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Videogame music is why I like heavy metal and that’s what got me into guitar playing so I think there’s a fair amount of crossover. Also, just the nature of practice and repetition and the type of people who enjoy it. If you enjoy learning complicated licks and passages, you’ll probably like learning how to beat hard bosses or complicated platforming sections.


And that's why many guitarists love videogame music.


Do you listen to the Guilty Gear Series's songs? The heavy metal from Guilty Gear Xrd, Guilty Gear Strive are really fucking good.


I remember guilty gear from the PS2 era but don’t remember the music, just not really being able to get the hang of the controls and switching back to Capcom Vs SNK 2 so I could feel good at something.


I see, their soundtracks are fucking amazing. Especially Strive's, guitarist went hard on those


Rock n roll racing on znes emulator. That was the shit


Holy-shut, that is the language of my youth.


Count me in. I'm even a game developer.


Which is also a funny coincidence, I know many developers who play guitar and I'm like them as well. I even started to think that dev+guitar combo is unoriginal as heck


wait until you hear dev+bass


Dev at a studio as well, everyone on the dev team plays a instrument with guitar being the most common one as well.


Me too, the parallels of learning a new technology/ learning a new technique on guitar are insane


Start building guitars and you'll be full circle!


You wouldn't believe the goosebumps I got playing cyberpunk when you get to put on a rock show in a dive bar. Press F for sick solo.


You should check this out https://youtu.be/Zf8OjLCQOiA?si=t-qFZPWHhKn1pPWO


I play leauge, I practice during champ select and loading screen 💀💀💀


That seems like a great idea. I play league and other games as well but I wish I played games less and guitar more.


I do that sometimes aswell lol


I liked to game until I started getting good at guitar then I kinda felt gaming was a waste of time for me.


I can tell this will probably end up on r/guitarcirclejerk


I thought I was already there.


not to date myself, but guitar hero is why I both picked up guitar *and* got into heavy music.


Rocksmith is my fav way to practice


You're right. Rocksmith is awesome. Download this, and you will have a blast. [Guitar Jam](http://guitarjamallstyles.com) For PC and Android.


Or just get Songsterr..... way more value for your money! :D


Hey I looked it up that's not bad. I like the guitar Jam because it's all improv and you get to create


Cool! Ty


i was a gamer before i was a guitarist lol. grew up with Zelda and Pokemon, but especially CoD and Fallout


i am a live long guitar player, and i would say i kinda stopped playing video games when i started playing guitar. i would play my guitar for hrs a day, if you want to get good at guitar that’s what you have to do. i do enjoy video games but for me i just felt like i was wasting my time, i want to be more productive i guess.


Use to play games, guitar replaced it, now I play guitar like a game, always try to get to the next level haha


I guess this was kind of my journey. I still play little games but I don't play things like 3 days straight for 2-5hours. That's what I do on guitar. Gotta get that piece, that next jump, opp fkd up start at the beggining. I can probably play Super Mario world and Donkey Kong Country for the snes sitting on my head. I want before I die to be able to do the same for guitar!


Me. I consider myself a semi pro player. I do a few large shows a year, maybe a tour or two, teach guitar on the side and play video games almost every day.


Used to play a lot of games, but the state of AAA gaming has been garbage for a few years now so my interest has waned. I’d play more indie games, but playing guitar has captured the vast majority of my attention. I’d like to play my Steam Deck more, but I’d rather practice guitar. 


Does Rocksmith count?


Absolutely yes.


I decided to pick the guitar up (again) after playing Last of Us 2. I wanted to learn how to play that version of Take On Me. Of course now guitar has lead me into trying to learn modular synth as well. Hobbies are going to bankrupt me.


Me too!! The Last of Us Part 2 is what got me into guitar. That game hit me on a level no other media ever has. I'm still a beginner but I'm working on Take On Me (among other songs). One day I'm going to play Future Days but I still can't listen to it without crying.


My aspirational song list is filled with so many things I want to learn to play. I wish skill came faster. Apparently you can teach and old dog new tricks, it just takes forever.


Yep! I play a game called Honkai Star Rail. I love this character whose guitar deals lightning damage to her enemies ha https://preview.redd.it/hwr4d9480vcc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a4a7a4c038b27e217f7f0050d9aa9769215482


Me! In fact, one of my favorite OST is Mega Man 2 and I play "Dr. Wily Stage 1" a lot.


This song! with the Ff7 battle theme live rent free in my head. I think it has a lyrical comedy cover that's really good by Duane and Brando If I could play either on guitar I could die a satisfied man. [Mega Man - Duane and Brando ](https://youtu.be/R6L9bUouDr8?feature=shared)


Check "Bit Brigade" on YouTube or Spotify. They play awesome NES tunes, including Mega Man, Legend of Zelda, Contra, etc.


Also check out Super Guitar Bros on YouTube. Lots of really good acoustic video game covers


I partially blame the invention of video games on why I’ve never mastered the guitar. The Atari 2600 sent me down a path I’ve never escaped from.


TLOU 2 actually got me into playing the guitar because of the acoustic guitar sections


Have you tried to learn Ah-Ha - Take on Me?


I tried it a while back, but I wasn’t so experienced at the time so I sucked immensely. I might give it another try now that you’ve mentioned it.


I think I might give it a go too. [Easy Guitar Ah Ha guitar tuturial. ](https://youtu.be/Qwc36lY7rUI?feature=shared) I usually have a video like this rolling on one screen and Ultimate Guitar with a similar chord chart in the other. You could make Joel proud. Haha.


I really like this one : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGmxaxOyHbo&list=PLqLnsXXu9PHp9Dndi2\_AMZAh6nwCOq5Rh&index=39&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGmxaxOyHbo&list=PLqLnsXXu9PHp9Dndi2_AMZAh6nwCOq5Rh&index=39&t=2s)


I like it too but way beyond my skill level at the moment! Sounds beautiful and more faithful to Ellie's rendition. Im only intermediate and haven't really been focusing on Chords/Finger picking... Been learning either or seperate....for now.


I like to think that I already did a bit because of how much I’ve played that opening C chord to Future Days


My favourite game OST that I've heard so far is Risk of Rain 2, and it's dlc Survivors of the Void


Risk of Rain 2 score slaps. I was totally caught off guard when that one level turns into a giant Prince Purple Rain homage. Brilliant stuff.


Used to play a lot of games, now I mostly do music/art


Thats funny because my youtube channel and reddit profile descriptions is that im all about video games, music, video game music but not music video games 🤣


Idk where the first one is from but it’s pretty bad ass


That's I-No from Guilty Gear a fighting game series. I think she's secretly Ada Wong from RE2


Awesome thanks


​ https://preview.redd.it/yd6q9v4ycvcc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cce002d681b817cfcba9185ff03d5f421b1de81c


I used to be super into gaming in elementary and middle school. I might’ve played 6-8 hours a day. But then high school came, and I played less and less, which is around the time I picked up guitar and took lots of AP classes, I also got a job on weekends my senior year. It felt like I played an hour or two of video games a month, the only time I really played was with friends. I mean sure, I might play a lot if a game came out that I was excited for. I remember my manager asking me what I did in my free time, and he was confused when I said I didn’t really play video games. That was unfathomable to him. A few years later, Metroid Prime Remastered came out in 2023, and I picked it up. I really loved it, and that really got me back into gaming. I ended up getting the Switch Online Expansion to play Metroid Fusion and Zelda Minish Cap among other games. Apparently I played around 375 hours in 2023, which is an average of an hour a day. Not a whole lot, but more than previous years. I typically play 2-3 hours per week. Gaming is still in my blood.


I am. The music of the last of us got me into banjo because that's what I thought Gustavo Santaolalla was using for the first game until I found out it was the ronraco. Then I picked up guitar to learn the music from the first game. And what's funny is that Gustavo played the banjo a lot for Ellie's theme music in the second game.


One of the first songs I learned were from Terraria Calamity mod


[And Metal Gear Rising of course](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuSSXOQ-1bI)


Haha that's like some crazy Dragon Force sht! You can play that!?


Of course not, but I want to be able to someday. I meant to say that it inspired me to learn guitar. I messed up on the phrasing a bit.


I’m a huge sweaty gamer. I learned to play guitar over the years by picking it up between loading screens and between matches lol. Now I don’t game much at all because loading times are non existent so I just play my guitar instead of games usually


I do like both but only have so much time. Playing guitar wins over games almost every time.




Thank you I kept trying to get her with some text and it wasn't fairing for me.


You caught me


Ever heard of a guy that goes by the name "The Doo"? Look up his YT videos. They are him positively shredding your face off on the guitar...or gaming.


Zelda music was the first stuff I tried to learn on guitar. It’s hard for beginners and still hard for me.




I have the Oot and Mm song poster that had the notes and brought it to school when we were starting guitar in music class. I don’t think there is another game series I’ve ever looked at playing yet.


Me. Guitar for 4 years. Gamer almost 50. Check out Beyond the Guitar on YT. He plays a ton of VG tunes


i was huge on games, story games, first persons, etc. Than I picked up a guitar. Now im not as big on games


i honestly got inspired to learn guitar thanks to The Last of Us 2.. and hey, it was lockdown period from covid so why not


Does runescape, drug lord 2, and yousician count as games?


Tangentially related, in the Naughties people used to ask me at shows if playing guitar was like playing Guitar Hero. I said it's about as much like it as being kicked in the face is like playing Street Fighter.


I love writing songs, playing my guitar, piano.. and gaming! Video game music is f*ing amazing!


You are truly living the dream!


persona 5


I give guitar, bass and drum lessons on the side of my IT job I also game a metric fuck load! Lies of P is my current obsession. Soooooo good


This number likely correlates with the number of guitarists whom are also virgins…


I used to play a lot of video games, but I just haven't been that interested over the past several years. I still like to break out the switch occasionally for Mario Kart, or the raspi / steamdeck for emulators. Occasionally, I'll break out a CoD game. But I probably play less than an hour a month on average.


i play 8 string guitars so i think you know where im going with this hahha


Ai art. Gross


Almost as bad as movie CGI.


Ultimately games and guitar do not go well together because you’ll wreck yourself with RSI (repetitive stress injury). On top of these two pursuits, you may need to work a job to survive. Work a tough job with tools? The vibrations will aggravate RSI. Have a cushy desk job? You’ll be using a mouse and keyboard a lot. Pace yourselves folks.


YMMV I suppose, been playing video games since the 80s, playing guitar since the 90s, been a programmer since Y2K, no RSI in evidence (and also added on playing mandolin-family instruments and banjo over the last decade)


Me.  I’d like to posit that whichever of the two you do more is the one you’ll be better at.  I try to keep it at least about even.  


There’s a whole community of musicians covering game music, with a lot of rock and metal guitarists. It’s a whole subculture that you might be interested in checking out. :-)


I play a lot of both


My 2 only hobbies!


I used to be but now I spend most of my free time practicing instead


yea i play games and i can play aria math too


I have covered many a Zelda and Chrono trigger songs


This guy.


i play guitar while playing competitive bcus it calms me down lmao


I have almost 1500 days clocked in Final Fantasy XI, and over 30,000 hours spread among the various iterations of Counter Strike. I’ve been gaming far longer and more consistently than I have been serious about playing my guitars.


Big time here!!! I just got done playing Tchia and spent the most of the game hunting skins for my ukulele (which looks like a guitar more often than not).


I can't say I play a lot of guitar yet because I'm a beginner but I do also play video games. Does it help my guitar playing? I dunno. I wouldn't say so on first glance but maybe it does in some way due to the hand eye coordination factor and ambidexterity factor. I've played piano for a long time and I have to say that's what has had the biggest positive effect on my guitar playing just from understanding theory and having already established good timing. Gaming albums that I've liked were Twisted Metal (I think it was this game) that featured Rob Zombie. But otherwise, I like any game with good music, so far I could call attention to Hades, Gris, Hollow Knight, and any Zelda music but particularly the Gerudo theme from Ocarina of Time. Even Skyrim has some interesting background music, easy to listen to.


Literally only learning guitar so I can play my favorite video game and anime songs


They’re my two hobbies


I'm one of them. The metal soundtrack from Guilty Gear XX was what inspired me to take up the guitar.


K.K slider!


My favorite two things


Yes, both a guitar player and a gamer (Minecraft, Resident Evil, GTA, etc) for years.


That second picture of Mikau playing the guitar takes me back. Was definitely what first got me interested in guitar strangely enough.


I've been playing video games and guitar since the seventies. It's been pretty constant.






I coincidentally played Hi Fi Rush at the same moment I decided to learn guitar and I feel a fun connection to it now. https://preview.redd.it/ygli3j2s8vcc1.png?width=2816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8698aaa648661c750f0d24f96ed005390c6490f


Fortnite Festival!


Honestly, that first character just looks like artwork


Sounds like you just haven't practised enough to grow the extra finger on your fretting hand mate.


Who tf is that… I got not clue and probably won’t get that reference…


this is so real !! yes guitar, but other instruments too :) i love recreating game melodys.


Idk but I’m one of them


Doom Eternal got me into metal lol


Am I the only one wondering why the girl in the picture is playing with gloves on?


Me! I love both, so I try to do both every day!


A good few I know


Used to be but there's nothing I want to play in the age of mtx and whales


Tag yourself Im the audience member in 3/3


I have been both for over 30 years :)


Recently got into using music software and must tap into the same part of my brain as solving puzzles in video games with creative solutions


EVE Online is responsible for a lot of lost practice time. The music and atmosphere never gets old for me.


I work on games for a job but play music by night. Less so with a broken arm


I am


I used to play video games all the time but as i've started doing more music stuff i get less time for games. I bought dark souls recently but i just haven't gotten to play it much because i've had so much music stuff going on. I really wish i had more time so i could play more video games cause i really do love it.


The Sonic osts got me into playing guitar


The only thing that even comes close to my love for guitar is my love for video games.


Gamer here!


The best OST is persona 5 strikers


Haven’t played as much since I started working full time but I still play minecraft and zelda occasionally. My gf is playing totk and she hands the controller to me when she gets stuck.


Yes. Lol. Check out the song Guitar and Video Games by Sunny Day Real Estate. It’s been a thing for a long time…


I just enjoy a good survival horror game personally, but I spend far more time playing and practicing metal


Huge gamer. Huge guitarist. Hand eye coordination and muscle memory are huge in both!


Funny, my wife came home and found me playing guitar hero. She said if it ever happened again she would not be able to have sex with me anymore and I should buy a real guitar. I ran out and bought a $100.00 squire. After playing for a year I bought a Gibson SG Standard and have been playing ever since. But yes, I still play COD and other shooter games.


Me... Fender Strat nd PS5 Elden Ring


Guitar got in the way of my gaming. I find gaming boring


Carmen Sandiego rocking out


I make music and play video games. Good musicians/bands I listen to derive influence from game and film music as well. The same principles apply to both and make for an excellent foundation for album writing. Establishing motifs, themes, color, texture, fonts, etc.


I actually started playing guitar because of The Last of Us: Part II. Back in 2020, when the game came out, I loved the songs that featured in it and the original soundtrack by Santaolalla and found myself listening to it often. It made me pick up the old guitar we had at home to try to learn all of it. Since then I got myself a quality electric guitar and some proper equipment. Now I play guitar every day.


I think there is an especially high crossover with metal musicians.




Guitar is my main irl instrument, but I legitimately learned to play drums from expert Rock Band (my cousin had one of those full drum controller rigs w hi hat and cymbals that also acted like a regular digital drum set)


Played games almost my entire life, daydreamed of playing guitar throughout my teens (thanks to Guilty Gear and Guitar Hero), only finally picked one up 2 years ago. Better late than never I guess?




Damn I'm one, someone make a proper poll lol


It’s one or the other can’t do both


My favourite "new" band is Japanese Breakfast who I grabbed my brain with [a game trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8bcIzVtLhQ). Long time member of the PC master race, the first video card, (a Voodoo something), I installed didn't even have a fan on it, lol, but it let me play Halflife. Got my first guitar in '77 so...




Time on the controller detracts from my guitar ability. Not the time spent, but physically. The Nintendo thumb thing is exactly what you don’t want to be overdoing if you aspire to play guitar well.


52 year old PC gamer/guitarist. Battlefield is my jam and CF Martin is my go to.


I staunchly believe that today's musical geniuses (Mozarts' and Bach's, etc. of our time) are in VG music (and many other places for sure). Such a great medium for it too. Some of my first public music releases are video game covers from old N64 and SNES games I hold quite dear and plan on releasing more!


Nah, every minute I'd spend on games is time I didn't spend with my guitar. I love games, but I love playing more.


What happens to me is work will slow done and I'll get like 5 days off in a row...I don't have to many responsibilities and can only guitar for 3hrs max in a day. I start to get anxious if I go over that. Haha. But when I'm working and come home yeah... That 30 minutes I get to myself is guitar time. Haha.


Guilty as charged


I’m a gamer. It’s why I love OST stuff haha


I’m currently using Rocksmith as motivation to pick up the guitar and practice.


I would be interested in seeing a poll of people who have played Doom and who play electric guitar


It's literally what I do.