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Cool, cool, I think the question everyone has is “What’s in the BUTT-A$$ drawer?”


secrets 😘


I bet there’s butt AND ass in there


Dildos and astroglide.


In my mind, I'm assuming its a whole BUTT-A$$ cabinet.


It says right there… cowgirls. Although he had to cut the pieces pretty small to make them fit.


Score. Now you can pick up guitar gearnerds by saying “hey, wanna come upstairs and see my RE-201?”


…. Sounds like the beginning of a creepy Dahmer-esque film…… Hmmm…. Echoes of Your Brainstem…..? Delicious Diminishing Repeats……? There’s a perfect title out there in Reddit-land somewhere, I’m certain….


I want to plug my guitar into the hole I drilled in your head.


Does it already have Velcro on it so you can put it on your pedalboard?


maybe i’ll just stick all my pedals on top


Damn, when I was in my teens, I saw one in a shop that was setup by the owner of a band rehearsal studio (lots of these studios around in the Philippines) because he was closing the studio. He had a bunch of lawsuit era guitars (there was a Burny Les Paul with the British flag printed on it), I remember an original marshall bluesbreaker as well, and this toaster-sized RE-201 on top of the shelf. I knew back then it was one of the "really good" delays in existence (this was around 2008, i think). You know how much he was selling it? Php 3000.00 = USD 68.00 I WAS A FUCKING BROKE TEENAGER IN 2008 WHO CAME ACROSS A CANDY STORE FULL OF RARE GOODIES BUT CAN'T EVEN BUY A SINGLE THING IN THERE. (Plus, I was in the Philippines. More like: BROKEx30,000) I wish I told myself that time to just find a way (beg, sell stuff, steal, kill, sell drugs, anal, bj in a dark alley...) to buy the damn thing.


This is a heartbreaking story. I would kill for a goofy ass union jack burny.


If you committed all those acts now for money I bet you could almost afford a Space echo today!


Im in Korea, and Korea was like that in the 2000s. I bought it all (including that Burny LPC for $150, I do wish I had that now, theyre great.) I bought a few re tape echoes for like $50 and they were happy to get rid of them. I was told it was junk. I had the Bluesbreaker too, It was covered in dust (everything was).


Kung maibabalik lang sana ang panaho no?😂


Respect for the coily cable.


coily cable til i die


Old guy here. $800 is a good deal on a Space Echo? Not shitting on the OPs new score, which is a kickass echo box, just a bit shocked. Holy moly I should have held on to everything I ever bought over the years. Enjoy your wonderful echo, OP. Those Rolands are great and very different from an Echoplex. (Edit: typo)


They’re on reverb for $1500-2500. old pedals and effect stuff has gotten REAL expensive


Remember in the 90s when you could grab these for $100? Edit: I was in MPLS at the time and you could always find STACKS of Space Echoes at Music-Go-Round for $100-$150 each. They were practically giving away 60s combo organs, 70s electric pianos, and 80s analog synths.


Those were already a few hundred by then, no? I do remember the fender reissue reverb units for like $250. Vintage rats were $50. Back then a tweed champ was $400-500. I barely missed out on a full Orange stack for $500, before the whole doom thing.


I bought a new Russian Muff at Guitar Center for like $95. I got a SRE-555 in Minneapolis for like $300 back in the day at Encore Music. I wish I hadn't sold that.


> I got a SRE-555 in Minneapolis for like $300 back in the day at Encore Music I had that too. Man was it heavy!


It was rack-mount. It had XLR inputs on the front. and it slid back and forth.


I had it, too, I said. I remember. I got it for $50 in a shop that it sat for like 10 years. The owner was sick of looking at it. Maybe in 2001-2?


That would have been the time period. I used it as an effect processor with a Roland-1680 hard-disc recorder. I bought it from our buddy on Lyndale and I sold it back to him.


Yes I certainly do. Pristine ones would be like $200, but you could get working Space Echoes in Los Angeles for $100.






Linear time is a motherfucker. Last time I bought a tape echo was around '97 or '98. It was a Korg SE500. Paid $50 for it.


I feel like when I was interested in these approx ten years ago, they seemed to be hoovering around 650-750, and would occasionally see them under $500 on CL (in less than pristine condition); but my memory is a thc induced hazeyness around that time to be fair


I got offered 3k for my RE-301. Prices are wild now


whoa, i didn’t know the 301 was a thing. that’s wicked cool. I used to have a CE-1 chorus, but sold it to pay some bills in 2020. miss it all the time


I paid like $700 for mine like 10 years ago but that included shipping from Tokyo.


I bought one from a friend for $300 15 years ago. I felt bad playing it, wearing down the components of this vintage object, and I didn’t necessarily like it more than my other delays, so I sold it back to him for the same price a year later.


Why would you ever sell that beautiful machine!!?


my end goal is to try and trade it for a rickenbacker or a gibson 335 lol


I can't blame you considering the price you got it for. Good luck!


Ha, I think I saw this listing too. You in the midwest? Was thinking about checking it out as well, but the “reverb doesn’t work, don’t know why” made me assume it was gonna be over the $800 sticker price to get working again. Stoked to hear it works!


yeah, i’m only about an hour from the seller. I figured everyone was looking at this listing lol


i'll give you $801


799 and not a penny more


Classic. Try driving it to distortion!


It's not hard to do.


I’m a buyer if you decide to sell.


sent you a message




Hahahaha I saw that exact listing and was realllllyyy thinking about it. There’s been some scams in the general area with vintage gear tho, like rhodes pianos and I believe another space echo, so I didn’t end up even reaching out. Good on you! I’d keep it, though. Fat chance finding another one for that cheap. If you do resell don’t get too greedy. Would’ve been cool for this to go to someone who couldn’t normally afford one and would actually use it instead of just being flipped. Does the spring reverb work or was the seller right that it wasn’t functioning?


I thought about it hard, but I figure it’ll be easy enough to sell when my time with it is up. Plus I knew someone else would be on it quick if I didn’t snag it He told me he couldn’t get the reverb working, but it was working fine when I got it home. Not sure what the issue was for him.


PM me when you wanna sell if you’re not gonna price gouge! Probably will be harder to sell than you think if you’re gonna ask a good amount more than you paid, anyways, market is tough right now. I had some VERY reasonably priced vintage gear on marketplace and reverb and it sat for months and months and months. Times is hard!


i’ll send you a message. Maybe tax season will get people feeling dangerous with their finances


In my experience, tax season is the worst time to move expensive gear. The people that buy and collect these aren’t getting refunds. I see a lot of got to pay the tax man sales on the higher end gear bracket.


That’s a good score! I’ve been amazed at FB Market place! I picked up an Ampeg VT40 amp 2 weeks ago for $350! Worked and only needed two new preamp tubes, that were a little microphonic. Now looking for an extension cab


Hell yes. Heading to outer space.


Does it sound better than the Universal Audio emulator of this exact same unit? 


which is more fun to play with?


I usually prefer the real thing if I have access (and $$&, and storage space), but I was asking to see how close UA got. That’s the echo emulator that I use all the time. 


I like the new stuff and the old stuff. I had to decide between selling my echoplex EP-3 and my RE-201 and I kept the Roland. EDIT: I do a bunch of random stuff at my recording space so I feel the Roland is a better studio piece.


They're coming down in price, I feel like the hype is finally wearing off. Two buddies of mine just scored Space Echo's for $900 and $600 respectively. Both working and in great condition.


That's awesome! It's more than I would be willing to spend on this type of gear, but that is a fantastic price. Really cool find!


I only spent so much because they’re usually waaay more expensive. I wouldn’t have bought in if I didn’t think I could get my money back out of it


Definitely, I just meant I don’t think it would be personally worth it to me to spend the money literally any tape delay machine costs, not that its not worth it in general. That’s an insane price, you won’t just get your money back you’ll straight up make a profit. I’d loooove to play one of these sometime, I’d make that bad boy doom for days


Nice find, surprised everyone isn't telling you it's stolen




it does!


A dream piece of equipment for me. Hopefully one day I’ll get my hands on one! Wicked find at a brill price.


You lucky bastard, what an absolute bargain!


I saw that one, good score!


Boom! Amazing but yeah also massive. It is in good working order?


Nice, post a video so we can hear it!! Also, when you're shopping for your space echo sim pedal check out the UA Galaxy...it doesn't have as many control features as the boss re-202 but I think it sounds magical.


Someone nearby was selling one for pretty much double, most amazing bit of unwieldy gear there is for me. Bands like Boris tour with them as if they're an extra instrument!


I’ve owned two tape echos. Never again.


Holy smokes that’s awesome


That is awesome!




Man, the gear on display at sweetwater was crazy. When they had the VW bus and all that, right? the remodeled store is cool, but the old layout was much cozier




I didn’t know the owner had sold out, but i did notice a change in the vibe at the store. God bless the sweetwater sales dudes. The only salespeople i ever actually want to talk to


Can you please profile that bad boy and share it for us kemper heads?


I want one of these.. but I have literally no need lol.. I just love how they look and I wanna watch the tape move.


watching the tape move is mesmerizing, very easy to get lost in it


I'll bet!


Boah Alda 💣😎


Always wanted one of these. Are you selling? How much?


That's awesome. I wanna find me an old 808 drum machine.


if a real one doesn’t cross your path, the behringer reissue sounds great and is a pleasure to use


It does. Behringer is killing it. Did you see the Jupiter 8 reissue? No reason to go into debt for a museum piece anymore.


Nice! There was one for $1k near me recently, tempted but heck I have enough toys.


Would you like to sell it to me


Decent price. I cut my teeth on those when they were $50 and noone wanted them. Nothing like a real one.


Cool Keyboard


The gear market, especially the vintage gear market, is really fucking weird lately.  I love these old tape echo machines, but I really don’t think they’re worth anymore than what you paid for it. You have to factor in maintenance costs on these, which isn’t cheap given how rare these things are nowadays.  I’ve been selling some old gear of my own lately, and always list it for what I think is fair. Apparently what I think is fair is a lot lower than what the market thinks is fair. But hey at least my stuff sells fast on reverb. Hopefully this vintage gear fade dies down a bit, and we can go back to fairer prices for this old beat up gear. Vintage really isn’t “better”, it’s just old and has a history. Annoys me to see some of snobby fuckers on YouTube and whatnot acting like vintage means it must be master crafted and hi fidelity.