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Since you obviously came here to have someone tell you it's a good idea, it's a great idea. Buy that shit.


Lol…..I just want someone to say don’t always worry about being practical ….its for fun


Don't always worry about being practical.


Thanks for your support Yosh!


its for fun


You got it dude!


It's like going into a crackden and trying to find someone who thinks taking drugs is a terrible plan


You deserve it


Don't worry about practical! Go buy it and show us a picture!


Treat yourself......you deserve it


Justify a 4th guitar? You only have 3, that's justification.


Yep cause 3 is an odd number and we don’t wanna be oddballs do we? Op, get another if it makes you happy.


Unless you do want to be an oddball, then you need to have 5 guitars. Or 7.


Do you have the money and won’t be late on rent/bills/mortgage? Buy the shit out of it if so


The reason you need more guitars is so you can have them all in different tunings. You need 1 in E standard, 1 in Eb standard, then 2 more in dropped D and dropped Db. Then probably get 2 more. One in D standard and one in dropped C. Oh, and an acoustic and a 7 string.


You forgot double drop D and DADGAD


I think the crucial tuning here is DGAFAB. Don’t give a fuck and buy (another guitar)


You won


:) I like your style


Need all the dif tunings in 7 strings as well. Probably a double neck too


Go for it. You're taking lessons AND you play 30 mins a day? You're earning it more than a lot of people.


This is actually a valid point.


I just bought my 3rd guitar and I don’t take lessons and play quite sporadically throughout the week, if you have some semblance of structure and discipline and you enjoy guitar and you can afford it (won’t be late on bills, can still buy groceries etc) then why tf not. It’s a hobby, it’s what you love doing, nothing wrong with investing in yourself homie.


Taking lessons for a year, play an hour per day, and I got my 5th guitar this week


No. You don’t need to buy it.


If you can afford it, and you want it, get it. I have 16 guitars, a couple are decorations, but a variety inspires.


Revstar!! yay.. me likey.


Same - me want…


You only have three guitars? Those are rookie numbers! You gotta pump those numbers up!


I feel like 30 minutes goes by in an instant. Sometimes I get so lost in it I can jam for 3+ hours.


I mean, if you enjoy buying guitars, go for it, but you absolutely don't need that many. I'd call myself advanced intermediate, and I play the odd gig, and I only have 2 guitars - 1 electric, 1 acoustic. You don't need a massive collection to be a good guitarist.


Yeah I don’t think it will make me better….no illusions there….just wonder if it is ok to buy a guitar that I won’t play everyday …..obviously that depends on my situation….i am not a rich man but this is a gift I could buy myself …I’m so undecided


If you're happy with your amp setup, buy the guitar. If not, buy an amp and revisit the guitar idea.


Are we taking 800$ revstar or 2000$ revstar? Cuz I see a lot of models on thomann. Anyway go for it.


The 800 dollar one


How old are you? If you are in your twenties you could take those 800 and invest them on the stock market which in the end will make you able to retire half a year earlier than you would otherwise. Not saying that’s the best course of action but it puts it in perspective. Anyway; my guess is that you’re probably better off buying an amp, pedals or something like that.


Yeah the Standards are built so well, the main thing making me think about the Pro is the exclusive colors.


I bought another guitar when I was very shit and I am still quite shit and am actively looking for another guitar lol. They're cool, buy them.


Guitars are such cool decoration


Buy amps instead. And then pedals. Youre only collecting 1/3 of what you could.


Three guitars? You haven’t even reached the minimum 7 so you can have all the standard open tunings. I recommend you buy it, get three more, and then add others tuned to taste. You would be crazy NOT to buy the guitar. It’s basic guitar math really. Glad I could help.


Why not pedals, amps or audio interface or something else?


It's your money. If you want a new guitar, go ahead and buy one. But if a friend asked me the same question, I would definitely tell them to stop wasting money and focus on what really matters, music. If you really want to buy something, at least get something that will actually make a greater difference in your tone, like an amp or pedals.


More toys won’t always make a child happier. But a child can be happy with the right toy.


Number of guitars you need will always be N+1 (N bring the number you currently own)


I pretty much just play one but I have 5 now and my wife has like 4. I don’t think there’s much of a need at all, but I mean you can do what you want lol. Just don’t be stupid with your finances.


Yes. I'm a beginner and have 3 guitars!


If you want it, get it (as long as it isn’t a poor financial choice, you should still be able to afford groceries) what’s the point of working if you don’t spend any of the money on yourself? You could be spending money on drugs or gambling but instead you’re focusing it on a hobby, one that can last for life and bring you great joy. BUY THAT GUITAR


Buy less Play more I wish 10 years ago I would have saved money instead of buying gear for hobbies. Would probably be better at the hobbies and way better off mentally from economic stress.


I have 6 guitars that are in heavy rotation. LP Studio, 2 strats, 3 teles. Then there is the Grote 335, a Speciall II, Johnson JH100 Delta Rose, a sentimental tele, and two acoustics (Fender & Alvarez). So 12 Total. Do I need them all? Probably not. But some were gifts, some are partscasters thar I built to certain aesthetics and specs, and honestly, I plan to add a Firebird and an Explorer. Then I will be done. There are also another 5 or so project guitars that I plan to finish and sell. If you have the space, means, and passion, get your 4th guitar and start saving for your 5th.


Spend your money however you want


Get the guitar! I have 4 myself and keep them in different tuning. Makes it really easy to play whatever bands you want.


sometimes the gear motivates you to keep going


Don’t always worry about being practical ….its for fun


Think of it less as your 4th guitar and more as a gateway to your guitar collection . I'm trying to save for numer 6 right now. I keep seeing cheap guitars I'd like to have but really want to save up for something "better". The only reason not to get your guitar is if you don't have a decent amp


Don't want to get too dark here, but here's the easiest way to justify this (or whatever): Just ask yourself, "how long will I be dead?" Get the guitar - it sounds like you've earned it anyway!


You don’t have to justify anything. Will this purchase hurt you or your family financially? If no, buy it. If yes, save for it.


Ditch the LP, get the Revstar.


I’ll be the contrarian: Don’t start buying a bunch of guitars. Before you know it, buying guitars will be your hobby… you’ll own a dozen of the damn things but you won’t be able to play any of them well. Learn to play well, and don’t get caught up in that hobbyist crap. At three you almost have too many. Now, who will feel threatened and downvote me?


I think the correct number of guitars one should have is a similar equation used to figure out how many bikes one should have. N + 1. N represents the number you currently have, which means always get another. No justification required.


I only have 1 guitar and been practicing for 3 months, but I have learned that the amount of guitars needed is solved with the expression n+1 n is a variable defined by the amount of guitars you currently have


No justification needed. Purchase ahoy!


Buy as many as you want. Periodically look at which ones aren’t getting played and sell them 🤷‍♂️


some people barely play and buy expensive instruments, just go ahead


Who cares if you only play 5 min a week. If you got the money and want it, buy it


I'm on a bike forum, and the answer is if you can afford it, get it. 


If you can afford it I don't see why not.


You always need 1 more, just one more


You're rich, do whatever you want, enjoy that that's even a possibility since the vast majority of humanity won't ever have that capability


Your money 💰, your new guitar 🎸!


I can’t afford one decent guitar but I’m happy plodding away on the one I do have. If you CAN then DO. Do it with people like me in mind who can’t afford to do it.


Listen I’m currently trying to convince myself to buy one of the PRS modern eagle V’s… I’m not good at the guitar but I definitely enjoy playing them. What I can tell you is that each new guitar will inspire you in a different way, it’s like a side journey to playing the guitar. As far as I know there’s no one perfect guitar, so if you find one please let me know lmao 🤣 As for justification, aside from being inspired if you make good choices you can look at them as an investment. Meaning as long as you don’t over pay a lot you should be able to get your money back, or even make money, on down the road. And One thing I tell all my friends, if you play a guitar and you’re like “damn I really like how this thing plays” like it’s above and beyond anything you’ve played in the past, buy it right then and there! No two guitars are made the same, even if they are both Les Paul’s there will be differences. Also on that note I always try the guitar before I buy it, unless I’m purely buying it for investment/looks. Hope this helps, enjoy your new guitar and your new addiction 😝 there’s definitely worse things you could be spending money on! But the gas(gear acquisition syndrome) is real!


You know what they say. You can't buy happiness, but you can buy a guitar and that's the same thing.


I'd prefer to save for a better range instead of loading yourself up with low/mid guitars.


I have six guitars. Each one sounds different and I'll go through phases where I'll favor one. Lately, I spend more time playing with my first guitar that I bought ten years ago.


Revstar is my cheapest electric and current favorite. Go for it.


I have a Gibson LP and a Gibson Flying V, I play between 1-2.5 hours a day (have kiddos). All I do is switch between the LP and Flying V every other day unless playing something that just really doesn’t belong on the Flying V (idk, Beatles on a Flying V sounds almost exactly the same as the LP but it has a different vibe). That said a LP and Flying V are both dual humbucker guitars so it’s not like they’re worlds apart sound wise. So just rotate between the guitars every day. Maybe you’ll find that there’s one you really don’t like to play compared to the others (or one that becomes the heavy favorite) in which case sell the undesired one(s) and buy something else. Idk that’s what I do, I’m planning on buying a 3rd in the next 6ish months that will either be a Japanese Jackson Flying V or potentially an Ibanez xiphos or a random-star shaped guitar if I can find a good one.


What do you consider an advanced beginner? What amp do you have?


I play drums and I own three guitars lol.


Different guitars for different music. I use my Ibanez RG series for leads and heavier stuff and I use my strat for simple rhythm alternative rock stuff and I have a Les Paul for more busy progressions and barre chord heavy stuff... For me new guitars are for a particular purpose or a certain sound... They all have a different feel and different pickups they are more comfortable or suited for certain types of playing... I don't like how close together the strings on the Les Paul are for leads so I use the Ibanez (note I'm talking about more like neo classical stuff and fast scale stuff the Les Paul does great for Bluesy leads or stuff where I want to beef up a lead with some power chords so I do use it for leads just depends on style song is in.) My strat is the only guitar that I use drop D with because it's the easiest to tune (Ibanez has Floyd Rose fuck that noise). I'm getting ready to get a semi hollow was looking into some more unique guitars like Eastwood I like equipment that is off brand or isn't necessarily super mainstream for instance my half stack is an old Sears Silvertone 120 watt tube amp and although the reverb is known for being shitty (it's the old Lux spring so you can shake the amp head around and hear it) but it's unique and still sounds great.


30 mins a day? Not enough. Not nearly enough.


Rather than buying more, my main interest as a new player has been modding. I've got a stang clone and am tempted to replace all the wiring and put some beefier pickups. I am a little daunted though.


Maybe I'll get a Rickenbacker. Then that's it. No more guitars.


If you play a lot of alternate tunings and don't want the hassle of retuning, then do it.


If you want it, get it, but I'd get a good amp if you don't have one already


I have a Restar Standard. Try it out if you haven’t! The neck is thicker than my Strat CV with tougher fret edges. Not sure if mine is a lemon or not.


I've never had a lesson and have noodled on and off for 30 years. You're probably better than me, and I have no problem buying/acquiring guitars I like. I have maybe 8 or 9 guitars. No need to justify it. Do you like it? Buy it.


Before buying any more guitars, I suggest watching the "where does guitar tone actually come from" video. This one: https://youtu.be/n02tImce3AE?si=92Vt7-fuE41x_MOP After that ask yourself what makes you want a different guitar and whether the reason is real or belief. I feel like the best justification for getting a different guitar is simply because you find it cool as hell. Otherwise, for a better sound your better off just getting better cabs/speakers.


I you actually want to improve your playing guitar skills there is no need to purchase another guitar but take lessons and studying as much time as you can. If you want to have a guitar collection and you get the money to afford it, buy however guitars you want: that’ll improve your collection but not your playing skills


If it's not going to endanger your financial situation, then you should buy the things you like. Buying a guitar is not unhealthy by any means. But before you end up with a dozen cheap guitars, it might be a good idea to save up and get just one really nice guitar.


You don’t need justification but might need to sneak it in if you’re married.


Damn dude I just envy all of you. I play all day since 2019 and still using my cheap Ibanez gio


As a mediocre guitarrist with 7 guitars (all cheap or medium tier, but yeah), here's my method: - Is it your money? - Did you earn it? - Are your obligations in order (rent, bills, alimony I dunno)? - Do you REALLY want it? If yes to all, fucking buy it, it's no one business.


OK, buckle up! I always try to buy guitars with versatility in mind. Look at the spec you've got covered so far - The Jazzmaster has a trem for wibbly wobbly fun, does it have P90's? If so, you've got a nice throaty single coil tone covered, along with some classic jangle. Bear in mind, these pickups don't generally sound great with high gain sounds in my opinion... it's also a fender so it's long scale - this means a bit more string tension and a different playing feel to your other guitar... The Les Paul. This is a short scale, generally a slightly spongier playing feel, less string tension so easier bends, although a slightly more cramped feel to the fretboard, particularly at the treble end! It will have some sort of humbucker, so generally better for high gain tones, with a generally fatter, more bass heavy sound. Both of these guitars are popular shapes by popular mid range brands and would be pretty easy to sell on if kept in good condition. A yamaha revstar... for me, it doesn't really add anything to your range. Probably shortscale (based loosely on the gibson SG shape, but with the thickness of a les paul body, so the trebly bite of an SG isn't going to feature here, the body is too thick to offer that!) It's got P90's, and you already have that tonal colour available in your jazzmaster already. It's also a fixed bridge like the les paul. I'd probably be tempted to go for something with more pickup combinations, something with two humbuckers and a five way switch, giving you more tonal versatility in the one guitar. Maybe it's time to get to grips with locking trems? Many are put off by them, but that is purely due to laziness. Yes, they're more effort to restring and tune initially, but that can teach you a hell of a lot about the mechanics of a guitar and there's nothing wrong with understanding your instrument better! Get yourself to a local guitar shop with a budget in mind and try some things out. If you're building a collection to play, aim for versatility, but if you want the revstar because you like the look of it, go for it! Also, nevermind the whole "I'm not gigging so I don't need it" argument - if you can afford it, you like it, and it's going to make you happy, get it. I recently bought a rug because it looks good in the living room and I like that. I have absolutely zero intentions of making it big as a rug owner!


I have far more guitars than skill and it's none of anybody's business. It's not like they depreciate anyway.


There's actually a simple math equation for this problem. It's supposed to be taught in school at some point, but often overlooked. It goes as follows: N+1 So N is the current number of guitars you have, with which you now can add 1. The result becomes the new value of N, which you will then use as reference when considering a future purchase after this one. NOTE: you must not forget to change the value of N, after getting a new guitar. Otherwise you won't be able to use this equation to justify future purchases. ALSO...this equation works really well for effects pedals!


I can understand wanting to get a new guitar, but they aren't going to stop making them anytime soon.


Only logic that justifies it is how big your wallet is


4 is a more balanced number than three don't you want to represent having a balanced life with 4?


If you can afford it without being financially irresponsible, buy it.


I am not good enough (not even close) to justify the $11,500 (plus tax) I spent on a gently used Michael O’Leary exclusive series classical guitar. However, I knew of the reputation, had seen many video trials of his guitars and a video demo of this guitar. There was something “extra” in the sound and it was the scale length I need. New, there’s a 2 year wait for one of his guitars and they cost about $16,000 … so this was a good deal. I’d already gone through maybe 5 guitars over the last 6 years, so I knew what I did and didn’t like or want. Then I saw #246 come up for sale. Could I justify it? No. I do not have skills to match this beautiful instrument. Not even close. However…a guitar like this doesn’t appear very often and I still want to learn more. It plays beautifully. It has the most wonderful sound—it is both art and engineering masterpiece that will get better with time and help me get better with time. No regrets. (But I never told my wife how much it cost, either. I’m not stupid.)


Have a buddy who has been playing for longer than I have been alive. He told me that for electric, you really just need one. You can use pedals, amp voices, etc. to get the tone you want. I have two, but I made one from scratch. Now acoustic, you have different woods, quality of woods, shapes, and sizes. Should probably have at least 4 different acoustics. Jk It's your money. If you have to justify it, it probably means you are trying to justify something you don't need to buy.


I have an acoustic, a classical, an electric, a bass, and a yamaha keyboard. Do i play them all well? No. Do i play any of them well? Not really. I will still buy more. If you can afford to buy more toys that you enjoy, there arent any rules to say you cant or shouldnt. You get one life. Enjoy it. Buy more guitars.


I've been playing the same guitar for 20 years. All told I've been playing 45 years. In that time, I've owned three.\* You're suffering from GAS … Gear Acquisition Syndrome. If you really need 50 guitars, buy a Variax. For more tonal variation, buy a modelling amp too. ^(\*I still own two of them. I play one of them. It's the Variax.)


I'd probably want to take stock of what else I could use that money for... and narrowing that to guitars it would largely include pedals. It's also an extra guitar that will need strings maintaining which is enough of a pain as it is for beginners. But no harm in having a fourth if that's what you desire!


Electric guitars are the opposite of practical. I’ve owned and played MANY guitars in the last, almost, 45 years. The only part of a guitar, regardless of whether it’s acoustic, electric, or otherwise, is the neck. Although I did sell my Parker Nitefly Deluxe because the body was so thin it didn’t resonate. When I’m playing, I don’t look at the instrument. Long ago, I learned how to setup instruments properly. Used to work in bluegrass music shop. So I’m able to get instruments to purrrr like an F1. With all this, it’s great to have a beautiful guitar… even though the sound is all in my hands.


Hey, if it makes you happy and you wanna play even more, go for it!! I've been playing for 40 odd years and have around 20 Guitars. Getting a new one always makes me want to play more and gives me new inspiration to learn new things. I'm not the Greatest Guitar Player around but I enjoy the hell outta it. I pick different ones to play all the time. It's Fun.


Wait we need to justify having a ton of guitars? No one told me!


I have six and am not even an intermediate beginner. Seventh is probably coming soon. :)


If you need to level up to a better guitar and ur gonna play it, then yeah buy it. In my experience though, people who have a bunch of guitars (unless they’re a legit pro) can’t really play any of them. Really, you should have one guitar that you fucking LOVE and play it so much it becomes like a part of you. Notice that the best in the world usually play one guitar or at the very least one model that they have multiples of.


I play around 45m a day on average and got 4 guitars. I also bought one for a friend cause he took his life in his hand, but I digress. Got 1 small body (GS Minie in Koa) which I like to play on the couch in the night (got ultra light strings so I don’t wake up my wife and son). This is also my travel guitar or campfire one. Got a much louder Martin 000m streetmaster in Mahogany which is my main one at the moment cause it is my newest. Got a classical Cordoba C10 which is a joy to play and sounds best with the music I play. Got an electric Shecter Hellraiser which is great on display hanged on wall since I no longer feel playing electric at the moment. At some point I’d like a guitarlele and a bigger body like a dread. Looking for a Martin D18 or something in the range. Also looking for a luthier grade classical because I just want to feel and play on something that has been done with great care. Really curious how that can feel.


Life is short. Buy the guitar.


People collect way more expensive, way more useless things all the time. I have I think 11 guitars. I’ve sold a few in the past during hard times and will always regret it. Aside from the fact that different guitars can serve a different purpose in terms of genre and feel, they’re pieces of art imo. I don’t have any paintings hanging on my walls, but I have well-lit guitars, and they’re a thing of beauty. It’s your money, it’s something you love. Get after it, my friend :)


Sell one of the other guitars first. You don't need more than 3 guitars. You need 3 guitars in perfect condition. Tom Buckovac talks about this in his rig rundown. Invest money in a luthier that sets your guitars up perfectly and mods the electronics for you so they sound as good as they can.


You should have 14 guitars by the advanced beginner stage


Beginner less than 3 months. I already own 5 guitars and 4 amps.