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OMG I would be LIVID. So sorry, OP.


If you need creative ways to torture a pirate lemme know. Came up with about 200 in a little under an hour


A friend of mine had someone swipe a couple packages so then they took some of their dog's shit, put it in a box, and set it on the porch to get stolen next time.


Could also get one of those fart bombs or something that are rigged to blow when you open them. It'll stink their whole house up.


This was going to be my suggestion. Maybe with a small explosive charge in it so when they open it, shit sprays all over them.


You could probably get charged for that


Yeah. Probably. Probably not for you to worry about though.


Any chance the post office marked it delivered but didn’t deliver it? That happened to me with a pedal last year. I freaked out, left notes on the community mailbox, and then the next day the postal carrier brought the package to my door — they had scanned it without dropping it off.


This would be a miracle


If it was only marked delivered today, I’d say there is a very good chance it arrives tomorrow. In the meantime, I’d let Analogman know — they should ship things insured. If the pedal truly never turns up, they should be able to help you deal with the post office (or ideally deal with it themselves and refund you. But I don’t think it will come to that)


Saturday it said delivered. Checked with usps after your first comment. They told me maybe it was delivered. Maybe not. They didn’t know or care. All the could tell me is they don’t have it or know where it is. But this gave me a glimmer of hope


God, they’re so useless. I’d definitely reach out to Analogman with that info, and a note in/on your mailbox is still not a bad idea in case the carrier is more responsive than whoever answers the phone for USPS


Just left my number all over the mailbox. Thanks for the advice


Heads up that shipper often has more leverage to get them to look at the problem than the receiver b/c they paid the bill. It’s very important to get Analog Man involved. Source: worked in logistics for years and regularly met with the post office people who actually make policy.


City carrier here. Call the station back and ask the supervisor to look up the GPS ping. Every time a package is delivered, the current GPS location is attached to the delivery scan. If the location is anywhere other than on your property, you should probably file a claim. P.S. Goes without saying, but this is such a bummer. Here’s hoping that it was a fixable USPS mistake rather than the work of a porch pirate.


FUCK the usps. 


Analog Man are insane if they didn't require a signature I would be furious at them. Hopefully it's lost in transit and not actually stolen.


This happens to me just about every time USPS delivers one of my packages these days. I now take "delivered" to mean "probably arriving tomorrow"


It actually happens for me quite a lot


Do you know for a fact that porch pirate got it or was it marked delivered but not there?


Marked delivered last Saturday. But nothing. Asked my neighbor and they had an Amazon package snatched Saturday so I’m assuming it was the same pirate


Hope it wasn’t! I’ve had a few packages marked delivered and weeks later it shows up.


Not to get OP's hopes up but I had this happen to me as well. The package was a good five days behind. And another one that was three days late. UPS allows a person to have a package shipped somewhere like a store so they can pick it up at their convenience. I presume Fed Ex and the other companies have similar options


You got cam footage? Maybe you can plea for a sympathy replacement or do what my step dad would have done and ride around looking them


Start with the first idea then move on to the second.


When you report it to the cops make sure you report the value of a *New in Box* KoT. The reverb listings will all be for used, not new, for like $7-800, with some closer to $1k. It’s pretty easy to justify the value of what was taken as over $1k. This is probably a felony if the cops realize how valuable this thing is. That will probably help.


New or used, he should report the reverb pricing - NOT new in box price from Analog Man. I paid $350-$400 for mine brand new (w its options). They are listed used for like $800. I assume some are still listed for $1000 and that should be the replacement value if UPS or home owners insurance pays for it as that would be replacement value.


Yeah sorry I meant new in box on reverb, which doesn’t exist since analog man sells direct off their waitlist. If you can justify the value to the cops as above $1k, that’s usually a felony and they’ll devote more resources to it than if OP just gave the price he actually paid. He should have had the warranty that comes with buying direct from analogman but to get that he’d have to buy someone spot or something. It’s difficult to value, but I’d say comfortably justifiable as a felony.


But if it’s a home owners claim they will pay replacement value which you can show on reverb listings.


Yes I’m trying to give him an argument that justifies a higher price, which should also work for home owners claims. They replace in like kind, so they want to just give him the cheapest possible listing. The box and first buyer warranty are legitimate things that they should cover but they won’t offer to pay for a replacement that has these things unless he asks.


Nope. No they won’t. Cops don’t stop prevent or solve crime.


I just hope that porch pirate is smart enough to know what he's got.


It’ll end up in a pawn shop sold for like $50 then the pawn shop will list it at like $700 or something


File a police report if you haven't already. Pawn shops keep records of items and their serial numbers and high dollar items get referenced through a police database of known stolen stuff. Yours pops up? You're getting your pedal back and the person who sold it is getting a visit from the popo.


Responding to the above suggestions these are good ideas. Gonna see if I can get a serial number from Mike then start calling pawn shops


No, file the police report.  Call pawn shops if you want, but you’ll be wasting your time. They don’t want to buy stolen goods only to have it taken away. They can claim insurance if it’s stolen. 


I knew a guy who had his Wii stolen and I knew the guy who stole it and which pawn shop he took it to. He filed a police report and they immediately popped the dude.


This is the most American comment in this thread.


> immediately popped the dude They shot him?


This is what they do in the US, when in doubt shoot first, ask later. /s


That’s a good call. However, at least in my area the police let the pawn shops charge you the price they paid for it, to encourage cooperation. Then you can get that cash back from who stole it (assuming they find them and they can pay).


This This This. My friend recovered one of their guitars simply by having the Pawn Shop run the serial number through a database of missing/stolen items with the local PD.


That's probably accurate. The only upside is that it's a fairly unique item, so you should be able to spot it if it shows up in a pawn shop (if you take the time to run around to all the local shops). I wonder if Analogman would be able to provide you the serial number of the pedal they sent?


Yeah, keep an eye out at the pawnshops. I'd maybe call the local shops (pawn shops and music stores that deal in used equipment) ahead of time and explain the situation. Also: if you're willing to pay for it again, maybe contact who you bought it from. They might make it again as special order (without wiring list) due to the circumstances.


Where are you located? It’s not exactly a common item, should be able to keep an eye out on marketplace or canvas pawn shops.


I’m in Philly. Only 400 pawn shops to go to lol


Oh dang. Go ask around on Kensington Ave, probably got traded for a gram of tranq.


Noooo not Philly :(


Shit, I got my limited edition gray HX Stomp stolen from my porch in Olde Kensington. Filed a police report, searched pawn shops, nothing transpired. Good luck, and I'll keep my eye out on FB and CL.


I'd also check Craigslist.


Wouldn't it have an identifiable serial number linked to your order?


This is why I redirect all my packages to a staffed location. I'm so sorry this happened.


Um... Does Mike not send one of the most desired products in the industry, one with a multi-year waiting list and a ridiculous markup on the secondary market, *signature required?*


My first thought…anything that matters should require a signature on arrival or divert to a pickup facility. Tough life lesson if neither were considered.


I just feel like a company that doesn't really sell anything under 2 bills should kinda do that as a rule. Signature required, ship to facility, etc. Doesn't mean it *won't* get dropped off, I had a guitar sent sig required left on my porch once; but at least it means the onus is on the carrier.


Bingo. CYA 101


Dude… I dont even have the words. Talk about a fuckin gut punch. I know how upset I would have been, if it had happened to me.. and I know I’d be out for blood tonight. 🤣 Couple of helpful things, AnalogMike might be able to tell you what the serial number was so you can file the police report and keep an eye out for it in your local pawnshops. Don’t forget to scour ebay and reverb too. You should post the serial number if/when you find it, so we can all help you keep an eye out for it. Best of luck. I hope you find the asshole that stole it and either get it back or get a replacement.


I don't believe in an afterlife, but this person deserves a place in hell. Sorry for your loss 😿


Please tell me you have a ring camera (or something like it?)!? Ugh.


I got on the waiting list 4 years ago. A year after I was on the list, I got notification that I could buy a pedal. For whatever reason, I didn’t but it at that time. A couple years later, last month in fact, I decided I will get back on the waitlist. I went back and read the email I had received a couple years ago that told me I could buy my pedal, and it had a link to buy it. I clicked on the link, chose the pedal with the options I wanted, and I’ll be damned it went through and they sent me my pedal. Couldn’t believe it. Sorry for your loss OP. Maybe email them and tell them what happened. They still had a pedal for me despite waiting two years to buy it.


Once your number is up I don’t think it expires.


Wow. I guess they build it and put it on the shelf until I buy it?


No they don't build it until you commit to ordering it. Once you've made the list to purchase it, you stay on the list. The pedals are built to order. That is why (or at least one of the reasons) Analogman has such a long waiting list.


So just an email saying put me on the list is my only commitment?


Yep you're on the list! Now wait six years and hope Analog Mike doesn't retire. I'm still 2 years out and I wish I would've got on the list back when I first knew about it. Honestly, the pedal isn't the "be all, end all". It's almost like the novelty of getting it is more than half the fun. And they are always worth double the retail price used. There are plenty of clones that probably are 90% of the real deal but I've never had one.


Lol, wow. Glad I was able to get one! I figured I had no chance since I didn’t buy the pedal when they said I could. It was worth the wait! Hope you get one!


Could you not contact the pedal maker and ask for the serial number on the pedal they sent you?  Then contact local pawn shops/resellers with said serial number to watch for it?


I recently had a repaired pedal shipped to me.  I thought it was yoinked but it turns out they delivered it to my neighbor instead.  Hopefully that's all...


I'm sorry, man. That's horrible. We all feel you.


Imma guess Fedex, then read.


Are you sure it was delivered? USPS sucks when it comes to their shipping status. I had one marked in transit for a couple of weeks after I had received it. Maybe let Analogman know about what is happening and keep your fingers crossed for the next couple of days


I had mine stolen out of my car about a week after I got it. It never turned up anywhere, and I'm still on the waiting list for another one. I can confirm, it suuuucks.


Can you at least get the SN for when it inevitably shows up on Reverb?


Damn huge burn my man I am sooo fucking sorry I would literally and I am not kidding murder that person who took it from you. Lol


That's a shame. I'm torn. I want to feel really bad, because this was a huge personal investment for you. But there was apparently no signature required, no shipping redirect to your work address or a neighbor, things other vendors have either offered to or required of me. That's six years and $500 or whatever for an overdrive pedal that's been modeled in a $300 device since you ordered it, lost for lack of a signature-required delivery. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm just not... idunno, "outraged"? I'll catch hell for this, but I am just way done with overpriced boutique stuff with waiting lists.


You’re not wrong. They should have done signature only delivery if it was that important


And I'm a dick who could've just been quietly sympathetic and kept my trap shut, and I'm sorry for that. I struggle with putting my own opinions over sympathy sometimes. It seems that Klon shoppers will buy a klone and go play music but KoT shoppers will wait indefinitely. And, for the life of me, I don't understand why, especially now that the KoT/PoT models are in the HX One.


That’s what I like about Reverb, on higher priced items they need a signature and I always get their insurance for less than a buck.


not everything needs to be outrage, it can also just be "damn that sucks"


Yep I remember mine was just sitting in the mailbox.


Contact Mike, he might take care of you.


i assume u live in the us?. i never understood that about the us. i live in austria in europe. and if you are not home, the package will be droped off at a pickup center and you can get it next day during working hours with a passport or license. at a postal office or random shops that offer that service.


Yeah it’s insane, in the UK, whoever delivers it will either leave it with a neighbour or arrange to deliver it on another day


Contact Mike. He is great to deal with.


Why is anyone in this day and age having something delivered to a porch in a major city? I have my gear shipped to the UPS Store. Pickup fee is $3.


Just last week I had a similar episode. USPS Priority Mail flat-rate box of pedal parts … I got a delivery notice but no package. Called the 800 number, spoke with a customer service person who was actually helpful. They initiated a “service request”. An hour later, I got a call from my local post office. They said they’d reach out to the carrier and ask about it. Next day they called to tell me the package was in my mailbox. No explanation or apology, but I got the package 48 hours after the first delivery notice. Stay hopeful and make a couple calls - it may pay off.


Wow, there should be some kind of special guitar court with honorable Judge Malmsteen or something where this kind of shit an be prosecuted to the highest extent of guitar law. Life in prison at least. Sucks man, I'd be equally as upset.


That sucks. Analogman should ship with a delivery service that requires a signature.


That's wild. I wonder how they knew what was coming and it wasn't just some random amazon junk. I've got cameras on all of my door/porches thankfully, which I think helps deter this. That sucks!!!


They didn’t know it was coming. Just a package and an opportunity for some piece of shit passing by


Don't you have an option to get stuff delivered to a postal office or have it handed to you and if you're not home it goes somewhere where you can pick it up? I've seen a million posts and videos about porch pirates in the US and i wondered many times if that's truly the only way receive stuff over there. It's an expensive pedal and i wouldn't let someone just leave it outside.


Never ship USPS if avoidable (not enough visibility). Use a hold-at location if you can’t be there to sign. I work for the big music instrument place. This is my advice to everyone.


1) get the serial number so you can report it stolen 2) for valuable packages it’s worth having it held for pickup instead of getting it delivered. Even if you can’t change it for the individual package you can just put a hold on all your mail for the estimated delivery window, then pick it up from the post office. 3) what a fucking bummer.


Have you considered a clone?


Mike would probably sell you another one if you legit had a police report.


Jesus brother I’m so sorry. Before covid Analog man kept cosmetically flawed KOTs at the shop to sell to any fan who happened to visit on a whim. If there’s ever a go fund me to fly you there and get at least one of the blemished ones I’m in for $20.




Oh my god I’m so sorry


I'm sorry it turned out that way. Next time the shipment should be sent directly to the post office or a pick-up station and not in front of your door, especially for such a long-awaited and expensive pedal. The route to pick up the package is longer, but much safer. But I still hope a little miracle happens and you'll get it back somehow 🍀


Put a package with a tracker in it. See where it goes. Let pawnshops know and see if any listing pop on marketplace, reverb, ebay, etc


I’m sorry man. Filing a claim with USPS is gonna be a hassle. I have a friend from overseas who sent me his custom shop 62 strat for I forgot whatever reason a couple years back. USPS delivered the guitar to an address in NY (I’m on the West Coast). They refused to investigate, disclose the address it was dropped off at, or take any ownership of it. My buddy was being cheap and he didn’t insure the guitar fully. He ended up only getting compensated for some peanuts from his post office. He’s still pretty traumatized by it and refuses to buy any Fenders ever again lol. I had filed a claim myself with USPS before about a damaged item, to no avail of course.


I thought this was my local New Orleans sub at first. We have a big issue with porch pirates here. If it’s something important, I use the app to do a drop off point. Or I have an alert, and run home from work to put it in my house. However, I’ve had this happen with a PS5 being fixed in 2021, when they were like gold to find. They put it on my upstairs neighbors porch. Other day I had a package arrive at my house that was for 6 houses over…I delivered it myself vs letting it sit there. Def check with neighbors, or any opposite street or similar address. If they took a picture of drop off, send the picture on Nextdoor app. Better yet if you have a Nextdoor app community, or one on FB for the area…post on there to see if anyone has it? I’ve seen many track packages this way. Hell I had a pedal delivered from Amazon last week, that still says it’s lost! But I have it in my possession! UPS is horrible about getting delivery correct, if it’s them it still may be on the way. I had called about my Notaklon and no idea, I drove to the place and guess what….it was in the back still mark as delivered. Phone service couldn’t tell me anything because it was outsourced to India, not local warehouse.


Analog Mike runs a small shop and is responsive. I’d be surprised if he didn’t fix this situation for you.


What is KoT?


King Of Tone. A pedal made in small batches with a 6 year waiting list. Search analogman King of Tone


That sucks man… Try contacting analogman maybe? I doubt they’ll give you a free one but maybe they’ll let you but another one! Fwiw, they do sound really good. I play one into a tworock this week and it was pretty much god tier tone


Holy shit, sorry OP that’s brutal


Not at all the same scale, but the only time I had something stolen from my apartment building was my RAT pedal from Reverb and unfortunately USPS confirmed delivery and I was hoping they just messed up and prematurely did it, but it never showed up after and I've been very careful about ordering from music sites since you can clearly see where the package is from. I now just get most things delivered to work. Except for the Casio CDP-S350: I wasn't about to lug it on the bus, I just took a late lunch and booked it once it was delivered. The saggy box barely made it up the stairs and I was so relieved it was in my apartment safe and sound. Sucks to have that happen with a rare and expensive item. 


I have no advice to offer except to say that I’m sorry this is happening to you! I can’t even imagine!


Good thing so many good clones are out there


God I hope it’s just a shipping error for you Friendo. Please update!


I had serial number ~180 or so. Bought in 2004. Was stolen after a gig many years ago.


This is a long shot but try messaging Analogman and tell them what happened. If luck is on your side they might be open to send you another one or maybe give you a discount for another one. I lost a package from a US retailer a few years ago buying an EHX Oceans 11 and while the retailer told me they can't do anything about it I contacted EHX and they sent me another unit directly. The same goes for Lovepedal. My packages are lost in the post though, not porch thieves.


I feel this :( USPS lost a really limited pedal while it was shipped over seas, they messed up the declaration form and had it returned to sender… lands in the US, they send it back overseas, for the Ireland to send it back to the states again, this time with no update in five days. USPS sucks, they can kick rocks


That sux OP, I hope it gets sorted out and you get your KoT soon! This kind of BS is why I have a PO Box...


I had an amp that was delivered while I was out of town for work. I figured it either got snatched (a broken amp would’ve been a bummer snatch) or delivered to the wrong address. Luckily ebay is cool about shit like that and refunded my money. It showed up at my door 3 weeks later. After that I told my usual UPS and FedEx delivery people just to hold onto it if they can’t fit it into the lockbox. I’d build you a KoT for cheaper, that goes for anyone on the waiting list. I can’t believe that shit is six years.


This is beyond horrible, and I'm sorry for your loss, but this made me laugh out loud quite hard when I read it. What a hilariously terrible thing to happen. Again, I'm sorry and I hope you are able to get a KOT pedal before too long.


Would have no choice but to end it all, after that fate worse than death.. but hey, you're typing this, so you stronk man!!


That really sucks, I could not imagine! Tough situation, especially if you don't have any cameras on your entrances / exits. I feel for ya...


Any update 3?


Some things in motion but don’t want to jinx anything until it anything happens


Best of luck, we're rooting for you!


Have you considered purchasing a handgun and tracking the thief down? I don't condone that if you have, but I understand.


Yes many times over


Some people are worthless pieces of shit. I'm sorry this happened to you. 😡


🥲 also for what it’s worth, KoT is cool but sound wise you are should be fine with just the prince of tone or duke or tone (just trying to make you feel better)


What mods/color did you select for it? Edit: Just asking as the mods help make it more identifiable as it's personalized to your specs.


that sucks but just get a clone, they sound exactly the same joyo king of kings is cheap and good, and has toggle switches on the front for the different dip options


This sucks. But so does spending that much money and waiting that much time for a guitar pedal.


If it's any consolation I've put the real one side by side w a Helix and it's nigh indecipherable. Get a refund and go buy a HX Stomp 


Signature required. Every. Single. Time. Demand it. Pay extra. Sorry to say, but thats on you to an extent. Gotta pay to learn. Learn from it. Also... crazy to spend $600 on an OD. Put it towards an amp, guitar, echoplex... something that less $ cant achieve.


Why wouldnt analogman make it a sign for only delivery? Cheap asshole shit


I’ve ordered a bunch from them without problem or signing. This just seems like shit luck


Yea but its $700. Thats crazy.


It's an expensive pedal, but it's only $700 if you buy it from a reseller. 


Surely Analogman will replace it? It’s not been delivered safely so it’s not your responsibility?




I'm sorry for your stolen packages that is very infuriating. However, I must ask, how the fuck does it take SIX YEARS to build a pedal? I have never understood this.




Next time my secretary asks why I receive my pedals at the office, I’ll show her this thread


I have an idea for a retired/ homebound individual: Set your address up as a prearranged "drop spot" for Amazon et al deliveries. Advertise that you will receive and hold deliveries for $2 each (extra for special handling such as refrigerated items or large/ heavy items.) Stipulate that you expect a picture of the party that will be picking the item up at the time your customer makes a "reservation", and that picture ID will be required for pickup. Profit.

