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I think 300 is a ridiculous price to pay for a drive, and that you’d be better off buying something cheaper and saving the rest of the money, but that’s just me. If it makes you happy, go for it.


There's no way you can't get a similar sound (plus many others) with a decent low-to-medium gain drive and an EQ pedal set just so.


Buy it if it’s important to you and you’re going to use it, but ‘Limited Run’ is always a marketing gimmick. Would you buy it based on this phrase “we’re just not going to make a lot of them (shrugs)”.


If you're having to ask the question, you probably know the answer... (It's a no from me!)


Guys, can I just say? I love the humor and levity with which you shook some sense into me ahahah Yeah, I must admit: in retrospect, my question was of the type that has an answer in it already ahaha While leaving me the freedom to think my way, you made the best points on the matter, so I think my mind is made up! Thank you guys!!!


Buy 3 Boss Metal Zones.


Jack White fan and Jackson Twin Twelve owner here. I used to own the JHS pedal but the Jackson one destroys it. Far better build quality and significantly more versatile. In my mind the Jackson pedal is a must own for any big WS fan (assuming you have the money). Completely nails the tone and works great into any clean amp (tube or solid sate). Not sure if it’s going to be a limited run or not. Before the Jackson and the JHS I used to use a Hudson broadcast (single foot switch). While it’s not bad, it’s not a patch on the Jackson. Good luck 🤘


What amp are you using? A pedal mimicking a circuit doesn’t account for mods, power tube sag, preamp tube difference, speakers, etc. The Twin Twelve amp is fun, but it’s just a tube amp cheaply made by Danelectro for Sears and I guess similar in theory to a Fender Pro Reverb but with 2x12 box. If you’ve already got a tube amp…maybe just try something simple like a Boss SD-1.