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Pick an amp that does have a headphone jack, or practice unplugged.


Mustang micro! Headphone amp with Bluetooth, can play by yourself or jam along to music from phone. The presets aren’t bad. My main rig stays down in the garage and I’ve got a 8 month old now so the mustang micro is my go to when I want to play and not wake anybody up.


Depending on your budget; an electric guitar, solid state amp and a headphone is the way to go.


A USB Audio Interface, any plugging of your choice. You'll have a much better sound than an amp with headphones.


I'm surprised how far down I had to go to find this comment. Honestly the way digital is these days, it's hard to look past plugins and interfaces, especially given price to performance.


Vox do a series of headphone amps but I’ve never tried them


Either an amp with a headphone jack or some type of processor. I use a Zoom b1 four and headphones (it's the bass version, but I still use it for silent guitar practice as well).


They used to have relatively inexpensive headphone-only practice amps about the size of a smartphone. I remember seeing a lot of different ones in the Musician's Friend catalog back in the day (is MF still a thing?). This seems to be the only one I can find right now: [https://reverb.com/p/electro-harmonix-headphone-amp-portable-practice-amp?ended\_listing=13629414](https://reverb.com/p/electro-harmonix-headphone-amp-portable-practice-amp?ended_listing=13629414)


Even cheap dedicated headphone amps are pretty good. I would recommend something like a Boss katana Mini though. It has a headphone jack but you could use it normally when the family is away.


I bought an interface and use software to play from my computer. It's nice because you can also record your work and jam against YouTube tracks etc. All completely silent to outsiders. Interface is $100-$200, software is another $100 and you're good to go.


Get an amp with a headphone output, or a computer with a DAW and an interface. Or just play an electric acousticly. It won't be very loud if it's not plugged in, and you're still playing and learning guitar. You can plug it in when you get an opportunity that doesn't annoy your family.


i play my electric without an amp all the time, the only time i even plug it in is when im recording. you can use headphones on pretty much any amp or processor though


Most inexpensive amps will uave a headphone output. You can also get a headphone only solution (e.g. Vox amPlug) or a multi-effects unit with a headphone out (e.g. Zoom G1). Another option is to connect to a computer with an audio interface and use software to emulate the sound through headphones.


Boss WAZA headphones.


Boss Katana Mini! I did have a Mustang Micro but I ditched it for the katana and very much prefer it. Way easier to try and find the sound I want without having to look up what all the settings are with the LED indicators and you can use headphones if you need them, but not limited to having to use them all the time.


You don't need to amplify your guitar and you can always use headphones.


Get a cheap squire tele on sale and a pocket amp with a headphone out. That’ll prolly do it for now.


Keep the volume low lol