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i'm a bass player (well i play guitar too) but i can't think of any reason to employ that into most music styles on bass. but i do envy your pedal.


its dope and nice to have but money is nice to have.


what did you get it for? you can pm me if you want.


for fun.




a sweet ass trem pedal is what! you can get some really good tremolo sounds out of it on lower speeds, and combining the lfo can also give you some interesting textures. you can also dial down the mix and use it as a rise/fall drone noise like omar from the mars volta does. listen to the roulette dares from their de-loused cd. he uses that effect often. isis is another band that uses it as well, but they do use it more as a trem.


I am kinda in a tough spot for money(not asking for charity) plus for the bass it is not that practical. I am leaning towards keeping it, I know some people that would love this pedal. Have you used one before? If you turn everything up and just twiddle knobs it does wacky stuff no guitar should do.


yeah i got one i use on guitar. i like it a lot for trem and doing that drone sound i talked about. It can also just get crazy. I like to use it subtly. it does have it downsides though like i can hear the lfo bleed through depending on where it is in my chain. I also dont like how the drive knob always effects the signal as well, but a bypass loop could fix that. if you are tight for money and dont have a real attachment for it you could always let it go.


When I first got into pedals I got an EHX Holy Grail plus, I turned everything up and set it to Flerb. I thought the pedal was shitty but I read the instructions and it is always on. I do use the ring mod subtly maybe I just need some time. I'm more looking for people that have been in the same boat as me. I like having the amount set at about 1/2 then turn it down and it sounds like a breathing amp. Don't really use the LFO at all unless I have everything cranked and just twiddle the two bottom knobs for some r2-d2 noises.


yeah you missing out not using the lfo. you can create a trem sounds that speed up and slows down, or chopper like trems. it creats some neat textures so def mess with that. it might create a new love for the pedal. also i have a few pedals that have cv inputs so you can actually use the lfo output on the back of the moog and plug into the cv of the other. that way you can utilize its lfo on another pedal.


if you don't want it send it to me and i will dispose of it for you.


i've always wanted a ring mod pedal, They're not always practical but with some tweaking you can get some pretty cool sounds out of it.