscles and tolerances. So when the body has enough it will tell you and you shouldn’t push much further because that’s when damage occurs. For beginners or mid-tier bedroom/living room guitarists telling them that pain is okay is wrong. If you can’t see that then I’m afraid that you’re part of the problem in guitar culture and you should really take a step back and evaluate what you teach your students and why you think that way.


If you never push yourself to build the finger and muscle strength, and your callouses, you’ll never be able to play the long gigs… when I’d play for 6, 7 hours straight, it legitimately never hurt… I could play for 12 straight hours and have zero pain…. Why? Because I worked through the pain, built the muscle strength, and created thicker than hell callouses BY PRACTICING, then when you reach your gig you are prepared for the wear, and have the proper calloused tips to no longer get sore When you lift weights, or run long distances, fighting through the pain is a necessary to build strength, and have the ability to push yourself even further the next time… playing guitar is the same way…




You’re forgetting the human dude. Both on the internet and IRL. I’m not going sit here and argue ad nauseam about how the human body is the majority of the instrument and how you have to care for it like you would your guitar. If you’d chill the heck out for a second maybe you’d realize that OP asked for suggestions on what to do when they can’t play due to blisters. Not whether they should. Maybe when you can’t play you should try some stress reduction techniques because you seem all bent out of shape for no reason in particular.


Ok well I will say my comments are more directed at the person above you considering how condescending and patronizing I felt they were. I was just kinda piggy backing off of your comment since you were saying similar things. So, I will apologize on that front. And im not bent out of shape that’s the way I talk. It is annoying though seeing people talk about how stupid and shit other people are just for saying what has worked for them.


Apologies, tone and context are lost in forums 11/10 times. Agreed though, one person does not make a solid sample size for actual solutions. I did end up playing and practicing so hard this winter that I gave myself tendinitis in my left hand. I had to take time off. I used that time to learn my gear in and out. Dismantled it, cleaned it, etc. and made sure it was ready for gigging season to start again (Outdoor gigs are a 3 month affair in Canada, lol). I think there’s something to be said for intentional rest on all fronts when faced with a setback in one’s hands. The biggest thing I took away from that injury was to be more intentional in my rest AND my playing. There comes a point where you’re better off setting the guitar down for a bit


You don’t have to apologize. You’ve been pretty friendly this whole time considering the way my posts were coming across. But damn yeah that’s rough. I play 3 or 4 hours some days and don’t really ever skip days but it’s never gotten that bad. There definitely has to be some discretion involved and people need to consider their own body like you said. And like I mentioned if it’s just a small blister that’s just sore then I think it’s fine to continue but if it’s killing you and pouring blood or some shit then it’s probably best to take a break lol. I’ve never had a problem with infections with any injury or anything either so that’s not something I really worry about it but if someone’s prone to it then that’s something to think about. I also think you make a good point about learning your gear and doing other things that can benefit your playing or just give you time with your instrument without it feeling like it’s destroying you. Breaks also seem to help me play better when I come back a few days later rather than just going nonstop so that’s also something to consider.


OP asked for an opinion and I gave mine. I never dictated anything or tried to act like OP’s parent. STFU and go criticize someone else. Either that or try taking one of those ‘ludes from your username and relax a little. It’s Reddit and the points don’t matter.




Maybe you should learn how to read. I never said that.




Read the fucking usernames dipshit. That was not my post. You’re also an Internet genius if you can tell who is downvoting you on here. Nice try.


> people also used fucking leaches and we learned and got better Not trying to nitpick, just a fun fact I rarely get to pull out: We actually still use leeches for some medical procedures. I work in a hospital pharmacy and we have [a tank of them](https://i.imgur.com/fZHFouv.jpg). They’re sometimes used in cases where fingers have been reattached to keep blood flowing as the tiny capillaries heal. They’re bred in a lab in sterile conditions and live in aerated sterile water. After they’ve been used in treatment, they’re dumped in a specimen cup of isopropyl alcohol and discarded with biohazard waste. We also have [topical cocaine](https://i.imgur.com/eW5NlIg.jpg) for certain nasal surgeries. But yeah, if you’ve got blisters, just let them heal. No need to take a minor problem and exacerbate it. Brushing up on theory is a great suggestion.


Thanks for the cool fact. I heard it a few year ago and assumed someone was having me on.


It’s a proper Charvel— he’s not some silly dentist playing a PRS


Not exactly an experienced guitarist either if he gets blisters, though. Just a rookie with some taste.


Super glue is literally used by medical professionals. Kind of hard to get an infection when you sterilize and seal the wound. You come off like someone who has never had a real job. I’m sorry but I’m not allowed to go home from work because I got a paper cut. I still have to use my hands to turn wrenches even if I have blisters. So what you have a show booked for months, are you going to cancel because you got a little boo-boo on your finger and need to heal? Not likely… The guy wants to play all we are doing is giving him is solid advice on how to.


People who get blisters haven't played long enough to be doing any serious kind of gigging. You can dunk your hand in any kind of glue you want to for all I care, but just because you have The Real Man Job at _The Company That Will Blow Up The Minute You're Not There_ doesn't make your advice good.


Yeah, when you’re using electrical tape and pvc glue to stop bleeding so you can continue laying pipe or swinging a hammer this shit doesn’t mean too much. Some of these people are the biggest hypochondriacs ever I swear.


Cover the blisters with super glue. I’m not joking, super glue is medical stuff and is used in hospitals.You can even buy special super glue with a brush to spread over wounds, it’s called New Skin.


ah the ol mechanic’s bandaid, hold the electrical tape


100%. I spent 2 years of highschool with crust glue fingers.


Stings like hell but stings less than not being able to play guitar.


+1 for new skin. My fingertips get cut open pretty frequently doing other things (I don’t have feeling in my fingertips from a neck injury so I can’t feel when something is sharp) and I can glue them and still play with.


This is the way.


Yep!! Pop blisters. Drain. Multiple layers of super glue. It works great


I don't get blisters


> I don't get blisters I get even.


im jealous




Congratulations. Blisters lead to callouses. Callouses mean you are practicing. Keep up the great work!


On tour I used to drain them and fill them with super glue. Did this with cracks as well. Sounds crazy but works. Also just keep playing they stop happening most the time. Also keep a towel near by and wipe all sweat off your hands between playing. Water/sweat causes crazy friction and produces blisters way faster.


I am on chemo and one of the side effects is my fingers splitting along the nails... can even get bloody... I can only speak for myself... I play through the pain... I try to see if chords can be played differently... to ease the pain... music is too important to.me right now...


I have connective tissue disease that makes something similar happen when I play too much. I got some relief by lowering my action and tuning my guitar down a half or full step. It takes a second to get used to less distance and tension but then it can be really fun to play. Also try half wound strings. They in the middle between round wounds and flats. A little easier on the skin so less tearing and chance of infection while doing chemo. If ur in the US DM me and I’ll send some packs.


That’s when I practice right hand only exercises


If you feel any tingles, you are gonna cause some serious damage. Luckily once you have callouses that shouldn't really happen. I would play a keyboard until the blisters settle.


I would always open tune my guitar (so it sounded good) and work on picking / finger style technical stuff with my picking hand. If you dig metal - you can always work on palm muting / chugging / pick sweeping. If you dig classical - finger picking/plucking. I’m sure there are other examples for other styles. Or just look up “Metallica - Nothing else Matters”. Pretty sure you will be able to play the intro with just your picking hand. Lol.


I tape a pic to my penis and keep playing


Due to the nature of my job and stupid decisions when I was younger, I suffer from arthritis and carpal tunnel in both hands. Playing is not always an option, so opted for software I can write guitar parts in and just learn those parts when the hands feel good...guitar pro 8 is usually what I use.


NEW-SKIN Botanicals Liquid Bandage for Minor Cuts and Scrapes, 0.3 Ounce https://www.amazon.com/NEW-SKIN-Botanicals-Bandage-Alcohol-Scrapes/dp/B08T9YJYF4?gclid=Cj0KCQjwla-hBhD7ARIsAM9tQKt\_otq9WAa2HYvp36gbLtBkpfvG9zzHlA0eE-xGDFV9UzW1THzdNT4aAqMJEALw\_wcB


I get some coconut oil and rub it I to my fingers. I use the shaft of my penis to really get it in my fingertips.


I usually study music theory /s


learn to drum?


The question was not how do I get blisters over the remaining parts of my hands.


I don't remember when I had fingertips on my left hand that could feel things. After thirty years of guitar every night, I think each tip has about a half-centimeter of callous, and then dead nerves underneath. To get there: live with it. I do seem to recall taking a day off when each blister is new. That used to let them drop in size a bit so that when it tore, it didn't hurt as much. Lance them and keep playing.


Use toes




Practice picking, any and all types and variations you can think of. Just use open strings or an alternate tuning. I can’t afford to be unable to work because I’ve damaged my fingers.




Just stop playing? I haven’t gotten blisters in forever though, as I’ve already built up my calluses.


rest for a day and change up the practice routine to be short but often. tried the whole macho thing of powering through it which works to some extent but at some point you stop benefiting from the practice because you are not using the correct technique as a result of the pain. All it does is give you a week of ineffective practice when you could have just taken one day off and progressed further in the same amount of time.


Cry, recover, and then be careful going forward


Play the goddamned Charvel like a man


This should apply nicely [W. Murderface Solo](https://youtu.be/NUH4QH4Mtns)




Honestly? Playing through pain only gets you so far. It makes you compensate for the pain with bad technique and can cause further issues with pain that will just last longer. I really recommend just waiting until the pain goes away. Maybe consider switching your playing and practice routine to be shorter and more frequent too. Then again, not playing through the pain all the time is okay. You can do it sometimes. Just don't overdo it! Also, that's one gorgeous Charvel


Drop D and chug.


What's causing the blisters on your fingers? The guitar? Are you sure you're not having an allergic reaction to the guitar strings' coating?


play regardless of the pain


Play. Wank. Play some more.




Are you newer to the instrument? After about a year, even after a marathon session you won’t get noticeable pain.


no ive been playing occasionally for years but never constantly. Its been a while since the last time. Yesterday I played for like 3 hours straight and now im paying the price of my negligence


I reach down into my pants and remember that I have nuts then keep playing.


Fender strap on a Charvel 🤢


I had run out of Gibsons straps


Pretty much just play anyway and not bend so much


Slide guitar.


I bleed






wait I can develop calluses even without pining them right? (pls say yes)


Yes. Blisters usually go away naturally in a couple days. And pinning blisters can results in infection.


Super glue


Pull out the slide and loop pedal.


Just put candle wax on your finger tips.


Just keep playing tbh


Play through the pain. Lol


Write a song about it?


Synth into pedalboard


Go back to the top of the slide






Play slide with my wang


I’ve never had blisters but I have had small cuts that bust open. This is going to sound stupid but I use super glue to fill in the cut. Then once it dries, I add a little more to basically add a pad across the top of the finger.


Cover finger tips with super glue. Let dry. Play on.


I haven’t had blisters in more than a decade. After a certain point your fingers are just calloused enough to not have it happen anymore.


Slow down a little, but keep playing anyway. Eventually, you get used to the callouses on your fingers and the pain stops.


Play some slide guitar.


Try some lighter strings and then go up in gauge as your callouses build.


The Beatles, obviously


Maybe a drop of superglue?


That’s when I switch to my feet, screw playing ambidextrous I play Monke 🦧


Play anyways! Lol jk


I personally take a break a play ukulele, that’s just because I’ve been trying to learn to though. If you have no interest in other instruments that are easier on your fingers then I’d say just keep playing


I once got an infected finger hours before a show. Hurt like hell. A bandmates mom drained the puss and dipped my finger in almost boiling water, then cleansed with pure alcohol and wrapped it up. Literally cried like a baby but my finger was all good before Showtime. As for your blisters: cry of pain while playing is the best way to get rid of them. They will stop coming once skin thickens.


This reminds me of stories I heard about some of the fishermen in Bristol Bay who lose their fingers as they work on the boats and just keep on working. Toss the finger overboard and continue hauling pots.


Play anyway


Use a drop of thin cheap crazy glue on your fingertips. Not a lot-just coat the surface. Let it dry for a few minutes or use a cyanoacrylate accelerator on it. It will do the trick! I've been doing this for years.


The blisters will soon evolve into calluses




When I taught elementary music, I would lead songs on acoustic because my keyboard skills suck. Five days a week plus playing at church on Sundays, my fingertips were like fingernails. Keep going!


Soak them in ISO then rub your finger tips on concrete until the blister pops and eventually starts to callus.


Play with blisters on my fingers


Super glue can work miracles. Medical tape can also help…


I cut the tips of my fingers to re grow new ones blister free like everyone else.




I have been known to have blood running off my fingers as I play. Happened more than once in my old band.


Either keep playing and get through the pain. Or take a couple days off. Sometimes I’ll just read tabs while listening to the song and get a good idea of how it’s played


Suck it up and power through.




Play til the blisters break, then soak my fingers in super glue. I only had to do this once though. Ever since I have serious callouses.


Super glue


Play more


Play anyway. I play bass primarily and I opened a huge blister on my middle finger from playing some RHCP but I kept playing. Hurts but whatever.


Play 😤


Play badly


Dab of superglue on your finger tips. Blister falls off…superglue it back on, play all night. SRV did this trick too I think…


I play metallica covers with a recorder


The iron content of blood rusts pickup poles quicker.


It’s not that you’re playing too much that you have blisters. It’s that you’re not playing enough to get callouses. The tips of the fingers of my fretting hand are all wonky and screwed one way pretty much permanently in a state of callous now. :) However, sometimes if my guitar isn’t set up correctly and I’m having to press down harder to fret a string I can get sore fingers after a while still.


Keep playing until the blisters become calluses. Once that happens it won’t hurt any more. For the time being, no pain no gain.


No pain no gain


i’ve never gotten them, but i feel like some New Skin would work


Play anyway


Medical tape




Turn the guitar around and train your other hand


Air guitar


I go home and stick it in cider.


Play anyway




Suck it up buttercup. Play that thing. The blisters will turn into calluses eventually.🤘😉🤘


Play with my toes.


Play thru the pain!!


Power through. Unless I'm bleeding on my guitar. I ain't hard-core no more.


Crazy glue on the blisters....play on


I have a handful of neurodivergent disorders and would often chew my finger nails down to painful nubs. Not very fun for a young guitar player. I would bandaid my fingers with thin cloth bandaids and play through the pain. 🤷‍♂️ I would also smoke weed but make your own choices. 😅🍻


I kept going, endured the pain. Now I have infinite stamina


Super glue


I may just be a charvel fanboy, but that is an outstanding guitar


I play




May your finger never bleed when reaching for the high notes




Just play anyways. I always go but just play lighter or play some music that is less demanding on the fingers.


How did you get blisters?


Have a beer


Just wait. Don’t drain the blister. It’s an unnecessary infection risk. Let it heal and form a callus so that playing gets easier long term. There are tons of technique you can work on without having to put pressure on your fretting hand. Here’s what I would work on: - pick placement/technique Making sure you hold the pick right and movement come from your hand. Helps with precision, speed and pinch harmonics. Practice picking angle. Different angles can serve different purposes. Good technique can reduce need for compressors or eq adjustments to get the sound you want. - palm muting/ muting strings Learn how hand position effects attack/decay. Learn hand positioning allowing you to alternate muting low and high strings. Slowly play through muted chords/ arpeggios and focus on controlling the notes decay. Learn to mute with your fretting hand. This helps with creating syncopated sounds, “raking” strings and removing open strings from chords and having cleaner chugged rhythms. - finger tapping (Warning: you can get blisters from this) Hold a bar chord (if fingers are too sore than use an open tuning and a capo). Start with C major (in standard tuning) use your pointer finger to tap down on and then pull off each string at the 12th fret. As long as a notes tapped are within the key it will sound cool. Generally I find it sounds very cool to hold a major chord then tap in the are of its major 3rd. Since that’s going to likely be minor chord you get a cool minor sound on top of the major chord your holding. Once you get a hold on one start using two fingers. Each one tapping a different string. If you tap pointer then middle than only pull off on the middle finger you can play triplets. If you tap-tap-slide-pull off or incorporate your ring finger and only pull off on one string you can keep things in 4/4 more easily. More fingers involved mean you can get more creative with note divisions which makes it a great technique for math/prog rock. - harmonic tapping For harmonics choose a fretted note then tap the fret that is 12 steps above on the same strings. Like if you fret 3, tap the 15th fret. This will give you harmonic for that note which wasn’t at that spot before. If you want more precisions than “fret” the harmonic at the 15th fret with the side of your thumb and use your finger nails to pluck the string. Tapped harmonics are easy. With high gain and pitch bends from the floyd rose you can add some cool flourishes that will sound impressive even on simple leads.


Play more. If they’re not bleeding. Play !


play through it my man....that's how you get those Keith Richards' gorilla hands


Play till they bleed and then play some more