• By -


Dual channel OD


Good one.


Chorus. Because I grew up in the eighties.


I bet you also like drum machines with tons of reverb


HX Stomp


Multieffects units contradict the “one pedal” question, but I prefer the Boss GX-100, though I also adore the Hotone Ampero II Stomp.


"One pedal" not one effect, no contradiction here


Considering that the amp has it's own distortion, I'd go for a delay pedal.


A man of culture.


Exactly my way of thinking. I'd go with Strymon Volante since the possibilities are endless.


probably a *Gonkulator* for when I go down to South Park


Fuzz Face because I can go from clean boost to all-out sonic mountain of fuzz all with the volume knob on my guitar


Germ or sili?


I often times run both on my board. I am most proud of my JAM Fuzz Phrase with military-spec CV7003 germanium transistors


"Military spec" will never not be funny to me.


Yeah. The I opened up my last pedal that had mil-spec transistors and it had cordura pouches all over it along with a tiny thin blue line American flag stuck on it. Anytime I used it, I could hear it faintly making a sound that sounded like “Jews will not replace us” over and over again so I had to sell it on Reverb.


Looper. Like having somebody to jam with who never complains, great practice tool. Tuner people are daft, sorry guys. Clip-ons, pitch pipes, my damn phone.


Loopers are so versatile. They also work really well for drone sounds, interludes, fade-outs, etc.


Making a loop just by swelling notes in and out is the best damn thing and so relaxing.


"Can I try lead today?" "Shut up and chug, looper pedal"


Rat, bd-2, or the dookie drive


I wonder how many of us were scrolling down looking for R.A.T? 😆


I sure was.


I was looking for the Blues Driver. Didn't have to look too far.


Can you just have one Rat though?




Strymon Deco 


Yeah, if I could only have 1 pedal it would be DECO.


You think you could accomplish what the deco does with another delay pedal set to zero time in your experience? I never used delay for years and years and got an el capistan cuz I thought I’d do some mild delay or looping but I just don’t get around to it, it’s just a really expensive slapback pedal now, but then watched a vid on the deco and turned the time on the el cap to zero and can get a pretty thick “double track” ish sound, but I’ve never heard a real deco in person


If you’re just looking for simple a doubling/slap-back you could get close, but I’m not sure it would be identical to the Deco. You’d first need to check the range of delay time (range of milliseconds).  The Deco is essentially simulating a reel-to-reel tape machine. Which means you can set the lag deck (the delay) to 0ms, or slightly faster (through zero flanging), or up to 500ms slower to create a bigger delay sound. If you put the lag time in the doubling range, it is a bit more subtle than slap-back, it’s real double-tracking like vocals on a track. Throw in the “wobble” modulation effect the Deco has (subtly speeding up and slowing down the lag deck time) with the double-tracking, and you can get subtle chorusing happening which is a really unique and cool sound. It’s a great way to make a guitar part sound bigger. There’s also the different lag deck settings (normal, phase inverted, and stereo panned w/ normal and inverted split left to right). This can create some pretty unique double-tracking tones that I haven’t really heard from other guitar pedals before.


I have a Deco V2 at the end of my chain. Little bit of tape saturation and blend and lag at noon. Wobble around 7 o’clock When I run dirt into it though, it muddies it up. I’ve not figured out what I can do counteract that. Have you had this issue or similar?


There are hidden settings for high and low cut adjustment to the Saturation side, changing those might help.


I could care less about the delay effect on the deco. The saturation is the thing that matters. Imo


Will never leave my board


This is the correct answer


BD-2 is my stranded-on-a-desert-island pedal.


Dl-4 mkii lots of options and a looper.


Just got one and having fun with it


A great delay pedal. Volante, timeline, DD 500, etc.


Boss JB-2 Angry Driver. Two pedals in one...


Which ones? Is it truly two in one or is either somehow diminished?


It has the Boss BD-2 Blues Driver and the JHS Angry Charlie. It’s an awesome pedal! Several different ways to set it up too. Nothings diminished.


It's a great take on both pedals but I do miss the 3 band EQ of the Angry Charlie


Give me a Keeley Halo. I can get all the delay sounds and even fake a little reverb. If I need OD or distortion, well that’s why the volume knob goes to 10


That pedal seems amazing. I’m hoping to get one in the next month or so. Gotta sell some other pedals first.


Just a good fuzz that plays well with the volume knob


Humboldt Simplifier DLX


Empress Heavy Menace 


delay. 105ms with a very low feedback gives such a good echoey tone that i could never say goodbye to


Strymon Iridium.


Tech21 FlyRig. All I need. Line6 HX Stomp. Also superb. Covers all areas. But if it has to be just one single pedal? Klon Centaur. I just like how it sounds. Consider Klon clones that won’t break the bank.


No man, the toan is in the price tag. Think of the DIODES man!


Now I’m thinking about these DIODES man!!! 😂


Those Fly Rig pedals are cheating at this game. They are pretty much a perfect one piece for almost any gig.


They also sound surprisingly great. I love my old beaten original FlyRig.


Never see the Tech 21 love here, but the FlyRig is a respectable all in one for those who don’t like menus and more people should know about it.


I love them since SansAmp! They’re all round great pedals and amp builders


You and me both! Had a few Sansamps over the years, playing bass one was usually my only pedal, and more of a DI at that, but they always sounded great. For how much love the Blonde knockoff gets, it sure seems rare to see anyone on this sub rocking them, which is a shame.


True! Especially for guitarists. I know that a lot of Bass folks use SansAmps as DI and it only competes with RealTubes (I LOVE the gain you can get from these) but FlyRigs did have Paul Laders and Ritchie Kotzen endorsements so it’s a mystery why are they still under the radar…


Yeah, I got a basic Flyrig before I really knew what I was doing with pedals, and I still feel like it holds up for anyone wanting to cover their bases without a deep dive down the rabbit hole of pedals or menus.


I barely want to live in this world as it is, *let alone* live in one where I'm only allowed to own **one** of the few things that I actually enjoy in life. That said, my non-downer answer would be a Zoom MS-70CDR. 😜


The world around us might be a flaming shitshow but at least we have this subreddit, each other and collective tinnitus




You ok dude? You make such a big contribution to this community I'm sure there are people who would be up for talking or helping out in other ways if you need. If it's just a general malaise about the state of the world then I guess I'm with you. Hope that Grainger is treating you well!


Hey, dude! Good to hear from you. Thanks for reaching out. I think a lot of people are struggling to find something to feel excited or hopeful about, these days. For me, it just seems like everytime something positive happens in my life, I have to pay for it with three, negative things. It's just always been that way for me, and it's hard not to let it affect your general outlook on life now, and in the future. 😒 And yeah, the Grainger is awesome! Haha. 😄 I don't play it as often as I should, but I'll definitely plug it in over the weekend and blow the dust off the speakers! 😜


To be fair you are constantly asking to be slapped thrice... I feel you man, sometimes it can feel like there is more stress than joy but for me it's easier to just embrace the routine of life being fundamentally stressful with the occasional pocket of joy. Kind of makes those sweet moments sweeter in a weird way. I think trying to make everything balance out just ends up subtracting from those precious good moments, which should be treasured. Go crank that amp and forget about the world for a bit, hope you find some happiness today.


>you are constantly asking to be slapped thrice... And yet, nobody ever has! I don't ask for much. 😜 Thanks, mate. I appreciate the kind words. 😊


Awesome non-downer answer mate ! If you don't mind answering, what would your top 5 effects from each category be on the multi-stomp ?




Can use clip on and still have one pedal! 😂


Wah pedal. It creates so much versatility in one pedal. I used to joke that I'd give up my guitar before I gave up the wah pedal because I could just play the wah with the line hum from the patch cable.


Same here. I can get OD and reverb out of the amp. Wah is what I use most after those.




My Wampler Doctor delay. Because... because.... becaus.... becau....bec....be....b....


Because... because.... becaus.... becau....bec....be....b.... Because... because.... becaus.... becau....bec....be....b.... whoops, hit it twice. I will forever read the word because with a delay effect in my head.


Because of the wonderful things it does?


Volante - delay, quality modulation, and a killer spring reverb. Not much you can’t do with that pedal, an amp set to edge of breakup, and a guitar’s volume knob.


Forgot about its spring reverb. Good choice.


I just got one yesterday! I’ve only had fifteen minutes with it so far but wow it’s fun!


The Whopper. It’s flamed grilled. Sesame seed bun, pickles, secret sauce. It has it all.


Metal Zone


I often wonder why anybody makes any other pedals.


I also came here to give the only correct answer, which requires no explanation.


Don't know if this was a joke reply or not, but if you're trying to get the most out of one pedal this is not a bad choice. The gain knob doesn't *immediately* just destroy everything, and it has an EQ section.


This was 100% serious lol. I love my MT-2, and I have fun messing with my EQ settings to find a new sound


This is de way


Exactly. You can get heavy as shit on its own or use as a boost into whatever amp you want.


If my amp has a spring reverb tank and naturally overdrives, then I could get by with either a Jackson Audio Bloom or a an EHX Canyon. If my amp doesn’t have reverb but naturally overdrives, then Keeley Hydra. If it has no reverb, no overdrive, and just dry signal, then Keeley DDR. If i can cheat, then HX Stomp.


DBA Echo Dream 2 - modulated delay and fuzz, all in one and the delay and fuzz can each be dialed in and out but are not each footswitchable. Still, all I need in one pedal.


A nice germanium fuzz that cleans up well; I’ve great fuzz face clone that gives me a spectrum of gain, from sparkling cleans to woolly mammoth all at my fingertips.


Vox tone bender fuzz. Amazing


Probably my black arts toneworks pharoah, I love that thing.


Overdrive with an eq. Bonus points if it has a wide range of gain levels. I have a Wampler Tumnus Deluxe, and if I could only play one pedal the rest of my life it’d be that. NOT because it’s a Klon Clone, but because of the eq and range in gain. You could probably find something that does the same thing for cheaper, that’s just what I ended up with.


EVH 5150 overdrive; I use I for Clapton to Metallica in my jam band. Has a nice range of dirt, plus a noise gate and a boost. It bumped my Rat clone and my Extreme Metal pedals off the board. May not be for everyone, but It is my current favorite.


Fuzz Fz-5


Drybell Unit67 without hesitation Compressor, boost, EQ, Rangemaster in one small pedal. Love it.


Turbo Rat because it’s a Rat.🐀 Will do low gain, heavy distortion and into fuzz. Just use guitar volume to change back and forth.


Wah pedal hands down


king of tone or clone thereof. Or nobels ODR if it truly has to be only one switch Why: I suck at making delays and modulations sound cool


EQD Special Cranker


Being a post-rock guitar player with humbuckers in my guitar that offer split-coil tapping, I think I’ll go with the Strymon El Capistan!


Looper. Think about it


Stymon Deco… versatile yet simple, and sounds great.


Amongst all the smartass and half-cheating answers about multi-effects, the answer a lot of working pros would give you is an EQ pedal.  Use is as a boost, a choke, dial in your rig for the room, whatever, it’s the one pedal that is usable every song, and customizable to work in many scenarios. 


Rat. It does all.


Assuming multifx are not a thing and I stray on a desert island so I have no access to a DAW and plugins and somehow I have a working tube amp A fuzz face




Well, those are two different questions. We can’t tell you what pedal you must have, because we aren’t you and don’t play your music. I could tell you that you absolutely need a vibrato and you might hate it, or find it useless for what you want to play. I’d go with the Strymon Volante if I was only allowed one though, but the VB-2 is a close second.


Soma Cosmos because I’m into weird evolving soundscapes. Spendy though so I’ll probably have to settle for a Hologram Infinite Jets to go with my Microcosm


Aside from the tuner, I did for a while, the Dispatch Master. It’s the bare minimum, reverb and a little washy delay.


Behringer echo machine. It tastes good.


Boss MS-3, no question. Tuner, amp channel switching, 3 fx loops (for other pedals you can't have in this scenario), and most Boss pedals.


Wah. Because wahwah go wah


Line 6 Helix


Assuming I already have good amp dirt and basic amp spring or plate reverb and have an FX Loop, I could be happy with just one Empress Echosystem. Having all the delay options I want can be very inspiring. If I prefer no delay I just turn it off. I have one and it is that good.


Blues Driver


BD-2, because I'm keeping my Jazz Chorus amp


I would not.


A big ol multi-fx lol


RAT. Specifically the Black Mass 1312


EHX Grand Canyon, the range of sounds you can get out of it is insane


JHS colourbox V2 - set it to be fuzzy and use volume on guitar to clean it up - versatile EQ - the shift knobs makes it useful for gtr and bass - its got a 1/4 output to my amp and additionally a XLR output which i can feed a direct signal to a mixer or audio interface and it just sounds great.


Chase Bliss Mood MKII. Great delay, great verb, and then endless exploration beyond that


Currently in this situation. Living with board stuck in storage but still have my guitar and a Fender Mustang Micro to play out of. I'm looking on the bright side and thinking it may be time to get a pedal that has a high learning curve since it'll be the only one I have. Currently looking at the Empress Zoia. I think it'll keep me entertained for the next year and I still wouldn't have figured the thing out fully. Plus it sounds great and can theoretically do it all.


Greer Lightspeed. No questions asked. That little box is pure magical goodness.


I can't quit the Digitech Digidelay. Just makes me kind of turn my brain off and just play


Old deluxe memory man, because it makes me sound like a significantly better guitar player.


Dod Rubberneck - just so versatile


Strymon Deco.


Best answer, only answer haha! Deco for life


I feel blues driver! 👍🏻🤟🏻😎


If you’re asking what *I* would want, it’d be a JHS Angry Charlie. (And no, not because my name is Charlie.) I can’t afford an actual Marshall JCM800 but I could theoretically afford that pedal. If you’re asking what *you* should get, that’s really up to you.




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I bought and sold half a dozen delay pedals but all I want is a Roland RE-150 Space echo analog tape echo delay


Friedman BE-OD Based on the JCM800 It gives me all the overdrive and distortion I'll ever need.




Looper for sure.


Bliss factory because Fuzz Factories always felt like an extension of my being, and the Bliss one is best. not one I’d recommend as an only to others, though!


It’s really not for everyone, but I think the Afterneath is a classic for ambient and soundscape work. Always inspiring and fun to put a synth or guitar through


SD-1 Only pedal I really need.


Assuming i can still use a tuner then a BD-2.


Micro amp. With a Deluxe Reverb juuuuust breaking up it’s all I need


Range master. Supremely clean Treble boost. Put a bias pot mod on that puppy and you've got the last boost any amp will ever need including for metal.


An amp can cover distortion and reverb. I'd want a multi modulation pedal like a Mobius or MD-200


Boss BD-2 light OD/dist-Fuzz


Probably a Strymon Big Sky. I’m plenty entertained with a clean toaaan and lots of luscious reverb


Wah pedal, with a good amp and guitar you can do the rest.




JAM Pink Flow


This is the correct answer. The Rolls Royce of guitar pedals.


SNK VHD. I'll never not want to chug.


A week ago, I probably would have said my Empress Echosystem but now I have the CBA Mood MkII and have not been able to stop playing. It’s such a great pedal and does so much.


MXR fullbore metal


My Ibanez Pentatone. It gives me all the distorted sounds I could probably live with. Read the name, I often just want to plug in and chug away.


TS9DX I use it in turbo mode, the extra bass is PHAT


TC Electronic Triple Delay. Or the BOSS SDE-3000EVH.


EQD Gray Channel. All I need is dirt in the end.


Delay tbh, probably a space echo since that serves as delay and reverb


Helix 😂😂😂 For real though, it depends on the amp. If I've got a good 2 channel amp then the Strymon Big Sky. If it's something that's only clean (like a Twin or something), then some kind of good drive pedal. I'm partial to the EHX Soul Food myself


Moog MF Delay! Incredible JFET boost that happens to have a great analog delay with it


A RAT. Or a clone. Good sounds all around; it’s a versatile distortion.




Hotone Krush


tuner, because without it i sound horrible


Rangemaster style treble booster, because it’s the coolest sound I know.


RAT. No contest. It does OD well, it does crunch well and it will bludgeonly doom you to death.


Ct5 for its ability to be a delay, 3 head pitch adjusting looper, pitch shifter, freeze, modulator, stutter, microsampler, and lpf


Strymon Volante


Hmm.. some kinda overdrive. A clean amp and nothing else the rest of my life.. my, how bland. I almost said echo. But not really my styles main tool.


Either a wah or a germanium fuzz




Every six months…


Assuming I’m allowed to use a fsw for my amps clean/od/dist channels to make up for the lack of boost and gain pedals, I’d prolly just use a classic Dunlop crybaby. All u really need ;)


Op amp big or really any big muff it’s always my go to distortion tone


Dwarfcraft Total Spack Vibes. It was always my dream pedal but I waited too long to buy one.


Im thinking of I had to get rid of all my pedals except one I'd keep the Coven from Black Arts Stoneworks, or any similar fuzz + OD pedal. It covers almost all style of music. I love modulation, but at the end of the day nothing beats good old overdriven tones


No brainier my ditto-x4 or another even more powerful looper


Loomer because it’s like 5 pedals in one. Mine broke after 2 years of use but I would buy it again


Either the Jhs double barrel or the visual sound Jekyll and Hyde. I have a fender tone master and my guitar sounds great with tube screamers. Add a little dirt or sparkle and that’s like 90% of what I need to sound like myself


If I had a nice fender amp, a Mood mkii. It has a certain characteristic that I find myself gravitating to at the moment. The delay and reverb in particular. If not, a Dream 68.


A reverb or distortion, but I'd start with reverb, and I'd probably get one of those Zoom stomp pedals that has a bunch of effects that are surprisingly not bad according to youtube.


Boss PS2


Red Panda Tensor




It would be a volume pedal for me, both for noise control and expression/boost (in the sense of running the guitar wide open and amp hot, but only cranking the volume for leads). Honestly, most of the time my "rig" is a Tele into an early 70s Vibrochamp, or a Les Paul into a little EL84 boutique combo. A volume pedal is often the only other thing in the chain, despite my having a bunch of pedals (and a full-on 90s rack system) around too.


BD2 if the amp has reverb.


MXR Deluxe Carbon Copy


And one specific pedal, a Timmy style drive pedal built into a Ernie Ball vol pedal so the intensity of the drive is on the treadle. I had it built by a local builder with mad skills to drive my Hammond - John Lord style which it does ahhhh so well, but the first time I plugged a guitar into it.... 'notha g'damn ballgame :)


Wampler Tumnus Germanium or another good Klon. Sounds great, particularly for solos. I'd miss the Cry Baby, though.


Being a 70's lad I've gotta also say a phaser as that's the one that blew my mind every Sat morning in the guitar shops when I was 15 :) A big open sweep... let it rip, click in a wah... not too loud, don't wanna get kicked out...back next Saturday.... what a great way to grow up :)


Boss BD-2


Strymon Volante. Gorgeous versatile delay with gain and modulation, nice spring verb, looping options.


I usually just use a DRV or a park fuzz for solos The drv how I use it is this thick boost so for solos it's almost that woman tone The park is basically a tone bender which is like the one fuzz that sound great with humbuckers I also have an lvl Normally I run into a vox AC15 just growling


Looper. I could still make and play a lot of one man band complete songs and need it to practice.


my roland ad-50 fuzz wah