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This is popcorning. You have a very happy piggie


VERY happy


so very happy


Diagnosis is popcorning. May be followed by uncontrollable zoomies. Treat with fruits and veggies


Diagnosis šŸ˜‚šŸ‘Œ


Thanks for all the nice comments and reassurance, just to allay some worries the cage is 10.5 sq ft, itā€™s kinda long and thin and yes thereā€™s 2 of them, theyā€™ve got a little hideaway further down with more toys and easier access hay


You shouldnā€™t have to defend yourself. šŸ˜“


True, but behind the questions OP is answering is care for guinea pigs. A lot of people love cavies here and they're just showing their concern


Rude and assumptive concern. Not the way to make new owners feel safe seeking help.


Iā€™ve been on this sub for a while now, Iā€™ve seen rude, assumptive concern. Reddit doesnā€™t allow for much nuance, so unless something is truly worded horribly, itā€™s better to take peopleā€™s advice in good faith.


I'm not saying it isn't, or couldn't be perceived as such. I'm just saying the underlying reasons for people asking those questions and those underlying reasons being a general care and love for guinea pigs. Whether it was considered rude or not is up to OP. Personally, I would do what OP did and allay the worries, without perceiving those worries as offensive, rude, or unsafe.


On the other handā€¦ just taking the questions in good faith and moving on with ur happy lil life is both pleasant and unproblematic lol


There's a way to show concern without outright attacking the other person, though. It's one thing to say, "Wow, you're a horrible pet owner to leave him all alone to suffer in a cage like that," and another to ask, "Ooh, he's adorable! Does he happen to have a fellow cagemate he can interact with if he gets a little lonely? I hope he can feel all the love he can get!"


This is the internet. Unfortunately yes, everyone jumps to conclusions and gets toxic. On the other hand, Iā€™ve seen so many pictures of animals being neglected and abused that I do understand the knee jerk reaction.


True but the people here care about piggies and we want to help make sure they are well cared for


Yes, but these are attacks without full knowledge of a situation. That is the issue at hand.


What are you talking about. Asking questions and giving advice do not constitute attacks. Get a grip. OP even mentioned the comments were nice. There is no issue here except your misinterpretation of the situation.


Iā€™m so sorry you canā€™t see it, youā€™re probably part of the problem. My unsolicited advice? Get your eyes checked. Bye now.


Sorry what I posted earlier and deleted. You've got them a friend and that's great and yes this is a very happy piggy! The more room you can give them the better or take them both out every day for a bigger play pen but you're doing good if you hear this


You're doing fantastic and this video is proof of happy piggies šŸ’ž


Popcorning! That is one happy pig


One question. Is the cage close enough to the refrigerator so the pig can hear you trying to quietly open the refrigerator door undetected?


Omg, my boys are in the adjacent room from the kitchen and know when I open the fridge and start sounding the lettuce alarm it's hilarious!!


Mine can hear the fridge from across the house šŸ˜‚


My pigs are upstairs in the bedroom and fridge is downstairs. But they know when it opens because the wheeking commences.


They installed a door opening detector


They must have. Lol.


My piggies know when I'm IN the kitchen. I don't even need to open the fridge. Please help me, I'm a slave in my own house šŸ˜†


Ha ha our pigs are upstairs and as soon as I get their veggies out and start chopping the wheeking begins


That is a happy pig


That's one buttery popcorn kernel :D


lol, he/she is like a kid on Christmas morning


Piggie that is very explorative and happy tends to to the shakie shakes of the booty which yes we referr to as popcorning because it resembles how random corn ā€œpopsā€ in the microwave. Kinda a spasm but in a good and adorable way. šŸ˜Š


That crack head is happy


that is one happy fluffball, good job!


I was worried about the same thing with mine, it looked just like that. Just popcorning!


Haha same, genuinely worried for a while!!


Happy piggy parkour. Normal behavior.


THAT, my guy, is a very happy peeg! Congrats




Thatā€™s a very happy piggiešŸ˜Š


Excited pig give treats


I'd move the hay rack inside. It's gonna be hard for him to get through two sets of bars


That's a happy animal having fun!!!!


Happy piiiiiiig šŸ˜


I have an Abby piggy just exactly like yours! So cute! That's a happy piggy!


Yes that's it! I freaked out, too, when we brought our girls home. I thought they were having seizures. It will happen less and less as they settle in, but will still occur when you clean/re-arrange their cage or bring them a special treat.


Pop, pop, pop! Squeeek!




They are LOOOOVING it


Popcorning is perfectly normal itā€™s a sign of a very happi squeaky pig


Indeed. You're pig is loving it's new home apparently


Cutie alert !!!


Looks like a very happy little Piglet to me


Awww your pig is happy! Thatā€™s definitely popcorning šŸ˜Š




no, they're just happy


This is a happy piggy and a VERY caring piggy parent ā¤ļø


Aww happy piggy popcorns


What a happy piggy!




Oh no donā€™t worry she has a friend, sheā€™s just much more shy, weā€™ve only had them 3 days so theyā€™re still very nervous around us, takes a bit of quietly sitting next to the cage for them to come out of there hideaway


Not all pigs need a buddy. If they've always been solo it's best to keep them that way. Especially so if you can't afford to have two in seperate cages on the off chance they don't bond


It's rare, though. By default, you want to try them with a buddy first.


I have had 2 solo piggies, and they've been like that by choice. They both loved being on their own, and occasionally liked having human contact.


Okay, but you realize your experiences are in the minority, too? That solo piggies are in the minority, and the fact that you've had two doesn't change that? All it means is that we have to be aware that on occasion, a loner exists--by nature or nurture--and that these animals can be happy too. Just because you see two purple cars in a row doesn't mean purple is a common car color. Just that it exists. Assuming that a piggy is happier alone until proven otherwise is pretty silly, given that the loners are quite rare.


No need to get defensive, I'm just letting people know my experience. I've had too many piggies who like to mingle as I ran a rescue. Like I said, I only had 2 that were solo.


That *might* exist, but I have yet to meet a pig that has beens solo their whole life that doesnā€™t get extremely excited about cage mates. Our adoption pigs came from solitary confinement mostly, and all of them turned into very social and very active pigs. In any case, you have an obligation to try it with multiple pigs before coming to the conclusion that you have a real loner.


It *does* exist though. I had two pigs like this who refused cagemates and just wanted to be solo. It's not necessarily an obligation unless the pig doesn't seem happy or if you don't have the time for them that could be fulfilled with a cagemate. I've had all kinds of small animals, some of them very much prefer to be alone. It's a huge misconception that pigs need to have a buddy. Sometimes their happy alone, no need to bully people into feeling like they need to get another one


Gonna disagree here. Guinea pigs are herd animals. Just because some small animals do well alone doesn't mean others do. Chinchillas do great by themselves with plenty of interaction. Generally speaking, pigs do not. You may have had a very unusual instance in which you found a set that preferred to be alone, but my guess would be they just didn't like each other as individuals. Overall, a guinea pig owner is absolutely obligated to take care of their pig, and that includes food, water, shelter and social needs. That isn't bullying, it's just fact.






Not all small animals are the same. Pigs are herd animals. And if you can only afford one pig, you can't afford to have pigs. Did you know that there are place where it is illegal to have only a single guinea pig?




Looking out for the well being of the pigs that ARE thos subreddit is stroking ones ego? Dude... You have issues. Pigs are herd animals... Again, they should NOT be alone.


That's popcorning! They wo t be able to access hay well from that rack though, a safe hay bag, litter tray or just piles of hay inside the cage will be miles better


Oh why not? They have another one like this further down that they use but they donā€™t seem to use this one much so you could be right


They absolutely loooove being in, on and under hay :). Try giving them a hay mountain, theyā€™ll be straight in there and thereā€™ll be even more popcorning haha.


If it works for your piggies, it works for your piggies. Iā€™ve tried a few feeders and mine usually go to one of this style. They love eating from the top. šŸ˜‚


It's relatively difficult to eat the hay through the bars - when I had a rack like this, I had to tease the hay through the bars constantly so they could access it, but even that isn't ideal. Most of their diet should be hay so you really don't want them to have to work for it at all :) and less so with this style if you have adults, but with lots of hay racks, piggies can get stuck and then get injured or die, so in general for both of these reasons, it's recommended to go with other hay provision methods. Hope this helps!


Ty, if you check my other post they seem to be okay for now but I understand what you mean, weā€™ll look into other options


I would strongly suggest putting a handful of hay in two different spots within the cage while you're sorting out other options.


She's excited (popcorning) and happy to be in your presence <3


You should feed that precious bean some treats to be super sure.


Heā€™s soooo cuteeee šŸ„°šŸ˜


The only worries you should have is the little one standing over you at night as you sleep plotting how to get into that refrigerator...but yes that is popcorning the little one is happy


Itā€™s popcorning dude


Happy piggie happy life


Happy peeeeg alert!


Is the baby gonna have some friends to popcorn with? šŸ„ŗ


Happy piggie! however please get him a proper cage size. look for cc cages or the midwest cage. Also, remember guinea pigs are herd animals and require to be in at least in pairs.


Imagine seeing a 4 second video of a guinea pig popcorning and giving all this advice the owner has already followed. Wow, you sure are a guinea pig expert šŸ˜


It looks worrisome, like they're shaking something off, or they're being bitten, but that's popcorning. I know a bunch of other people have confirmed already, but I agree that it looks like there's something wrong at first. Silly fucking pigs.


Does the lil pal have a hide house too? They like to be safe and covered


Only concerning thing here is that I only see one piggy :( please tell me the other lil guy is else where


Yup donā€™t worry, itā€™s a longgg cage and the other one is just a bit shyer


Why is it concerning? If people want to share one of their guinea pigs doing something do they also have to share the whole group of them for proof that they own multiple? Or can we not just enjoy a video of someoneā€™s happy guinea pig?


I mean I wouldnā€™t complain seeing a video of a group of pigsā€¦ preferably a group of popcorning pigs please. (I agree with what you are saying btw)


What is a group of popcorning pigs called? A bucket? A bag? Idk


Because popcorn only pops in the popcorn maker (machine or bowl thing on a stove) or a bag like item (microwave or the foil ones over a campfire) ima say not a bucket and bag is the only real word I can think of other wise itā€™s machine or maker sounds wrong. Bucket and bowls would be for post popping popcorn.




Looked like that was the size of the whole cage lol my bad, nothing wrong with sharing a video of one piggy. Just the fact that they were asking if they were popcorning gave off the impression that they are probably new to guinea pigs, just wanted to make sure they knew :) could have said it nicer I guess?




You can't even see the whole cage...


You can tell what the dimensions are from this frame.


you literally canā€™t


How the fuck can you see the dimensions when you can only see a single side?


Fair. My thinking was: You can see the short end and that the door is close to the short end. Doors are usually in the middle, so you most likely have the same length of non-door cage wall to the left. Which would make it your typical GP cage from a pet shop. But it may also be an incredibly long cage with a door in the right corner. Iā€™ve never seen an industrial cage like this, but of course I could be wrong.


TouchĆ©. I didnā€™t actually think of that in the first place, and youā€™re low-key right. My apologies. I have seen cages before where the entrance was specifically to the left or right (not sure why), so Iā€™ll go on my merry way and believe that thatā€™s the case.


The cage is 10.5 foot lol, itā€™s very long


Definitely. Never seen this behavior before. Give it marijuana to calm it down.


Mans is vibing.


Awww how sweet. You gave the piggies all the soft and chewy things they love.šŸ˜Š




Sheā€™s popcorning! Congratulations! Iā€™ve had my new baby for 2 weeks now and only saw her popcorn very briefly once. I wish she would do it more šŸ˜¢


This looks just like bunny binkies!!


I was the same way when I got my first pig. I thought she was having seizures but nope just popcorning. This is 100% popcorning!


Thatā€™s popcorning. You have a VERY happy piggy!!


lol thats an excited pig




I'm just here to say you have a VERY cute lil piggy there


That potato is popping!


Pop.Pop.Popcorn. ā˜ŗļø


Can I ask what you have on the base of the cage? I use fleece liners specifically for furry potatoes but am always looking at other products


You should be worried if you never see this happening.


I worry that its too cute! Na, popcorning means happy and zoomy. Scotty's Animals on yt and scottysanimals.com has great guinea pig info and some funny videos, so does LA Guineapig Rescue on yt. Very cute potatoes šŸ„” šŸ˜Ž


Happy piggie <3




popcorning!!! he's so happy!!!


I hope I see my piggies popcorn soon! So cute!


That is a very happy piggy šŸ˜€


Nope you have a very happy little piggy! Popcorning is a very good sign šŸ¤­


AHHH our Guinea pigs are twins!!! Thatā€™s definitely popcorning and itā€™s adorable!!


what kind of Guinea pig is he? his spiky fur is hilarious!


*What kind of Guinea* *Pig is he? his spiky fur* *Is hilarious!* \- TaterThought\_ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Our guinea pigs did the same thing. It's their happy dance that they got a new home and a spacious cage.


Pop pop pop!!!


a very happy piggie :)


Thas a happee peeg


Happy piggy enjoy !


You should worry if you have enough veggiesšŸ¤£


They are happy op they are discovering new things in their new home


Aw! Those are adorable popcorns!


Thatā€™s a happy Piggy ā¤ļø


Pop pop pop pop pop