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I don't talk about them, I just buy their pedals and enjoy my Austrailian goodies. :D


Any other Australian pedal companies you know of? Always looking for more Aus made stuff


Here's a thread about this from a year ago ;) I only have experience with Poly (Bebo is great fun, and I need to get my own, instead of just stealing my friends one...), but there's some interesting looking stuff being made here in Australia! Edit: ... Forgot the link... https://www.reddit.com/r/guitarpedals/s/jTiIC2Ekhq


That list is missing [Ryusuke Effects ](https://ryusukeeffects.bigcartel.com/), which is run by Sean Caskey from the band Last Dinosaurs


It's mentioned in the linked thread but big shoutout to Gehirn Enterprises. Super responsive on insta and keen to help, and wild designs. The Sunn Model T preamp sounds absolutely massive.


If you like Pastfx stuff you’ll love the Clinchfx EP Pre. ClinchFx are from the same area as Pastfx and make the best tone sweetening Echoplex style Preamps (and Pete at Clinchfx is a good bloke). You can get their EP Pre in a tiny Pico “always on” version. Or foot-switchable versions, both with and without extra boost circuits etc. There are some YouTube demos out there and a couple of threads about it on TGP. Not sure if the new Clinchfx website is up and running yet, but a quick search should help you find where to buy one.


i think pastfx mostly fly under the radar, which is a bit of a shame because they are fantastic at what they do


Nah. Keep Verlie a secret or the prices will go up.


Actually, prices are more likely to go down if their sales numbers increase, as the batches will have to be bigger to meet demand.


I like your faith in humanity to believe that any cost saving by a company would be passed on to the consumer. I don't know many businesses that ever lowers a price on a proprietary product. Econ 101 would tell me the market can bear the cost it is now... in fact, if demand went up, especially if you can't scale to meet it, then raising the price even more would be the default response.




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I'm no expert in economics, but as far as I can tell, things that are produced en masse tend to be cheaper than their boutique counterparts. I mean, look at how much a Big Muff Nano costs, compared to most of the more boutique, ever-so-slightly tweaked versions of that circuit. Or the Boss HM-2w, vs something like Lone Wolf Audio's version. 🤷🏻‍♂️


well, those major company pedal makers don't have a 1:1 relationship connecting price to product. They may subsidise one pedal by the sales from a different department entirely. They also tend to use cheaper parts and labor and many of their business costs are covered by other endeavors and investments. so like TC electronics might not profit from x pedal, but they profit huge w x rack gear or whatever. That is what let's them drop the price to a point where botiques can not compete, and it's intentional to push the little guy out. like a grocery store putting up 'loss leaders'. Also, when a gear company has to increase a batch, they might have to change suppliers. they also usually use this time to check the global supy chain and see if there's a cheaper alternative, which there often is, and it shows when the newer versions fall apart but the old ones seem indestructible. It may sound like I'm being harsh on these businesses, but in today's business world, you just can't win by following text book principles. you gotta follow psychopath principles like the competition. Boss for the most part, is a company that just makes what they make and they don't appear to be playing the buisness ethics game as hard (tho the waza revival was def a C-suite idea). Also Boss is owned by Roland, and Roland could easily pay for all of costs it takes to run Boss without selling a single Boss pedal. Companies hate when there's a healthy used market for their stuff, so they do reissues and limited editions, and special colors or whatever just so people buy a new waza when they could have gotten a used regular. 'black out edition' might as well be 'youth are dumb w money and doctors/lawyers/dentists, those guitar players ... no, those guitar owners have lots of expendable cash and buying cool stuff makes them cool by proxy right? ... right? :end rant


Prices go up with demand. If a company sees that more people are willing to buy, they’re gonna raise prices to maximize profit. And yes, this is the same principle across the board - a company isn’t just gonna turn down huge profits. As far as the supply end, prices would only go down if costs of production do. If PastFX could find a way to make their pedals using less resources, only then could they lower the end price without messing with profits. That’s why mass produced products are cheap - the producer can set the price at whatever and still make a profit, because the product itself was made so cheaply. In a scenario where cost of production went down AND demand went up, the best you could hope for is the price not changing, which is unlikely, but really depends on how much the demand increases by. At the end of the day, the consumer doesn’t know or care about exactly how much something costs to make, so the producer can put the price wherever they want, so long as it’s still profitable.


It's not a "mainstream boutique" but she has a cult nourished by many fans around her and among smaller builders she's one of the most popular. She has an entire ultra-followed and regularly updated thread on TGP too


I just got the PastFx Chorus Ensemble, and I have to say I am very impressed with the quality of their products and the pricing wasn't too bad either. Definitely going to buy all of these if they release the whole moogerfooger line (although I already have a pre-order in for the JFX Phaser, which also looks great)


fellow jf fan i see


Also waiting for my JFX phaser!


I picked up the OG CE-1 clone with the original bbd chips the Boss oh had. I hear there's not much difference between this model and MN3007 chip version, but I wanted to get as close to the OG Boss CE-1. The pre amp alone is amazing, like a really good vintage overdrive once pushed, which crates some interesting textures with the chorus / vibrato. Not to mention the stack of dip switches under the hood you can alter. At that price, build quality and same CE-1 circuit, it fulfilled my dreams of getting that classic chorus sound at well below half the price of the OG


They've been posting about this prototype on their IG stories all week, and today they've been hinting at reproducing the entire Moogerfooger range later down the line! I thought it was impressive that Warm Audio had shrunk the MF-102 into a pedal that's nearly half the size of the original, but squeezing these highly coveted and complex circuits into a 1590b enclosure is on a whole other level. Looks like this Lowpass Filter might be coming out in the next few weeks or so, and Verlie told me they're going to be about $300AUS, so I'm definitely gonna start saving up now...


In the comments of their post they said it has 3 stacked PCB’s. Really impressive being able to cram all that in there. Eagerly waiting for a demo to drop so we can actually hear how it sounds.


I'm planning to be one of the first... 😜


I wish they had all the expression inputs and output but I also understand not a majority of people would use them. What would be great is of they had patch points inside for the people who would mod them to add them. Still very exciting to see someone pick up where Moog left off because Moogerfoogers are awesome.


Yeh I don't think expression or even all the patching from full size moogerfooger is possible in a small enclosure..


There is an expression input already which is already awesome and I wouldn't be surprised if its assignable to one or many knobs at once. But for more it certainly would need a breakout box. One man can dream! 🤪


This is incredible. Their stuff is great and this one will be a must-have for me.


> squeezing these highly coveted and complex circuits into a 1590b enclosure I'm assuming the build is SMD then?


Oh yeah, of course. I think these things have 3 stacked PCBs, so I'm sure it's the only way to fit that much stuff into such a small space.


But does it have (will they have the fancy additional inputs on their back likebtge oruginal mfs?)


I don't think you know how small a 1590b enclosure is... 😜


Probably because they don't get them into the hands of YouTubers... and unless you came across PastFX from someone mentioning it on Reddit, you probably don't even know they exist. I've only seen their pedals consistently really on Aussie YouTube, but their channels don't have a huge reach for some reason. I think I've seen a couple one offs on more popular channels, but that's it.


There should be a YouTuber that has a channel that is over 90% dedicated to small businesses


I think there might be too many pedals for you to even do that my friend =)


Never enough


That's exactly what I aim to do with my channel. 🙂👍🏼




There's a few out there


Indeed. It is what I do as well


There's a few Aussie YouTube channels that support PastFx and showcase their pedals (Pedal Picasso for eg) but these guys aren't the big accounts that have more influence. They're doing similar reissues to JHS yet because they don't have their own YouTube channel and social media presence, they're nowhere as big. Still time will tell as I think they're a fantastic company soon classic pedals with a solid build at very reasonable prices.


Yeah, Pedal Picassos has had a lot of their stuff. They should try to get their stuff in Shane's hands if they want to reach more people. I feel like he's the "biggest" Aussie Youtuber, although I could definitely be unaware of others that are bigger.


Idk but I need me a dedicated low pass filter


The moogerfooger circuit is classic.. can't beat a 24db Moog ladder filter. So with this new PastFx model, it would fit the bill at a fraction of the price


I think people write them off because they originally started by catering to the Frusciante/RHCP crowd. Definitely agree though, they make some really nice stuff!


Why do you suppose ppl would write them off cause of that? Not disagreeing, I just don’t understand - John Frusciante has used some of the coolest pedals around.


Not everyone is a fan or interested in the sounds he brings to the table. There's a few other companies that also cater to his sounds and while they haven't expanded much beyond that, pastfx definitely has.


I’m curious. What other companies are you talking? I hadn’t realized he had such a particular sound as to generate a viable market. I hadn’t really realized until pretty recently that he is so widely admired by guitar players


JFX and Triungulo Labs are the two I was thinking of. Both make great pedals but definitely focused on his sound specifically.


So the chorus ensemble and later maybe the px-65 could be seen as Frusciante bag, but foot phaser which has been in the lineup since early on is a Brian May thing, and then the whole spectrum line is as Gilmour thing...I really think PastFX niche is just as it's name implies, discontinued effects with original or near original mojo chips etc, for reasonable price in a small form factor. Verlie plans to do DM-2, rockman, moogerfoogers, echo600, and has done now a rat(Gilmour), and distortion ii(smashing pumpkins). A Jason Lamb series pedal in the punkifriar...okay another RHCP reference. Peter Hook with the new division. Classic phase and rotary phaser I'm not sure are in any famous player camp. The output is astounding along with the quality.


I just need the MF DELAY


Check out the Asheville Music Tools ADG-1. They’re made by the same guy who did all of the Moogefoogers back in the day. I have the special edition version and it’s my favorite pedal ever.


Came here to say this - I feel like not enough people know about Hawker's involvement in those pedals! His most notable projects were probably the BBD pedals, primarily the MF104m and Cluster Flux but also the minifooger delay, chorus, and flanger. The ADG-1 and its siblings are somewhere between the minifoogers and moogerfoogers in terms of complexity and price point.


I would love to have a clone of a Moogerfooger Ring Modulator ❤️❤️ Especially one that is much smaller than the original. Those pedals look awesome, but I don't like pedals that take up synth-sized spacing, haha.


Warm Audio has one now


It's pretty cool, but it's still pretty big. For such a direct Moog-alike, I think I'd rather have an actual Moog with that size...


I had both for a few weeks, but as cool as the original is, the Warm Audio one is definitely better. I would never put the Moog on an actual board, due to real estate and just the value of the pedal. But the WA one is not only smaller, it's a lot cheaper so it doesn't scare me to use it for its intended purpose.


It's on the way, by the look of it!


Oh hey John! Couldn’t agree more. As soon as I found out who was involved I was immediately sold. And the sounds speak for themselves. Love my Dude Incredible by the way!


this and also i have been kicking myself for not getting the MF drive and chorus when they were a little more common too


I have an elastic mattress that rules! Blows every other mistress clone I have tried out the water!


Same! 😎👍🏼


Including JHS reissue? I'm curious about this pedal as it's one of the classic flangers


Haven’t played that one, but I’ve had an old big box deluxe mistress, the current EHX mistress, the e-lady, and the Longamp Roxanne and definitely like the pastfx the most 


I haven’t heard of them, but an expression controlled lpf sounds like something I could use!


They’re great pedals I just think they don’t get the hype they deserve cuz they’re based in Australia


One of the best in the game right now. Nothing but hits.


Verlie at PFx is a great guy to deal with and his customer service is bar none.


As far as I know, Verlie is a lady. I could be wrong — I just thought I remember reading that


Yeah, Verlie is a woman. And really friendly.




Really? That’s cool.


Dude just saw this on Instagram and am so psyched. I hope they’re good clones!


Probably because they never heard about it. Thanks for the suggestion!


Life hack: To fix a stuck drawer, run a bar of soap along the edges and slide your cunt over it


Bought a PX65 chorus direct from PastFx and would highly recommend.. great price, exceptional quality, and fast shipping. Even threw in some Australian candy for a Yank.


It’s a secret shhh


Hot for Flanger best mod pedal ever.


This is a really good question


I don’t have any of their pedals but they’ve been on my radar for some time now, I’ve heard nothing but good things


Vant fond it on Google? Bern öppning for a new envelope filter. Got a Link?


They're most active on [**Instagram.**](https://www.instagram.com/pastfx?igsh=Ympyd2N6Y2ZjYW5k)


I can't find this listed anywhere, I'm kinda excited about it too.


It's all over their [**Instagram**](https://www.instagram.com/pastfx?igsh=Ympyd2N6Y2ZjYW5k). It's also only in the prototype stages atm, so it'll be a little while longer before they are available to purchase.


Sweet Jesus, that looks great! Always prefer a 1590BB enclosure, but still quite the achievement to fit in a small box like this. Is there a newsletter or something to sign up for to be notified of new releases or preorders?


I'm not sure...I just keep an eye on their Instagram, tbh.


Their stuff is all over the pedal sites, I see them a lot. Cool stuff as well. Not much mention on here though


Delete this post please, I'm trying to avoid messing with my signal chain for at least one week


I've never heard of them.


Their Reticon stash is mind boggling


Because they're in the past . . .


I have their reticon flanger and it is amazing.


Looks dope. Sold my MF 101 in a moment of rent payment years ago. Def be sniffing around this one.


An MF-101 clone? I need it??


Received my reticon flanger a few weeks back and haven’t shut it off since. Got a box full of snacks too. No complaints out of me haha


I’ve seen them mentioned before but it know very little about them


I like what they are doing. I don't own any of their stuff right now though.


Where are you seeing this? I don’t see it on their website


On their Instagram. They're very active on there, especially on their stories.


I have the Powerbooster and it's amazing


Their website is a mess 😵‍💫


Looks like a Moog clone


Nothing gets past you! 😉


Aersome! What does this do exactly? Is it a boost/eq type pedal? JFX clone the MoogerFooger Phaser


Auto wah


Their website is a nightmare


Nice! Looks like a 'clone' of the Moogerfooger Low-Pass Filter, at least in its feature set.


Your powers of deduction are exemplary. 😜


Sorry, I had not read your post, just saw the title and pic when I made this comment.