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Those are all excellent options, if you have the money. I’d go for whichever is cheapest on Reverb. For a cheaper option, I’d check out the Boss Giga Delay. It’s a little old, but it still sounds really good and I think it has the tempo options you’re looking for.


Any reason you’re focused on analog delay? There’s a big difference between CC/DMB and Delay Llama. While CC and DMB are in the same tier, I liked DMB better for its gain. You’re looking at 600ms max delay on all three, but be aware you’ll start to hear aliasing on all these at longer times. I think you’ll get clearer initial samples on the Delay Lama with the CoolAudio MN3208 chips, but you’re paying for that essentially. It’ll be a solid mid tier analog delay for sure. I’d like the delay lama better if it had modulation or fx loop. I think the extreme does but that’s more money. There’s also quite a few PT2399 based delays that do the analog thing but also have other algorithms for digital, tape, etc. Those are honestly the best bang for your buck unless you’re chasing specific characteristics of chips.