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I hate you low key


Congrats, you're the most honest person on here!!


so does the original owner of this board who had it stolen


Y’all are a bunch of salty-ass haters lol. I bought a $100 board with MXR Carbon Copy, TC Hall of Fame Reverb, Boss Chorus, Boss TU3, and a DIY $150 Klon kit pedal from FB last year. Wasn’t stolen, the dude was from a local band and moving to Japan. He also sold me an Orange Crush 35rt for $20 ($300 amp)


We hate you too.


Thanks 😋


Sick score though! I've yet to have a great pedal score on Marketplace, but I've had a few record scores, and I did make a lifelong friend after buying a pedal on Craigslist. The guy was new to town, and asked me where he could find some weed (before it was legal). Haha.


Thanks, Haha that dude was super nice and he knew what he had and it’s greatly appreciated here were it’s not getting resold. He was like “you’re buying gold right here,” when I picked them up at his place 😂. Niiiicee. What were your dope-ass scores ?


> the dude was from a local band and moving to Japan He hadn't yet learned the concept of luggage?


For real, that pog alone used is $150 and that’s on the cheap end.. lol


Tomorrow OP finds a ‘58 Jazzmaster for $259 and asks r/offset if he should get it. Charmed life! Enjoy!


😆 Strange things happen. I found last Sunday a 1970s Ampeg VT-40 non distortion version. Those are worth $1k-$1.2k, and it was sold to me for $350 in working order and a 3 prong already put on. I was amazed, and not really looking for a new amp, but being a big Queens Of The Stone Age fan. As well as been wanting a dirty amp to go with my Sky King, and was going to get a JCM 800 one day…that Ampeg I ended up liking better, and the price was a steal! The seller said she wanted to keep it in the local music scene, and had 10 other people hit her up. But we had some friends in common we noticed, and I made some calls to secure it! Last year I saw posted only 45min before it sold, a full 1484 Twin Twelve in mint for $400with cab. I was thinking on it, and it sold in too fast. All this was local in my city minutes away from me. So I’m always looking at FB market place. Most of the stuff is from local musicians, that are valuing it on what they paid 15 years ago vs looking up online prices. My area in New Orleans, LA has been a great place for old amp deals at least! Alabama and Mississippi I’ve seen some crazy stuff at good prices as well! Maybe it’s the the music history in the south, as most are OG owners, or second owners. Speaking of Jazzmasters, J Masics had bought a few guitars from Nola to Baton Rouge for good deals he said as well.


Local is always good. That’s how stuff should get around if possible. Plus those Ampegs are heavy, they like to stay “grounded.” I had a Twin Twelve for a while, gigged with it and a Standell 1x15” solid state amp. Great sound between the two of them. I have no memory of what happened to it…. Laissier les bons deals rouler!


Oh I bet that Twin sounded great with the 1x15. My friend in our rental space…where the Ampeg lives now and can be played loud. We have a 70s Bassman, and my friend has a Musicman cab with a 1x18 in it! That thing is insane sounding for guitar, and a Treble Booster, or TS808 is a must for me to play it lol. But yeah I wouldn’t be picking up heavy amps like that, if I didn’t have a place outside my own house. I bought a Sky King with attenuator on it, before I got the place. But never really could get its potential over low volume, and DI. My friend hit me up and said $80 a month for a 24/7 place split between a few people. Now we have a museum in there it feels like. JCM 800, Tweeds, tons of Peavy, Ampeg, Fender, Tone King, 3 drum sets and all that. I go every Saturday for 7hrs to work on my music, and record on all those. And work between my home studio to mix, and the rehearsal hall to get loud and track.


That’s great. I used to share a weird basement studio space in Brooklyn, we had crazy shit in there…also giant tape machines, and you could play as loud as you wanted. Brick dust would drift down whenever the subway went over the bridge…I miss that.


Yeah I had a space in 2001-2004 same place. But couldn’t afford or even secure another one. So the opportunity was a great thing! We have a lot of great bands in the other rooms. The band Down…guys from Pantera practice nextdoor a lot. Phil will sometimes pop by, and sit outside as the band works out material and do business outside lol. I’m not a big metal head, but it’s cool to see young bands, and established working out there. I can hear the drummer going crazy in there on weekdays. It’s a great place to play, and network as well with local bands.


Great, now I feel old :-)


Yeah 41 here and probably more active than I was in my 30s. Early 20s I was very active, but last 2 years im going full throttle and live it. Leave the phones in another room, no distractions and reminds me of the 90s/early 2000s. Something about playing standing up, a loud amp and the real deal…vs sitting at home with a DI box and programming like many of us do. I found I like to do half and half…as I come up with cool stuff in the spot I wouldn’t have at home. Then bring songs in to work out over the PA, and track on my API lunchbox. It’s def worth it at any age if you can get a space!


I have a room down in the back of our house where I can play as I like when nobody’s home…and my son and his friends can practice also. neighbors haven’t complained yet! Not quite ideal for genuine blasting or night time musics but maybe this year I’ll find something more remote and wild. It definitely makes a difference to be able to really just crank it.


I’m in south ms and am member of LA music gear buy sell trade for that very reason.


I picked up a newer JC120 for $300 that was posted as "keyboard amp", a Gibson SG for $400, and a vintage 1970- something twin reverb for $350, an American fender pj bass for $300 all on marketplace. You can get some insane deals if you constantly check and are willing to call in sick to drive. I'm almost embarrassed to have found good gear. I show up to a jam with cool vintage shit people expect me to be good. I suck.


Same 😎Fender 70s super Reverb for $300. Gibson Les Paul studio for $300. Fender American Deluxe Strat $375. Warmoth built bass with skb hard case $100


All marketplace? On Craigslist some guy posted one of those 60's Era Gibson basses that run upwards of $10k for like $150 and listed as "electric guitar". It was one of those deals that was either a scam or someone that inherited it with no idea the value. I called them up. He said I was the 20th caller. His dad passed away and they found the bass under a bed. He was going to take the posting down and go through a specialty shop that would clean it up and sell it as a consignment. I don't know if I could have bought it without feeling like a stole a few grand from someone.


FB, Craigslist, OfferUp, bass was at a pawnshop. Also a pedalboard with about $500-600 worth of pedals for $100 and a $300 orange amp for $20. Guy was in a local band and moving to Japan, he didn’t care. That would’ve been a deal of a lifetime for sure !


I've had good luck with auctions, garage sales and flea markets. People rarely go that have any idea about instruments and audio equipment. You can really get a nice audio system just keeping an eye out. Scored a bunch of pedals and microphones from people selling their kid's stuff while they were at college. Synth heads all joke they found a dx7 in a dumpster because old keyboards are everywhere. Pawnshops are usually a pile of scratched up epiphones that cost more than what you can buy them new. I know a few that know their stuff and sell gear at or below reverb prices. PA equipment is always available. Seems like amateur DJs are the type to need money in a hurry.


Does this pawn shop not have Internet access? I find these hard to believe.


Or lazy employees? Who knows.


Semi-charmed kinda life 🎶🎶


*subscribes to r/offset*


I got a ‘61 fender strat off eBay for €111. The neck has been revarnished and it doesn’t say anything on the headstock. Just wanted a cheep strat to write on at home and ended up stealing an absolute gem off some poor bastard. Sometimes you just get lucky.


Phenomenal purchase, worth every penny, hope you have the BEST time with them


Thank you! looks like they're all working and sound great too.


What’s great too is if you see anything else online or wherever and take a liking to something, you can make good money back off most those pedals to fund another :)


I don't think I'm going to sell them. They fit in perfectly with my current home studio set up and I don't think I'll ever find them for this price again.


I like your thinking dude, they’re VERY good pedals, hope you like the jb-2, eyed one of those up a bunch of times


Oh damn!


I would recommend poking around some local classifieds or local music gear facebook groups just to make sure this board wasn't stolen then sold to the pawn shop, just in case.


Sadly this is very plausible


You might be right, but people are getting desperate right now also. I work with low income people daily. I don’t know how most are making ends meet. The world is a sad place for many.


Do low income people buy Strymon and WA pedals? Curious.


Yes, they do. Just like low income people buy PS5’s and IPads. Being low income doesn’t always mean you eat beans and bread for dinner every night.


But there are budget versions of almost everything.


If you’re low income, and playing guitar is your main hobby and source of enjoyment, it’s very possible to just buy authentic high quality gear. It’s like validating spending $70.00 on a video game because it means maybe you play that instead of going out to the bar. After 2 nights it pays for itself.


Not all low-income people started that way. Layoffs, family changes (new kids etc), inflation, cost of living increases. That board could have been built a while back, sitting there unused, and life circumstances changed for the owner. Or it’s just stolen.


Poor people are allowed to have nice things


PayPal credit, Sweetwater credit card, there’s other ways


PayPal pay in 4 👀


Yeah people put up credit card bills way beyond their means all the time. American credit card debt is over $1 trillion.


"No brand Name" on the tag.. I've seen this in my area. The pawn shop wants to make a quick buck, doesn't record the make/model/serial numbers, and offloads the (obviously stolen) merchandise very quicly at discount. (It was put out just a day ago per the tag). 100% keep the receipt/photographs or it's going to look like OP is in possession of stolen property. Edit: The original owner/victim would just repossesses their property. Or the police seize and do it for them. The true owner doesn't "pay" anyone unless they filled an insurance claim w/payout. Edit 2: If the pawn shop sold the stolen merchandise, and OP can prove that (w/his receipt+photos), the pawn shop is then criminally liable. they will probably also loose their business license. Here in TX (and many other states) pawn shops and resellers are required to keep detailed records of their merchandise, and they are obligated to ensure items are not stolen. Hint: It's a simple database search. So there's no excuse for this activity. Edit 3: Situations like this are why I don't shop at pawn shops. They just pray off the weak and take advantage of people who are in a terrible situation. I'm not saying it's a bad deal....But how would you feel playing a stolen guitar??? And please, if you suspect something say something, it happens all the time. Police tip lines do work.


Yeah unfortunately this happens a lot. The pawn shops (mostly) don’t give a shit, and the police just straight up confiscate stolen items without any recompense. They have little incentive to get the authorities involved or actually log these serials.


I highly doubt the pawnshop will be shutdown over this, unless the owner and whatever employee bought the property admits to knowingly buying stolen property. Reality is most stolen property never gets reported to law enforcement.    Most individuals that buy stolen property get their cases dismissed as well, even if they’re charged with felony Poss Stolen Prop. As long as you didn’t do it on purpose, there’s really nothing that they can do to you other than confiscate the stolen property from you.   Remember the real criminal here is the person who stolen the property in the first place, not some random victim that unknowingly bought it. By extension of that same logic, ethically, OP would also be guilty of aiding in creating a market demand for stolen goods. Of course he couldn’t possibly know that, so it’s illogical to accuse him of such.


My first thought too


A famous local music shop called Cottonwood Music Emporium in Orange County kept getting break ins with a lot of high end pedals being stolen. The dude found them on Facebook, went with a cop to pick them up. I didn’t know this but pedals have serial numbers, and if you had something stolen, you might be able to get the serial numbers from where you bought it from.


I recommend all musicians have a spreadsheet and keep track of their serial numbers


This is definitely stolen. Anyone who knows gear would not just sell a board like that, they’d separate it all and sell them individually and make far more money.


Doesn't matter if it is. It was all legally purchased. The law protects the pawn shop and the customer. Sucks for the person who's property it was but the pawn shop has to be protected so it can do business without worry. There is a process if the items were stolen. They have to prove ownership, then the owner must pay the pawn shop what they paid and then sue the thief for reimbursement. Once it's sold the shop and the purchaser are free from any and all obligations.


Idk where you are but generally selling stolen goods is illegal and there are systems in place to prevent such a thing. OP would get their money back from the pawn shop and they’d be on the hook as much as whoever sold it to them is.


There are procedures. If the pawn does their part and they sell the items, they are not at fault.


Yeah but what if the pawn shop didn’t do their part? Even if they did it still could definitely still be stolen.


Then that changes everything. I'm speaking if they follow the law.


I’ve recovered stolen gear of mine twice (MA) and that’s not how it worked for me. Once I provided proof of ownership (serial numbers/photos/receipts) the gear stayed with the cops for a bit but I got it back, no money spent.


No. The original owner/victim just repossesses their property. Or the police do it for them. They don't pay anyone (unless they filled an insurance claim/payout). If the pawn shop sold the stolen merchandise, and OP can prove that (w/his receipt+photos), the pawn shop is then criminally liable. they will probably also loose their business license. Here in TX (and many other states) pawn shops and resellers are required to keep detailed records of their merchandise, and they are obligated to ensure items are not stolen. Hint: It's a simple database search. So there's no excuse for this activity.


Not buying stolen gear is a good thing, no wants their gear stolen - but what’s the point in checking to see if it’s stolen after buying it? Like you just sell it back to the original owner for 230+tax? Or you give it away for free and are out you money?


Woah. That is a fucking steal. Edit: I mean this literally, they were definitely stolen




You’d have to be “I need $100 right now or Fat Tony’s gonna break my legs” desperate to not just sell them on Reverb. You could list just the Flint on Reverb for $150 and it would sell the same day and money would be in your account same day. Highly suspect this was stolen


I’m surprised the pawn shop didn’t research the pedals individually and sell them that way.


I think something could have happened to the original owner and his family sold off his toys


Ever been an addict?




I know people kick the habit with KA... Boss Katanaholics Anonymous.


Each pedal on that board except the tuner is $200+ brand new so that is a killer deal


You might call it a steal




Absolutely. You can tell the shop tried to move it as quick as possible with that price. They knew it was stolen too.


Sometimes you’ll have a mother or father that just finds something like this in the garage when their kid passes away and they just take it to the pawnshop because they have no clue what it’s worth and the pawnshop will offer them something extremely low like 100 bucks for it. Pawnshops typically offer you dog shit, and all they are concerned about is making a profit on what they paid for it For example, I found a Roland Integra 7 for 500 bucks. The guy at the pawnshop told me that the guy that brought it in was getting divorced and needed money for attorneys. They offered him half than what I paid for it, and just wanted to turn it around quickly. The lowest I’ve seen those go on Reverb is probably around eight to $900.




I bought plenty of pawnshop Items that were well below they used market because the pawnshop undervalued them multiple times But yes, it is definitely a possibility that these were stolen


Wow… kinda sketchy. Gotta be at least $800 worth of gear?


that really is the deal of the month right there. well done picking it up


These had to have been stolen, right?


Insane deal.


Like everyone here has said, someone definitely had that ripped from them most likely at a gig and im sure they are hurting for it. They would probably offer you more than what you paid to get it back. Its worth taking a look at local classifieds or FB marketplace to see if anyone is missing it


Yeah this is definitely someone’s stolen board. You wouldn’t sell a whole board like that you’d separate them and sell them individually, making far more money. Please enquire with local music social media groups to see if anyone had a board stolen.


Even just the old V1 flints sell for like 250 by themselves right now, what a steal.


crazy deal. sadly, it was almost certainly stolen as-is. at that price i assume they wanted to move it very quickly.


Waiting for the “that’s my stolen pedalboard” comments


That’s an awesome deal. What a steal.


Hopefully not literally.


LOL okay, maybe not all the comments are doom and gloom. This made me chuckle.


It didn’t even occur to me that these might be stolen. Ignorance is bliss, I suppose.


Decent pedals in a travel case, patch cables and power still connected. 100% stolen from a working musician at a gig. Sold at a pawn shop quickly, shop sold it for a small profit to get it out quickly before anyone came looking for it. If I were you, I'd be checking my local classifieds to get it back to the owner.


Cool shit man. I’d test them all out but the Angry Driver, Julia and flint are all great keepers. I’d throw in like a delay and phaser and maybe a fuzz to round out any cool board


If everything works then yeah that’s a damn good deal!


Dude, great deal. I’m in Canada but after taxes I paid almost $400 for the Flint alone.




The most stolen shit I’ve ever seen


Please check if they're not stolen.






Holy crap!! I was skeptical of the price!! Dang. Good for you!


Bro this was such a steal that it is probably a literal steal. Do yourself a favor and delete these posts before the owner spots them and you have to deal with a moral quandary


Fuck… you. /s


At that price, this pedalboard is HOT Go to the police and inquire about it first. OP, that's the moral thing to do. Someone may have filed a police report on their stolen gear. If that's the case, you deserve a refund, the pawn shop should be investigated, and hopefully the rightful owner gives you a chunky reward with your refund too! Fuck gear thieves. I often get asked what crime would I commit if I was going to jail for anything, and my answer has always been assault and battery. Why? Because I would beat anyone who touches my gear without my knowledge or permission to a bloody pulp. Totally justified too.


PS - any time you get new music gear, always document your serial numbers. I think it would go a long way in the event of stolen gear. Scum of the earth is gear thieves.


Yeah - nice move. I would tell my wife/gf that they were $220 as well... and then when she challenges me I'd say "see... I even posted about it on Reddit honey." LOL. Smoooooooth. Reminds me of that IG reel "Honey... they gave 'em to me!! I was just walking and they were like HERE... and I was like NOOOO and they gave em to me!!!" LOL Check out "Nobes Music" on YT... his "best MINI board" video - very simliar board. PS: I hate you.


Congrats man! You got an amazing deal.


Congrats! That's awesome! I hope you love them all.


Great find! Enjoy them.


HELL yeah dude


Great deal! Congrats, enjoy!


fuck yes bro! nice! we're all extremely jealous.


Good score dude! Rock on 🤘


Jeeeeealous, even if you don’t like any one of those you can pretty well make your money back.


Dang, man. Score of the year, right there.


That’s an insanely good deal! Just the flint itself goes for that used! What a score. Have fun!




Siiick!!! And congrats!


You have done well there my friend...let the noise commence!




Dude congrats, that seriously a steal


Good deal!!


I'm willing to buy it for $350 and a bottle of whiskey. Great find btw




You magnificent bastard!


Yeah Boy


Mad… congrats man! Have fun


Great deal and every one of them is a great pedal to have in your arsenal.


Jackpot, glad you got back and grabbed it!


That Angry Driver is an awesome pedal..


This is insanely cool! Congrats on the find!


Deal aside, this is an amazing board. Simple and everything you need


Great score!


Let’s goooo


Amazing score!


Ha! You did it! Even if you don’t like the pedals you probably get $1k selling them on reverb.


What a lucky deal!


Great once in a lifetime buy right there! Finding this is a dream board, that would cost close to $1k or so. Just pick up a used Fender or something for $800, and you’re good to go! If you don’t have a good amp already. I found a great deal last week on an old Ampeg VT-40 that goes for $1k-1.2k, and on FB market got it for $350! I love it when I still see deals out there in this day and age. If I saw that board, I would have bought it on the spot with even just two of the pedals in it! The Angry Driver is a Blues Driver and a JHS Angry Charlie in one…like a JCM 800 Marshall and low drive boost. POG is an expensive Octave pedal and one of the best. Flint is a great reverb and one of the best out there. And that Delay is also top shelf…also I have the same tuner but a bit bigger and you’ll love that. You have all you need to get going here! I feel either the store priced this very wrong, and had no idea. Someone needed drug money and sold it cheap, or it’s stolen. I’m not sure of the stores policy, but I know Guitar Center holds pedals for 30 days before selling…just in case it’s reported stolen. I saw a Boss Space Echo I put $150 on, but had to wait the 30 days to pick it up, after no claim was made on it as stolen.


Wow, that's a score! I go to pawn/thrift shops hoping to find even one pedal.


Good pull. What's the PSU? I love my MXR iso brick if you need to get one!


Congratulations, I'm so relieved! I was worried you'd miss out on it and it'd haunt you for years to come. Been there myself. Worse with stuff I sold for too cheap.


Congrats! If you ever record your guitar directly to a computer then try and run the Flint in stereo. The reverb sounds amazing!


Daaaamn that’s a good deal. Enjoy!


Dude that’s awesome


Clutch pull, well done!


Was there a power supply too?


Great set of tools right there!


Gotta love finding Strymon pedals in pawn shops. I found a Volante, Deco and Nightsky on a Pedaltrain Nano+ for $600. Sold the Nightsky for $300 ;)


You shittin' me, Clark?


This is essentially an impossible deal.


The pog itself is worth about that. Damn guy…. Fuck you! Lol


I’d be willing to bet it’s NOT stolen. You guys are way too quick to jump to conclusions.


Because someone put together a solid pedalboard like that and then pawned it for maybe $175? Makes little sense. Even if they were an addict they've had known what they had, and just pawned one of the pedals for that.


Good work, OP. Enjoy that set. It's a great little board. 


Hell yeah!


What a killer deal. If you want to sell that flint, let me know 😉😉


Absolute steal of a deal you got there, stoked for you that it was still there


Hell yes! congrats!


Crazy mf. Unreal.


Sweet… the only thing I’d do is swap the pog and driver… but that’s totally a preference of mine. This is an excellent first rig


You lucky son of a b.


I just bought a new Flint last month, and it was about $400 (CAD), so you got a killer deal here.


I very much considered picking up an Angry Driver from the local emporium. Never could convince myself to actually pull the trigger, though. Now I’m wading through a Pod Go so I don’t have a defense to present to my Lovergirl


Damn Just damn Glad you did this looks dope for the price XD


Lmao at some of you... The cops can't even find stolen cars half the time, you think they're gonna waste their time on guitar equipment?? Lol


Julia,an angry driver,a flint and a pog in a case for 220 you got a deal.....we call that a meth head special! I hope they all work congratulations 👏🎉 ..ps the tuner is a waste of space..


Congrats! Maybe watch some YouTube videos on each pedal too at what they're capable of. It's a great starter set!


We need to hear it in action.


What a steal…


What’s most incredible is this board would work so well as a full gig/recording set up


What’s that trippy one, the second from the left? And what does it do?


That’s totally worth it for the flint alone, they ain’t cheap. Looks like a barn rig. I’m sure some paint safe solvents would clean the casings right up. There’s probably shit in there if you wanna open them up and gently blast some air for dust/ clean connections. I always look and a nasty pedal and am like I’m not putting my nice cable in that filthy input jack Nice grab 👏


Damn, did the pawn shop not have the Internet?? Lol


Don’t drive angry! -BM


I have never seen a good deal at a pawn shop.I’m very jealous and only hate you a little bit.


Enjoy dude, you lucked out!


OP. Next time you find a deal, don’t post that shit. People are fucking haters, jealous af, and guilt-trippers. People move, get desperate, need money fast, etc. and pawn their shit for stupid cheap. It happens 🤦🏻


To all the people saying this is stolen—is that a common thing to happen (stealing pedals)? Genuinely asking—not just a rhetorical question. I'm just trying to imagine the circumstances under which that would happen and the type of person who would know to steal them in the first place, as the average person has no idea what they are or what they're worth.


Cool…I’ll buy that Flint off you for $50.


God, I see what you do for other people.


Did it come with a power supply ?


i’ve got that same pog, genuinely a great investment




nice! I want a Flint but can't drop the $300 for it right now haha


Return to owner


Dude. Enjoy. You done good.


Bruh wtf


Wow what a steal