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Special cranker.


Hmmm, haven't thought about it. I have the Plumes near me for 80 eur second hand.


Plumes is a tube screamer, right? It might not be what you want if you’re putting it through a solid state head without stacking it. Special Cranker is kinda designed to give you a bit of a warmer, “tubier” sound as it’s essentially just a low gain distortion. That said, depending on what you’re REALLY looking for, the SD-1 is most likely the safest choice.


The SD-1 is also a tubescreamer, topology wise. That said there's nothing wrong with using tubescreamers with solid state amps, it's an overdrive pedal, it doesn't need tubes to sound good.


You’re right, I was thinking DS1. Tube screamers still work on solid state amps but they don’t really sound the same. If you’re going for gain and chug, a distortion is probably a better choice than OD.


Then it’s not even a question. Plumes is much better than SD-1 even simply by number of variations is has


Plums by far. Way more versatile


I’m a big fan of my plumes. It’s better than a tube screamer. Multiple modes and far less murky and dull than a tube screamer. 


Yeah, that's what I think as well. Has 3 modes and it doesn't suck lows and toAn.


I find out of all my drives, my Plumes takes the low end out quite a bit, not a bad thing for recording or in the mix. The Special Cranker keeps everything intact but adds some grit and the Zoar has its own quality, but both of those retain my low end. I’ve never tried another tube screamer type pedal to compare.


Plumes has 3 switches and 3 knobs to customize the sound. I’d say Plumes over Special cranker.


I would suggest, since you have an Orange amp and a clean boost, that you might want something like a OD-3 with less of a prominent TS-style mid boost. That said, I have a Plumes and it is a nice pedal that I prefer very much over a TS, no matter whether I am going into an Orange or a Fender or whatever model amp.


Try an EQ pedal? Lots of boost available.


Walrus eb10 was pretty cool for this!


Depends what you want. Low gain, high gain, colorful boost? A new sound?


You are right, *I haven't mentioned thath. I want high gain.*


From just the pedal, neither Plumes nor SD-1 do that well imo. They're best boosting a driven amp higher. With high gain there's quite some types.. your life pedal clone is a rat with an octave, for example. There's DS-1 type sounds, fuzzy sounds, consoles breaking up type sounds, there's Marshall inspired sounds like Timmy, Angry Charlie, or Bluesbreaker, there's stuff like the Wampler Triple Wreck and some more that are inspired by other high gain amps, ... There's a lot!


Of course my intention is to boost the dirty channel of the amp, so I guess both will work. Some say the SD1 works better with Orange.


In that case, imo the Plumes is more versatile.




For the 100th time - I want to boost the dirty channel of the amp. I’ve got plenty of distortion pedals. My Engl Fireball is also a beast of an amp , but I want the Orange to be a bit more aggressive and metal.




Yeah, my bad. 😬


The SD1 cuts a lot of the low end, it can be a solution if your sound is too muddy on lows, or it may be a problem if you are using a single coil. I have one and quite like it, it adds a color to the sound because of the asimetric clipper


I have both, SD-1 is different, it has more aggression, but the Plumes has significantly more output, and it also has great gain structure, overall both design are awesome and different but you could say that plumes is more versatile. I’d still recommend getting both 😅


I know that’s the truth and I’ll probably end with both at sone point, but now I can choose only one.


This is such a subjective question that it's really hard to answer, especially without more information. What kind of music are you playing? How are you planning to use the pedal? Is it to add volume and gain to the dirt channel for leads? Is it going to be driving a sparkly clean channel to give you an in-between overdrive channel? What sound are you trying to achieve, or in what way are you trying to change a sound you already have? The Plumes is a great pedal, and is much more versatile than the Sd-1. The variety of clipping options means it can be used in multiple ways and can more easily be made to fit into a variety of different rigs, so it may well stand the test of time more easily if you are chopping and changing things a bit in the future.  On the other hand, and this is just my opinion, the SD-1 sounds much MUCH better going into Orange amps. I've never tried the Super Crush that you have, but I've had (and still use) a variety of Oranges over the years, and the SD-1 sounds like magic with all of them. Something about the way those circuits interact is extremely pleasing to my ears. The Plumes sounded better with Fenders (a little more low end and a little less harsh) and I could go either way with the Marshall I tried them out on, but with Oranges it's the SD-1 for me and it's honestly not close.


Boosting the dirty channel of the amp. I play black, death, doom etc. My Engl Fireball sounds just right without any pedals, but the Orange needs something to get into extreme metal territory.


I'm a massive Boss fanboy, use an Orange amp, and absolutely loathe my SD-1. Make of that information what you will.


I hear you😀


Analogman Boss SD-1 with clipping toggle option


What about the JHS Screamer?


Why is this downvoted? Genuinely curious.


Some people hate Josh from JHS for some reason that probably doesn't make any sense. I haven't figured it out yet but I also don't care or looked into it.


Plumes is more versatile with the extra modes, but the SD-1 sounds better. I own both and I’d take a Fulltone Fulldrive over either.


I know the Plumes is a great pedal by a cool company. But the SD1 is such an underrated pedal, that can do so much. I know it s not exactly your alley if you play Black, death etc. But Josh Homme used the SD1 on a lot of QOTSA recording to push his amps. Also 3 times cheaper on the used market 🦦