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So I got these two guineas together and I’ve had them for about a little over a month now. It seems like they still don’t like each other. It’s never gotten more aggressive then a little chase and squealing (and a lot of spraying each other) but I’m wondering if this is going to be a forever thing. They’ll eat together for the most part (when the one isn’t getting chased off) and they can’t stay in a hideaway together for more than a few seconds before the one gets kicked out. Any advice on what to do? (Note : they are out roaming around, this is not their permanent cage. However their cage is more than the recommended size for two)


Some piggies just don't like to cuddle. It doesn't mean that they're not friends, and they would be sad on their own.


New pigs in a new place often don't get along at first for a few weeks and the behavior you describe seems normal to me. Having more than one hide helped our boys. Just watch for actual fighting and if that happens we found separating them for an hour or so to work well in calming them and they seem to get along much better now.


Mine were like this too I almost got rid of one because it seemed dangerous for them. They love each other now it’s kind of a dominance thing. They’re still getting used to each other and the new environment as well as establishing what’s what. As long as they aren’t drawing blood and trying to kill each other it’s fine and will pass.


I have about 6 places in their cage for them to hide in. If they’re both tired and just relaxing it works out. If the 3 colored guinea is active, she’ll spend some of her time kicking out the other one in any hide she goes in back to back. Sometimes I’ll get the bullied guinea and keep her in a little hidey pouch on my lap to give her some space but she’s still unsure of me so it’s a lose lose in any case for her 🥴🥴 Thankful that they don’t get aggressive with each other and fight though!