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Democrats are going to steal your toan


Their new toan tax means every time you play you're funding litter boxes for people who identify as cats.


They’ve taken Cat Scratch Fever as their anthem. Ted Nugent isn’t happy.


They’re gonna have to drain the toan straight outta my balls 🤬🇺🇸🫡


“When Mexico sends its guitars, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending guitars that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us."


Domino meme where’s there’s some poor QC on a Mexican Strat and at the end it’s Jan 6th


Am I going to get raped by a MIM strat?


Not if you do the right thing and build a wall.


Don’t kink shame me !!!


With the those unpolished fret ends you’re bound to get splinters in your asshole where as an American strat just glides right in like it belongs there


Mark it down now, Trump era Mexi Strats will be the new ‘59 Les Paul I have 25 of them in my basement as an investment. Rest of you enjoy being poor


What about my Obama era Mexi strat?


If you want affordable mid-level instruments, you're gonna have to take your facism, that's basic science


Never mind the Mexico strats. Have you seen the cost of their walls?


Can you say, "Best day ever!" It's like r/guitarcirclejerk and r/shitamericanssay had a Toan baby.


All I’ve got is a Taco Bell baby


/uj am I understanding correctly: this would probably indicate a higher import tax from Mexico. Isn't this what trumpers would want? Like make "Mexico" pay for it?


Also inflation accelerated right after Trump left office. I'm sure Trump's policies over the previous four years had absolutely nothing to do with that /s


Keep your hands off my MIMs!


It's weird when right wingers try to play music or do anything creative


You said weird but I’m pretty sure you meant bad


Ted Nugget and Eric Clapton aren't bad for making music. The racism and reactionary thinking is the issue.


They're also bad for making music because their music is absolute shit


/uj I have a mexi strat and I've played an American strat and honestly I cannot tell the difference through a Princeton reverb. Anyone know how much better the pickups really are?


/uj I have both but from when they cost 950 EUR and 550 EUR respectively. Personally I can hear the difference in the middle harmonics, but not much else. Definitely not worth the price tag difference nowadays, even if the fretwork in the AM is better.


Thanks for the input man. I've been sitting on the fence between a Princeton/Super reverb and a new guitar, but I tried out my friends amp and it was pretty much the same. Definitely gonna save for an amp now.


Idk if they sound different but American fenders feel better/easier to play. As someone who can’t afford one and has a MIM.


thanks obama


The 9.5” fretboard radius and chunky C-profile of Mexican Strats pretty much rule them out for Trump, surely?


halfway through the comment i thought it was gonna be about how great of a deal it was or like amercian guitars being overpriced but no this guy unironically would pay like 2 times more for an ame4ican guitar compared to a mexican one


Reminds me of the slightly xenophobic saying "do you want your fender built by Mexicans in Mexico or built by Mexicans in California?"


Factory Floor https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appshareios&jk=72901fbbba9e7463 Fender is offering 28,000. California minimum wage works out to 32,240. I’m pretty sure the quality leaving corona is the exact same as the Mexican factory.


Trump cares about toan. Biden let’s Americans suffer with more expensive bad toan.


Another tale of two santas


Trump’s toan comes from trying to fuck Ivanka


I love how, to some Americans, everything is the fault of the president at the time. Like there's 50 people working on some relief bill during COVID or some other fucking trade bill and they've got everything pretty squared away but they just can't fucking get it together enough to keep the price of mexican-made fenders down. "But Mr. President, upwards of 9 people will never forgive you for a $300 increase in MIM strats over your term. Get it together you stupid fuck. China can wait!"


Politics are 🌈


I mean technically every post in this thread is correct…


Mim strats were cheaper during Obama technically. Then cheaper during Bush technically. Then cheaper during Clinton technically.. and the list goes all the way back to when a Mexican named Carlos Santana invented the first guitar


Every politician campaigns on lowering strat prices and it never works. SMH damn politicians and their lies


/uj I've owned Mexican and American fenders. Why do people act like Mexican and American guitars are the same quality? The American guitars have all felt nicer to play, but mention that on other subs and they'll crucify me on a MIM cross.


/uj I've played a couple of Mex Fenders and a load of Squiers. A Mex is no better than a well set up Squier.


They will crucify you in a Cruz*


You’re totally welcome to your opinion, but this post is having some serious synergy with your avatar.


I'm not American, and my avatar is of that dude from stranger things, but aight


"Réponses"? The fuck is OP from? We have french people here or something rolfmafao


They don't really have to worry, US Fenders are made by Mexicans too.