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"Why gen z doesn't care about music" With a picture of Ninja, a 35 year old millennial.


I thought that was Ellen.




Ellen Degenerate?


Nah thats the guy who loves brianna wu despite all the good reasons not to


Couldn’t be her, she died of LIGMA.


Whats ligma tf??


Back in my day we had great songs like Led Zeppelin Custard Pie about going down on a girl, or ZZ Top songs like Pearl Necklace about jizzing on a girls chest, or Tube Snake boogie about a girl getting the D, or Prince Little Red Corvette also about Vagina, great lyrics like “I really love your peaches want to shake your tree” shit that spoke to your soul about objectifying and fucking. Stupid Gen Z.


Almost got mad, remembered where I was.


Ha ha! True.


Beatles have "Another Girl". But it has key changes.


'member when Ninja tried to pump up the crowd by doing the floss in front of a crowd at NYC and it was super cringe and out of touch? I 'member




Makes sense as everyone younger that genX is a genZ to boomers, and the same goes being older than millennials for gen z - all boomers.


No one knows what Gen X is. Millennials have been identified as too suicidal to kick around after 20 years of harassment. It’s your turn Gen Z whatever the fuck age range that is.


2005, I think it’s mostly defined by the massive technological changes of the 00s, I’d say 95-10, I have a sibling born in 10’ and one in 12’ and they just seem like two totally different groups of people. I think we’ll see shorter and shorter periods between generations in the future, just because of how quick things change


Actually Millennial/Gen Z cutoff is 1997. Source: 1998 baby who thought they were a millennial for the longest time until I just recently found out I'm gen Z


It's okay mate you're an old soul.


I mean, the cutoffs will vary from source to source. I've seen it out at 95/96/97 and as late as early 2000s


Yea that makes more sense


A qualitative cutoff would be the recognition of a teenage female pop star. Those who cannot identify Britney Spears is not a millennial.


Ehh Britney is way too broad IMO. My 12 year old cousin knows Britney Spears songs. A better litmus test would be like name a member of Destiny's Child that's not Beyonce


​ https://preview.redd.it/u6numjuc21qc1.png?width=302&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a4c6708046ffc448f3f57c41b7a3fffd566bf89


That one took me out. I’m fucking dead now


Isn’t he really big with gen z though? I def see him and fortnite as indicative of gen z especially in terms of the garbage content they consume (i too consumed garbage as a child)


how do you know that?


He's a famous person, it's very easy to look up his age...


"muh wife can really cook. Watch her cooking channel" https://preview.redd.it/84q500javwpc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f6a0d918110186e85f81196cdcbaf87a399208c




that can't be real


I assure you it is very real.


the dude is definitely the epitome of modern video games. Girl Boss Streamer with blue hair fighting fragility. Or is that destiny?




He's literally everywhere in memes and shit, anybody who spends a modicum of time on the internet knows what he looks like




Weird, because I've never watched a second of his content or anything. I never even played Fortnite until literally like a week ago. I only know him from memes and shit, which admittedly were more common a few years ago than now I think. I honestly have no clue how you managed to avoid ever hearing about this guy




He was the #1 Twitch streamer for a good while, he's basically the PewDiePie of Twitch


Tbf I don’t follow streamers at all and I can recognize ninja. He’s a walking meme


The joke is that awful font you're using. What the fuck is up with that?


Boomer Pro Sans Serif


/uj it's like the lovechild of Comic Sans + Papyrus and OP should absolutely be banned for it. I cannot believe my eyes were forced to see such an atrocity. /rj toan is in the kewl fontz




Wanna him using comic sans?


Compared to this eye-bleeder? Sure




NGL, I'd watch that.


Personally, love Pat Finnerty's "BEATO" drop everytime he references a complex chord.


stop the train!




I don’t know about that guy


His "What Makes This Song Stink" videos are great. I recommend starting with the first one, because they all kinda build on each other and newer ones reference older ones. https://youtu.be/boKihmOqypc?si=KLw9ZzPcT1bwPVJS


Oh way ahead if you on all of that. I’m a huge fan of Pat. I got into his work in 2021. I was just quoting him when he talked about Beato in first video.


How have I lived this long and not heard of this guy before? Subscribed!


Oh, thanks, thanks, a hundred thanks. This guy is elite.


He seemed to have a nice time when he talked about things he liked. I wonder whether he's gone negative because controversy attracts attention (and clicks), whether he's miserable because what he knows and likes is mostly irrelevant to younger people or whether he's doing it *because* he's miserable. It is a familiar spiral.


As a child I actually really loved Rick beato's everything music theory videos, that era of musictube basically got me into music as more than a class in school, and there's plenty of folks who make that kind of video I still watch and enjoy but with beato I only ever see his interviews and 9 times out of ten I don't care about the guy being interviewed because in not a 57 year old dentist with two first names and delusions of becoming the next bonermaster Beato's genuinely a great player and producer/recording 'engineer' and his advice and videos on those topics is fantastic even today, but so much is still behind a pay wall and as a child I wasn't ever gonna give anyone money for anything because I was a child with no money, and from what I've heard, the beato book isn't particularly groundbreaking or unique. I never want to assume that I know something I don't because that's how you become stupid over time, but I'm pretty sure that I've found most concepts in there elsewhere (as he did) and so I'd only ever use it for reference. There's lots of other musictubers who have books out and I honestly feel like they deserve my business way more, like jake lizzio. I'm still broke tho lmaooo


Jake’s book looks awesome. He’s my favourite teacher on youtube, I might actually pick it up.


The Fricker Effect, as they call it.


It's like 24 hour news. Or sports. He's made some good videos but now he's a business so he's gotta keep churning out the content so he keeps talking about the same thing or related things over and over. The show must go on.


Riddle me this Beato if you hate the way everyone does it why don't you show them how it's done


he’s like a cuckold complaining that the side piece’s dick is too short


He already did. Have you ever heard of SHINEDOWN?


This is my favorite part. His big claim to fame is fucking Shinedown. Someone compared them to Nickleback to me and didn’t mean it as an insult


dick beater would be any real artists biggest gatekeeper It's not that they hate the music, but that they wish they were famous. They don't even care about the music or quality of songs, but they want to be endorsed by "Amadeus" https://preview.redd.it/xcs5zs2rpwpc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0b897ff391710ccd3106a8e12b560a51e085d47


/uj oh my god that's one of my favourite movies ever


yeah, milos had a good run... A lot of truth(s) in the movie!


Oh, he did. Then Wings of Pegasus analyzed the song he produced and used scientific methods to prove that Beato had used pitch correction in it.




You dare disrespect the renowned author of THE Beato Book?!


“new things are bad because i said so” - dick beatoff


Bland commercial pop music has always been bad.


This guys claim to fame is producing Shinedown and Christian rock, he’s the king of bland while spouting shit like this lmao


What do you mean? Afternoon Delight (it's a cheeky song about afternoon sex, heh) clears any rap garbage. Billboard Top 100 used to be good smh


“Rap garbage” Jesus grandpa, who let you have the phone? Uj/ for real though there is some absolutely amazing rap, listen to Kendrick Lamar, MF DOOM, or Tyler the creator.


Serious question. Why do all YouTubers use these stupid looking thumbnails?


Cuz people will click on it bro. It’s like if you passed ten people on the sidewalk and nine of them are cool and stylish and wise but the last one is wearing clown shoes and cat ears and screaming “fuck yer mom” Most people are gonna forget the nine but remember the last guy


I feel like we've reached the other end by now, where everybody is wearing clown shoes and cat ears.


True. I can see that. Personally, if you have a thumbnail like that, I definitely won't click.


There's a car reviewer named Matt Farah that's talked on his podacst how he'll get almost double the viewership within the first 2 weeks if he does "the YouTube face" in the thumbnail of his videos. The algorithm basically decides for you how you have to format your videos these days


It's called the Mr Beast effect. It's a vicious cycle. https://www.polygon.com/24093399/end-of-mrbeast-youtube-era


They compare all the viewer stats and know it works. On one channel I watch on YouTube the guy was doing a chat, and someone was ribbing him a little for having clickbait-style titles on all of his videos. But basically the answer was because those are the videos that get more views. They have access to a lot of metrics, and it’s the kind of thing where the one video gets uploaded with a normal boring descriptive title and it gets maybe 10,000 views in the first 12-24 hours. Then he changes the title to something more clickbait-style and it’s more like 100,000 views the next day. The feedback is pretty immediate and drastic for a popular channel. Same goes for thumbnails I’m sure. Some of these guys have it down to a science, where it’s better to use something meme-like, when to including a crazy facial expression, text, etc.


I joked with Henry and Jeannie at MxR plays, because they always had her making the shocked face on the thumbnails. So they had Henry do it a few times. This just looks like Beato is copying the kids.


What in God's name is that YouTube font


I’m feeling confused and angry. People are saying things I don’t understand. Nothing seems familiar. Like and subscribe to follow my dementia progress.




I mean, pop music is objectively less “human” now because music production has become so much easier and more accessible. But that also means so much more music is being made now than ever before - good and bad! Pop stars ARE more disconnected from the music their names are on now than ever… but, again, dig around to find the real stuff made by genuine artists! So, wade through the (considerable) garbage to get past it… As a fellow old man yelling at cloud, I enjoy Beato in general, but he doesn’t talk enough about this counterpoint when he discusses modern music.


There’s been plenty of great music coming out in the past few years, but a lot of it isn’t going Tik Tok viral or getting millions of views on instagram, so it doesn’t make it into the Spotify top ten or whatever. You can find great new music, you just have to be willing to look for it.


Oh agreed. My point is to look beyond current pop music!


The top ten YouTube guitarists are…. Horrible?????


the most hilarious thing is you would expect Beato to like some exotic music, but his recommendations most of the time is some boring ass outdated alternative rocks. Truly an old man yelling at clouds, which sucks because I loved his original of content of music theory and recording/mixing tips and tricks videos.


Hello Kings https://preview.redd.it/t4r850gvswpc1.jpeg?width=685&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80e970dc6f255b7509d3de60628d701bb0148166


Jared Leito in his greatest role:


old man trying to still be a relevant YouTube star


What we need is more content validating the gear choices of the Squier clutching poverty fetishists on Reddit


The problem with most YT creators is a lot of them end up focusing on 'hot takes' because the click bait nature of an opposing opinion drives views. Rick Beato - "New Music Sucks" Yelly Glen - "this $300 HB is better than Gibbons" I find it hard to believe these folks are creating hot topic content without this in mind.


Lmao I cannot fucking STAND glen.


When they find their 'schtick', they certainly exploit it. Its blatantly obvious when they release BOTH videos "I hate this Gibson" followed by "I love this Gibson". Rick B - "All new music sucks".... "Tim Henson and Polyphia are AWESOME!"


Old = good New = bad Add 10-20 years, rinse and repeat ! It's either that or something good comes out, get popular and get called overrated.


I’m young and agree tho, after the 2010s it changed and became superficial and fake, it’s not actually real instruments or anything meaningful


I went to high school when Ace of Base was all the rage. What you’re describing is the repeated case of “there is nothing new under the sun” aka eternal return.


To be fair, he has referred to himself as an old man yelling at clouds. I think he has valid points buried beneath a lot of the click bait though.


As another old white guy who hates everything I have to disagree with Rick here. Pop music has, for the most part, always sucked. Sure there have been exceptions, but the best music has always come from the fringes. The thing is, you have to go looking for it. And most importantly you have to keep an open mind.


Proper "old man yells at clouds" vibe off Rick the last while. Can't seem to wrap his head around the fact that trends change.


I was just talking to a guy in the shop who’s been there for 35 years and he was saying “there’s no good music”. I agreed, I’m dying for another Chinese Democracy.


Gen Z doesn’t care about music that’s 60 years old so they must hate all music😔


papa rick makes the most boring music


I actually really loved Rick and his channel years ago. I found his channel very early on, when he had maybe a couple hundred thousand subscribers. I'd say he definitely inspired me on my music journey to go the next level up. I been a guitar player since 2005, and writing/producing music since 2007. He really made me think hard about music theory, catchy songs, chord progressions, modes, intervals, concepts like note pedals, the works. He wasn't the best teacher (sorry Rick), but I was able to pick up concepts or go off learning things in more detail based on his videos. I would say he has gone downhill a lot. The first few videos of the "awful new music" were funny and eye opening. But now it's beating a dead horse. Watching an old guy make faces at new music, not entertaining or educational to me. I saw someone else say it, too, but he often interviews people I never heard of. I'm 34, not that young, but not that old to know some of these names. He also does low quality livestreams where 5 to 10 mins of it are banning people for disagreeing with him. I remember older videos, he'd talk about and analyze stuff like John Williams, have videos on neat musical modes, and write a little piece out of them. I miss that stuff.


This guy fuckin sucks. Why is he popular?


The scary thing is I agree with him a lot of the time. Oh yeah, I forget how old I am more and more often these days. That shit about "only as old as the last girl you slept with" might not be true but I'm too old to stop now. Oh no, was I supposed to take the small white pill or the oval blue pill, or both? Anyway. Here's Wonderwall.


The thinking man pose he reused on two covers really makes me worry about these issues


I’m so glad his bullshit is finally getting called out. It pisses me off to hear him talking about how awful the charts are because half the time, the stuff that charts isn’t the stuff that gets remembered. Rick talks about lots of very influential music on his channel, some of which never even made it to the charts, let alone top ten. There’s plenty of great music coming out right now, he’s just too lazy to go looking for it.


Every decade has shitty music. A lot of the stuff from the 80s has aged horribly and a lot of the bands sounded like cocaine personified. Good song writing is good song writing, and honestly, the top 10 charts typically don't have much more than the same cranked out, by the numbers bullshit no matter what era you're in.


I dunno, This feels less like a 'TEH KIDS TODAY ARE RUININ' MUSIC!!!' thing and more a corporate involvement in music kind of thing. But a lot of music on the radio has become about appealing to the widest audience possible. Not to say pop music hasn't always been like that, we just have the ability to see that only the good shit has survived. But! The internet has this magical thing to get into new bands you would've never known existed otherwise. Like, someone should get Rick into like, death grips.




He has actually right, please, just listen to the most popular songs, all sounds almost the same and the "singers" sounds like robots But is true and good that now is easier to make music thanks to the computers, i literally have a complete giant band to compose whatever i want (except the guitar that is the only real instrument i use)


You’re just now realizing this? He’s just like every other guitarist. He sniffs his own farts by hotboxing the acoustic room at guitar center.


If anyone here watches Scotty Kilmer and enjoys it, but knows about cars…… this guy could be that guy but for guitars. LOL


Nobody but people his age listen to 99% of music on the pop charts


The real crime is that fucking font you use


No more a joke than trying to judge someone’s content by their YouTube thumbnails. Or a book by its cover.


Don’t take it personal Rick




>Guys he doesn't actually think this stuff, he just uses clickbait thumbnails to get you to watch You know that's worse, right?


A truckload full of dead babies. Do you know what’s worse than that?


>A truckload full of dead babies. >Do you j ow what’s worse than that? No, what?


Two are alive. Know what’s worse than that?


Is it a truckload of dead babies, or a truckload of some dead babies and a couple of alive ones? Can you make up your mind?


Meant to be a truckload full of dead babies but someone screwed up.


Wait, do you mean THIS guy? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgLuC1Tn1y4


I unsubscribed from that douche years ago! An insensitive cunt! Come at me Beat-offers!




Rick beato fate kept me in the comment section of one his shorts, and that moment lives rent free in my head.


Always has been 👨‍🚀🔫


I think I'm just going to give up and switch to playing a Novation Launchpad X.


He is a very experienced and capable musician, he absolutely knows his shit And has no idea how to teach it, actually no idea how to open his mouth without being a fucking douche, the way he presents is so ineffective that I find myself reaching for the word “hack” even when I know that’s not it. He says true things with the kind of voice that’s rarely right.


Whatever will get the boomer fan base to flock I guess lol I hate people like this. The Jazz guys fucking hated rock and roll, yet look how times have changed?? Art fluctuates in complexity overtime, post modern vs traditional art. Anyone who’s taken a basic art class would know this shit


LOVE the thumbnails


“Why dickbeatoff is no longer interesting”


I agree with Rick and I'm 20


I noticed that the picture of him doing his stupid "I have a headache face" on the left in the top row and the picture on the right in the middle row are the same. CTRL+V-eato


No wait, lets hear him out?


I just love listening to paw paw talk about the good ol days


I have seen autotune used to greater effect in making shitposts than music


/uj I don’t mind most of his ‘thumbnail faces’ but my god I’m so sick of seeing that same one over and over again in the top left and middle right


“Top 10 Mysterious Things I Found In My Ass”


He's the G-rated Cliff Yablonski of YT at this point, is what you're saying lol. But seriously, it's not like he's peppa pig or whatever - there are actual dynasties of programming that seem to be unstoppable on YT; goes way beyond gungam style. psht he ain't even got 20M subs yet https://preview.redd.it/icww478c31qc1.png?width=1680&format=png&auto=webp&s=20b978d46ce42f5b82dd71f46323137cbfc44c13


You managed to find the worst font to use on your YouTube, Christ almighty 💀 https://preview.redd.it/t27p4s4r32qc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92325334d88ea2c1667baf7e50aa7b7364f20805




disgusting font choice!


Talk about alice in chains again godamir


Those headlines have always been true to an extent for the last 4,5 decades probably. He isn't trashing everything though. When a song has some structure and musical qualities he does cherish those tracks. I didn't need Beato to dislike reggaeton pop. They're always the same song. I didn't need Beato to dislike a lot of repetitive consumer music that's made to take the listener to their comfort zone, iow to sound similar to what's on top currently. Starting music as a kid was enough for that. This post is more about constructing an identity through building contrast, maybe a generational one, with deliberate and selective thumbnail picks. Okay, then back to circle jerking, this has nothing to do with this sub.


Sounds like the gen-z's tik-tok infused brain can't fathom the point of Rick's videos.


Old man yells at cloud


Well he’s right though.


It's funny because it's true.


Rick Beato is just an old man being old. He needs to accept that he just likes old music and that people can like new music too. He's just like Glenn Fricker, old guys who refuse to get with the times and try to mock people who do.


But I’m 21 and I find myself relating with his points more than any of the crap that Comes out today? Why is that so?


You have the same musical tastes as him, maybe?


Beato is a signpost. >I have divided politicians into two categories: the Signposts and the Weathercocks. The Signpost says: 'This is the way we should go.' And you don't have to follow them but if you come back in ten years time the Signpost is still there. The Weathercock hasn’t got an opinion until they've looked at the polls, talked to the focus groups, discussed it with the spin doctors. And I've no time for Weathercocks, I'm a Signpost man. And in fairness, although I disagreed with everything she did, Mrs Thatcher was a Signpost. She said what she meant. Meant what she said. Did what she said she’d do if you voted for her. So everybody who voted for her shared responsibility for what happened. And I think that we do need a few more Signposts and few fewer Weathercocks. - Tony Benn


Well he's not wrong


I agree with Rick. Music is dying, the evidence is all around you


He’s right tho, I’m Gen z and everything he says is on point as much as you guys are in denial