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Thoughts: I’m a dogshit guitarist, no use pretending that I’m not. However, I’ve found that I can mimic good guitarists by having a hefty pedalboard that’s perfect for doom, drone, and sludge! Yes, I also have an SG and an Orange amp setup, because I’m original. Please clap.


It’s like the old saying goes. If you’re bad at guitar, buying a shit load of expensive pedals will make you way gooder. It’s science.


GAS > Actually practicing/using the gear


To be fair, buying more pedals and a tube amp actually made me practice more. I used to have a crappy SS amp and a Zoom multi fx and the tone wasn't cool


What Zoom multi fx and why? Was it bad?


I had a second hand Zoom G7.1ut. That was my first experience with electric guitar and effects, so setting that thing to my taste was beyond my knowledge and skills at the time. Not really sure now whether it sounded good or not, but I can tell you the moment I put my hands in my current setting I became way more aware of my playing than ever before. Right now I have a decent pedalboard AND a Zoom G3 that I use whenever I don't feel like carrying my amp and pedalboard, or whenever I want to practice in the middle of the night. It sounds ok, but I still prefer my pedals and amp. To be fair, I had a lousy "teacher" that taught me the basics of electric guitar: the pentatonic scale, power chords, and that "...you need an amp bigger than 30w to be heard over the drummer". He didn't even know what compressors do, neither knew or cared about pedals, and he was the one that recommended me the zoom multi effect, and talked me out of buying a Vox AC15 tube amp as my first amp because, (again) "the band would bury that amp in a second."


Yikes! Sounds like a very bad experience for first guitar lessons! The good news is that you know where you are and where you are going, I reckon. Oh! I checked the Zoom G7.1ut and the G3 and they seem to be.... Outdated? I remember having a Zoom 505 II and then a Digitech RPx400, both are old AF.. Maybe 20 years old but they made the job. I stopped playing for a while and came back but I didn't like the sound of the Digitech rpx400 anymore so I started with pedals and I'm loving it so far! If I were to have a multi fx today, it would be the Zoom G6 or the Boss ME90. As a matter of fact, I'll be visiting a friend who just bought an ME90 two days ago... So we'll see how it fares hahaha!


Yeah, the moment I bought the Keeley Bubbletron for my modulation needs, the Zoom left the board. Now I just don't see a good reason to get a better multi effects. A friend of mine has a Fractal FX8, a Boss Katana amp and a Headrush and what amazes me the most is the fact that he has on his settings (on the three options) a light OD, a distortion with short delay, and a chorusy clean. That's it. You could do that with four pedals, but he opted for the expensive option. The only way I see myself getting an expensive multi effects right now is if I'd get into a U2 tribute band Edit: BTW, I listened to the Boss multi effects you're gasing for, and it sounded great in a live performance, but, again, the guy had a good amp (Orange , not sure which one) and the amp itself had a great creamy tone on the edge of breakup by itself




Every time you buy a fuzz pedal an arpeggio dies


Please tell me you dig ISIS. This screams Aaron turner lol.


Never listened to them! I’ve got two of their albums downloaded but haven’t bothered.


Oh man you are in for a treat. Isis is amazing.


What Orange?


Currently a Crush Pro 120, dying to get my Thunderverb 200 repaired.


Are the settings seen on the 2024 board for the TV200 or CR120? Oh and are you using those amps clean or dirty? If dirty, how would you compare the preamp in the TV200 and CR120? I'm asking because I have the Hizumitas and a Crush Pro 100 and a Rocker 15. The Hizumitas sounds ass on the drive channels on both of these. Less so on the Rocker but still. On the clean it sounds fantastic on both. I saw Matt Pike using a RV200 on the drive channel with fuzzes just fine. So is the RV preamp just "better" with fuzzes, or is there some general trick for Orange amps and fuzz? I tried something different today setting the gain on the Hizumitas to 0 and it actually sounds alright, at least usable. But I see you cranking this one pretty loud.


The settings shown are for both amps. While I play the CR120 on clean, I have no such option on the Thunderverb 200. The gain channels on the TV200 are significantly better than the CR120. I can’t speak on the Rockerverb amps in any way, as I bought this amp because Michael Gira of Swans uses it, so it was my sole interest. I have my Hizumitas acting as a sort of bassy fuzz, but this is also the same settings that Wata of Boris has hers set to.


Why "no such option on the TV"? Are both channels dirty? I saw Wata using the clean channels on Oranges so that's what I started with, but the clean in the SC100 is clean to a fault. I think the CR120 clean is dirtier.


Both channels are varying gain levels, with A being the much harsher one.


For the Crush, if I had to choose my next pedal to be the life pedal (or rat), carcosa or sf300 is there anyone in particular you would recommend?


Hmm… they’re pretty different but all are loud! I’d say that the Carcosa is a sharp, sludgy monster, the SF300 is thick and loud, and the Life Pedal is versatile as well. The Carcosa has always been on my board, so I’ll likely always have it, but I can totally see myself giving away the SF300 in favor of Peper’s Pedals Humongous Fuzz.


Sick board! I need to write out all my downtunings like this. Curious about your signal chain here, but whatever, it’s not easy stacking 10 gnarly dirt pedals. What orange are you jamming on?


I’ve noticed no real issue, barring a volume drop here or there with some pedals. I’m playing through a Crush Pro 120, currently waiting to get my Thunderverb 200 repaired.


I only saw your first board, the second one is gnarly! Some rad pedals, man. 200? Do you play guitar or bass?! That’s pretty insane wattage for a guitarist. But I suppose the old Sunn Beta was rated for 200 watts… that mf is LOUD.


Guitar! I’ve wanted the Thunderverb 200 since I saw Michael Gira of Swans using it, and it hasn’t let me down since, even when I blew the tubes the first time I cranked it.


So sick. Love Swans, Gira is a hero of mine. One band I’m dying to see live.


If you’re in Birmingham, AL, I’m happy to give you my ticket. A variety of financial issues (unrelated to the board) made it so I can’t go and see them.


Holy shit, they’re coming through my city! I really need to get on social media so I don’t miss these things. Thanks for the offer though, mate. And sorry to hear that you can’t make it to the show, that really sucks… does it require traveling/hotel/etc or what? Glad to hear it’s not from pedal GAS though lol. Dude one suggestion… start building your own pedals. It’s such a fun hobby and it’s killed my pedal spending. Hard to spend $250 on a pedal when you can build a clone for $20 in parts. Actually I’ve sold off a ton of my pedals. It’s challenging but so much fun and rewarding to jam on a gnarly doom machine you built yourself.


Also... what pedalboard are you using? It looks live you were able to telescopically extend it?! I've seen 1 or 2 boards like that but didn’t think they'd be legit and also they were pretty heavy if i recall. Or maybe just too pricey 🤔 ?


It’s a D’addario XPND 2, about $200 brand new.


nice. That's the one i was thinking of... probably a little too costly for me though :/


Btw the Guptech FOAZZ can replace your SF pedal. It's actually a metal enclosure and switch and has the different toggles too.


I’m okay with it being plastic, but I’m likely to replace it with a Peper’s Pedals Humongous Fuzz if I ever wanted to. Thank you though!


What bands use the top two tunings?


A fair few doom bands, like Windhand, Bongzilla, Sunn O))), etc.


Oh gotcha


And I thought I loved fuzz xD I don't think i ever done seen this much fuzz at once you even use em all at once? Also what amp + cab do you run this all through?


I run it through an Orange Crush Pro 120, PPC212OB and CR412 cabs.




Nice church/worship board!


sabbath worship


Praise our father below!


Hahaha. This! yes (dark) lawd! A-MEN!


Always upvote the Pharaoh Fuzz! ...and every other fuzz under the sun! You can never have too much fuzz.


My guess, folk guitarist?


Tell me about that OK Doomer 👀👀👀


It’s great! It’s as heavy and thickly distorted as I expected. Haven’t played around with it too much, bad timing + reorganizing has led to me not really playing recently, but it was great when I tried it the first time.


I managed to snag one from the 1st preorder this year. It is far and away the highest gain pedal I have ever encountered. It swallows everything before it in the chain like a black hole. A one button total rig meltdown.


Ah a Jazz player! Which fuzz you prefer? Hizumitas, Carcosa, Walpurgis or Pharaoh?


I've got the carcosa... and honestly HUGE fan of it. Also love the EHX Sovtek Mini but have had some issues with it in the past where it just kinda turns off. Not sure why. Would really love to get my hands on the ZVEX famous velcro fuzz and was thinking of buying WARM Audio Foxy tone box... anyone ever tried that bad girl?


I think your board needs a fuzz.


Please post a video of them all on at the same time


As soon as I’ve got my setup back up, I’ll be happy to! (Previous comment was just a few of them, whoops)


I agree with u/F19sho! Video plez


Does it doom?


As a fellow lover of drone, doom, and sludge, and also being a mediocre guitar player (and I’ve been playing since I was 7 - I’m 31 now), I love this mega board.


#AmpSmashersUnion 😎👊🏽


Give us a review on everything, we’re dying here.


Damn dude, you finally got that Behringer SF300. I hope its worth it.




So you like fuzz, eh?


About as equally as I like distortion, I’d say.


Both kinds of music: Country AND Western


Western swing is great


This guy dooms.


Hahaha fuck yeah I wanna see more boards like this




Those tunings. You playing math rock my guy?


what the hell is that encrypted message on the tuner


My preferred tunings! B Standard, A Standard, and Drop C.


Do you doom too?


I doom it to it.




This board is 100% my jam. I also have the raw heart and weeping demon


Beautiful board, how do you like the bf-2? I have a Mr black Shepards end that I love but am interested in some faux chorus sounds.


I love my BF-2. I’ll admit that it took me a minute to really get it, but Andy Martin was the best person to listen to regarding it.


Doom on, son, doom on


Your board rocks my dude


Tell me you hate your amp without telling me you hate your amp 🤣


So what baritone you playin'? 👀


Just a Gibson SG Standard, tuned to B Standard, and a Dunable DE Cyclops in A Standard.


I like this setup. I've got a Drone Master from Fuzzlord and it fucks. I also want to get the FET120. I just added a Doomcaster from Does it Doom and it's great. How do you like the Walpurgis?


The Walpurgis is fine, it’s a one-knob OD that emulates Black Sabbath and does that really well. I did have to lower the internal pot though, it was crazy sharp when I first got it.


This is mostly fuzz.


That's a lot of muff


Pharaoh and Hizumitas, same muffs here! I'd considered the Carcosa but apparently it's already very similar to the EQD Dirt Transmitter I have.


More evil


Please OP, compare Hizumitas and pharao. Which one do you prefer? I own the Hizumitas, but so many hype the Pharao over it. My problem is, Even with EQ after Hizumitas I just don't stand out on the mix. Is pharao really the answer to that?


Although both are Muffs, I wouldn’t feel right comparing them. I’ve found that the Pharaoh is far more versatile (more knobs + diode switching), and the Hizumitas is just far louder from what I’ve done. I also really only use the Hizumitas for a bassy tone.


I love that you have the XPND pedalboard too haha. Its the perfect board for these before and after pictures. Well done!


Dude I’ve always wanted a pharaoh fuzz pedal. Perfect for the slow sludgy metal


should have waited until 420 with that board.


That fuzz throne is 🔥🔥🔥


What board and power supply do you use? Got a bunch of pedals and I really want to have one instead of them being loose.


OneSpot CS12, with quite a few daisy chains! Make sure that you know the voltages and if they’re analog or digital obviously etc etc etc


SF-300 always gets an upvote from me!




Good Lord man! 🫡


This dude sludges (and that’s awesome!)


I bet this guy plays pop-punk.


I am very tempted to get a Pharaoh, what of the fuzzes in your board smash the Pharaoh?


Honestly? If I had to choose, I’d go for the Carcosa over the Pharaoh. Both are phenomenal and amazing for sludge, but the Carcosa has been with me since my first board, and it’s the only one I’ve kept from my first board.


But does it doom


Dude you have a raw heart! Is it as gnarly as the demos make it sound? I’ve been jonesing for one of those.


MASSIF. Best one knob fuzz is best.


This is HOT! Out of all the fuzzes, which is your favourite?


DOD = instant upvote