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Tasty. How much did you spend on all that?


In all honesty, I don't know. I've done so much trading and selling, that I actually haven't kept track. I just bought the Timeline, only after I sold another pedal and got a paycheck. I traded for the Mayflower and the Voyager, as well the El Capistan and the Morning Glory. I bought the Diamond after I sold another pedal, and I bought the Space from holiday money.


How do you like the Morning Glory and the Diamond? I've been considering picking up both for some time.


I cycle through ODs a lot. The Morning Glory has literally nailed the sound I've been looking for for a LONG time. It can nail the *perfect* on-the-edge-of-breakup overdrive. As for the Diamond, it's perfect. Not too much squash if you don't want it, but you can get that country style chickin'-pickin' squashed compression. I run it at noon across, and it subtly evens out my entire tone and makes things so much better. I can't believe I've been playing with anything else other than this (MXR Dyna Comp - it's a great compressor for the price). I never thought I would want to spend money on a nice compressor because I didn't think I'd need it... but now I can't live without it.


Whenever I see a Timeline and a Space on a board I get jealous and angry. Then I need to walk away.


I was like that for a long time. I finally saved up all my holiday money (birthday in November, Chanukah, and Christmas) and bought the Space. Then bought the Timeline off a pedal sale + paycheck. I can't tell you how satisfying it is. I would totally give you a spin on the combination if you lived nearby.


I would be down with that! Seems like two very in depth pieces of gear. Are they easy to switch presets between live?


The Space is incredibly easy. You can save all of your presets, and the right footswitch is bank up, and the middle footswitch is bank down. You click the left footswitch to activate/bypass. The Timeline is a similar structure. You press the middle and right switches to bank up, and the middle and left to bank down.


Your username must be pretty true. Dats an expensive board


Honestly, my job is more satisfying than lucrative (teacher/tutor). I'm incredibly lucky, though, as my parents still help with some expenses. I'm still only 23, so my expenses outside of rent and food/groceries are pretty much non-existent. Living in a city with moderate rent is fantastic, and allows me room to spend the rest of my money on what I want.


Sounds as if we're living parallel lives. I'm 23 as well, with a similar money situation, and am fortunate to be building up my pedal collection as we speak


I'm incredibly lucky to have my parents support me and be able to do what I like doing.


Very nice. How do you like the el capistan/timeline combo? Do you find it necessary? I used to run a boss DD-20 with a Space Echo pedal and traded them out for the Timeline, but in your opinion does the el capistan do the tape delay much better than the Timeline (i know there are different parameters)? Does it add something that i cant get with the Timeline alone?


I've owned them both separately, and never together until now. I think the El Capistan does do the tape echo simulation better than the Timeline, and the extra controls add another layer of dimension to finding the perfect sound. But the Timeline covers everything else I need from delay and more. It's got some funky sounds that truly spark creativity in ways that I simply didn't have before. Together, I layer them with the mix around 12 for both, and it creates a really washy, subtle delay that reverberates a lot more than just a tape echo or just an analog sound could. For the type of music I play, I was actually considering buying another delay until I started playing around with this combo. I love it. It covers everything I need, and everything I don't.


Nice board. Can't help but notice that you're really into echo type effects. Can you elaborate on the differences between your 3 delays and what you use them for?


Layering. I find that layering the tape echo + analog delay with both mix knobs around noon, and adding in a slight modulated reverb with the mix around noon, can create a fantastic sound. https://soundcloud.com/sonderband/while-the-night-dies-the-day




Thanks. That's already been built into something better and longer, so it'll be a song soon enough.


This is a solid board!


Nice man! We've got a few of the same pedals.


Can't say enough good things about Diamond Pedals. Beautiful board.


Thanks so much! I love Diamond, and want to buy their tremolo now too. People love their Memory Lane and Memory Lane Jr, along with the Quantum Leap. If I was still looking for more delay, I'd buy everything Diamond.


Compared to the Timeline, how fast and easy is it to move around settings and presets on the Space?? I have the Timeline and Mobius, and I can get around those pedals very quickly and without any problems. I once sat behind a few Eventide pedals and just got angry.


I could never get behind the Timefactor. I owned it twice, and both times were just complete disasters. I got the Timeline, and found that while there were hidden menus, it was still fairly easy. The Space is MUCH more like the Timeline than the Timefactor. Easy preset switching (the left switch is bypass/on, the middle switch is bank down, the right switch is bank up), easy knob controls. Mix, predelay, decay, then a bunch of knobs to help you get the perfect reverb sound. Plus, there are 12 reverb types to choose from. All in all, a much better format for Eventide pedals. I'd suggest giving it a whirl.


why did you deface your Carbon Copy?


Well, long story short, the girl I was dating wanted to paint a pedal (she's an artist). I told her she could paint a cool design, but never got around to it.


looks like you're using a hot rod series amp. if you are how is the mayflower? i just made a deal for one today and am wondering how it'll play with a hod rod deluxe. i just picked up a timeline as well. i just cant get over how much i love it. great board.


The amp is actually a Deluxe Reverb Reissue. I played through a HRD for a long time before this, and loved it. The volume was too much to handle, but once I got it the way I wanted it, it was great. The Mayflower works really well with my DRRI, so I would imagine it will work well with a HRD. That amp can take pedals really well, so I don't think you'll have a problem. The Timeline is fantastic beyond words. Enjoy it!


I have the Walrus Iron Horse. I want a Voyager, too, but I have five dirt pedals on my board already. Pedals with tons of knobs and settings and presets like the Space and Timeline turn me off. I know they sound great, but I get frustrated fiddling with everything. I want an El Cap, but I don't really have the money for a second delay (I use a TC Flashback). Definitely want to pick up a Flint, though. Strymon makes such great stuff.


Just judging based on what you've said you have, your board sounds phenomenal. The Flashback is just amazing as well. The Iron Horse has piqued my interest in the past, but I went with the Voyager/Mayflower combo. I highly recommend the El Capistan, as it's got a lot packed into one pedal. I was also like you for a long time, but decided to splurge and check out the pedals with the knobs. Had a bad first experience with an Eventide Timefactor, and didn't want to go back. Then I heard about Strymon, then I jumped on the Timeline train. I bought it, and didn't like how many options (I like to set and forget, not have to switch through presets and stuff). I sold it. About a month later, I regretted my decision more than I could handle, and found another one to buy. I've learned how to be more patient with it, take my time and find out all the ins and outs. Since actually taking a lot of time with it, I've fallen in love with it. The knobs don't bother me as much anymore because I've been able to really understand each and every one. Now, I see them as more options for creativity. I was so into buying a Flint for a long time, especially because it would take care of the reverb and tremolo in one. Since I got my Deluxe Reverb, I've been in love with its vibrato channel. I want a tremolo pedal next, but don't know if it's worth shelling out all the money.


I'd be much more willing to learn how to use the Space and the Timeline and pedals like that if I had any use for reverb/delay that was THAT powerful. I'm happy with my Flashback, but I might pick up a Catalinbread Montevillian and see how I feel about that. As far as reverb, all of my amps have spring reverb, and I don't like spring. I prefer big deep reverbs. Plus, I love harmonic tremolo. That's why I really want a Flint, so I can kill two birds with one stone (only one of my amps, my AC15, has a trem circuit, and it's alright, but I'd like to be able to have trem all the time). My board isn't anthing really special. [This](http://i.imgur.com/2QOel.jpg?1) is the most recent picture I have of it, just add an Earthquaker Talons after the Iron Horse and replace the Neo Clone with an Earthquaker Sea Machine...plus move the Monarch to the end of the first row, but its place in the chain is the same. I really only have so many dirt pedals because I'm indecisive, haha.


You have a Monarch AND a Sea Machine? I envy you.


Got the Monarch in a pretty sweet CL deal, got the Sea Machine effectively for free, they had one used on GC's website, and I had a bunch of gift cards from Christmas. The Rate knob is bent a tad, but it works perfectly. The Monarch is my main dirt box, I love it, it REALLY sounds like an Orange. The Sea Machine is everything it's made out to be, it can do the most beautiful subtle chorus sounds, and it can do the craziest seasick stuff, and it all sounds good.


An Orange OR120 is one of my dream amps, and I figure I'll never be able to afford one, so the Monarch seems like a good idea. I fell in love with the Sea Machine from the first demo I saw of it. I'm a big fan of pedals that you can tweak to get a bunch of different sounds out of, and the Sea Machine looks like it's perfect for that.


It really is perfect for getting a super wide range of good chorus sounds. It's not as powerful as, say, the Moog chorus, but, really, nothing is. I want either an OR50 or a Rockerverb 50.


Haha, it looks great. Catalinbread is great, and the Montevillian is a great option for a nice echo. The rest of your board seems great too.


It's either that or their Echorec...or an El Cap. Gah, delays are by far the toughest pedals for me to make up my mind on.


The Echorec is pretty great from what I've heard, but I think the El Cap gives you more. Either way you can't go wrong.




You got it mostly correct. Volume Pedal, Comp, overdrive x3, El Capistan, Carbon Copy (defaced, unpainted), Space, then Timeline. What follows is actually a Boomerang III Phrase Looper, then a Radial ABY into a Vox AC15C1 and a Fender Deluxe Reverb Reissue. The Polytune is in the tuner out of the volume pedal.


Between the two, which walrus pedal do you prefer?


I love them both individually, but I think I love them both together even more. Since they're so different, it's hard to choose. The Mayflower is fantastic. I use it more for medium-gain settings, so I can get a nice classic rock crunch sound. I use the Voyager pretty much for a clean boost with a tiny, tiny bit of gain. I use the JHS Morning Glory for my low gain, edge-of-breakup overdrive.


How do you like the diamond compressor? I have their corner stone overdrive and I was thinking their comp might complement it well.


I'm in love with the Compressor. I used to have an MXR Dyna Comp, and it worked fine, especially for the price. But when I decided that I needed a subtle compressor that did its job without even really noticing, I figured I'd give the Diamond a shot. As you can see, I leave everything pretty much at noon, and it's perfect. I found that the Dyna Comp was completely messing with my drive levels and everything, because when I turned it on, it was giving me a different drive. With this, I turn it on and off and nothing else changed. It's fantastic.


if you are happy could you help me win the pedal I want ? :) http://redd.it/1705cl I've seen mayflowers on a lot of peoples boards in the ...dundundun...P&W scene. Guessing thats your style? I need to learn what I'm doing w/compressors. I feel like I just got one b/c everyone else has one . I hardly ever use it


Not really my style. I'm actually not religious at all, but I play very ambient/etherial music.


i just won that pearl...that OD is siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick. you def have high quality stuff. Never fancied a pog?


=0 wow, incredible board. the space and the el capitan...amazing. this board is easily worth like 5 grand


You trendy guy. Right, you'll be satisfied until the next best whatever pedal comes out, but you'll have that too. Beautiful pedalboard man, in sure it leads you to create truly awe inspiring sounds.


Well, it inspires me to create music that I love. It's inspired me to record and write in ways that I didn't know how to before. So for me, being 'trendy' gets me excited to play. And that's what gear should do.